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Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for IMS Reference Guide

Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for IMS Reference Guide
The Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for IMS (Tuxedo ART for IMS) Reference Guide describes system processes and commands delivered with the Tuxedo ART for IMS software.
This chapter contains the following topics:
Tuxedo ART for IMS Utilities
Table 1 lists the Tuxedo ART for IMS utilities.
Name - shell script used to switch between Micro Focus COBOL and COBOL-IT for Tuxedo ART for IMS.
Synopsis [mf|cit]
You can have both Micro Focus COBOL and COBOL-IT installed at the same host, and can switch from one to the other or back. is used to switch between Micro Focus COBOL and COBOL-IT. To switch to COBOL runtime, you must first shutdown the Tuxedo ART for IMS application. takes the following options:
Without any option
Shows the current COBOL environment
Change COBOL Runtime to COBOL-IT
Change COBOL Runtime to Micro Focus COBOL
Output: Current COBOL Runtime is COBOL-IT
./ mf
Output: COBOL runtime has been changed to Micro Focus COBOL
DFSRRC00 - Utility used to activate the ARTIBMP or ARTIBMPT server.
DFSRRC00 "BMP,${MBR},${PSB},${IN},,,,,${CKPTID},,,,,,,,,,,,"
DFSRRC00 is used to activate the ARTIBMP/ARTIBMPT server which waits for DFSRRC00 input . The DFSRRC00 parameter is a string passed from the script converted by workbench from JCL. Currently, only 5 sub-parameters contained in the string are supported : “BMP, ${MBR}, ${PSB}, ${IN}, ${CKPTID}” . The remaining sub-parameters in the string are ignored.
If there is no IMS server error, no abend, and the user program has not crashed, the user program return code is the DFSRRC00 return code.
The DFSRRC00 client name format is as follows: “${MBR}-DFSRRC00”. You can use tmadmin to observe currently running BATCH programs.
At the start/end of a transaction/program, a trace line is added to the program invocation log file in the following format: “transaction name, program name, Sstart time, Eend time, group id, server id” (note: when used, "-" indicates an empty value).
Two duplicated FML32 fields (IMS_BMP_APPNAME_ROUTE and IMS_JOB_NAME_ROUTE) could be used as routing fields when DFSRRC00 calls the BMP service. So you could route a specific application program or Batch job to a specific BMP server group. These two FML32 fields are defined in $IMSDIR/include/ROUTEFML.
A hard-coded string.
Represents the batch program to be called and it is required by both normal BMP and transaction oriented BMP.
Represents the PSB name used for the program.
Represents the transaction/queue name for a transaction oriented BMP program,
Represents the check point ID used in XRST.
When ${MBR} is empty, DFSRRC00 exits with error directly.
When ${IN} is empty, the request is sent to ARTIBMP/ARTIBMP_ORA to call a BMP program.
When ${IN} is not empty, the request is sent to ARTIBMPT to call transaction oriented BMP program whose transaction code is ${IN}.
genimsprofile - Security Profile Generator
genimsprofile [-f <output_file>]
This utility generates the security profile for Tuxedo applications. When the utility is launched, you are prompted to enter the Tuxedo application password, user name and user password. The output is a security profile file which contains the user name and encrypted passwords. The generated security profile file can be used by imsadmin , ARTICTL and DFSRRC00 to join to the Tuxedo domain.
-f <output_file>
Optional. The location of the generated security profile file. If this option is not specified, the default value is ~/.tuxAppProfile.
imsadmin - Tuxedo ART for IMS Runtime administration tool.
imsadmin [-p <profile>] -l PGM1, PGM2
imsadmin [-p <profile>] -u -d <directory>
imsadmin [-p <profile>] -c -d <directory>
imsadmin -x flushperf|cleanperf|enableperf|disableperf
[-m machine]|[-g groupid [-s serverid] ]
imsadmin -x settracelevel number [-m machine]|
[-g groupid [-sserverid] ]
imsadmin [-v]
imsadmin [-h]
imsadmin -t
This utility can be used as an administration tool to make changes to the running IMS system. It allows you to transmit a program reload request to the IMS system (which reloads the modified user COBOL programs). It is also used to verify configuration or reload requests to the IMS system. It can run in test mode to check configuration files and program files.
imsadmin supports the following options:
[-p <profile>]
The name of the security profile file used for authentification. This parameter is needed when Oracle Tuxedo security is enabled. The profile file must be created with genimsprofile.
If no file name is provided, it defaults to ~/.tuxAppProfile.
When security level is set to MANDANTORY_ACL, to ensure imsadmin successfully transmits reloading request to Tuxedo ART for IMS servers, you must make sure the username in the profile has access permission to the services named “..IMSADM _grpid_svrid”, where the grpid/svrid represents every Tuxedo ART for IMS MPP/BMP corresponding group id and server id.
-l PGM1, PGM2
Specifies names of the COBOL programs that need to be reloaded. The program names are separated by commas.
Updates the configuration.
Verifies the configuration.
-d <directory>
Specifies the directory of the new configuration files. This directory must be on the master machine.
-x flushperf|cleanperf|enableperf|disableperf
Used to dynamically control performance trace. Each action function is listed as follows:
flushperf: Flushes the performance trace into log files.
cleanperf: Cleans up the performance trace log files.
enableperf: Enables performance trace.
disableperf: Disables performance trace.
-x settracelevel number
Specifies the debug trace level.
-1: Trace off
0: Function stack trace
1: Function stack trace + execution flow trace
2: Function stack trace + execution flow trace + data convert trace
[-m machine]
Specifies the machine logic name.
[-g groupid]
Specifies group id.
[-s serverid]
Specifies server id.
If machine, groupid, and serverid parameter are not specified, the action is applied to all applicable servers specified in the UBBCONFIG SERVERS section. Once you specify one or more parameters, the action is only applied to the servers specified.
The applicable server includes ARTIMPP*/ARTIBMP*/ARTIGW/ARTIADM. Currently, this feature does not support dynamic trace control for ARTICTL/ARTICTLH.
If flushperf or cleanperf are specified, -m, -g and -s are be omitted, since these two actions apply to all applicable servers.
Debug tracing is automatically disabled when performance trace is enabled.
Displays the imsadmin tool version and bit mode.
Displays usage help information.
Runs in test mode to check whether local configuration files are correct and whether specific programs are existed (only checks entry points). All configuration files except for imsresource.desc and all programs configured in imsapps.desc are checked.
Reload COBOL programs PGM1 and PGM2 in all Tuxedo ART for IMS application servers, input the following: imsadmin -l PGM1,PGM2.
When Oracle Tuxedo security is enabled, reload COBOL programs PGM1 and PGM2 in all Tuxedo ART for IMS application servers, inpt the following: imsadmin -p /home/app/imsprofile -l PGM1,PGM2.
If IMS configuration is modified and all configuration files are in /opt/ims_config, you can verify the new configuration files as follows: imsadmin -c -d /opt/ims_config.
If you want to close debug trace for a specific server (e.g., where the server id is 3, and the group id is 6), input the following: imsadmin -x settracelevel -1 -s 3 -g 6.
If you want to disable the performance trace of servers on the machine where LMID is SITE1, input the following: imsadmin -x disableperf -m SITE1.
imsgenconf - Tuxedo ART for IMS configuration generation tool.
For Tuxedo ART for IMS 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) GA and Rolling Patch 001:
imsgenconf -i inputdir [-o outputdir] [-h]
For Tuxedo ART for IMS 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) Rolling Patch 002 or later:
imsgenconf [-o outputdir] [-h]
imsgenconf allows you to generate Tuxedo ART for IMS configurations for particular transactions and batch applications.
During the file generating process, imsgenconf validates field definitions that Tuxedo ART for IMS uses according to the fields defintion. If the validation fails, the specific error is reported and the configuration file generation stops.
If successful, a report file (imsgenconf_report)is generated in the output directory. Currently, transactions with definition file name and line number are included in the report file.
-i inputdir
Mandatory in Tuxedo ART for IMS 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) GA and Rolling Patch 001. Specifies the top definition directory which contains z/OS definitions, IMS.WHITE, or IMS.BLACK.
-i inputdir is obsoleted by Tuxedo ART for IMS 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) Rolling Patch 002 and later.
[-o outputdir]
Optional. Specifies where the generated Tuxedo ART for IMS directory is put. If this option is not defined, the generated configurations are put under inputdir.
Print help information.
Environment Variables
For Tuxedo ART for IMS 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) Rolling Patch 002 or later, set the following environment variables before you invoke imsgenconf to generate new configuration files. If any variable is not set, it means no value or empty:
Specifies input DBD file direcotry.
Specifies input direcotry for files that are COPIED in DBD file.
Specifies input PSB file direcotry.
Specifies input direcotry for files that are COPIED in PSB file.
Specifies input tran/appl definition file direcotry. Black and white list file should also be put in this directory.
Specifies input DBD file extension.
Specifies input COPIED DBD file extension.
Specifies input PSB file extension.
Specifies input COPIED PSB file extension.
Specifies input tran/appl definition file extension.
imsperf - Tuxedo ART for IMS Runtime Performance analysis tool
imsperf [-d path] [-h]
Use this tool to generate transaction and appliction performance reports.
If -d option is specified, it searches the performance trace file under the specified path.
