Configuring Organizational Hierarchy

Oracle recommends that you create an organizational hierarchy to ensure that all your resources, ideas, proposals and projects are associated with appropriate units within your organization. You can specify five levels in your organization hierarchy; the first two levels are always displayed, the other three are displayed only if it was set up during the initial configuration of your system. Your system may be configured to require you to enter values for each of the five levels.

The default levels, hierarchies and the dependencies between the levels are created during the initial configuration of the system. A sample system might contain the following levels:

  1. Division
  2. Business Unit
  3. Business Sub-unit
  4. Location
  5. Regions

You can add, edit, and delete values within each level using the links under Organization Hierarchy.

In This Section

Adding New Values

Editing Existing Values

Deleting Values

Reassigning Relationships

Creating Hierarchical Relationships

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Last Published Thursday, December 01, 2016