3 Monitoring STA Server Resources

About the STA Resource Monitor Service

The STA Resource Monitor (Resmon) service allows you to easily monitor usage levels of key resources on the STA server. It automatically produces a daily resource usage report and, optionally, a resource depletion report that periodically alerts you when resources have exceeded user-defined thresholds, or high-water marks.

The Resmon service is disabled by default when STA is installed, and you must configure the service to enable it. You configure the Resmon service with the staresmonadm utility. See "staresmonadm Utility Reference" for command usage details. The Resmon service is managed by the STA services daemon; see "STA Services Daemon" for details.

ResMon Service Process

Once enabled, the ResMon service runs in the background and performs the following activities:

  • Periodically scans the following resources on the STA server.

    • Database tablespace

    • Database data

    • Database backup

    • Log volume (by default, /var/log/tbi)

    • Root volume (/)

    • Temp volume (by default, /tmp)

    • System memory

  • Records current values for these resources in the Resource Report. Optionally, Resmon emails the report to designated email recipients once a day at a designated time. S1ee "Resmon Resource Report" for details.

  • Optionally sends a Resource Depletion Alert Report to designated email recipients whenever it detects that a monitored resource has exceeded a user-defined high-water mark (HWM). See "Resource Depletion Alert Report" for details.

Sample Resmon Scenario

The following scenario describes the Resmon service process.

Database tablespace usage on the STA server is currently 85 percent. The Resmon service is enabled with the following parameter values:

  • Send Reports = 08:41

  • Sleep Interval = 1800

  • Alert Nagging = ON

  • DB Tablespace high-water mark (HWM) = 80

  • Email 'To:' = charlie@mycompany.com

  1. Every 1800 seconds (30 minutes), Resmon scans the monitored resources on the STA server and adds a record of the current values to the end of the Resource Report file. See "Resource Report CSV File" for details.

  2. During the scan, Resmon detects that database tablespace has exceeded the defined high-water mark and performs the following actions:

    • Records an alert in the Resource Report file.

    • Because alert nagging is enabled, immediately sends a Resource Depletion Alert Report to the designated email recipient (Email 'To:'). Resmon continues to send the report every 1800 seconds until the tablespace usage is brought below the defined high-water mark. See "Resource Depletion Alert Report" for a sample.

  3. Every day at 08:41 (Send Reports time), Resmon sends a copy of the Resource Report to the designated email recipient. See "Resmon Resource Report" for a sample.

  4. At the end of every month, you move the Resource Report file to a separate location. You import the month's data into an Excel spreadsheet and use it to graph resource depletion trends on the STA server.

Resource Monitor Tasks


The following tasks use the staresmonadm utility, which requires the STA Services daemon. See "Display the Status of the STA Services Daemon" to verify that the daemon is running.

To use the utility, the See "Using the staresmonadm Utility" for usage details.

Display Current Resmon Settings

Use this procedure to display the current settings for the Resmon service.

  1. Open a terminal session on the STA server, and log in as the system root user.

  2. Display the current Resmon settings.

    # staresmonadm -Q

    Example 3-1and Example 3-2 are sample outputs.

    Example 3-1 Resmon not configured

    In this example the Resmon service is disabled and therefore not performing scans. The values displayed are the parameter defaults. High-water mark settings of -1% indicate the parameters are disabled.

    # staresmonadm -Q
    Contacting daemon...connected.
    Querying Preferences.
     Current STA Resource Monitor Service Settings:
       Configured                        [no]
       Send Reports                   -T [00:00]
       Sleep Interval                 -i [300 sec]
       Alert Nagging                  -n [off]
       DB Username                    -U []
       DB Password                    -P []
       DB Tablespace hwm              -t [-1%]
       DB Backup hwm   (/dbbackup)    -b [-1%]
       DB Data hwm     (/dbdata)      -d [-1%]
       Log Volume hwm  (/var/log/tbi) -l [-1%]
       Root Volume hwm (/)            -z [-1%]
       Tmp Volume hwm  (/tmp)         -x [-1%]
       System Memory hwm              -m [-1%]
       Email 'From:'                  -f [StaResMon@localhost]
       Email 'To:'                    -r []
       Email 'Subject:'               -s [STA Resource Monitor Report]
       Output File                    -o [/var/log/tbi/db/staresmon.csv]

    Example 3-2 Resmon configured

    In this example, the Resmon service is enabled and configured.