If -d option is not specified, it searches performance trace first under $IMS_TRACE_PATH, then under $APPDIR/log. For more information, see Tuxedo ART for IMS Users Guide.
imsperf generates transaction/application performance reports in the same directory as the performance trace file; the formats are as follows:
The time unit is in microseconds. You can open the report file in CSV format directly. The descriptions for operations in performance report are shown in Table 2.
imsperf supports the following options:
[-d path]
The path specified the directory where performance trace file exist. Current user must has the write operation for the path.
Displays usage help information.
To generate performance tracing report under /home/oracle/log:
imsperf -d /home/oracle/log
MFSGEN - Binary control blocks generator for ARTICTL. server.
mfsgen [-options…] files
This utility is meant for ART MFS development. It converts user-written control statements to MFS binary control blocks.
Figure 1shows the MFSGEN workflow.
Figure 1 Mfsgen Workflow
The command options are:
Generate a listing (.lst) file for each input file.
-d dir
Specifies an existing directory as the target directory to store all output files, including binary control blocks files (*.MSG and *.FMT) and listing files.
It is <current directory>/format by default.
The MFSGEN utility creates the following files:
One category of binary files for MID and MOD control blocks. The name “FILE” should be obtained from input MSG definition statements.
One category of binary files for DIF and DOF control blocks. The name “FILE” should be obtained from input FMT definition statements.
Source listing file. Here, “FILE” is the same as the base name of input file.
Return code
Success. All input file(s) is/are successfully parsed and converted to control blocks without any errors and warnings.
Success with warnings. All input file(s) is/are successfully parsed and converted to control blocks, but warnings exist.
Fail. Some/All of input file(s) are failed being parsed or converted to control blocks.
To convert the source file file.mfs, use the following command:
$mfsgen file1.mfs file.mfs file3.mfs
the input file .mfs suffix is not mandatory.
odbactl - Open system tool used to stop ODBA proxy on z/OS, check status of ODBA proxy on z/OS, show existing connections, and check if PSB is properly defined.
odbactl -c cmd -l host -p port [PSB=psbname] [DRA=draname]
Use odbactl on open systems which provides varies functions.
Command to send to ODBA proxy, now. Now ping, chkpsb, shut and listconn can be used. It is mandatory.
-c ping
Checks the ODBA proxy status. With a specified hostname and port, if it is accessible, we assume the proxy is OK; otherwise, we assume the ODBA proxy is down.
-c chkpsb
Checks whether the PSB is defined properly or not.
-c shut
Stops ODBA proxy on z/OS.
-c listconn
Shows information for existing ODBA connection, including server address and peer address.
Hostname or ipv4 address of ODBA proxy. It is mandatory.
It is the port of ODBA proxy for receiving command if cmd is ping, shut or listconn. It is the port of ODBA proxy for receiving odba request if cmd is chkpsb. It is mandatory.
PSB name. It is mandatory if command is chkpsb.
DRA=DRA table
Name of the DRA table in which the IMS/DB system to be accessed. It is mandatory if command is chkpsb.
odbastop - Open system tool used to stop ODBA proxy on z/OS.
odbastop -l host -p port -c cmd
Use odbastop on open systems to stop ODBA proxy running on z/OS.
The ODBA proxy hostname or ipv4 address.
The ODBA proxy port for receiving ODBA request.
Only supports SHUTDOWN
Name - Utility used to transfer C program on z/OS to the format that could be run in Tuxedo ART for IMS.
Synopsis: -i source-file -o dest-file [-m yourmakefile]
Description is used to transfer C programs on z/OS to a format that can be run in Tuxedo ART for IMS. When file conversion failes, the failure information and lines of source file leading to failure are printed to the stderr.When complete, a summary is reported to stdout.
Processing rules are as follows:
Comment the "#pragma runopts" line and other pragma directives.
The env(IMS) establishes the correct operating environment and plist(IMS) establishes the correct parameter list when invoked under IBM IMS. They are not necessary in Tuxedo ART for IMS Runtime and should be removed.
Functions ctdli()/aibtdli() are reconstructed by adding additional trailing NULL to the argument list. This NULL is used to mark the end of the Tuxedo ART for IMS argument list. For aibtdli(), the parmcount parameter is removed.
The function main()argument list is eliminated (including "argc", "argv" and "envp"). On mainframes, IMS uses a global list and a macro to define the list. On Tuxedo ART for IMS, the __getcb(int) function is implemented as GET method to obtain the PCB list.
The exit() function is renamed to __art_ims_return (). According to IBM IMS documentation, when there are no messages for the program to process, the program returns control to IMS by returning from main or by calling exit(). To avoid exit() unexpectedly exiting the container server, The __art_ims_return () function is used and helps to return control to container server.
Table 2 shows processing rules examples.
Note: cannot handle all generic C porting from mainframes to open systems.
Invoking ctdli/aibtdli as a function pointer is not supported.
gmake should be used for the generated makefile.
Some header files provided by IMS, (e.g., ims.h), should be copied from mainframes to the open systems.
Parameter(s) parameters, exit codes, and support modesare listed in Table 3, Table 4, and Table 5r espectively.
Table 4 Exit Codes
Table 5 Support Modes
The source program should look like that shown in Listing 1.
Listing 1 Source Program
/* #pragma runopts(env(IMS), plist(IMS)) */
#include <ims.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define n 20 /* I/O area size - Application dependent */
typedef struct {PCB_STRUCT(10)} PCB_10_TYPE;

int main()
static const char func_GU[4] = "GU ";
static const char func_ISRT[4] = "ISRT";

char ssa_name[] = "ORDER ORDER (ORDERKEY = 666666)";

int rc;
char msg_seg_io_area[n];
char db_seg_io_area[n];
char alt_msg_seg_out[n];

PCB_STRUCT_8_TYPE *alt_pcb;
PCB_10_TYPE *db_pcb;
IO_PCB_TYPE *io_pcb;

io_pcb = (IO_PCB_TYPE *)__pcblist[0];
alt_pcb = __pcblist[1];
db_pcb = (PCB_10_TYPE *)__pcblist[2];
/* get first message segment from message area */
rc = ctdli(func_GU, io_pcb, msg_seg_io_area, NULL);
/* get the data from the database having the specified key value */
rc = ctdli(func_GU, db_pcb, db_seg_io_area, ssa_name, NULL);
/* build output message in program's I/O area */
rc = ctdli(func_ISRT, alt_pcb, alt_msg_seg_out, NULL);
Name - Utility used to transfer EXEC DLI statements in BMP COBOL program to CBLTDLI statements.
Synopsis: [-type_output <output type>] input_file
Description converts all EXEC DLI statements in input_file to CBLTDLI statements and prints all lines to stdout which can be redirected to a new file. After that the new file could be compiled with COBOL compiler. The environment variable COBCPY, which indicates to the Micro Focus COBOL compiler or COBOL-IT compiler where copybooks are stored, must be correctly set to include the IMS copybook path at $IMS_RT/cpylib during compilation time.
The preprocessor expects the input COBOL program to have a 6-column left-margin. The output is in fixed format, or an error message should appear.
type_output determines the way that output is printed; recognized values are:
Prints every line with its status (untouched, modified, deleted, created). Always outputs at least one line for every line read.
Prints every line, deleted lines are printed as comments. Always outputs at least one line for every line read.
normal (default)
Prints every line, except deleted ones. Does not always output at least one line for every line read.
Any other value will be considered as "normal".
RUNPROXY - Used to start ODBA proxy on z/OS.
Modifies USER.ODBA.JCL(RUNPROXY) JCL and submit it to start ODBA proxy. For more information, see Using ODBA PRoxy in the Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for IMS Users Guide.
Use RUNPROXY on z/OS to start ODBA proxy on z/OS.
STOPROXY - Used to stop ODBA proxy on z/OS.
Modify USER.ODBA.JCL(STOPROXY) JCL and submit it to stop ODBA proxy. For more information, see Using ODBA PRoxy in the Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for IMS Users Guide.
Use STOPROXY on z/OS to stop ODBA proxy running on z/OS.
Tuxedo ART for IMS DL/I Support
In Tuxedo ART for IMS, DL/I is implemented in a group of dynamically loaded libraries. The supported DL/I functionalities are as follows:
Supported DL/I Interfaces
Table 6 lists supported DL/I interfaces.
AIBTDLI is an entry function for the whole DL/I layer. The essential difference from CBLTDLI is that AIBTDLI uses AIB mask as the first parameter to pass control information in and out.
CTDLI is an entry function for the whole DLI library. Any request to DLI is passed by calling this function. CTDLI can only be called from C programs.
CBLTDLI - The 0 entry for DL/I calls in IMS/TM on OS/39.
In Tuxedo ART for IMS, CBLTDLI is a function acting as the entry of DLI library. CBLTDLI calls appropriate function based on the function code passed to it.
Function Code, e.g. “GU ”; I/O PCB or alternate PCB, I/O area, MOD
AIBTDLI - an entry function for the whole DL/I layer.
AIBTDLI is an entry for DL/I calls in IMS/TM on z/OS. In Tuxedo ART for IMS, AIBTDLI is a function acting as an entry of the DL/I library. AIBTDLI gets the PCB address according to the PCB name specified in AIB mask, then calls appropriate function based on the function code passed to it with the PCB address found.
Function Call: e.g. 'GU '; AIB Mask, I/O Area: Input or Output Buffer. Table 7 lists the AIB mask parameters.
