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Oracle® Healthcare Master Person Index Match Engine Reference
Release 4.0

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6 Creating Custom Comparators for the OHMPI Match Engine

This chapter introduces you to conceptual information about configurable matching comparators, lists components that complete a comparator package, and provides a procedure that defines a custom comparator.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Learning About Custom Comparator for the OHMPI Match Engine

The OHMPI Match Engine provides a variety of configurable matching comparators for you to process and match your data. However, if none of the existing comparators meet your requirements, the flexible framework of the OHMPI Match Engine allows you to create custom comparators to plug in to master person index applications. The comparators are flexible components that can be modified and tailored without requiring any changes to the framework.

The following sections provide an overview of custom comparators and information about the comparator package:

Custom Comparator Overview

Creating a custom matching comparator for the OHMPI Match Engine requires coding the processing and validation logic for the comparator in Java. The OHMPI Match Engine provides the interfaces and supporting Java classes you need to implement in order to incorporate the comparators into a master person index application.

The OHMPI Match Engine framework consists of two modules. The real-time module stores the basic logic for the matching comparators. The design-time module stores all of the configuration logic for the comparators, including parameter validations, data source definitions, and curve adjustment logic. The two pieces are pulled together by the configuration in the comparators list file (comparatorsList.xml). For each custom comparator package you create, you need to create a comparators list file.

You can define the following information in the comparators list for each comparator you create.

  • A code that is used to reference the comparator in the match configuration file (matchCOnfigFile.cfg).

  • The class that defines the comparator logic.

  • Parameters for the comparator. Parameter values are entered in the match configuration file for any entries that reference the comparator.

  • Any classes from which the comparator class inherits.

  • Data sources that provide additional information to the comparator during the match process.

  • Whether to use curve adjustment logic for the comparator.

After you create the package, you can import the custom comparators into NetBeans using the easy import function of Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index. When you import the files, OHMPI automatically validates the files and merges the comparators list information into the comparators list for the application. You can then add and configure entries in matchConfigFile.cfg that reference the comparator, which makes the comparator available to be used in the match string.

About the Comparator Package

After you register your custom comparators and you create and compile the comparators and any configuration classes, you need to package the files in a JAR file so they are available for import into NetBeans. For optimal usage, it is best to package all similar comparators in a unique JAR file. You can create single packages for each comparator, or combine them into one package.

The JAR file includes the following:

  • The comparator Java classes

  • The comparators list file (comparatorsList.xml)

  • Any parameter validation classes (only if the comparators take parameters)

  • Any data source loading or validation classes (only if the comparators use external data files)

  • Any curve adjustment classes (only if the comparators use curve adjustment for weight calculation)

For the JAR file to have the correct structure, the comparatorsList.xml file should be at the same level as the com folder that contains the Java classes.

Defining Custom Comparators

The following topics provide instructions for each step of creating custom comparators. You might need to create multiple Java files and Java packages for the comparator, depending on the validations, data sources, dependency classes, and curve adjustments you use. Create them in the same directory structure because you will need to package them up into a JAR file when you are through.

Before you create your custom comparators, take into account the following requirements for the comparators.

  • Determine how many comparators you need to create and whether each will require a different Java class or some can use the same Java class.

  • Determine what parameters, if any, you need to define for each comparator.

  • Determine what validations, if any, need to be created.

  • Determine whether you need to use a data source.

  • Decide if the comparators you create will have a dependency on any other comparator classes.

  • Decide whether you will use curve adjustment, linear fitting, or neither.

The following steps lead you through creating a custom comparator:

Step 1: Create the Custom Comparator Java Class

The first step to creating custom comparators is defining the matching logic in custom comparator Java classes that are stored in the real-time module of the OHMPI Match Engine. Follow these guidelines when creating the class:

  • Create a working directory that will contain all the Java packages and the comparators list file for the new comparators.

  • The Java classes need to implement interface, located in Matcher.jar. This class includes the methods described below.

Once you create the Java classes, continue to Step 2: Register the Comparator in the Comparators List.