    # staresmonadm –Q
    Contacting daemon...connected.
    Querying Preferences.
     Current STA Resource Monitor Service Settings:
       Configured                        [yes]
       Send Reports                   -T [23:05]
       Sleep Interval                 -i [3600 sec]
       Alert Nagging                  -n [off]
       DB Username                    -U [stadba]
       DB Password                    -P [********]
       DB Tablespace hwm              -t [80%]
       DB Backup hwm   (/dbbackup)    -b [70%]
       DB Data hwm     (/dbdata)      -d [75%]
       Log Volume hwm  (/var/log/tbi) -l [75%]
       Root Volume hwm (/)            -z [75%]
       Tmp Volume hwm  (/tmp)         -x [75%]
       System Memory hwm              -m [80%]
       Email 'From:'                  -f [STAResmon@staserver.mycompany.com]
       Email 'To:'                    -r [charlie@mycompany.com:lucy@mycompany.com]
       Email 'Subject:'               -s [STA Resource Monitor Report <staserver>]
       Output File                    -o [/var/log/tbi/db/staresmon.csv]

Enable the Resmon Service

When STA is installed, the Resmon service is disabled by default. Use this procedure to enable the Resmon service. Once enabled, the service scans the monitored resources on the STA server according to the defined settings.

To enable the service, you must define at least the following settings:

  • All high-water marks, except system memory

  • Email 'To:'

  • Send Time

  • Sleep Interval

  • DB Username and Password

You can optionally define other settings as well, but they are not required to enable the service.

  1. Open a terminal session on the STA server, and log in as the system root user.

  2. To enable the service, define the required parameters in one or more commands.

    # staresmonadm -t 80 -b 70 -d 75 -l 75 -z 75 -x 75 -m 80 -r charlie@mycompany.com -T 23:05 -i 3600 -U stadba -P 
    Enter database password:
    Contacting daemon...connected.
    Setting DB Tablespace HWM..... 80
    Setting DB Disk Volume HWM.... 75
    Setting Logging Volume HWM.... 75
    Setting Backup Volume HWM..... 70
    Setting Root Volume HWM....... 75
    Setting Temp Volume HWM....... 75
    Setting System Memory HWM..... 80
    Setting 'To:' addresses....... charlie.mycompany.com
    Setting Send Time............. 23:05
    Setting Sleep Interval........ 3600
    Setting DB Username........... stadba
    Setting DB Password........... ********
     Current STA Resource Monitor Service Settings:
       Configured                        [yes]
       Send Reports                   -T [23:05]
       Sleep Interval                 -i [3600 sec]
       Alert Nagging                  -n [off]
       DB Username                    -U [stadba]
       DB Password                    -P [********]
       DB Tablespace hwm              -t [80%]
       DB Backup hwm   (/dbbackup)    -b [70%]
       DB Data hwm     (/dbdata)      -d [75%]
       Log Volume hwm  (/var/log/tbi) -l [75%]
       Root Volume hwm (/)            -z [75%]
       Tmp Volume hwm  (/tmp)         -x [75%]
       System Memory hwm              -m [80%]
       Email 'From:'                  -f [StaResMon@localhost]
       Email 'To:'                    -r [charlie@mycompany.com]
       Email 'Subject:'               -s [STA Resource Monitor Report]
       Output File                    -o [/var/log/tbi/db/staresmon.csv]

    Resmon will run its first scan at the time you have specified; you do not have to stop and restart the STA services daemon.

Disable the Resmon Service

Use this procedure to clear all Resmon settings, which both disables the service and resets all parameter values to their defaults. When disabled, the service does not perform scans, send alerts, or produce reports.

