Command Quick Reference


This document is a quick reference for Oracle Hardware Management Pack command line interface (CLI) commands. Unless otherwise specified, listed subcommands and options are specific to each command. For more information, view the man pages or refer to the Oracle Server CLI Tools User’s Guide.

To determine if a command is supported for your system, refer to the support matrices:


Most commands require root or administrator permissions.

Common Command Options

These options are common to most commands.

Short Option Long Option Description

-?, -h


Displays help information.



Displays the tool version.



Suppresses informational message output and returns only error codes.



Automatically confirms an operation. Does not prompt user for manual confirmation during command execution.

biosconfig Command Syntax

View and configure BIOS information for servers that only support Legacy BIOS.

Task CLI Command

Get the version of this tool.

biosconfig -get_version [filename.xml]

Get the boot devices list.

biosconfig -get_boot_order [filename.xml]

Set the boot devices list.

biosconfig -set_boot_order [filename.xml]

Get setup configuration from CMOS.

biosconfig -get_bios_settings [filename.xml]

Set CMOS configuration.

biosconfig -set_bios_settings [filename.xml]

Get 256 bytes CMOS setup data from BIOS.

biosconfig -get_CMOS_dump [[filename.xml]

Set 256 bytes of CMOS setup data to BIOS.

biosconfig -set_CMOS_dump [filename.xml]

fwupdate Automatic Mode Command Syntax

Utilize a metadata XML file that comes with the patch download package to update component firmware. Recommended update method.

Task CLI Command

List component information based on available metadata.

To list updatable targets that support metadata, use the list supported-targets command.

To find the devicename for a target, use the list all command.

fwupdate list target --xml=filename.xml [--device_name=devicename][--output_xml=filename][--quick][--verbose]

Update a component or components based on available metadata and command-line directives.

Note: The reboot options are only supported with metadata that includes a power cycle.

fwupdate update target --xml=filename.xml [--quick][--dry-run][--output=filename][--start-priority=value][--end-priority=value][--silent-reboot][--silent-no-reboot][--fail-without-interconnect]

Update a service processor based on available metadata and command-line directives over a network.

Note: SSL certificate checking is used for network access by default. For this feature to work, you must have installed a client-side certificate for the target SP and you must use the Common Name for the --remote-hostname option.

fwupdate update target --xml=filename.xml --remote-hostname=remote_sp_ip --remote-username=username [--dry-run][--output=filename][--start-priority=value][--end-priority=value][--silent-reboot][--silent-no-reboot][--fail-without-interconnect][--cert-dir=pathname][--no-cert-check][--intfname=interface][--remote-intfname-fallback=interface]

fwupdate Manual Mode Command Syntax

Use a component-specific image file that comes with the patch download package to update component firmware. For advanced users or when no metadata XML file is available.

Task CLI Command

List component information.

To list updatable image targets, use the list supported-images command.

To find the devicename for a target, use the list all command.

fwupdate list target [--device_name=devicename][--output=filename][--verbose]

Update a component or components based on available metadata and command-line directives.

fwupdate update target --filename=fw_image_file --device_name devicename [--dry-run][--output=filename][--reset][--fail-without-interconnect]

Update a service processor based on available metadata and command-line directives over a network.

Note: The sp-bios-firmware image target is for x86 systems and sysfw-firmware is for SPARC.

Note: SSL certificate checking is used for network access by default. For this feature to work, you must have installed a client-side certificate for the target SP and you must use the Common Name for the --remote-hostname option.

fwupdate update sp-bios-firmware|sysfw-firmware --filename=fw_image_file --device_name devicename --remote-hostname=remote_sp_ip --remote-username=username [--dry-run][--output=filename][--reset][--fail-without-interconnect][--cert-dir=pathname][--no-cert-check][--intfname=interface][--remote-intfname-fallback=interface]

hwmgmtcli Command Syntax

View system information including event logs.

Task CLI Command

List subsystem information (for subsystem, all will list all subsystems).

hwmgmtcli list subsystem [--details]

View open problems.

hwmgmtcli list open_problems

Export subsystem information to an XML file.

hwmgmtcli export all --filename filename.xml

ilomconfig Command Syntax

View system information and configure the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) service processor.

Task CLI Command

Export the Oracle ILOM configuration to an XML file.

ilomconfig export config --xmlfile=filename.xml [-y]

Import an Oracle ILOM configuration from an XML configuration file.

ilomconfig import config --xmlfile=filename.xml [-y]

Show a system summary.

ilomconfig list system-summary

List users.

ilomconfig list user [--username=username][--xmlfile=filename.xml]

List SNMP communities.

ilomconfig list snmp-community [--snmp-community=communityname][--xmlfile=filename.xml]

List IPv4 network settings.

ilomconfig list network [--xmlfile=filename.xml]

List IPv6 network settings.

ilomconfig list network-ipv6 [--xmlfile=filename.xml]

List service processor identification information.

ilomconfig list identification [--xmlfile=filename.xml]

List DNS information.

