Editing Pre-defined Custom Fields

Pre-defined custom fields are created during the initial configuration your system. You cannot create new fields or delete existing fields. As an application administrator, you can only edit the existing fields.

To edit the pre-defined custom fields:

  1. Click the Application Configuration tab.
  2. Click the Custom Fields link. The Manage Custom Fields page is displayed. The fields are organized by section e.g., Ideas, Proposal, Project, Program and Resource.
  3. Click the link associated with the section you want to edit, for example Manage Custom Fields for Ideas. The Manage Custom Field for Ideas page is displayed. You can use the Set Quick Filters for Custom Fields to select if you want to only display fields that are set to visible.
  4. Click the [Edit] link next to the field you want to modify.
  5. You can edit the following fields:
    • Field Name: The name for this custom field.
    • UI Section: Select the section within which this field should display. For example, you can choose to display a project custom field under Basics, Classification, or Organization. This field displays only if you are configuring custom fields for Ideas, Proposals or Projects.
    • Visible: Select Yes, if this custom field should be visible to users.
    • Display on List Pages: Select Yes if you want this field to appear on List pages.
    • Display in Filters: Select Yes if want this field to display as an option in the Filter dialog box.
    • Possible Values: Enter the possible values for this field.
    • Sort Possible Values Alphabetically: Select Yes if you want the possible values alphabetically sorted when displayed in the UI.
    • Tool Tip: Enter help text. The text you enter is displayed next to the custom field. Users can mouse over the Information icon to view the help text.
    • Update Status and Order of Possible Values: For each value select Valid, Invalid, or Archived. Values that are marked Valid are displayed in the UI as valid field options; invalid field values are not displayed in the system and cannot be used. Archived field values are maintained in the system, but are not displayed as valid field options. You can also enter a sort order for each value. This order determines the order in which these values are displayed in UI.
    • Idea Custom Field Mapping for Proposals or Proposal Custom Field Mapping for Projects: Select the Idea or Proposal/Charter field that it maps to. When a proposal is accepted and a project is created, the proposal custom fields are copied into the project custom fields based on this mapping.
  6. Click Update.


    • You can have one custom proposal/charter field map to multiple project custom fields.
    • The following custom field attributes can be changed in Reconfigure mode: Initiative, Field Type, Required, Default Value, Sort Order, and Configured. Contact your system administrator, if you need to change these fields.

See Also

Configuring Custom fields

Configuring User Defined Custom Fields

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Last Published Thursday, December 01, 2016