Heat Map by Role

Based on your filters, this report displays a heat map by resource roles. From the Filter tab, you must choose an Initiative before running this report. It displays the role/ resource/project, project count, planned effort for resources (PL), actual effort for resource (AC), planned utilization (PL/CP %), and the actual utilization (AC/CP %). For more information on the heat map thresholds used and a description of the column headers, click the Legend link. The cells highlighted in green indicate that the resource is underutilized, and cells highlighted in red indicate that the resource is overbooked.

Note: The total capacity at the role level only indicates potential capacity. The capacity is counted more than once if a resource has multiple roles.

Filter Parameters

You can filter on pull down status, initiative, reporting date range, resource basics, resource filterable custom fields, resource organization hierarchy, project basics, project dates, project organization hierarchy, project finances, program, project custom fields, project classification fields, project alignment tree, proposal basics, proposal classification fields, proposal organization hierarchy, and proposal custom fields

Output Parameters

You can select the following filters:

The report output format is HTML.

Sample Report

See Also

Resource Reports (Detail Reports)

Resource Professional Certifications

Resource Expertise/Skills

Resource Assets

Heat Map by Resource

Heat Map by Project

Resource Utilization Chart

Project Effort Chart

Heat Map by Resource CSV

Resource Allocation Report

Heat Map Legends

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Last Published Tuesday, June 21, 2016