ilomconfig list dns [--xmlfile=filename.xml]

List clock information.

ilomconfig list clock [--xmlfile=filename.xml]

Create users.

ilomconfig create user username [--role=role][--xmlfile=filename.xml]

Delete users.

ilomconfig delete user username [--xmlfile=filename.xml]

Create SNMP communities.

ilomconfig create snmp-community communityname [--permission=ro|rw][--xmlfile=filename.xml]

Modify users.

ilomconfig modify user username [-p][--role=role][--xmlfile=filename.xml]

Modify IPv4 network settings.

ilomconfig modify network [--ipdiscovery=static|dhcp][--ipaddress=ipaddress][--netmask=netmask][--gateway=gateway][--state=enabled|disabled][--mgmtport=port][--xmlfile=filename.xml]

Modify IPv6 network settings.

ilomconfig modify network-ipv6 [--static-ipaddress=IPv6_address] [--autoconfig=disabled|stateless|dhcpv6_stateful|dhcpv6_stateless] [--state=enabled|disabled]|[--xmlfile=filename.xml]

Modify system identification information.

ilomconfig modify identification [--hostname=hostname][--system-contact=system_contact][--system-location=system_location][--system-identifier=system_identifier][--xmlfile=filename.xml]

Modify DNS information.

ilomconfig modify dns [--nameservers=name_server_list][--autodns=enabled|disabled][--retries=retries][--searchpath=search_path_list][--timeout=timeout][--xmlfile=filename.xml]

Reset Oracle ILOM settings to factory defaults.

ilomconfig reset config

List the Host-to-ILOM interconnect settings.

ilomconfig list interconnect

Enable Host-to-ILOM interconnect.

ilomconfig enable interconnect [--ipaddress=ip_address][--netmask=netmask][--hostipaddress=host_ip_address]

Disable Host-to-ILOM interconnect.

ilomconfig disable interconnect

Modify Host-to-ILOM interconnect.

ilomconfig modify interconnect [--ipaddress=ip_address][--netmask=netmask][--hostipaddress=host_ip_address]

List ILOM watchdog settings.

ilomconfig list ilomwatchdog

Enable ILOM watchdog.

ilomconfig enable ilomwatchdog

Disable ILOM watchdog.

ilomconfig disable ilomwatchdog

Modify ILOM watchdog settings.

ilomconfig modify ilomwatchdog [--timer-action=action][--number-sp-reset=num_sp_reset][--query-interval=query_interval]

Reset ILOM watchdog settings to factory defaults.

ilomconfig reset ilomwatchdog-config

List host watchdog settings.

ilomconfig list hostwatchdog

Enable host watchdog settings.

ilomconfig enable hostwatchdog

Disable host watchdog settings.

ilomconfig disable hostwatchdog

Modify host watchdog settings.

ilomconfig modify hostwatchdog [--timer-action=action][--timer-value=timer_value][--reset-period=query_interval]

Reset host watchdog settings to factory defaults.

ilomconfig reset hostwatchdog-config

Show a system summary.

ilomconfig list system-summary

Configure Oracle ILOM over a network.

Note: SSL certificate checking is used for network access by default. For this feature to work, you must have installed a client-side certificate for the target SP and you must use the Common Name for the --remote-hostname option.

ilomconfig subcommand target --xmlfile=filename.xml options --remote-hostname=remote_sp_ip --remote-username=username [--cert-dir=pathname][--no-cert-check][--intfname=interface][--remote-intfname-fallback=interface]

itpconfig Command Syntax

Forward Oracle ILOM SNMP traps to a host. Only used with the Hardware Management Agent (hwmgmtd).

Task CLI Command

List Host-to-ILOM Interconnect settings.

itpconfig list interconnect

Enable Host-to-ILOM Interconnect.

itpconfig enable interconnect [--ipaddress=ip_address][--netmask=netmask][--hostipaddress=host_ip_address]

Modify Host-to-ILOM Interconnect settings.

itpconfig modify interconnect [--ipaddress=ip_address][--netmask=netmask][--hostipaddress=host_ip_address]

Disable Host-to-ILOM Interconnect.

itpconfig disable interconnect

List Oracle ILOM trap forwarding proxy settings.

itpconfig list trapforwarding

Enable Oracle ILOM trap forwarding proxy.

itpconfig enable trapforwarding [--ipaddress=ip_address][--port=port][--community=community]

Modify Oracle ILOM trap forwarding proxy settings.

itpconfig modify trapforwarding [--ipaddress=ip_address][--port=port][--community=community]

Disable trap forwarding.

itpconfig disable trapforwarding

nvmeadm Command Syntax

View and configure NVMe storage.

Task CLI Command

List controller information.

nvmeadm list [--verbose][controllername]

List namespace information.

nvmeadm namespace [--namespace namespace][--verbose][controllername]

List error information.

nvmeadm getlog --error error_log_number [controllername]

Generate error logs.