AIB Identifier, it must be set to "DFSAIBbb". It's for input only
The detailed rules for specifying PCB name in AIB mask field AIBRSNM1 is as follows:
The name of I/O PCB must be specified as "IOPCBbbb",
Alternate PCB
The name of alternate PCB must be configured with "label=" in $appname.psb configuration file, and must be specified correctly in AIB mask, the name (label) of each alternate PCB must be unique in a single PSB (i.e., in a single $appname.psb file).
The name of DB PCB must be configured with "label=" in $appname.psb configuration file, and must be specified correctly in AIB mask, the name (label) of each DB PCB must be unique in a single PSB (i.e., in a single $appname.psb file).
CTDLI - An entry function for the whole DL/I layer.
In Tuxedo ART for IMS, CTDLI is a function acting as the entry of DLI library. CTDLI calls appropriate function based on the function code passed to it.
Function Call: e.g. 'GU '; PCB: I/O PCB or Alternate PCB, I/O Area: Input or Output Buffer.
The op argument specifies the DL/I function to be performed. The ctdli() call format depends on the function selected. For more information, see CBLTDLI.
Message Processing
DL/I is responsible for processing incoming messages and building outgoing messages against PCBs in IMS/TM. In Tuxedo ART for IMS, Tuxedo infrastructure is responsible for the message queue and message delivery, so the processing of incoming messages only involves the current request message. DLI library can retrieve the first and subsequent segments (FML fields) based on the request from any COBOL application. For building outgoing message, each PCB has an associated message buffer (FML) as the intermediate storage area, which holds the message data before the message is sent out. Detailed APIs for message processing are listed in Table 8.
GU - Used to retrieve the first segment from the message queue in IMS/TM environment.
I/O PCB or AIB, I/O Area
GU is used to retrieve the first segment in a message. For conversational transaction, the first segment of a message is always SPA.
In Tuxedo ART for IMS, the simulated GU call is used to get the first field in the FML buffer of the message being processed. For conversational transaction, GU call always retrieve the field for SPA, otherwise retrieves the first field for user data.
A pointer to the PCB that represents the source of the request
Specifies the application interface block (AIB) that is used for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter. The following fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eyecatcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBRSNM1 Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the PCB name IOPCBbbb.
AIBOALEN I/O area length.
This field must contain the length of the I/O area that is specified in the call list.
I/O Area
Pointer to a buffer to be filled in with the first segment
Result (status code)
‘bb’: successful (two blanks)
‘AB’: segment I/O area not specified
‘AD’: functional parameter invalid: function call not provided to CBLTDLI or invalid function call name provided to CBLTDLI
‘QC’: no input message
‘QF’: segment less than 5 characters
GN - Used to retrieve the subsequent segment from message queue in IMS/TM environment.
I/O PCB or AIB, I/O Area
After the last segment has been retrieved, a GN call results in a “QD” status code returned in PCB. In Tuxedo ART for IMS, the simulated GN call is used to get next field in the FML buffer of the message being processed.
A pointer to the PCB that represents the source of the request.
Specifies the application interface block (AIB) that is used for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter. The following fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eyecatcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBRSNM1 Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the PCB name IOPCBbbb.
AIBOALEN I/O area length.
This field must contain the length of the I/O area that is specified in the call list.
I/O Area
A pointer to a buffer to be filled in with the first segment.
Result (Status Code):
‘bb’: successful (two blanks)
‘AB’: segment I/O area not specified
‘AD’: functional parameter invalid: function call not provided to CBLTDLI, invalid function call name provided to CBLTDLI
‘QD’: no more segments
ISRT - Used to add a segment into the message associated with the specified PCB in IMS/TM.
I/O PCB or alternate PCB or AIB, I/O Area, MOD
In Tuxedo ART for IMS, the simulated ISRT call is used to add a field of CARRAY type into the FML buffer associated with the specified PCB. For conversational transaction, the first segment is always SPA. Message segment maximum length is 32767.
I/O PCB or alternate PCB
Pointer to the PCB that represents the destination of the outgoing message
Specifies the application interface block (AIB) that is used for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter. The following fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eyecatcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBRSNM1 Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the PCB name IOPCBbbb (if the TP PCB is used), or the name of an alternate PCB (if an alternate PCB is used)
AIBOALEN I/O area length.
This field must contain the length of the I/O area that is specified in the call list.
I/O Area
Pointer to a buffer that holds a segment to be sent. For conversational transaction code, the first segment must be SPA.
Used for the output message, the 8-byte MOD name must be left-justified and padded with blanks as necessary. It can be only accompanied with the first segment into a message.
If MOD equals DFS.EDT or DFS.EDTN, the message bypasses MFS formatting. When MFS is bypassed on output, the application program is responsible for constructing the entire 3270 data stream (beginning with the command code and ending with the last data byte).
Result (Status Code):
bb’: successful (two blanks)
AB’: segment I/O area not specified.
AD’: functional parameter invalid: function call not provided to CBLTDLI, invalid function call name provided to CBLTDLI.
QF’: segment less than 5 characters.
QH’: No destination name in PCB.
XA’: trying to forward the request to another transaction after responding the request.
XB’: trying to respond the request after forwarding it to another transaction.
XC’: Z1 bit is not 0, it is reserved and always kept as 0.
'A6': Output segment size limit exceeded on call.
PURG - Used to tell IMS/TM that the message is complete for non-express PCB.
I/O PCB or alternate PCB or AIB, I/O Area (optional), MOD (optional)
PURG call is normally, but not send; or send out the message immediately for an express PCB.
If an I/O area is provided to PURG call, PURG call also acts as an ISRT call. That is, PURG marks the (current) message associated with the PCB as complete and “ISRT” the data in the I/O area as the first segment of the next message. The final result is same as a PURG call without I/O area followed by an ISRT call.
In Tuxedo ART for IMS, the simulated PURG call is used to mark the associated message as complete for a non-express PCB, or send out the associated message for an express PCB. If an I/O buffer is provided, however, it is ignored since multiple pending messages for a single PCB are not supported, therefore the MOD is ignored too. No special status code is added for this case, however, since the status code is checked by customer program.
I/O PCB or alternate PCB
Pointer to the PCB that represents the destination of the outgoing message.
Specifies the application interface block (AIB) that is used for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter. The following fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eyecatcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBRSNM1 Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the PCB name IOPCBbbb (if the TP PCB is used), or the name of an alternate PCB (if an alternate PCB is used)
AIBOALEN I/O area length.
This field must contain the length of the I/O area that is specified in the call list.
I/O Area
If provided, is a pointer to a buffer that is to be inserted as the first segment of next message.
Used for the output message, the 8-byte MOD name must be left-justified and padded with blanks as necessary.
Result (Status Code):
bb’: successful (two blanks)
AD’: functional parameter invalid: function call not provided to CBLTDLI, invalid function call name provided to CBLTDLI
A3’: a modifiable TP PCB with no destination set but PURG called to it
CHNG -Used to change the destination in PCB in IMS/TM.
Alternate PCB or AIB, destination transaction code
In Tuxedo ART for IMS, the simulated CHNG is to specify another service name (only) in an alternate PCB. The destination transaction name is not greater than 8 bytes and is truncated to 8 if the limit is exceeded. The tailing blanks are removed too. The transaction name is evaluated as valid if it exists in the imstrans.desc file and has a legal configuration.
If one transaction code in one Tuxedo domain is designed to switch to another service in a different domain, the transaction code to be switched must be defined in the [imstrans.desc] configuration file as a valid transaction but should NOT be advertised with the control of its class.
For program switch, the new target is another transaction code. For conversational program switch, Tuxedo ART for IMS does not have limitation on the spa sizes of the originating code and the target code.
Pointer to the PCB that represents the destination of the outgoing message destination name is a string that represents the name of another transaction (service).
Specifies the application interface block (AIB) that is used for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter. The following fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eyecatcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBRSNM1 Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the name of a modifiable alternate PCB.
AIBOALEN I/O area length.
This field must contain the length of the I/O area that is specified in the call list
Result (Status Code):
bb’: successful (two blanks).
AD’: functional parameter invalid: destination not provided, functional call invalid.
A1’: PCB is not valid.
A2’: PCB is not modifiable or ISRT operation already done.
QH’: the transaction to be specified in an alternate PCB is blank or invalid.
CMD - Used to enable a program to issue IMS commands.
I/O PCB or AIB, I/O Area
Sends/issues IMS commands, and retrieves the first segment of the response message.
CMD is used to issue IMS commands. It forwards the IMS command to an interface which can assumedly process all supported IMS commands. The CMD call waits for the interface to process IMS commands, and get the first field of the response message.
For commands, only "/DIS TRAN", "/DIS PGM" and "/DIS USER" are supported. Once these commands are issued by CMD API, related title segment will be returned through the I/O area, which describes the meaning of each field in subsequent segments.
Transaction-related information that can be retrieved in Tuxedo is returned in I/O area. For "/DISP TRAN tranname". TherReturned segment title is (excluding the llzz part):
If "tranname" represents a persistent transaction, only TRAN, CLS, and QCT are supported and will have value in returned segment for GCMD. If "tranname" represents a non persistent transaction, only TRAN, CLS are supported and will have value in returned segment for GCMD.
For "/DISP TRAN tranname QCNT", returned segment is (excluding the llzz part):
T70 TRAN GBLQCT. Only TRAN is supported, GBLQCT will be always N/A in returned segment for GCMD.
Fields length description is as following:
TRAN: The name of the transaction, 8 bytes.