  • Description: The initialize method initializes the values for the parameters, data sources, and dependency class used for each custom comparator. It provides the necessary information to access the comparator's configuration in the match configuration file and the comparators list file.

  • Syntax: void initialize(Map<String, Map> params, Map<String, Map> dataSources, Map<String, Map> dependClassList)

  • Parameters:

    Table 6-1 initialize Parameters

    Parameter Type Description



    A mapping of all the parameters associated with a match field in matchConfigFile.cfg.



    A mapping of all the data sources associated with a match field in matchConfigFile.cfg.



    A mapping of all the dependency classes associated with a match field in matchConfigFile.cfg.

  • Return Value: None.

  • Throws: None.


  • Description: The compareFields method contains all the comparison logic needed to compare two field values and calculate a matching weight that shows how similar the values are.

  • Syntax: double compareFields(String recordA, String recordB, Map context)

  • Parameters:

    Table 6-2 compareFields Parameters

    Parameter Type Description



    A field value from the record against which the reference record is being compared.



    A field value from the reference record.



    A set of arguments passed to the comparator.

  • Return Value: A number between zero and one that indicates how closely two field values match.

  • Throws: MatchComparatorException


  • Description: The setRTParameters method sets the runtime parameters for the comparator, providing the ability to customize every call to the parameter.

  • Syntax: void setRTParameters(String key, String value)

  • Parameters:

    Table 6-3 setRTParameters Parameters

    Parameter Type Description



    The key to map the parameter value.



    The value of the parameter.

  • Return Value: None.

  • Throws: None.


  • Description: The stop method closes any related connections to the data sources used by the comparator.

  • Syntax: void stop()

  • Parameters: None.

  • Return Value: None.

  • Throws: None.

Step 2: Register the Comparator in the Comparators List

In order to include new comparators in a master person index application, you need to create a comparators list file defining the configuration of the comparators. When you import the comparator package into the master person index application, this file is read and the entries are added to the comparators list for the project.

Below is a sample comparators list file. Note that the first comparator includes all possible configurations (parameters, dependency classes, data sources, and curve adjust). Most comparators will not be that complex. The second comparator class defines two comparators, Approx and Adjust.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<comparators-list xmlns:xsi="" 
    <group description="New group of comparators" 
        <comparator description="New Exact Comparator">
                <code description="New Exact Comparator" name="Exact" />
              <param description="Fixed length" name="length" 
               type="java.lang.Integer" />
              <param description="Data type" name="dataType" 
               type="java.lang.String" />
              <datasource description="Serial numbers" type="" />
              <dependency-class matchfield="Serial" 
               name="com.genericcomparaotrs.StringComparator" />
            <curve-adjust status="true" />
       <comparator description="New Approximate Comparator">
                <code description="New approximate comparator" name="Approx" />
                <code description="New adjustable comparator" name="Adjust" />

To Register the Comparators

  1. Complete Step 1: Create the Custom Comparator Java Class.

  2. In the same folder where you created the custom Java class package, create a new file named comparatorsList.xml.


    The comparators list file needs to be in the same working directory you created for the custom comparator Java classes.
  3. Add the following header information to the file. You can copy this from the comparatorList.xml file in a master person index application.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <comparators-list xmlns:xsi="" 
  4. Define the following properties, using the XML structure described in Learning About the OHMPI Match Engine Comparator Definition List. Use the sample above as an example.

    • The group description and Java package for the group.

    • A description for each comparator.

    • The Java class name for each comparator or comparator subgroup.

    • The unique identifying name for each comparator.

    • A list of static parameters for each comparator or comparator subgroup (optional). If you define parameters, you must also perform the steps under Step 3: Define Parameter Validations (Optional).

    • A list of data sources for each comparator or comparator subgroup (optional). If you define data sources, you must also perform Step 4: Define Data Source Handling (Optional).

    • A list of dependency classes for each comparator or comparator subgroup (optional).

    • Whether to use curve adjustment for each comparator or comparator subgroup (optional). If you set curve adjustment to true, you must perform the steps under Step 5: Define Curve Adjustment or Linear Fitting (Optional).