This command generates nlog and eventlog files for Intel NVMe devices, and generates crash dump and memory dump files for Samsung NVMe devices.

nvmeadm getlog --vendor_specific /dest_path [controllername]

Save vendor information to a file.

nvmeadm list --vendor_specific /dest_path [controllername]

List features of an NVMe controller.

nvmeadm getfeature [controllername]

Format NVMe media.

nvmeadm format --format --all --metadatasize metadatasize --blocksize blocksize [controllername]

List supported LBA formats (block and metadata sizes).

nvmeadm format --list [controllername]

Erase NVMe media.

nvmeadm erase --all [controllername]

Securely erase NVMe media.

nvmeadm erase --secure [controllername]

Export the NVMe SSD configuration to a file.

nvmeadm export --filename filename.xml [controllername]

Import the NVMe SSD configuration (block and metadata size only) from a file.

nvmeadm import --filename filename.xml [controllername]

raidconfig Command Syntax

View and configure RAID storage (hardware RAID controllers only). Before using raidconfig to create volumes (which will overwrite any existing data), use operating system tools to take an inventory of attached disks, their enumeration, and whether they contain data that you want to preserve.

Task CLI Command

List information on controllers, RAID volumes and disks.

Available targets: all, controller, disk, raid.

To find a controller, disk, or raid volume name, use the list all command.

raidconfig list target [--controller=controller|-disks=disks|--raid=raid_volume][--verbose]

Enable or disable JBOD mode on one or more disks connected to a RAID controller. Enabling JBOD mode on a controller sets JBOD mode on all its disks by default. Disks can then have JBOD mode enabled/disabled individually.

Note: Only supported on Oracle Storage 12 Gb SAS RAID PCIe HBA, Internal (7110116, 7110117). Do not enable or disable JBOD mode on disks that contain the OS.

raidconfig modify controller -c controller --jbod enabled|disabled raidconfig modify disk -d disk --jbod enabled|disabled

Create a RAID volume.

raidconfig create raid [--level raid_level][--stripe-size stripe_size][--subarrays size][--name volumename][--subdisk-size sizes]-d disks

Delete a RAID volume.

raidconfig delete raid [--raid=raid_volume][--all]

Add a specified disk.

raidconfig add disk --disks=disks --raid=raid_volume

Remove a specified disk.

raidconfig remove disk --disks=disks --raid=raid_volume

Add a specified spare.

raidconfig add spare --disks=disks [--raid=raid_volume]

Remove a specified spare.

raidconfig remove spare --disks=disks [--raid=raid_volume]

Modify a RAID volume.

raidconfig modify raid --raid=raid_volume [--name volumename][--bios-boot-target=true][--read-cache enabled|disabled][--write-cache enabled|disabled|enabled_protect]

Modify a RAID controller.

raidconfig modify controller --controller=controller [--disable-auto-rebuild=true|false]

Start a maintenance task.

raidconfig start task --task=taskname [--disks=disks|--raid=raid_volume][--src-disk disk][--dst-disk disk]

Stop a maintenance task.

raidconfig stop task --task=taskname [--disks=disks|--raid=raid_volume][--src-disk disk][--dst-disk disk]

Restore the RAID configuration.

raidconfig restore config --controller=controller_id

Clear the RAID configuration.

raidconfig clear config --controller=controller_id

Export RAID inventory data to an XML file.

raidconfig export inventory filename.xml

Export a RAID configuration to an XML file.

raidconfig export config filename.xml

Configure RAID volumes from a configuration file.

raidconfig import config filename.xml

Ceate RAID volumes with partial disks.

raidconfig create raid --disks=disks --subdisk-size=sizes

ubiosconfig Command Syntax

View and configure BIOS information on servers that support UEFI.

Task CLI Command

Display status of import or export changes to UEFI BIOS settings at the next server boot.

ubiosconfig list status

Export a server’s UEFI BIOS settings to an XML file.

ubiosconfig export all --xml_file filename.xml [--force]

Import UEFI BIOS settings stored in an XML file to the server at next boot.

ubiosconfig import all --xml_file filename.xml [--force]

Cancel any pending changes to UEFI BIOS settings.

ubiosconfig cancel config

Reset the UEFI BIOS settings to factory default at the next server boot.

ubiosconfig reset config

Cancel the pending reset action.

ubiosconfig reset cancel

Configure UEFI BIOS information over a network.

Note: SSL certificate checking is used for network access by default. For this feature to work, you must have installed a client-side certificate for the target SP and you must use the Common Name for the --remote_hostname option.

ubiosconfig subcommand type options --remote_hostname=remote_sp_ip --remote_username=remote_username [--cert-dir=pathname][--no-cert-check][--intfname=interface][--remote-intfname-fallback=interface]

zoningcli Command Syntax

zoningcli can configure the disks in a Oracle SPARC T3-1 server with a 16-disk backplane into two separate 8-disk zones.

Task CLI Command

List current zoning information.

zoningcli list expander

Enable zoning.

zoningcli enable zoning

Disable zoning.

zoningcli disable zoning

Set the expander to the default zoning configuration.

zoningcli config zoning