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Oracle® Healthcare Master Person Index User's Guide
Release 4.0

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5 Setting Up Application Servers to Use with Web Service

This chapter provides information you need to set in order to run a Master Person Index (MPI) web service on an application server.

This chapter includes the following section:

Setting Up Servers with Users for the MPI Web Service

The Master Person Index Application runs on the Oracle WebLogic Server. The following section provides the information you need to set up the server for Web Service.

Creating User Accounts for Web Service on Application Server

In the following steps, you create the MasterIndex.Admin group, and then create a new user:

  1. On the left panel, under Domain Structure, expand Services, and then select Security Realms.

  2. In the table on the Summary of Security Realms panel, click myrealm, which is the name of the realm.

    The Settings for myrealm panel appears.

  3. Select the Users and Groups tab and then click Groups.

  4. In the Groups table, click New.

  5. In the Name field, type MasterIndex.Admin (if it does not exist) and click OK.

  6. On the Settings for myrealm panel, select Users and Groups and then Users.

  7. In the Users table, click New.

  8. Type MasterIndex.WSUser and a password of your choosing for the new user you are creating and click OK.

  9. Select User Group.

  10. To add the user you created, drag MasterIndex.Admin from the Available list to the Chosen list.