Project Listing

Based on your filters, this report displays all projects in the system. It displays the external ID, initiative, project ID, project name, phase, status, organization levels, project type, schedule, team size, timesheets #, related entities, activities #, project creation dates, classification, unlocked finances, last validation date, and evaluation score.

Note: The Current Phase column is populated only if the project roadmap is gated.

Filter Parameters

You can filter on pull down status, initiative, project basics, project dates, organization hierarchy, finances, project custom fields, alignment tree, and program.

Output Parameters

You can select output columns to display, the report format, primary output column to sort by, sort direction, number rows to display per page, maximum number of rows to display per report, and if the output should be compressed.

The output choices are CSV, PDF and HTML.

Sample Report

See Also

Listing Reports

Idea Listing Report

Project Request Listing

Project Listing Report with Activity List

Resource Listing

Project Status

Resource Status

Activity Detail Report

Metrics Listing Report

Project & Metrics Template

Non-WBS Activity Report

Status Report Listing

Alignment Tree Report

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Last Published Tuesday, June 21, 2016