  1. Open a terminal session on the STA server, and log in as the system root user.

  2. Clear all Resmon settings.

    # staresmonadm -C
    Contacting daemon...connected.
    Clearing Preferences.
     Current STA Resource Monitor Service Settings:
       Configured                        [no]
       Send Reports                   -T [00:00]
       Sleep Interval                 -i [300 sec]
       Alert Nagging                  -n [off]
       DB Username                    -U []
       DB Password                    -P []
       DB Tablespace hwm              -t [-1%]
       DB Backup hwm   (/dbbackup)    -b [-1%]
       DB Data hwm     (/dbdata)      -d [-1%]
       Log Volume hwm  (/var/log/tbi) -l [-1%]
       Root Volume hwm (/)            -z [-1%]
       Tmp Volume hwm  (/tmp)         -x [-1%]
       System Memory hwm              -m [-1%]
       Email 'From:'                  -f [StaResMon@localhost]
       Email 'To:'                    -r []
       Email 'Subject:'               -s [STA Resource Monitor Report]
       Output File                    -o [/var/log/tbi/db/staresmon.csv]

    The service is disabled immediately; you do not have to stop and restart the STA services daemon.

Define the Interval Between Scans

Use this procedure to define the number of seconds between Resmon scans.

  1. Open a terminal session on the STA server, and log in as the system root user.

  2. Define the interval between scans, in seconds. In this example, the interval is set to 1800 seconds, or 30 minutes.

    # staresmonadm -i 1800
    Setting Sleep Interval........ 1800
  3. If you want the new interval to take effect immediately, you must stop and restart the STA services daemon. See "Stop the STA Services Daemon" and "Start the STA Services Daemon" for instructions.

Define High-water Marks for Monitored Resources

Use this procedure to set high-water marks for any of the monitored resources. You can set one or more high-water marks in a single command.

High-water marks are always entered as a percentage of the total allocated space.


Oracle recommends that usage for any partition never exceed 80 percent.
  1. Open a terminal session on the STA server, and log in as the system root user.

  2. Specify the high-water marks you want to change. All unspecified high-water marks remain unchanged.

    In this example, the root and temp space high-water marks are set to 75 percent and 80 percent respectively.

    # staresmonadm -z 75 -x 80
    Contacting daemon...connected.
    Setting Root Volume HWM....... 75
    Setting Temp Volume HWM....... 80
  3. If you want the new values to take effect immediately, you must stop and restart the STA services daemon. See "Stop the STA Services Daemon" and "Start the STA Services Daemon" for instructions.

Enable or Disable Alert Nagging

Use this procedure to enable or disable alert nagging.

  1. Open a terminal session on the STA server, and log in as the system root user.

  2. Change the alert nagging setting; all unspecified Resmon settings remain unchanged.

    This example enables alert nagging—you can specify yes, on, 1, or true.

    # staresmonadm -n yes
    Contacting daemon...connected.
    Setting Alert Nag Mode........ YES

    This example disables alert nagging—you can specify no, off, 0, or false.

    # staresmonadm -n no
    Contacting daemon...connected.
    Setting Alert Nag Mode........ NO
  3. If you want the new setting to take effect immediately, you must stop and restart the STA services daemon. See "Stop the STA Services Daemon" and "Start the STA Services Daemon" for instructions.

Specify the Database Username and Password

Use this procedure to specify the database username that the Resmon service uses to perform queries against the STA database metadata. You must specify a user that has superuser access to the STA database, such as the STA database root user or the database administrator.

  1. Open a terminal session on the STA server, and log in as the system root user.

  2. Specify the STA database username Resmon must use, and the user password. You can use either of the following methods to specify the password:

    • Enter -P and the password in clear text on the command line.

    • Enter -P with no password on the command line. When you submit the command, the utility prompts for the password, which is hidden when you type it.

    In this example, the utility prompts for the password.

    # staresmonadm -U stadba -P
    Enter database password:
    Contacting daemon...connected.
    Setting DB Username........... stadba
    Setting DB Password........... ********
  3. If you want the new settings to take effect immediately, you must stop and restart the STA services daemon. See "Stop the STA Services Daemon" and "Start the STA Services Daemon" for instructions.

Define Resmon email Settings

Use this procedure to define email addresses to which Resmon sends the daily Resource Report and periodic Resource Depletion Report. You can also define an email sender and subject line to help recipients identify and organize emails from the Resmon service.


The email server and sender address used by the Resmon service may be different than those used by the STA application. See the STA User's Guide for details about STA application emails.
  1. Open a terminal session on the STA server, and log in as the system root user.

  2. Define email information.

    • To specify multiple recipients, separate the email addresses by a colon (:).

    • If the subject text includes spaces, enclose the text line in double-quotes (") or single-quotes (').

