Managing Static Application Settings

Use the Static Application Settings page to modify the following settings:

Enter the maximum number of rows to show in the filter box throughout the application.

Enter the maximum number of projects to show in the Available Projects filter box.

Enter the default number of rows to display per page on listing pages.

Enter the maximum number of rows to display per page on listing pages.

Enter the default working hours per day.

Enter a display name for TBD user roles yet to be defined.

Enter the maximum number of social stream events to display on the social stream ticker.

Enter the maximum number of social stream events to display per page on the Social Stream listing page.

Enter the maximum number of characters allowed in the social stream comment box.

Enter the maximum number of social stream comments to display. To view all the comments, users can click the View all comments link.

Enter the maximum number of time units to use for scenarios.

To set the static application settings:

  1. Click the General Settings tab.
  2. Click the Static Application Settings (Max / Min Rows etc) link.
  3. Enter the values.
  4. Click Update.

See Also

Report, Listing Page, and Search Settings

Managing Max Rows for Reports

Managing Max Rows for My Work

Restricting Document Sizes

Configuring Report Attachment Max Size

Selecting Display Mode for Filter Page Sections

Setting Max Cache Size for Listing Pages

Configuring Integration Settings

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Last Published Thursday, December 01, 2016