Creating Currencies

When you create a new currency through the user-interface, you are, in fact adding a currency from the configuration file to the list of currencies available for use within projects.

To create a new currency:

  1. Click the Finance tab.
  2. Select the Currencies link. The Manage Currency page displays a list of all the existing currencies.
  3. Click the Create a New Currency button.
  4. Select the appropriate currency from the Currency pull down menu. The page will refresh to pre-populate the other fields with all the available information about that particular currency.
  5. Make the appropriate changes to the pre-populated information. You can change the names the conversion rate as well as the symbol. For some currencies, you may want to enter a multiplier. (For E.g., if we assume 1.00 USD = 5000 ZMK, if the US dollar is your base currency, you may want to enter 5 in the Conversion rate field and 1000 in the multiplier field. This way, users will only need to enter smaller numbers in the conversion rate field and are less likely to make mistakes while entering data)
  6. Click Create.

See Also

Managing Currencies

Editing and Deleting Currencies

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Last Published Thursday, December 01, 2016