    This example defines two email recipients, the email sender, and a subject line for emails sent by the Resmon service.

    # staresmonadm -r charlie@mycompany.com:lucy@mycompany.com -f STAResmon@staserver.mycompany.com -s "STA Resource Monitor Report for staserver"
    Contacting daemon...connected.
    Setting 'From:' address....... StaResmMon@mycompany.com
    Setting 'To:' addresses....... charlie@mycompany.com:lucy@mycompany.com
    Setting 'Subject:' line....... STA Resource Monitor Report for staserver
  3. If you want the new settings to take effect immediately, you must stop and restart the STA services daemon. See "Stop the STA Services Daemon" and "Start the STA Services Daemon" for instructions.

Define Resource Report Settings

Use this procedure to change the time of day when Resmon sends the Resource Report, and the filename and location of the report file. If you specify a new filename, and the file does not already exist, the Resmon service creates it with the next scan.

  1. Open a terminal session on the STA server, and log in as the system root user.

  2. Define report information.

    • Use 24-hour notation to specify the time of day.

    • The file location must be an absolute, not relative, path. The database user must have read/write privileges to the directory.

    • The filename extension must be .csv.

    This example specifies a time of day and a new filename.

    # staresmonadm -T 23:59 -o /var/log/tbi/db/ResmonReport.csv
    Contacting daemon...connected.
    Setting Send Time............. 23:59
    Setting Output Filename....... /var/log/tbi/db/ResmonReport.csv
  3. If you want the new settings to take effect immediately, you must stop and restart the STA services daemon. See "Stop the STA Services Daemon" and "Start the STA Services Daemon" for instructions.

staresmonadm Utility Reference

The staresmonadm utility is located in the following directory:


where Oracle_storage_home is the Oracle storage home location specified during STA installation.

See "Ensure the Correct root User Path" for instructions on adding the directory to the system root user path.

Using the staresmonadm Utility

You can use the staresmonadm utility only if the STA services daemon is running. See "Display the Status of the STA Services Daemon" to verify that the daemon is running.

You can submit as many parameters as you want in each staresmonadm command line; only the parameters you specify are updated, and the unspecified ones remain at their current value.

Resmon changes take effect as soon as one of the following actions occurs:

staresmonadm Utility Parameters

Table 3-1 provides detailed information about the staresmonadm command parameters. A value of "-1" indicates the parameter is not configured. A value of "NA" indicates there is no default value.

Table 3-1 staresmonadm Parameters

Parameter Name Description Default Value

-Q, --query


Display the current Resmon settings.


-C, --clear


Clear all Resmon settings and disable the service.


-v, --verbose


Enables verbose mode, which displays detailed progress information for the command.


-h, --help


Displays complete syntax information for the command.


-T, --time

Daily report time

Time of day Resmon sends the Resource Report. Format is hh:mm, using 24-hour time.

The report is sent automatically every 24 hours at approximately this time. The actual time is immediately after the first server scan performed after this time.

See "Define Resource Report Settings" for instructions.


-i, --interval

Interval between scans

Number of seconds Resmon waits between scans. Valid entries: integers greater than 0.

See "Define the Interval Between Scans" for instructions.


-n, --nag

Alert nagging

Indicates whether Resmon sends alerts if it finds that any high-water marks have been reached. Valid entries: on|off, yes|no, true|false, 1|0. See "Enable or Disable Alert Nagging" for instructions.

When enabled, alert nagging causes Resmon to send alert reports to the designated email recipients whenever it performs a periodic scan and detects a resource has exceeded its high-water mark. See "Resource Depletion Alert Report" for details.

Alert nagging is disabled by default, in which case, Resmon does not send alert reports. Alerts are included in the Resource Report, which is sent only once a day, at the designated "Send reports" time. See "Resmon Resource Report" for details.


-U, --dbusr

Database username

Database username that the Resmon service uses to perform queries against the information_schema tables and the MySQL server internal system global variables.

This must be a user with superuser access to the STA database, such as the STA database root user or the STA database administrator.

See "Specify the Database Username and Password" for instructions.


-P, --dbpwd

Database password

Password assigned to the database username.

See "Specify the Database Username and Password" for instructions.


-t, --tblsphwm

Database tablespace HWM

High-water mark for the database tablespace, entered as a percentage of the total allocated. Valid entries: integers 0–100

See "Define High-water Marks for Monitored Resources" for instructions.


