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Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for CICS CSD Converter

Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for CICS CSD Converter
This chapter contains the following topics:
The administration of CICS Runtime is based on Oracle Tuxedo native tools with the addition of a limited number of configuration tables for features that are specific to CICS. In CICS configurations, resources are currently defined in the CICS system definition file (CSD).
The tcxcsdcvt tool (located in the $KIXDIR/tools directory), maps the CSD file to resource descriptive files (including transaction, transaction class, program, files, TS Queue, ENQ, TD Queue extra partition, TD Queue intra partition, mapset, and typeterm).
This tool is used to set the target CSD file in argument, and the translated resource configuration files resides in current directory by default. You can also specify other target directories to store the configuration files.
Resource Definition Online (RDO) Mapping
Resource Definition Online (RDO) Mapping consists of two parts:
For each types, tool tcxcsdcvt reads the value of all fields, and then generates a record in the corresponding resource configuration file. For more information, see"CICS Runtime Configuration Files" in Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for CICS Reference Guide.
Figure 7‑1depicts the file data stream model.
Figure 7‑1 File Data Stream Model
Tables 1~10 describe detailed correspondence between RDO/CSD and target resource configuration files, which have ".desc" as suffix mentioned above. These mappings include:
Table 7‑2 PROGRAM Mapping
Table 7‑3 FILE Mapping
Table 7‑6 ENQMODEL Mapping
Table 7‑9 MAPSET Mapping
Table 7‑10 TYPETERM Mapping
Name of the typeterm.

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