


Drill Down

Drills To


Resource Certifications by Period

  • Resource Certifications by Period
  • The chart displays the number of user certifications by certification type on Y-Axis for projects that qualify the filter criteria and reporting period on X-Axis
  • This chart shows information only when there is associated certification defined in the system.
  • Current quarter figures are as of the current date.
  • Current year is displayed as YYYYYTD. E.g. 2009YTD where YTD means Year to Date.
  • Prior quarter and year end figures are as of the last day of the period.


Resource Professional Certification Report


Resource Count by System Access Profile

  • Resource Count by System Access Profile
  • The chart displays a pie chart of distribution of resources that qualify the filter criteria.
  • Resources are grouped by System Access Profile.
  • The filters are available to select the resources based on the organization hierarchy and/or the status of the resource within the system.


Resource Listing Page


Resource Certifications by Org

  • Resource Certifications by Organization
  • Displays the number of certifications for resources that qualify the filter criteria on Y-Axis and organization on X-Axis. 
  • This chart shows information only when there is associated certification defined in the system.
  • User can click on a bar to drill down to the list of projects that contribute to the bar.
  • The chart can be displayed on different levels of the defined organization structure by the filter selection.
  • Appropriate Initiative should be selected in filter.


Resource Professional Certification Report


Resource Utilization (%)

  • Resource Utilization (%)
  • The chart displays Heat map by resource. 
  • The user is allowed to select multiple initiatives if more than one is configured.
  • This chart is associated with PMO module, thus if PMO feature is not used, this might not be available.
  • Both plan and actual % are always displayed.
  • Display can be configured for daily or monthly.


Heat Map by Resource Report


Project Effort

  • Project Effort
  • The chart displays Heat map by project. 
  • The user is allowed to select multiple initiatives if more than one is configured.
  • This chart is associated with PMO module, thus if PMO feature is not used, this might not be available.
  • Both plan and actual hours are always displayed.
  • Display can be configured for daily or monthly.




Project Effort by Project Type,  or by Project Methodology, or by Organization, or by Alignment, or by Classification

  • Project Effort (Hours) by Project Type, or by Project Methodology, or by Organization, or by Alignment, or by Classification
  • The chart displays Heat map by project. 
  • The user is allowed to select multiple initiatives if more than one is configured.
  • This chart is associated with PMO module, thus if PMO feature is not used, this might not be available.
  • Both plan and actual hours are always displayed.
  • Display can be configured for daily or monthly.



See Also

Available Dashboard Components

Proposals (Charters)

Projects (General)

Projects (Count)

Project (Cycle Time)

Projects (Finances)

Projects (Metrics)

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Copyright © 2000, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Last Published Thursday, December 01, 2016