Exporting Data

To export data:

  1. Click the Data Import & Export tab.
  2. Click the Export Data link.
  3. From the Action column associated with the primary object (Idea, Project, Resource, etc.) you want to export, select the [Export Data] link.
  4. For Monthly Finance and Annual Finance, enter the project IDs or a range of project IDs and click Export. If no project IDs are specified, a maximum of 100 projects are exported.
  5. Select if you want to open or save the file. Choose the location and click OK.

See Also

Data Import and Export

Downloading Data Import Templates

Modifying Metadata for File Upload

Importing Data

Common Validation Errors

Unlocking a Data Import Process

Downloading Data Integration Templates

Populate Resource Commitment Cache

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Last Published Thursday, December 01, 2016