6 Media Overview and Analysis Screens

The Media – Overview and Media – Analysis screens show attributes related to media. There is one set of attributes for StorageTek enterprise media and a slightly different set for LTO media.

The media attributes are organized into the following sections.

Media Overview Detail Views

Detail for Enterprise Media (part  1)

Description of ref_meddetailenta.png follows
Description of the illustration ''ref_meddetailenta.png''

Detail for Enterprise Media (part  2)

Description of ref_meddetailentb.png follows
Description of the illustration ''ref_meddetailentb.png''

Detail for LTO Media (part 1)

Description of ref_meddetailltoa.png follows
Description of the illustration ''ref_meddetailltoa.png''

Detail for LTO Media (part 2)

Description of ref_meddetailltob.png follows
Description of the illustration ''ref_meddetailltob.png''


Values for these attributes are assigned when STA first starts tracking the media.

Media Data Activity Counts (Last 30 Days)

Total activity counts for the media over the last 30 days. This section appears only for data media.

Current Home Media Location

Details about the media's current location, as of the last completed exchange.


Details about the drive involved in the latest exchange.

Library Complex

Details about the library complex where the media is located.

Cleaning Usage

User-Provided Information

Media Validation Information for Enterprise Media

Details about the most recent media validation for the media. Appears for StorageTek enterprise media only.