  5. Continue to Step 3: Define Parameter Validations (Optional).

Step 3: Define Parameter Validations (Optional)

If your custom comparators take parameters, you should create a Java class that validates the parameter properties. You need to perform this step if you defined parameters for the comparator in comparatorsList.xml. You do not need to create this file in the same package as the Java comparator class, but for packaging purposes, create it in the same working folder.

To Define Parameter Validations

  1. Complete Step 2: Register the Comparator in the Comparators List.

  2. Create a Java class named the same name as the Java class that defines the comparator with "ParamsValidator" appended.

    For example, if the comparator is defined by a class named ExactComparator, the parameter validation class would be ExactComparatorParamsValidator.

  3. In this class, implement: com.sun.mdm.matcher.comparators.validator.ParametersValidator

    The method contained in this class is described below.

  4. Continue to Step 4: Define Data Source Handling (Optional).


  • Description: The ParametersValidator class contains one method, validateComparatorsParameters, that allows you to validate parameter types, ranges, and other properties. For logging purposes, you can use, which is used within matcher.jar, or you can use your own logger.

  • Syntax: void validateComparatorsParameters(Map<String, Object> params)

  • Parameters:

    Table 6-4 validateComparatorsParameters Parameters

    Parameter Type Description



    A list of parameters to validate.

  • Return Value: None.

  • Throws: MatcherException

Step 4: Define Data Source Handling (Optional)

If your custom comparators use external data sources to provide additional information for matching weight calculations, you need to create a Java class that lets you load the file to memory or have real-time access to the data file content. You can also define validations to perform. You do not need to create this file in the same package as the Java comparator class, but for packaging purposes, create it in the same working folder.

You need to perform this step if you defined lines similar to the following in comparatorsList.xml:

   <datasource description="Serial numbers" type="" />

To Define Data Source Handling

  1. Complete Step 3: Define Parameter Validations (Optional).

  2. Create a Java class named the same name as the Java class that defines the comparator with "SourcesHandler" appended.

    For example, if the comparator is defined by a class named ExactComparator, the parameter validation class would be ExactComparatorSourcesHandler.

  3. In this class, implement com.sun.mdm.matcher.comparators.validator.DataSourcesHandler.

    The method in this class is described below.

  4. Continue to Step 5: Define Curve Adjustment or Linear Fitting (Optional).


  • Description: The DataSourcesHandler class contains one method, handleComparatorsDataSources, that allows you to define properties for the data source. This method takes one parameter that is a DataSourcesProperties object. This class and its methods are described in DataSourcesProperties Class.

  • Syntax: Object handleComparatorsDataSources(DataSourcesProperties dataSources)

  • Parameters:

    Table 6-5 handleComparatorsDataSources Parameters

    Parameter Type Description



    A list of properties for the data handler (see DataSourcesProperties Class).

  • Return Value: Object

  • Throws:

    • MatcherException

    • IOException

DataSourcesProperties Class

The DataSourcesProcerties interface is used as a parameter to the handleComparatorsDataSources described in Step 4: Define Data Source Handling (Optional). The methods in the class are listed and described below.

  • Description: The getDataSourcesList returns the comparator's list of associated data source paths.

  • Syntax: List getDataSourcesList(String codeName)

  • Parameters:

    Table 6-6 getDataSourcesList Parameters

    Parameter Type Description



    The name of the comparator. The name is defined in comparatorsList.xml in the name attribute of the code element. In the example below, the comparator's code name is "Exact".

    <code description="New exact comparator" name="Exact" />

  • Return Value: A list of paths and filenames as specified in comparatorsList.xml.

  • Throws: None.

  • Description: The isDataSourceLoaded method checks whether a specific file has already been loaded or opened.

  • Syntax: boolean isDataSourceLoaded(String sourcePath)

  • Parameters:

    Table 6-7 isDataSourceLoaded Parameters

    Parameter Type Description



    The path and filename of the file to check.

  • Return Value: A boolean indicator of whether the specified file has already been loaded or opened.

  • Throws: None.

  • Description: The setDataSourceLoaded method sets the loading status of a data source.