CLS: The class of the transaction, 3 bytes.
ENQCT: Not supported, 5 bytes
QCT: The left message count(queue count ) in queue of the transaction, 5 bytes.
- The tranname is only handled by the current Tuxedo ART for IMS server.
-The DISPLAY TRAN is issued after a CHKP without an IOAREA.
All non supported fields will be filled with N/A in returned segment for GCMD. Every filed is separated with one blank space.
"/DISP user
user related information that can be retrieved in Tuxedo is returned. Returned segment is (excluding the llzz part): CUR_USER CUR_TRAN
program related information that can be retrieved in Tuxedo is returned. Returned segment is (excluding the llzz part): CUR_PGM CUR_TRAN
Represents the source of the request
Specifies the application interface block (AIB) that is used for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter. The following fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eyecatcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBRSNM1 Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the PCB name IOPCBbbb.
AIBOALEN I/O area length.
This field must contain the length of the I/O area that is specified in the call list
I/O Area
Pointer to a buffer, which contains the IMS command with its parameters, and to be filled in with the first segment. The general format of I/O area is:
LLZZ/verb KEYWORD1 P1 KEYWORD2 P2, P3. Comments
LL Two-byte field containing the length of the command text, including LLZZ
ZZ Two-byte field reserved for IMS
/ Indicates that an IMS command follows
verb The command you issued
KEYWORDx Keywords that apply to the command you issued
Px Parameters for the keywords you specified
. (period) End of the command
Result (status code):
'bb': successful (two blanks), but no response segments.
'CC': one or more response segments have been produced.
'AB': segment I/O area not specified
'CH': IMS ignored the CMD call just issued because the AOI command interface detected a system error and was unable to process the command. IMS processing continues.
GCMD - Retrieves the second and subsequent segments of the response message of a CMD command.
I/O PCB or AIB, I/O Area
GCMD retrieves the second and subsequent response segments from IMS TM when your application program processes IMS commands using the CMD call. Each returned segment contains the fields according to the title segments of above "CMD" Call. After the last segment has been retrieved, a GCMD call results in a "QD" status code returned in PCB.
Pointer to the PCB that represents the source of the request.
Specifies the application interface block (AIB) that is used for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter. The following fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eyecatcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBRSNM1 Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the PCB name IOPCBbbb.
AIBOALEN I/O area length.
This field must contain the length of the I/O area that is specified in the call list
I/O Area
Pointer to a buffer to be filled in with the first segment.
Result (Status Code):
'bb': a segment was retrieved successfully (two blanks)
'AB': segment I/O area not specified
'QD': no more segments
'QE': GCMD request before CMD.
GUID - A fake DL/I used to retrieve the full username under ARTIMPP server long username mode.
I/O PCB or AIB, I/O Area
GUID is used to retrieve the full ARTIMPP server username only recommended under long username/password mode.
Pointer to the PCB that represents the source of the request.
I/O Area
Pointer to a buffer to be filled in with the full username, besides LLZZ, at least 30 bytes should be prepared.
Result (Status Code):
‘bb': a segment was retrieved successfully (two blanks).
'AB': segment I/O area not specified.
'AD': specified PCB is not I/O PCB.
Database Operation
The DLI library performs the database operations issued from MPP or BMP programs. It can retrieve and hold one specific segment according the specified segment search criteria, updates a specific segment, inserts a segment at a specific position, deletes a specific segment, etc. Detailed APIs for database operation are listed in Table 9.
GU/GHU - Retrieves (and Holds) the first segment that satisfies the criteria (if any) from the current position (if any) or the beginning of the database.
DB PCB,GSAM PCB or AIB, I/O Area, and SSA list (optional) or RSA (Mandantory for GSAM)
GU is used to retrieve the first segment that satisfies the specified SSA and establishes a starting point for sequential processing. The search start point of GU is the beginning of the database (i.e., the root level). After locating the first segment that satisfies the call, the current position is the starting position for sequential processing.
GHU locks the segment for sequential write operation (e.g., replace, delete, etc.), in addition to GU. GHU is not applicable for GSAM.
Contains all the DB related information, especially the DB name.
Specifies the AIB for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter.
These fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eye catcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBRSNM1 Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the name of a DB PCB.
AIBOALEN I/O area length.
This field must contain the length of the I/O area specified in the call list
I/O Area
Used to receive the returned segment.
Number of SSA is less than or equal to min. (number of hierarchy levels, 15).
Specifies the area in your program that contains the record search argument. This required input parameter is only used for GSAM.
The RSA "00010000" resets the position to the start of the GSAM.
GN/GHN - Retrieves (and Holds the next segment that satisfies the criteria (if any) from current position.
DB PCB,GSAM PCB or AIB, I/O Area, and SSA list (optional) or RSA(opitional for GSAM)
GN is used to retrieve the next segment that satisfies the specified SSA, searching from current position. After locating the segment, the current position is updated for sequential processing. If no current position established in the DB, GN acts like GU (i.e., searching from the beginning). Sequential retrieval in hierarchy DB is always from top to bottom and from left to right, i.e. pre-order retrieval in a tree.
GHN locks the returned segment for sequential write operation on it, in addition to GN. GHN is not applicable for GSAM.
The usage and restriction on parameters of GN are similar to GU.
Specifies the area in your program where the RSA for the record should be returned. This output parameter is used for GSAM only and is optional.
GNP/GHNP - Retrieves (and Holds) the next segment that satisfies the criteria from the dependent segments of the established parent.
DB PCB, GSAM PCB or AIB, I/O Area, and SSA list (optional)
GNP is used to retrieve the next qualified segment in the dependent segments of the established parent. The established parent in a hierarchy DB is the lowest-level segment returned in previous successful GU/GN call, and is canceled by an unsuccessful GU/GN call.
GHNP locks the returned segment for sequential write operation in addition to GNP.
The usage and restriction on parameters of GNP/GHNP are similar to GU.
ISRT - Used to insert a new occurrence of an existing segment type into a hierarchy database.
DB PCB, GSAM PCB or AIB, I/O Area, and SSA list or RSA(opitional for GSAM)
ISRT is used to insert a new occurrence of an existing segment type into a hierarchy database. The insert location is determined by a series of qualified SSA excluding the level of the segment being inserted, or by current position if no qualified SSA.
Area contains the segment to be added
Specifies the AIB for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter. These fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eye catcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBRSNM1 Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the name of a DB PCB.
AIBOALEN I/O area length.
This field must contain the length of the I/O area specified in the call list
Contains a series of qualified/unqualified SSA to establish the position of the segment being inserted, the lowest-level SSA (i.e. the SSA at the level of the segment being inserted) must be unqualified. An unqualified SSA is satisfied with the first occurrence of the segment type.
Specifies the area in your program where the RSA should be returned by DL/I.
REPL - Used to update an existing segment.
DB PCB or AIB, I/O Area, and SSA list
REPL is used to update an existing segment. you must firts use a Get Hold call to retrieve the segment, then modify the segment and update the segment. The field length of the segment in the I/O area cannot be changed.
The usage and restriction on parameters are similar to GU.
DLET - Used to remove a segment and its dependents.
DB PCB or AIB, I/O Area, and SSA list (optional)
DLET call is used to remove a segment and its dependents. It must follow a Get Hold call. Qualified SSA must NOT be specified for DLET call.
The usage and restriction on parameters are similar similar to GU.
FLD - Used to access and change a field within a segment.
DB PCB or AIB, I/O Area, and SSA list
FLD call is used to access and change a field within a segment.
Area contains the Field Search Argument to locate a specific field.
Specifies the AIB for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter. These fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eye catcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBRSNM1 Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the name of a DB PCB.
AIBOALEN I/O area length.
This field must contain the length of the I/O area specified in the call list
Specifies the SSA used with this call. You can use up to 15 SSAs in this input parameter. The SSA that you supply will point to those data areas that you have defined for the call. This parameter is mandantory for the FLD call.
POS - A qualified Position (POS) call is used to retrieve the location of a specific sequential dependent segment. An unqualified POS points to the logical end of the sequential dependent segment (SDEP) data.
DB PCB or AIB, I/O Area, and SSA list (optional)
POS only supports DEDB. In Tuxedo ART for IMS, it has the following limitations:
1. keyword parameters are not supported.
2. The LL and corresponding numeric field (Field 4, Field 5) are stored in host byte endian
Contains all the DB related information, especially the DB name
Specifies the AIB for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter. These fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eye catcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBRSNM1 Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the name of a DB PCB.
AIBOALEN I/O area length.
This field must contain the length of the I/O area specified in the call list I/O Area is used to received the returned output.
Because keywords are not supported, the output format of the I/O area is as following:
LL Field 1 Field 2 Field 4 Field 5
LL: This 2 bytes number, indicates the whole length.
Field 1? This 8-byte field contains the ddname from the AREA statement
Field 2: Sequential dependent next to allocate CI.
Field 4: This 4-byte field contains the number of unused control intervals in the
sequential dependent part.
Field 5: This 4-byte field contains the number of unused control intervals in the
independent overflow part
SSA list
Contains a series of qualified/unqualified SSA to establish the position of the segment being inserted, the lowest-level SSA (i.e. the SSA at the level of the segment being inserted) must be unqualified. An unqualified SSA is satisfied with the first occurrence of the segment type.
OPEN - Used to explicitly open a GSAM database.
