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UDB Linking

UDB Linking
Installation Time UDB Linking
The CICS Server Build Tool buildartcics is provided to help you generate CICS Runtime servers. CICS Runtime servers can be linked with an Oracle database or a UDB (LUW) database.
Rebuilding Servers for UDB
The servers delivered are built to be used with Oracle; to rebuild a server for UDB, you can run buildartcics with UDB_XA as the RM. For example:
buildartcics -r UDB_XA -o ARTSTRN_UDB
For detailed information of this tool, please see CICS Runtime Server Build Tool in Reference Guide.
Besides, the file makefile_sample is provided as an example to help you generate multiple CICS Runtime servers at a time:
Open the <ART_INSTALL_DIR>/Cics_RT/tools directory;
Set correct environment variables as required, such as “DB2DIR”, “TUXDIR”, “KIXDIR”, and “COBDIR/COBOLITDIR”. For more information of each environment variable, see CICS Runtime Server Build Tool in Reference Guide;
Make sure all the servers in "ALL_EXECUTABLES" target in makefile_smaple are exactly the targeted servers (*_UDB) you need;
Run “gmake -f makefile_sample all”.
UDB_XA:db2xa_switch_std:-L${DB2DIR}/lib64 -ldb2 -ldb2gmf

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