Configuring the Inventory Management Web Application

  1. Create the following folders to store log files:
    • root\Inventory Management\log\HIM\: stores Inventory Management web application log files.

    • root\Inventory Management\log\RA_Web_Service\: stores RA web service log files.

    • root\Inventory Management\log\AutomationService\: stores Automation Service scheduler log files.

  2. To configure the Inventory Management web application, navigate to root\Inetpub\wwwroot\Inventory Management\, open web.config in a text editor, and then add or set the following keys where the values in bold are specific to your environment:

    <add key="LogPath” value="folder to store logs” />

    <add key="DefaultMenu” value="default menu style” />

    <add key="PROFILE” value="settings.ini” />: you must set this value to settings.ini.

    <add key="DbBrand” value="SQLSERVER or ORACLE” />

    <add key="DbUser” value="orgshortname” />:

    <add key=”SERVER” value=”IP address or instance name” />: enter the server IP address when using Microsoft SQL Server and enter the server instance name when using Oracle Database.

    <add key=”ORGANISATIONS” value=“orgshortname” />: enter a comma- separated list of organizations that can be selected during login.

    <add key=“myMicrosURL” value=“public exposed URL for Oracle Hospitality Reporting and Analytics, such as https://” />

    <add key=“MyMicrosProtocol” value=“network communication protocol for the myMicrosURL, such as https” />

    <add key=“SecureCookies” value=“set as true if HTTPS is used for the exposed URL, otherwise set as false” />

    <add key=“myMicrosAllowedDomains" value=“comma-separated list of acceptable domains" />: The application rejects URLs in HTTP POST requests that do not belong to the listed domains. For example, if you enter,, the application does not start for an HTTP POST passing a URL from

  3. To configure the Inventory Management web service, navigate to root\Inetpub\wwwroot\RA_WebService\, open web.config in a text editor, and then add or set the following keys where the values in bold are specific to your environment:

    <add key=“SERVER” value=“IP address or instance name” />: enter the server IP address when using Microsoft SQL Server and enter the server instance name when using Oracle Database.

    <add key=“PROFILE” value=“settings.ini” />: you must set this value to settings.ini.

    <add key=“DBUSER” value=“orgshortname” />

    <add key=“CASE” value=“SQLSERVER or ORACLE” />

    <add key=“APPDIR” value=“web service log directory from step 1” />

    <add key=“ORGANISATION” value=“short name for master organization” />

  4. To configure custom error pages, open system.web in a text editor, and then edit the following parameters:

    <customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Common/Forms/Err.html">

    You can then add error redirects by adding the following line:

    <error statusCode="error number" redirect="error page URL">

    For example, a redirect for the 500 error could be: <error statusCode="500" redirect="~/Common/Forms/500_Err.html">

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