GSAM PCB or AIB, i/o area
Explicitly opens a GSAM database.The following operation for the GASM database will not open the GSAM database again. If you do not open GSAM database explicitly, other operations open the GSAM database implicitly.
The GSAM database corresponding PCB.
Specifies the AIB for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter. These fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eye catcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBRSNM1Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the PCB name of a GSAM PCB.
AIBOALENI/O area length.
This field must contain the length of the I/O area specified in the call list. I/O Area.
Specifies the kind of data set you are opening.
CLSE - Used to explicitly close a GSAM database.
Explicitly closes a GSAM database. If you do not close the GSAM database explicitly, IMS closes the GSAM database implicitly.
The GSAM database's corresponding PCB.
Specifies the AIB for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter. These fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eye catcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBRSNM1 Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the PCB name of a GSAM PCB.
Plug-in Definition for Different Implementation of IMS/DB
To support different kinds of implementation of IMS/DB, the support for IMS/DB is designed as a dynamically linked library (DLL) that can be plugged into Tuxedo ART for IMS and can be loaded by Tuxedo ART for IMS servers after being plugged. To enable this plug-and-play mechanism, there should be an agreement of what APIs exported by the DLL.
Tuxedo ART for IMS servers (ARTIMPP and ARTIBMP) are used as a container to run an online or batch COBOL program. To enable database access operations issued by the programs, normally the servers need to do some initialization or configuration for database implementation, need to do something prior to invoking a COBOL program, need to do something after completing the program, and need to do some cleanup before the servers go down. Besides, each database operation through "CBLTDLI" need to be mapped to a specific API.
Data structure Definition for IMS/DB Plug-in
A pointer to DB PCB structure is passed from Tuxedo ART for IMS servers to COBOL programs, and finally to db_entry() of plug-in for IMS/DB. To enable the plug-in work properly, the DB PCB structure should be filled in correctly before calling COBOL program each. This section defines the detailed requirement regarding how to fill in DB PCB.
The DB PCB structure example is shown in Listing 2.
Listing 2 DB PCB Structure
struct {
    char dbname[8];
    char seglevel[2];
    char stat_code[2];
    char opt[4];
    char res[4];
    char segname[8];
    char keylen[4];
    char segnum[4];
    char keyfa[IMS_FEEDAREA_LEN];
dbname: If the PCB statement in PSB contains a PROCSEQ=<name>, populate dbname with <name>. Otherwise, populate dbname with the name in NAME=<name> from PSB.
seglevel: Populate with NULL
stat_code: Populate with spaces
opt: Populate with value set to PROCOPT option from the PCB statement in PSB
res: Do not populate with anything
segname: Populate with NULL
keylen: Do not populate with anything
segnum:Do not populate with anything
keyfa: Populate with NULL
Listing 3 shows the structure definition used for the get_dbpcbattr interface. The content is read from th PSB file and returned to application through get_dbpcbattr interface.
Listing 3 Structure Definition Used for the get_dbpcbattr Interface
enum PCBTYPE {IOPCB = 1, ALTPCB = 2, GSAMPCB = 3, DBPCB = 4};
struct __SENFLD {
char name[8]; /* mandatory, less than 8 filled with blank */
unsigned short start; /* mandatory, range [1-32767] */
int replace; /* optional, default is 1 */
struct SSPTR {
unsigned short pointer; /* range[1-8], default 0 */
enum SENSITIVITY sens;
struct __SENSEG {
char segname[8]; /* mandatory, less than 8 filled with blank */
char parent[8]; /* mandatory, less than 8 filled with blank */
char procopt[4]; /* optional, default filled with blank */
SSPTR ssptr[8]; /* each slot contains a subset pointer number and associated sensitivity, pointer of 0 indicates end, totally up to 8 can be specified */
char indices[8]; /* optional, default filled with blank */
SENFLD * senfld; /* optional, default is NULL */
unsigned short senfld_num; /* optional, default is 0, up to 255 SENFLD can be defined for each SENSEG */
struct __DB_PCB_ATTR { /* PCB Attributes */
enum PCBTYPE type; /* mandatory */
char dbname[8]; /* db name, default filled with blank */
char pcbname[8]; /* pcb name, optional, default filled with blank */
char procopt[4]; /* procopt , default filled with blank */
enum SEQUENTIALBUFFERING sb; /* optional, default is NO */
enum PCBPOS pos; /* optional, default is SINGLE */
int keylen; /* optional, default is invalid value 0 */
char procseq[8]; /* optional, default filled with blank */
int msdb_commit; /* optional, default is 0 */
int list; /* optional, default is 1 */
char *areas; /* area list set by SETR in DFSCTL, no change will be applied on it in ART/IMS */
int senseg_num; /* optional, default is 0 */
struct SENSEG * senseg; /* optional, default is NULL */
API Definition for IMS/DB Plug-in
You must do the following steps to define an API for IMS/DB plug-in:
extern "C" int db_init(int argc, char * argv[])
Functionality: Initialization for configuration or others required by an implementation
Arguments: parameter list passed from CLOPT of the servers
Return Value: 0 - success, -1 -- failure
Where to use: This API is called while an Tuxedo ART for IMS server starts. If a specific implementation of IMS/DB doesn't need any initialization work, just provide an empty function and make it return 0.
extern "C" int db_destroy()
Functionality: Cleanup for configuration or others required by an implementation
Arguments: None, because the servers can't provide input for Plug-in
Return Value: 0 - success, -1 -- failure
Where to use: This API is called while an Tuxedo ART for IMS server shuts down. If a specific implementation of IMS/DB doesn't need any initialization work, just provide an empty function and make it return 0.
extern "C" int db_pre()
Functionality: Pre-Action required by an implementation before invoking a COBOL program which may access IMS/DB implementation
Arguments: None, because the servers can't provide input for Plug-in
Return Value: 0 - success, -1 -- failure
Where to use: This API is called before Tuxedo ART for IMS servers invokes a COBOL program that may access IMS/DB implementation. If a specific implementation of IMS/DB doesn't need any initialization work, just provide an empty function and make it return 0.
extern "C" int db_post()
Functionality: Post-Action required by an implementation after invoking a COBOL program which may access IMS/DB implementation
Arguments: None, because the servers can't provide input for Plug-in
Return Value: 0 - success, -1 -- failure
Where to use: This API is called after Tuxedo ART for IMS servers invokes a COBOL program that may access IMS/DB implementation. If a specific implementation of IMS/DB doesn't need any initialization work, just provide an empty function and make it return 0.
extern "C"
int db_entry(const char * op, __DB_PCB * pcb, void * io, char * ssa_list[], int ssa_cnt);
Functionality: The entry point of accessing the IMS/DB implementation. Each DL/I call for database access issued from a COBOL program is finally handled by it.
op: function call name, e.g. "GU "
pcb: pointer to a __DB PCB, which is a superclass of user provided DB PCB.
io: pointer to a buffer, DB_IO_AREA is defined by the external implementer
ssa_list: an array of strings, each containing a SSA, the format is up to the external implementer
ssa_cnt: number of elements in ssa_list, the value range is [0..15]
Return Value: 0 - success; -1 - failure
Where to use: DL/I DB call issued by COBOL program
extern "C"
const __DB_PCB_ATTR * get_dbpcbattr (struct __DB_PCB * pcbm)
Functionality: Used to get additional attributes of db pcb. These attributes are configured in PSB file.
pcbm: PCB Mask pointer
Return Value: PCB Attribute pointer, the user can't modify anything contained in the PCB attribute structure returned by this API; If the input is not DB PCB or GSAM PCB, null is returned; If any optional attribute is not configured, default value is returned;No need to free the pointer;
Where to use: 3rd party DB plugin when called with db pcb.
extern "C"
int fill_dbpcb_segname (struct __DB_PCB * pcb)
Functionality: Used to get segment name of db pcb. This interface should be provided by DB plugin.
pcb: PCB Mask pointer(DB PCB or GSAM PCB), segname in the pcb mask should be filled with correct value;
Return Value: 0 : success, other: failed.
Default Implementation for IMS/DB
Within Tuxedo ART for IMS, a default DLL is provided as an Oracle solution for IMS/DB.
Transaction Management
DLI library performs the transaction management work, i.e .committing the changes that have been made and sending out the messages already built or rolling back all the changes and drop out all the messages, according to the direction passed from COBOL application. If the COBOL application does not issue a clear direction to commit the transaction, ARTIMPP commits the transaction.
Table 10 lists the transaction management processes and commands.
CHKP (Basic)
CHKP (Basic) - Used to set an explicit commit point.
CHKP is used to set an explicit commit point. At a commit point, IMS/TM commits the changes made by application programs, normally database updates, sends out all the message marked as complete (by PURG for non-express PCB), and retrieves the next input message into the IOAREA provided.
In Tuxedo ART for IMS, the simulated CHKP is used to commit the changes already made by using tpcommit(). The messages that have been marked by complete are sent out. The messages that have not been marked by explicit PURG call are sent out too.
If the transaction is persistent transaction and handled by ARTIMPP in persistent mode or handled by ARTIBMPT, the next message will be retrieved from /Q of this transaction.
If the transaction is not persistent transaction, no next message is retrieved.
I/O PCB or AIB, I/O Area
Pointer to the PCB that represents a destination.
Specifies the application interface block (AIB) that is used for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter.The following fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eye catcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBRSNM1 Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the PCB name IOPCBbbb.
AIBOALEN I/O area length.
This field must contain the length of the I/O area that is specified in the call list.
