Working with Proposal Finances

Proposal level finances are entered using the Finances tab on the Project Request page. If the finance template you selected is set to single-view or if proposal finances are disabled at the finance template level, only initial project finance values can be entered. These initial finance values are displayed on the Project Basics page as Budget. For proposals using the double-view finance template with proposal level finances enabled, an expanded finance table is displayed. You can enter the current Plan values for each finance category and subcategory. Team categories roll up from initial project team allocations and approvals. If allocations are enabled, allocation efforts (whether approval is required or not) are rolled up into the element and cannot be manually entered at the team member level. If allocations are disabled, the team finance effort elements are editable at the team member level. The proposals data is copied to the project on project create and a snapshot called budget is created.

Before you can begin entering finances, ensure that you have set the Planned Project Start Date from the Dates and Duration tab.


To edit or enter finance data:

  1. To edit a proposal, click on the Proposals link in the Left Navigation bar, or select Go To > Proposals from the Top Navigation bar.
  2. Locate the proposal you want to edit. From the Actions menu, select Edit.
  3. For projects that are using the single-view finance template, or have proposal level finances disabled:
    1. Enter values for initial finance fields.
    2. Click Save.
  4. For projects that are using the double-view finance template and have proposal level finances enabled :
    1. To enter finances for a particular category for all months, select a financial category from the Edit Finances for Category pull-down menu. You will be able to enter data for each sub-category within that category, for all the months.
    2. To enter finances for all categories and sub-categories for a particular month: select the month from the Edit Finances for Month pull-down menu.
    3. Click Save.

See Also


Working with Charters/Proposals

Searching for Proposals

Creating a Proposal for a Project

Editing a Proposal

Working with the Statement Generator Wizard

Copying a Proposal

Working with Team Signoffs

Approving a Proposal

Rejecting a Proposal

Re-opening a Proposal

Creating a Project from a Charter/Proposal

Putting a Proposal on Hold

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Last Published Wednesday, November 30, 2016