Assigning Resources to a Project

The term resource, within EnterpriseTrack refers to a person or equipment. The resources you assign to your project must already be part of your company's resource pool. In the Project Role field you can specify if the resource is an external team member, or equipment. External team members can receive email notifications but cannot log into the system. 

You can view the Available Free Capacity for a resource from the Allocation Review section. This section is updated based on the dates, duration and the required effort you select. If it is highlighted in red, then this resource is over-booked for the selected time period; if it is highlighted green then this resource is available for the selected time period. You can also view all committed allocations for this resource by clicking the link Previously Committed Capacity.


To assign a resource to your project:

  1. Navigate to the Project Resources page (Project #)> Go To> Resources > Listing or click the Resources link on the Left Navigation Bar within a particular project.
  2. From the Create menu select Team Member. The Add a Team Member screen is displayed.
  3. Select a role from the drop-down list.
  4. If you selected Team Member External, enter the first name, last name and email address.
  5. Select a resource from the drop-down list.
  6. Select the duration.
    • Choose Entire Project, or Partial Project.
    • If you select Partial Project, click the Calendar icon to select the start and end dates.
  7. Specify the effort/utilization for this resource. You can choose from the following options:
    • Select Percentage Utilization and enter the percentage of the resource's time that will be spent on this project.
    • Select Plan Effort (0) if you want to plan the effort for each week. Click the Add button to display the Add Efforts screen. Enter the number of hours for each week and click the Add Efforts button.
    •  Select Plan Effort Total if you want to enter the total number of hours you will require from this resource.
  8. Choose if you want to use the Resource Rate or the Role Rate.
  9. Select Override Labor Rate only if you want to overwrite the current labor rate for this resource.
    • Click the Calendar icon and select the effective start date.
    • Enter the Standard Labor Rate (per hour).
    • Enter the Overtime Labor Rate (per hour).
    • Enter the Setup Labor Rate.

      Note: You must have the Override Team Member Rate permission to override the current labor rates.

  10. Enter the time this resource will spend on various project related tasks (Project Management, Team Meetings, etc.).
  11. Click the Create button.


Related Topics

Working with Project Resources

Re-assigning a Team Member to a Role

Edit Team Member Information

View Rate Change History

Using the EnterpriseTrack Email client

Using an External Email Client

Managing Your Team Picture

Deleting a Team Picture

Working with Resource Assignments

Create Request for Resource Allocation

Edit a Resource Allocation Request

Withdraw a Request for Resource Allocation

Reopen Resource Allocation Request

Release Project Resource Allocation

View a Team Member's Calendar

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Last Published Thursday, December 01, 2016