I/O Area
Pointer to a buffer to receive the next input message.The area must be long enough to hold the longest message that can be returned.
Result (Status Code)
‘bb’: successful (two blanks).
‘AD’: functional parameter invalid: function call not provided to CBLTDLI, invalid function call name provided to CBLTDLI.
‘AB’: no I/O area provided.
‘QC’: no input message.
‘QF’: segment less than 5 characters.
CHKP (Symbolic)
CHKP (Symbolic) - Used to set an explicit commit point. Sets a check point from which the program can be started, saves as many as seven data areas in the program, and records current GSAM DB retrieval position.
CHKP (Symbolic) can be used for recovery purposes. It commits all changes made by the program and, if your application program abends, establishes the point at which the program can be restarted. In addition, the symbolic CHKP call can:
Work with the extended restart (XRST) call to restart your program if your program ends.
In Tuxedo ART for IMS, the simulated CHKP (Symbolic) is used to:
Commit the changes already made by using tpcommit(), which is the same as basic CHKP.
If ART BMP server was restarted after user used symbolic CHKP to store data area, but before user uses XRST to restart program, the stored data area by symbolic CHKP will not be restored by XRST.
CHKP record will be saved in record log file named “programname.psbname.log”. An environment variable ART_IMSLOGDIR is used to specify the directory where the record log files are located. If environment variable ART_IMSLOGDIR is not set, its default value is $APPDIR/IMSLOGDIR.
For MP mode, if you want to share the record log file among machines, the ART_IMSLOGDIR should point to NFS directory which machines in the Tuxedo domain could access. The CHKP record is always appended to the record log file by Symbolic CHKP and the saved record will not be deleted at any time except the user empty the record log file manually. Duplicate CHKP records are be appended to the CHKP record file.
The status code of all related GSAM/DB PCB is blank after the CHKP (symbolic) call.
I/O PCB or AIB, I/O Area, I/O Area Length, IO Area, area length, area, …
Pointer to the PCB that represents a destination.
Specifies the application interface block (AIB) that is used for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter. The following fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eye catcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBRSNM1 Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the PCB name IOPCBbbb.
AIBOALEN I/O area length.
This field must contain the length of the I/O area that is specified in the call list.
I/O Area Length
No longer used. For compatibility reasons, this parameter must still be included in the call, and it must contain a valid address.
I/O Area
As an input parameter, used to specify the check point ID (8-bit). As an output parameter, pointer to a buffer to receive the next input message. The area must be long enough to hold the longest message that can be returned.
Area length
Specifies a 4-byte field in your program that contains the length in binary of the first area to checkpoint. This parameter is an input parameter. Up to seven area lengths can be specified. For each area length, you must also specify an area parameter.
Specifies the area in your program that you want IMS to checkpoint. Always specify the area length parameter first, followed by the area parameter.
Result (Status Code)
' bb': successful (two blanks)
'AD': functional parameter invalid: function call not provided by Tuxedo ART for IMS
'AB': no I/O area provided
'QC': no input message
'QF': segment less than 5 characters
ROLB - Used to cancel the database updates.
I/O PCB or AIB, I/O Area
ROLB is used to cancel the database updates. It cancels all the messages that were inserted but not available for transmission. For express PCB, the message is made available for transmission when IMS knows that the message is complete (i.e., when a PURG call is called. For non-express PCB, the message is not made available for transmission until the program reaches a commit point.
In Tuxedo ART for IMS, the simulated ROLB call is used to roll back all the changes made by the application program by using tpabort(), and empty the message buffers that have not been sent out.
For persistent transaction (TP or transaction oriented BMP program), if it is handled by ARTIMPP in persistent mode or handled by ARTIBMPT, ROLB will return the first segment of the first message from last commit point to IOAREA, and delete first message from last commit point in /Q.
For non persistent transaction (TP or Transaction oriented batch), Tuxedo ART for IMS only returns the first segment of the current handling message.
Pointer to the PCB that represents a destination.
Specifies the application interface block (AIB) that is used for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter.The following fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eye catcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBRSNM1 Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the PCB name IOPCBbbb.
AIBOALEN I/O area length.
This field must contain the length of the I/O area that is specified in the call list.
I/O Area
Pointer to a buffer to receive the first segment of the returned message.
Result (Status Code):
‘bb: successful (two blanks).
‘AD’’ functional parameter invalid: function call not provided to CBLTDLI, invalid function call name provided to CBLTDLI, or PCB not provided.
‘QE’: GU is not called previously when IOAREA is not NULL.
‘QC’: no input message.
‘QF’: segment less than 5 characters.
ROLL - Used to cancel the database updates and return to Tuxedo ART for IMS.
ROLL is used to cancel the database updates, cancels all the messages that were inserted but not available for transmission. For express PCB, the message is made available for transmission when IMS knows that the message is complete (i.e., when a PURG call is called. For non-express PCB, the message is not made available for transmission until the program reaches a commit point.
In Tuxedo ART for IMS, the simulated ROLL call is used to roll back all the changes made by the application program by using tpabort(), and empty the message buffers that have not been sent out, then it return control to Tuxedo ART for IMS but don't return control to the calling program.
For persistent transaction (TP or transaction oriented BMP program), if it is handled by ARTIMPP in persistent mode or handled by ARTIBMPT, ROLL deletes the current message from last commit point in /Q.
The only parameter required for the ROLL call is the call function.
Result (Status Code):
No returned status codes.
SYNC - Used to commit the changes made by application programs (normally database updates).
In Tuxedo ART for IMS, the simulated SYNC is used to commit the changes already made, not to establish places in your program where you can restart, if your program terminates abnormally.
Pointer to the PCB that represents a destination.
Specifies the application interface block (AIB) that is used for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter.The following fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eye catcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBRSNM1 Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the PCB name IOPCBbbb
INQY-Used to request information regarding execution environment, destination type and status, and session status. INQY is valid only when using the AIBTDLI interface.
AIB I/O Area
In IMS, only the following subfunctions are supported: NULL, "FINDbbbb", "PROGRAMb", "DBQUERYb".
For NULL subfunction, ART/IMS can only return the PCB related information that ART/IMS can support into the I/O area. "Terminal Location" and "Transaction Location" are only supported using "LOCAL".
For "FINDbbbb", the PCB address is returned in the AIBRSA1 field.
On 64-bit platform, the first 4 bytes of AIBRES3 is also used because the address length is 8 bytes.
Subfunction "PROGRAMb" returns the program name in the first 8 bytes of the I/O area.
For "DBQUERYb" subfuntion, if there is no DBPCB in defined in PSB, "BJ" is returned in the IO PCB status. Otherwise, the IO PCB status is returned according to database availability.
Specifies the address of the application interface block (AIB) that is used for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter. The following fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eye catcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBSFUNC Subfunction code.
This field must contain one of the 8-byte subfunction codes as follows:
bbbbbbbb (Null)
AIBRSNM1 Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the PCB name of any PCB named in the PSB.
AIBOALEN I/O area length.
This field must contain the length of the I/O area that is specified in the call list. This field is not changed by IMS.
I/O Area
Used to received the returned output.
Result in AIB:
Return code and Reason code is aligned to IBM's return code and reason code description. For "DBQUERYb", The database availability status is in the IOPCB status.
' bb' (two blanks): The call is successful and all databases are available.
'BJ': No DB PCB exists in the PSB. Or None of the databases in the PSB are available, or no PCBs exist in the PSB. All database PCBs (excluding GSAM) contain an NA status code as the result of processing the INQY DBQUERY call.
'BK' At least one of the databases in the PSB is not available or availability is limited. At least one database PCB contains an NA or NU status code as the result of processing the INQY DBQUERY call.
In IMS, after the "DBQUERYb" call, status codes in each DB PCB should not be used to check DB status.
XRST - Used to restart your program. If you use the symbolic Checkpoint call in your program, you must use the XRST call.
XRST is used to restart your program. If you use the symbolic Checkpoint call in your program, you must use the XRST call.
In Tuxedo ART for IMS, the simulated XRST is used to recover the data that was saved in the related CHKP (symbolic) call. The GSAM is repositioned to the recorded position where the CHKP (symbolic) call occurs so that all subsequent “GN” calls continue with the recovered position. The status codes of all related GSAM/DB PCB are blank after the successful XRST call (with an existing CHKPID).
For specific CHKP ID: XRST searches the CHKP record use the following search key in record log file from the beginning to the end: Job name + program name + psb name + CHKP ID. If the first CHKP record matches the search key, XRST restores the data in this record and returns success. If no CHKP record matches the search key, XRST abends.
For CHKP ID ‘LAST’: XRST searches the CHKP record using the following search key in record log file from the end to the begining: Job name + program name + psb name. If the first CHKP record match the search key, XRST restores the data in this record and return success. If no CHKP record matches the search key, XRST abends.
I/O PCB or AIB, I/O Area, I/O Area Length, IO Area, area length, area, …
Pointer to the PCB that represents a destination
Specifies the application interface block (AIB) that is used for the call. This parameter is an input and output parameter.
The following fields must be initialized in the AIB:
AIBID Eye catcher.
This 8-byte field must contain DFSAIBbb.
AIBLEN AIB lengths.
This field must contain the actual length of the AIB that the application program obtained.
AIBRSNM1 Resource name.
This 8-byte, left-justified field must contain the PCB name IOPCBbbb.
AIBOALEN I/O area length.
