
Mail box of the application consists of messages intended to the users. Mail box shows the list of messages to the user with date and time and message subject. User can click the message to read the detailed content of the message. The subject of the message gives a brief understanding of what the message is about.

User can view the message details, the sender information and also view the chain of messages exchanged if any. The complete chain of message helps customer understand and know the information exchanged with the bank on a particular subject.

You are here How to reach here:

My Account > Messages

Send New Message

Using this option mail communication can start from the user to the bank. The mailbox is a communication channel between bank and user, there is no option to enter recipient’s email id. For sending a mail to the bank, user needs to select the intended account and the subject to whom the message is addressed. Doing so, helps bank to address the user’s concern / query to the desired team for a quicker and appropriate response.

You are here How to reach here:

My Account > Messages > Send New Message

To send a message:

New Message

My Messages

Using this feature, you can view the message sent to you. You can view the individual messages by clicking on the sender's name. It has following two sections:

You are here How to reach here:

My Account > Messages > My Messages

  1. Click the required option.
  2. If you click the Inbox option, The My Messages screen with received messages appear.
  3. If you click the Sent option, The My Messages screen with sent messages appear.

My Messages - Inbox

This option displays all the incoming messages received by the user.

To view the received messages

  1. In the My Messages screen, click the Inbox option.
  2. The Messages screen with received messages list appears; click individual message to view the details.
  1. Click the required message that you want to view.
    Click the Date header to sort the records according to ascending or descending date.
  2. The My Messages screen with detailed message record appears; click Reply if you want to reply the received message.

My Messages - Sent

This option displays all the messages sent by the user.

To view the sent messages

  1. In the My Messages screen, click the Sent option.
  2. The Messages screen with received messages list appears; click individual message to view the details.
  1. Click the required sent message that you want to view.
    Click the Date header to sort the records according to ascending or descending date.
  2. The Messages screen with detailed message record appears; click Reply if you want to reply the received message. The success message appears.


ClosedCan I communicate with other users using mail box.

You can communicate only with bank users using the mail box option.
