Error Messages in MM_Log

root\temp\MM_Log.log can contain the following error messages:


root\myMicros\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_BI1 '"root\myMicros\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_BI1\bin\shortenPaths.cmd"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

This error message is logged by the Oracle Business Intelligence installation, but does not cause any problems with the installation.

Error while encrypting password for username

On the Before We Begin page of the Reporting and Analytics application server installation, if you select No for Will iCare be used with this installation?, the installation logs the following messages:

Error while encrypting password for icare

Error while encrypting password for customer

Error while encrypting password for aggregate

When you install the Reporting and Analytics with Will iCare be used with this installation? set to Yes, the installation wizard creates the Gift and Loyalty passwords and resolves the issue.

Ignore the error messages if your environment does not require Gift and Loyalty.