This field must contain the length of the I/O area that is specified in the call list. This parameter is not used during the XRST call. For compatibility reasons, this parameter must still be coded.
I/O Area Length
No longer used. For compatibility reasons, this parameter must still be included in the call, and it must contain a valid address.
I/O Area
Used to specify the check point ID from which the program should be restarted. If the program is to start normally, the first 5 characters of I/O area must be blanks.
Area length
Specifies a 4-byte field in your program that contains the length in binary of the first area to checkpoint. This parameter is an input parameter. For each area length, you must also specify an area parameter. The number of areas you specify on a XRST call must be less than or equal to the number of areas you specify on the CHKP calls the program issues.
Specifies the area in your program that you want IMS TM to restore. Always specify the area length parameter first, followed by the area parameter.
Result (Status Code)
' bb': successful (two blanks)
'AD': functional parameter invalid: function call not provided by Tuxedo ART for IMS
Tuxedo ART for IMS Language Environment
CEE3ABD requests that Tuxedo ART for IMS terminate the execution of the program with an abend code. There is no return from this function, nor is there any condition associated with it. In Tuxedo ART for IMS you can initiate this function by doing the following:
A 4 bytes integer, no greater than 4095, specifying the abend code that is issued .
Not used.
In a COBOL-IT environment, a COBOL program can call the API using the names “CEE3ABD/” or “ART3ABD”. In a Micro Focus COBOL environment, COBOL program can call the API only using the name ART3ABD.
Tuxedo ART for IMS MFS Support
IMS MFS Control Block Support
The definition of message formats and device formats is accomplished with separate hierarchic sets of definition statements. Table 11 shows all the definition statements and their descriptions.
The “END” statement in above table defines the end of input file. All contents after it will be ignored. If the input file doesn’t have an “END”, MFSGEN will give an warning message and add one for the input file.
For each statement name, there are several fields. The detailed field name and value requirements are listed in Table 12 and Table 13. All other statements are assumed unsupported fields currently (listed in Table 14.
For LTMSG and LPAGENO, a warning message is displayed and will not take any effect. For other strings not in Table 12, a syntax error. is displayed
For the last column in above tables, “Support” means the field is supported; “Warning” means the field is not supported, and the tool ignores this field just like it is not specified, meanwhile a warning is generated; “Error” means the field is not supported, the tool reports an error and fails parsing current definition statement set.
Tuxedo ART for IMS Non-Terminal Access Support
To support the Non terminal access to service exported by MPP, and to enable more client to utilize service exported by MPP, this feature enhances Tuxedo ART for IMS to support Non terminal access. User can utilize the Tuxedo ART for IMS MPP service via Non- terminal applications, such as native Oracle Tuxedo client, SALT client and JCA client.
This feature support both non-terminal tuxedo clients (including native Tuxedo client, SALT client, JCA client) and MQ application.
For non-terminal tuxedo clients, programing interface is provided. Client can access the MPP service by following the programing interface.
Different from non-terminal Oracle Tuxedo clients, a WebSphere MQ application is not an Oracle Tuxedo client. The MQ message format and message flow between MQ applications and traditional IMS applications is already defined in the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide. In an IMS environment, MQ application utilizes MQ-IMS Bridge to enable implicit MQI support so that tradition IMS applications can be accessed by WebSphere MQ messages, without having to rewrite, recompile, or re-link them. This feature leverages the Oracle Tuxedo MQ Adapter to convert the MQ application to an Oracle Tuxedo client.
Programming Interface
Programming Interface for Non-terminal Oracle Tuxedo Clients
Tuxedo ART for IMS provides a server, ARTIGW, working as a bridge between Non-terminal clients and the Tuxedo ART for IMS MPP server. A non-terminal client calls the ARTIGW service following the programming interface list below. ARTIGW forwards the service request to ARTMPP.
The only interface between ARTIGW and Non terminal Oracle Tuxedo clients is an FML table.
To run an IMS transaction (for example, TRANS1) with application buffer, do the following steps:
IMS transaction name (i.e., "TRANS1").
Reserved for future use.
Application buffer data. LLZZ is not expected in the buffer. The maximum segment length is 32764 (which is the ARTIMPP limit).
Client issues a tpcall()/tpacall() with the buffer prepared in step 1.
ret = tpcall(< tuxclt_service_name>, …)
Here < tuxclt_service_name> is the ARTIGW advertised service; the service name is configurable. For more information, see ARTIGW CONFIGURATION.
0: ARTIMPP processes the request successfully with a response message.
1: ARTIMPP processes the request successfully without a response message.
-1: ARTIGW error
-2: ARTIMPP error
Buffer contains reply data. LLZZ is not included in the buffer.
Verbose error message if IMS_SVC_RESULT is a negative integer.
The interface FML Fields table (ARTIGWFML) and header file (ARTIGWFML.h) can be found under $IMSDIR/include. Listing 4 shows the ARTIGWFML contents.
Listing 4 ARTIGWFML Contents
*base 30000700
#name         rel-number type flags comment
#-----        -----------   ------ ------- ------------------------
IMS_SVC_NAME    181        string
IMS_SVC_FLAG    182        long
IMS_SVC_RESULT    183        long
IMS_SEG_DATA    184        carray
IMS_SVC_SYSMSG    185        carray
Supported MQ Messages for MQ Applications
The MQ-Tuxedo ART for IMS Bridge accepts the following message types:
MQIIH LLZZ<trancode><data>[LLZZ<data>][LLZZ<data>]
1. The square brackets, [ ], represent optional multi-segments.
2. If message contains MQIIH structure, the MQMD structure Format field is set to MQFMT_IMS.
3. If message does not contain MQIIH structure, the MQMD structure Format field is set to MQFMT_IMS_VAR_STRING.
Oracle Tuxedo MQ Adapter Configuration
To support MQ application, user must apply Tuxedo 12cR1 RP17 or later and follow the instruction list below:
In the Oracle Tuxedo MQ Adapter configuration file, the TM_MQI *SERVICE sections must be defined as follows:
For message with MQIIH structure:
NAME=< mq_service_name >
For message without MQIIH structure:
NAME=< mq_service_name>
Here < mq_service_name> is the ARTIGW advertised service; the service name is configurable. For more information, see ARTIGW Configuration.
In the TM_MQI configuration file *SERVER section, the following parameters must be specified.
In the UBBCONFIG file, TM_MQI server must be in a Group configured with TMS Server for the WebSphere MQ Resource Manager.
ARTIGW Configuration
ARTIGW is a Tuxedo server working as a bridge between non-terminal client and the ARTIMPP server. For more information, see Server Configurations.
Cross Domain Configuration
If ARTIGW and ARTIMPP are deployed in different domains, ARTIGW exports services named as <tuxclt_service_name>_REPLY_<grpid>_<srvid> and <mq_service_name>_REPLY_<grpid>_<srvid>. The GRPID and SVRID are 5 characters (starting with 0).
The service names mentioned above should be configured in the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section of the DMCONFIG file of every remote domain which ARTIMPP belongs to. In addition, make sure correct service names are exported by each domain where ARTIGW lives, and make sure there are no service conflicts.
For example, assume that ARTIGW is in domain GW and ARTIMPP is in domain MPP. ARTIGW is configured to use default service name with SRVID=101, SRVGRP= GROUP1. Listing 5 shows an example of the DMCONFIG files for MPP and GW domains.
Listing 5 MPP and GW Domains DMCONFIG Files
1. No data conversion is done by the ARTIGW for non-terminal tuxedo clients. The data provided by the client application should be in the format expected by ARTMPP server and application programs.
2. ARTIGW is a single thread Tuxedo server. User can deploy multiple instance of ARTIGW for performance tuning.
3. The Oracle Tuxedo MQ Adapter is the MQI interface with the MQ application. Due to the different behavior of WebSphere MQ on mainframe and open system, the Tuxedo MQ Adapter behavior may look different either.
For example, if an MQ application puts a message with the MQPMO_NONE option on a Mainframe, the Oracle Tuxedo MQ Adapter will not trigger an IMS transaction until MQCMIT is called by the MQ application.
Note: On open systems, IMS transaction is triggered immediately.
4. For MQ Applications, if an unexpected event occurs with ARTIGW or ARTIMPP during message processing, a report message is generated and sent to the reply queue specified by original message. The report message contains no data from the original message, only a string containing the detailed error message
Non-Terminal Oracle Tuxedo Client Limitations
Global transaction is not supported. If a tpcall to the ARTIGW is in the global transaction, the TPNOTRAN flag must be set.
If there is an access control violation when accessing an ARTIMPP service, a non-terminal client will not get an error message like "Access control violation" immediately, but waits until a time out occurs You must check ULOG to get a detailed error report.
MQ Application Limitations
Only Commit mode 0 (COMMIT_THEN_SEND) is supported. Tuxedo ART for IMS will always handle the transaction as Commit mode 0 no matter what the Commit mode value is set in MQIIH.
Tuxedo ART for IMS Persistent Message Support
Tuxedo ART for IMS supports persistent message only for programs using ALT PCB. For the program switch via ALT PCB, when the target transaction is a persistent transaction, the message will be put into the /Q of that transaction. For how to define a persistent transaction, please refer to the imsresource.desc section.
For persistent message support, we differentiate the ARTIMPP into two running mode. One is ARTIMPP in normal mode, one is ARTIMPP in persistent mode. For how to define the two ARTIMPP server mode, please refer to ARTIMPP configuration section.
