Creating a Forecast Profile

  1. In Reporting and Analytics, click Forecasting, click Forecasting Admin, click Forecast Configuration, and then click Forecast Profiles.
  2. Click Add, and then enter a name and description for the forecast profile.
  3. Select whether to set the forecast profile as the default profile, and select whether to enable the forecast profile for use with Oracle micros Inventory Management.
  4. Fill out the form, and then click Save:
    1. Configure the workflow behavior:

      Table 3-1 Workflow Behavior Settings

      Workflow Behavior Description

      Enable Auto Submit

      Submit generated forecasts without requiring authorization.

      For example, if a forecast needs to be generated when the manager is out, the system generates a forecast.

      If this option is enabled, specify the number of hours before the start of the next business week to submit the forecast.

      Enable Auto Approval

      Approve submitted forecasts without requiring authorization.

      For example, if a forecast needs to be approved when the approving manager is out, the system approves the forecast.

      If this option is enabled, specify the number of hours before the start of the next business week to approve the forecast.

      Enable Manual Forecast to Overwrite Auto-Generated Forecast

      Enable this option to allow a user to overwrite an auto-generated forecast with a manually-generated forecast.

      Enable Partial Forecast Generation

      Enable this option to generate partial forecasts.

      If the system does not find Number of Past Weeks to Average data, the forecast generates based on the amount of available data.

    2. Configure the forecast algorithm:

      Table 3-2 Forecast Algorithm Settings

      Algorithm Option Description

      Moving History

      Select this option to apply data from the same day last year toward generating new forecasts.

      Moving Percentage Weight

      Define the percentage weight of the moving history.

      For example, if you want 25% of the forecast to be determined by data from the previous year, enter 25. The remaining 75% of the forecast will be generated based on the data from the number of weeks specified.

      Number of Weeks to Forecast

      Enter a number of weeks between 1 to 8 for which to generate a forecast.

      Number of Past Weeks to Average

      Enter a number of past weeks between 1 to 14 to use towards generating forecasts.

      Number of History Weeks to Check

      Enter the number of weeks for which you want the system to check for data when generating forecasts. Consider the impact of business schedules on the data used to generate the forecast. For example, you set this value on May 31 and you set it to 6 weeks. Your outdoor patio revenue center is only open from May 1 to September 30. Since there is no data when the patio is closed from October through April, the system works backwards from April 30 until a total of 6 weeks of data is available to generate the forecast. In this example, the data comes from May 1-31 and September 15-30.

      Ignore Lowest

      Enable this option to drop the lowest weekly data from the generated forecast.

      Ignore Highest

      Enable this option to drop the highest weekly data from the generated forecast.

    3. Configure the forecast components:

      Table 3-3 Forecast Component Settings

      Component Option Description

      Enable Item Level Forecast

      Enable this option to use the Sales Quantity of menu items for generating forecasts.


      Enable this option to view the fields in the expanded view.

      Default View

      Enable this option to view these fields on a generated forecast regardless of the view status. Any component enabled with default view uses the view status.

      Allow Manual Adjustment

      Enable this option to allow manual adjustments for this component after it has been generated.


      Enter the number of decimal points to show (for example, 2 = 5.99. 3 = 5.999).

      Auto Adjustment Linking

      If you enable this option, the system replicates changes to a component for all linked components.