Editing Finance Templates

To edit a finance template:

  1. Select the Finance tab.
  2. Click the Finance Templates link. All finance templates that are enabled are displayed. You can narrow the list by selecting an initiative check box and clicking Go.
  3. Click the Edit link next to the template you want to edit.
  4. Update the template.
  5. Click Update.

The following settings are displayed on the Finance Template page:

Finance Template Name: Enter a name for this template.

Description: Enter a description for this template.

Finance Tracking Months: Enter the number of months for which financial data is to be tracked.

Default Finance Tracking Start Date: The date from which financial tracking should begin. E.g. the Project Start Date or the Planned Project Close Date.

Use Global Finance Lock Month: Select if you want to lock finances using the global finance lock month. To set the default global lock month, see topic About Finance Locking.

Finance Edit Mode: Select the default mode for tracking financial data. You can choose from Monthly, Yearly or Aggregate.


If you choose to allow users to enter an aggregate value for finances, you must specify the Finance Distribution Months (i.e., the entered lump sum value to be distributed over X months). You can also set a Finance Distribution Repeat Frequency.

The system will allow you to switch from the Monthly mode to Yearly or Aggregate. You cannot switch from Yearly mode to Aggregate.

Additional Finance Timescale Display: Select Yearly, Monthly, or Aggregate. This setting controls the additional timescale options available in the Timescale field on the Detailed Finances tab. If the Finance Edit Mode is Monthly, you can select Yearly or Aggregate; if the Finance Edit Mode is set to Yearly or Aggregate, you can only select Monthly.

Data Entry Mode: You cannot make changes to this field if the template is in use. Select Single View (Basic Only) or Double View (Plan and Actual). If you select Double View, two finance tables or views are displayed per project: one view for Plan and one for Actual. In Single View, only one finance table or view is displayed per project.

Default Forecast (Forecast) Cutoff Date: Select from Finance Lock Month (from Actual) or Current Month. This field sets the default cutoff date that is used as a separator between actual values and plan values.

Proposal Finances Enabled: This field is available only if the Data Entry Mode is set to Double View (Plan and Actual). Select Yes or No. If you select Yes, you can edit and view a detailed finance table at the proposal level.

Finance Distribution Months:  This field is displayed only if the Finance Edit Mode is set to Aggregate. Enter the number of months the lump sum value is to be distributed over.

Resource Computation Enabled: Select if you want to enable resource computation. When you enable resource computation, the effort data flows from the activities into the Project Finance template. Select No, if you want to import finances from MS Excel.

Resource Computation Mechanism: Select if you want to convert currency values or non-currency values.

Locked Finance for Open/Closed Projects: The name of the column header for the field that displays the financial details for open/closed projects.

Unlocked Finances for Open Projects: The name of the column header for the field that displays the unlocked financial details for open projects.

Unlocked Finances for Closed Projects: The name of the column header for the field that displays the unlocked financial details for closed projects.

Net Present Value (NPV): Enter a display name and select if you want to enable this field. If enabled, these fields appear in the Finance Summary page for each project. This field measures the excess or shortfall of cash flows, in present value (PV) terms, once financing charges are met. By definition, NPV = Present value of net cash flows.

Formula for NPV: value * (1 + (monthly wacc/100)) ^ (-months))

Where wacc is the cost_of_capital months. The number of months between the fin track start date and the month_date for each of the rows returned by the query.


Fin edit mode: Monthly.

NPV Finance Category: Total = 150

Saving = 300

Cost = 150

Finance Tracking Months: 24

Finance Track Start Date: Jan/08/2007

Wacc (cost_of_capital): 7.5%

NPV = 1,583.98

NPV for the Finance Edit mode Aggregate is 0.

Internal rate of Return (IRR): Enter a display name and select if you want to enable this field. If enabled, these fields appear in the Finance Summary page for each project. This field represents the return rate which can be earned on the invested capital, i.e. the yield on the investment. It is defined as any discount rate that results in a net present value of zero of a series of cash flows.

Formula for IRR: value * (1 + (monthly wacc/100)) ^ (-months))


Fin edit mode: Monthly.

NPV Finance Category: Total = 150

Saving = 300

Cost = 150

Finance Tracking Months: 24

Finance Track Start Date: Jan/08/2007

Wacc (cost_of_capital): 7.5%

IRR= 1,583.98

Fin edit mode: Yearly.

NPV Finance Category: Total = 150

Saving = 300

Cost = 150

Finance Tracking Months: 24

Finance Track Start Date: Jan/08/2007

Wacc (cost_of_capital): 7.5%


IRR for the Finance Edit mode Aggregate is 0.

Return on Investment (ROI): Enter a display name and select if you want to enable this field. If enabled, these fields appear in the Finance Summary page for each project. This field is the ratio of money gained or lost on an investment relative to the amount of money invested.

Formula for ROI:(Savings ROI - Cost ROI )/ Cost ROI)*100


ROI-1 Saving = 300

ROI-2 Cost = 150

Finance Tracking Months: 24

Finance Track Start Date: Jan/08/2007

Wacc (cost_of_capital): 7.5%


Note: These settings are only defaults and can be changed at the project level.

See Also

Managing Finance Templates

Copying a Finance Template

Viewing and Editing Finance Categories within a Template

Managing the MS Excel Import and Export Template

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Last Published Thursday, December 01, 2016