Managing Rating Groups

Rating groups are the rating scales that are used by the recipient of the survey to respond to the questions and statements that make up the survey. EnterpriseTrack allows you to create multiple rating groups that can be used within the same survey. You can create multi-point Likert scale like rating groups, or you can create simple Yes/No rating groups. Each item in the group should have a rating point associated with it to allow the system to weigh the response appropriately. You can use the order number to define the order in which the rating item should appear on the survey.

On the Rating Groups page you can you can edit, delete and deactivate individual rating groups. Deactivated rating groups will not be available for use in survey templates.

Related Topics

Administering Surveys

Creating a New Rating Group

Editing a Rating Group

Deleting and Deactivating a Rating Group

Managing Templates

Managing Questions

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Last Published Wednesday, November 30, 2016