-b, --backvolhwm

Local backup HWM

High-water mark for the STA database local backups volume (for example, /dbbackup), entered as a percentage of the total allocated. Valid entries: integers 0 –100

See "Define High-water Marks for Monitored Resources" for instructions.


-d, --dbvolhwm

Database disk volume HWM

High-water mark for the STA database volume (for example, /dbdata/mysql ), entered as a percentage of the total allocated. Valid entries: integers 0 –100

See "Define High-water Marks for Monitored Resources" for instructions.


-l, --logvolhwm

Logging disk volume HWM

High-water mark for the STA database logs volume (default is /var/log/tbi), entered as a percentage of the total allocated. Valid entries: integers 0 –100

See "Define High-water Marks for Monitored Resources" for instructions.


-z, --rootvolhwm

Root volume HWM

High-water mark for the root volume (/), entered as a percentage of the total allocated. Valid entries: integers 0 –100

See "Define High-water Marks for Monitored Resources" for instructions.


-x, --tmpvolhwm

Tmp volume HWM

High-water mark for the temporary directory volume (default is /tmp), entered as a percentage of the total allocated. Valid entries: integers 0 –100

See "Define High-water Marks for Monitored Resources" for instructions.


-m, --memhwm

Physical memory (RAM) HWM

High-water mark for the total system memory (except virtual memory), entered as a percentage of the total allocated. Valid entries: integers 0 –100

See "Define High-water Marks for Monitored Resources" for instructions.


-f, --from

Email from

Name or email address that appears in the "From" field of emails sent by the Resmon service.

See "Define Resmon email Settings" for instructions.


-r, --recips

Email recipients

email addresses to which Resmon sends the daily Resource Report and periodic Resource Depletion Alert Report. Entered as a colon-delimited list.

See "Define Resmon email Settings" for instructions.


-s, --subject

Email subject

Text string that appears in the "Subject" field of the standard daily report email, up to 128 characters. Enclose the text string in single-quotes (') or double-quotes (") if it contains spaces.

A time stamp in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss form is appended to your entry when the email is sent.

See "Define Resmon email Settings" for instructions.

STA Resource Monitor Report

-o, --outfile

Output data file

Absolute path of the Resource Report data file. The file name must end in .csv. See "Resource Report CSV File" for details about the default filename and location. The database user must have privileges to the directory.

See "Define Resource Report Settings" for instructions.


STA Resource Monitor Reports

The Resmon service produces the following reports:

Resmon Resource Report

The Resource Report is sent to all Resmon email recipients once a day, at approximately the "Send Reports" time; the exact time is upon completion of the scan that occurs directly after the "Send Reports" time.

The report provides data for all monitored resources (see "About the STA Resource Monitor Service" for details). It also includes alerts for any resources that have exceeded their defined high-water marks. Example 3-3 is a sample email containing the report.


Reported values rely on mount points. If multiple monitored resources share a mount point, their reported values will be identical.

Example 3-3 Sample Resource Report With Alerts email

From: StaResMon@mystaserver.mycompany.com
Subject: STA Resource Monitor Report [2015-12-21 23:13:33]
To: charlie@mycompany.com
System: mystaserver
Scanned: 2015-12-21 23:13:33
Database Tablespace
  HWM            : 80.00%
  Used           : 1.38%
  MB Used        : 1046
  MB Free        : 74730
  MB Total       : 75776
  Location       : /dbdata/mysql
Database Volume
  HWM            : 75.00%
  Used           : 80.33% (!)
  MB Used        : 80967
  MB Free        : 19827
  MB Total       : 100794
  Directory      : /dbdata
Logging Volume
  HWM            : 75.00%
  Used           : 79.55% (!)
  MB Used        : 20045
  MB Free        : 5154
  MB Total       : 25199
  Directory      : /var/log/tbi


*                     A L E R T S                          *
ALERT - Low Database Volume Disk Space
  Database disk volume has exceeded threshold value!
  HWM             [75.00%]
  Used            [80.33%] (!)
  MB Used         [80967]
  1) Purge old backup files.
  2) Relocate database directory to a larger volume.
ALERT - Low Logging Volume Disk Space
  Logging volume disk usage has exceeded threshold value!  HWM             [75.00%]  Used            [79.55%] (!)  MB Used         [20045]  Recommendations:  1) Purge STA log files.  2) Purge MySQL binary logs.  3) Purge MySQL error logs.  4) Relocate logging directory to a larger volume.