  • Syntax: void setDataSourceLoaded(String sourcePath, boolean status)

  • Parameters:

    Table 6-8 setDataSourceLoaded Parameters

    Parameter Type Description



    The path and filename of the file.



    The load status of the file. Specify true if the file is loaded; otherwise specify false.

  • Return Value: None.

  • Throws: None.

  • Description: The getDataSourceObject method returns the file located at the specified source path.

  • Syntax: Object getDataSourceObject(String sourcePath)

  • Parameters:

    Table 6-9 getDataSourceObject Parameters

    Parameter Type Description



    The path and filename of the file you want to load.

  • Return Value: An object containing the data source information.

  • Throws: None.

Step 5: Define Curve Adjustment or Linear Fitting (Optional)

If your custom comparators use curve adjustment or linear fitting to adjust matching weight calculations, you need to create a Java class that defines the curve. You do not need to create this file in the same package as the Java comparator class, but for packaging purposes, create it in the same working folder.

You need to perform this step if you defined the following line in comparatorsList.xml for the comparator:

<curve-adjust status="true" />

To Define Curve Adjustment or Linear Fitting

  1. Complete Step 4: Define Data Source Handling (Optional).

  2. Create a Java class named the same name as the Java class that defines the comparator with "CurveAdjustor" appended.

    For example, if the comparator is defined by a class named ExactComparator, the parameter validation class would be ExactComparatorCurveAdjustor.

  3. In this class, implement com.sun.mdm.matcher.configurator.CurveAdjustor.

    The method in this class is described below.

  4. Continue to Step 6: Compile and Package the Comparator.


  • Description: The processCurveAdjustment method provides handling for curve adjustment within a specific match comparator.

  • Syntax: double[] processCurveAdjustment(String compar, double[] cap)

  • Parameters:

    Table 6-10 processCurveAdjustment Parameters

    Parameter Type Description



    The name of the comparator, as defined in the name attribute of the code element for the comparator.



    An array of values that define the curve adjustment.

  • Return Value: An array of curve adjustment values.

  • Throws: MatcherException

Step 6: Compile and Package the Comparator

Before you perform these steps, make sure you have completed Step 1: Create the Custom Comparator Java Class through Step 5: Define Curve Adjustment or Linear Fitting (Optional).

When you are finished defining all the Java classes for the comparators and have registered each comparator in your comparators list file, you can compile the Java code and package the files into a JAR file that you can then import into a master person index application. Compile the classes using the compiler of your choice.

To package the files, create a temporary directory and copy the comparators list file to the directory. Copy all the class folders and files to the same directory. The top level of the temporary directory should include comparatorsList.xml and a com folder (which contains all the Java classes). Create a JAR file of the directory. For more information about the JAR package, see About the Comparator Package.

After you compile and package the comparator, continue to Step 7: Import the Comparator Package Into Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index.

Step 7: Import the Comparator Package Into Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index

You need to import the new comparators into NetBeans to make them available to all master person index applications or only the current application.

To Import a Comparison Function

  1. Launch NetBeans IDE, and open the master person index project that will use the new comparators.

  2. In the Projects window, expand the main master person index project.

  3. Right-click Match Engine, and select Import Comparator Plug-in.

  4. In the dialog box that appears, navigate to the location of the plug-in JAR file.

  5. Select the file containing the plug-in, and then click Open.

  6. Perform one of the following:

    • To import the plug-in and make it available to all future master person index applications, click Yes.

    • To import the plug-in and make it only available to the current master person index application, click No.

    The contents of the JAR file are imported into the Match Engine node and the new comparators are added to the list of comparator definitions in comparatorsList.xml.

  7. In the Match Engine node, navigate to the /lib folder that was added and verify that all of the required files are there.

  8. Open comparatorsList.xml and verify the new comparator definitions are included.

Step 8: Configure the Comparator in the Match Configuration File

After you import custom comparators, you need to add them to the match configuration file (matchConfigFile.cfg) and define the matching configuration. This makes the comparator available for use in the master person index match string. For information about this file, see Understanding the OHMPI Match Engine Match Configuration File. For instructions on modifying the file, see the Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index Configuration Guide.