20 Standard Export

Standard Export supports end-of-day (EOD) and end-of-week (EOW) exports from all Point-of-Sale (POS) applications that can interface with Oracle MICROS Enterprise Back Office.

The Enterprise Information Portal (EIP) collects information from the Point-of-Sale. When used with Oracle MICROS RES 3700, the EIP collects transactional information every 15 minutes and daily information such as time and labor activity every night after end-of-day. When using with Oracle MICROS Simphony, the EIP collects transactional information in realtime. The EIP then loads the information into an Oracle Data Warehouse to be made available for reporting and exporting.

The Admin Schedule creates an export file based on system administrator or, in some cases, customer configurations.

For detailed information about standard export, refer to the Oracle MICROS Reporting and Analytics Standard Export User Guide.