Resource Report CSV File

The daily Resource Report is generated from the Resource Report data file. By default, the file has the following location and filename, which you can optionally change. See "Define Resource Report Settings".


The Resource Report file is a comma-separated (CSV) file that provides a continuous record of every Resmon scan performed on the STA server since the file was created. Each time Resmon completes a scan, it adds a record containing the scanned values to the end of the file.

Because the Resource Report file is in CSV format, you can import it into spreadsheet and database management applications, such as Excel and MySQL, and create reports and graphs of the values. For example, you could use the Resource Report file data to report resource depletion trends for the STA server over time.

The Resource Report file continues to grow with each scan. Managing the file, including backing it up and managing the file size, is the customer's responsibility. It is not purged, rolled, nor backed up by the STA application nor the STA backup service.

Each row in the file represents one scan of the server and includes the columns listed in Table 3-2. Example 3-4 is a sample of the file header row and one complete scan record.

Table 3-2 Resource Report Record Format

Col Header Description Format



Date and time of the scan




Maximum tablespace, in MB




Total database tablespace used, in MB




Database tablespace remaining, in MB




Database tablespace used, as a percentage of the maximum




Database tablespace high-water mark, as a percentage of the maximum; this is user-defined.




Total allocated space on the volume containing the database, in MB




Total database disk volume space used, in MB




Database volume disk space remaining, in MB




Database volume disk space used, as a percentage of the maximum




Database volume high-water mark, as a percentage of the maximum; this is user-defined.




Total allocated space on the volume containing the logs, in MB




Total logging disk volume space used, in MB




Logging volume disk space remaining, in MB




Logging volume disk space used, as a percentage of the maximum




Logging volume high-water mark, as a percentage of the maximum; this is user-defined




Maximum installed physical RAM, in MB




Total physical memory used, in MB




Physical memory space remaining, in MB




Physical memory space used, as a percentage of the maximum




Physical memory high-water mark as a percentage of the maximum; this is user-defined.


Example 3-4 Sample CSV File Record

"2015-12-23 12:54:00",433152,18596,414556,4.29%,80.00%,570770,51653,519118,9.05%,75.00%,209317,103936,105382,49.65%,75.00%,779717,230478,549239,29.56%,70.00%,209317,103936,105382,49.65%,75.00%,209317,103936,105382,49.65%,75.00%,32167,27859,4309,86.61%,80.00%

Resource Depletion Alert Report

If alert nagging is enabled, the Resmon service sends a Resource Depletion Alert Report whenever it detects that any monitored resources have exceeded their defined high-water marks. The report includes recommendations for resolving the issues. Example 3-5 is a sample email containing the report.

If alert nagging is disabled, Resmon does not generate a Resource Depletion Alert Report, and alerts are shown only in the daily Resource Report.

See "Enable or Disable Alert Nagging" for related instructions.

Example 3-5 Example Resource Depletion Report email

In this example, two high-water marks have been exceeded.

From: StaResMon@mystaserver.mycompany.com
Subject: ALERT::STA Resource Depletion [2015-12-22 09:13:36]
To: charlie@mycompany.com
System: mystaserver
Scanned: 2015-12-22 09:13:36
*                     A L E R T S                          *
ALERT - Low Database Volume Disk Space
  Database disk volume has exceeded threshold value!
  HWM             [75.00%]
  Used            [80.33%] (!)
  MB Used         [80967]
  MB Free         [19827]
  MB Total        [100794]
  Directory       [/dbdata]
  1) Purge old backup files.
  2) Relocate database directory to a larger volume.
ALERT - Low Logging Volume Disk Space
  Logging volume disk usage has exceeded threshold value!
  HWM             [75.00%]
  Used            [79.55%] (!)
  MB Used         [20045]
  MB Free         [5154]
  MB Total        [25199]
  Location        [/var/log/tbi]
  1) Purge STA log files.
  2) Purge MySQL binary logs.
  3) Purge MySQL error logs.
  4) Relocate logging directory to a larger volume.