ARTIMPP in normal mode will advertise transactions as services and handle the normal service request from front end, such as terminal request, request from ARTIGW.The service request is scheduled by Tuxedo framework and is passed via Tuxedo IPC queue.
ARTIMPP in persistent mode will not advertise any services. It will monitor every /Q for the persistent transaction whose CLASS belong meet the" -l class_list" parameter of the ARTIMPP. It gets the message from the /Q of the persistent transaction and execute corresponding program for the transaction.
ARTIBMPT is also a server that is related to persistent message support. The transaction oriented BMP program that ARTIBMPT serves must only be persistent transaction. For what is "transaction oriented BMP“, please refer to ARTIBMPT configuration section. In transaction oriented BMP program, the GU operation will get message from the /Q of the transaction.
Server Configurations
Table 18 Lists the server configuration processes and commands.
Same as ARTIMPP. However, it requires the Oracle database as RM
Same as ARTIBMP. However, it requires the Oracle database as RM.
Acts as messenger between ARTICTL and ARTIMPP located in different domains.
ARTICL - Used to join 3270 terminal to Tuxedo ART for IMS Runtime.
For Tuxedo ART for IMS 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) GA or Rolling Patch 001:
ARTICTL SRVGRP=”identifier”
CLOPT="[servopts options] -- -n netaddr -L pnetaddr [-K seconds][-S ssladdr] [-m minh] [-M maxh] [-x session-per-handler] [-p profile-name][-z mine] [-Z maxe][-D [+H handler-number]]"
For Tuxedo ART for IMS 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) Rolling Patch 002 or later:
ARTICTL SRVGRP=”identifier”
CLOPT="[servopts options] -- -n netaddr -L pnetaddr [-K seconds][-S ssladdr] [-m minh] [-M maxh] [-x session-per-handler] [-p profile-name][-z mine] [-Z maxe][-d trace-level]"
You must specify the MAXWSCLIENTS parameter in the MACHINES section of the UBBCONFIG file. MAXWSCLIENTS is the only parameter that has special significance for ARTICTL. MAXWSCLIENTS tells the Oracle ART at boot time how many access slots to reserve exclusively for 3270 terminals.
For MAXWSCLIENTS, specify the maximum number of 3270 terminal that may connect to a node. The default is 0. If not specified, terminal may not connect to the machine being described.
The syntax is MAXWSCLIENTS=number.
-n netaddr
This address specifies where TN3270 terminal emulators connect to ARTICTL subsystem. The address is a string in standard internet URL format. For example:
//computer:4000 designates port 4000 on machine computer. Character, 1-256, A-Za-z0-9[/:-]. Mandatory option.
-L pnetaddr
This address is used by the ARTICTL subsystem internally between TCPL and CTLH. The address is a string in standard internet URL format. For example:
//computer1:4001 designates port 4000 on machine computer. Character, 1-256, A-Za-z0-9[/:-]. Mandatory option.
[-m minh]
The minimum number of handler processes that will be started by ARTICTL, minh is a number from 1 to 255, its default value is 1. The actual number of handler processes will always be between minh and maxh based on system load.
Although minh is a number from 1 to 255, but it still should be equal to or smaller than (FD_SETSIZE - 24) according to the system resources limits. FD_SETSIZE means the maximum number of files that a process can have open at any time. The value can be acquired via system command ulimit -n.
[-M maxh]
The maximum number of handler processes started by ARTICTL, maxh is a number from 1 to the 1000; the default value is 1000. The actual number of handler processes is always between minh and maxh based on system load.
Although maxh is a number from 1 to 1000, it should be equal to or smaller than (FD_SETSIZE - 24) according to the system resources limits. FD_SETSIZE means the maximum number of files that a process can have open at any time. The value can be acquired via system command ulimit -n.
[-x session-per-handler]
The number of sessions a CTLH can maintain concurrently in ARTICTL subsystem.
Numeric, 1-255. Default value is 32.
[-K seconds]
Specifies the keepalive message interval time, in seconds, between ARTICTL and 3270 terminal. It should be an integer smaller than the idle time that connection's max allows. If -K option is not set, no keepalive message will be send.
[-S ssladdr]
Specifies where 3270 terminal emulators connect to ARTICTL via SSL. The address is a string in standard internet URL format. For example: //computer:5000 designates port 5000 on machine called “computer.” Character, 1-256, A-Za-z0-9[/:-]. [-S ssladdr] is mandatory if -n option is not specified.
[-p profile-name]
The default security profile file name. Please refer to Security configuration for details. The default value is ~/.tuxAppProfile.
To join Tuxedo domain, ARTICTL only uses APP_PW stored in the security profile, the username/user password the ARTICTL uses comes from 3270 terminal.
-z minencryptbits
This option specifies the minimum level of encryption required when a network link is being established between a terminal and the ARTICTL handler. 0 means no encryption, while 40, 56, 128, and 256 specify the length (in bits) of the encryption key. If this minimum level of encryption cannot be met, link establishment fails. The default is 0. This option is ignored if -s option is not specified.
–Z maxencryptbits
This option specifies the maximum level of encryption allowed when a network link is being established between a workstation client and the workstationhandler. 0 means no encryption, while 40, 56, 128, and 256 specify the length (in bits) of the encryption key. The default is 128 for LLE and 256 for SSL. This option is available only if Oracle Tuxedo Security (either 56-bit or 128/256-bit) is installed.
This option is ignored if -s option is not specified.
[-D [+H handler-number]]
This option applies to Tuxedo ART for IMS 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) GA or Rolling Patch 001.
-D option is used to enable ARTICTL server trace log. If not specified, it is disabled. The +H handler-number option is used to enable ARTICTLH server trace log only for the first booted number of ARTICTLH servers enabled handler-numbers. When handler-number is 0, trace log is enabled in all ARTICTLH servers created from the current ARTICTL servers. All trace logs are placed in the /tmp directory.
[-d trace-level]
This option applies to Tuxedo ART for IMS 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) Rolling Patch 002 or later.
-d option is used to set server's trace level. If not set, the default trace level is -1, meaning, only error information will be put to trace log file. Available trace-level value is 0, 1, or 2:
0: Function stack information is logged.
1: Debugging trace information is logged.
2: More detailed data information is logged.
CLOPT="-- -n //hostname:4000 -L //hostname:4002 -m 1 -M 10"
ARTIMPP - Service handler and container for TP type COBOL/C programs.
ARTIMPP SRVGRP=”identifier”
CLOPT="[servopts options] -- -l class_list [-V][-p][-m cobol mode][-D trace-level][-x parameter list for DB plugin]"
ARTIMPP is a Tuxedo server to act as both service handler and container for COBOL/C programs of TP type. There are two running modes for ARTIMPP, one is ARTIMPP in normal mode (without -p in CLOPT), another is ARTIMPP in persistent mode (with -p in CLOPT).
ARTIMPP in normal mode invokes corresponding COBOL/C program according to the service request received from front end (request from terminal, ARTIGW).
ARTIMPP in persistent mode will monitor /Q for persistent transaction whose class is defined in the "-l class_list" parameter in CLOPT for the ARTIMPP. It will get the message from the /Q and invoke corresponding COBOL/C program.
[-l class_list]
Specifies a list of transaction class, e.g. “1,3,5”; or a class range, e.g.“1-3”; or all classes, i.e *. The services whose class is specified in the class_list are advertised by ARTIMPP in normal mode.
ARTIMPP is in persistent mode.ARTIMPP in persistent mode will not advertise any services/transactions.
Enables performance tracing for the server.
[-m cobol mode]
Specifies user COBOL program invocation method. For more information, see "ARTIMS_COBOL_MODE" in Environment Variables.
[-D trace-level]
This option is used to set server's trace level, the available trace-level value includes 0,1,2. If not set, the default trace level is -1, only error info will be put to trace log file. Trace level is defined as follows:
0 : function stack info is logged.
1 : debugging trace info is logged.
2 : more detailed data info islogged.
Indicates the server where the Database plug-in is to be used, the remaining parameter list following "-x" is passed to db_init().
For the Oracle IMS/DB solution, the parameter list is as follows:
-o host:port:dra
This is the parameter required by Oracle plug-in for IMS/DB.
Hostname or ipv4 address of ODBA proxy to connect to.
Port of ODBA proxy for receiving ODBA request.
Name of the DRA table in which the IMS/DB system to be accessed is defined. E.g., CLOPT="-A -- -x -o zosmachine:1234:BEA1"
When ARTIMPP server is configured in persistent mode in the UBBCONFIG file and persistent transaction is configured in imsresource.desc, TMQUEUE server must also be configured (before ARTIMPP), in the UBBCONFIG file according to the /Q configuration in imsresource.desc.
Before starting Tuxedo ART for IMS, you must also create /Q according to the information in imsresource.desc.
For a persistent transaction that may issue ROLB or ROLL, the transaction could only be handled by one ARTIMPP in persistent mode server. That is, the CLASS definition of the transaction (defined in imstrans.desc) could only match one ARTIMPP in persistent mode server -l parameter.
ARTIMPP_ORA has all the functionalities of ARTIMPP. It can also support an Oracle database used as an external resource manager (RM). It uses on some libraries provided by Oracle database. In order to use this environment variable it with an Oracle database, the RM section must be configured correctly in the UBBCONFIG file.
ARTIBMP - Program container for BATCH type COBOL/C programs.
CLOPT="[servopts options] -- [-V][-m cobol mode][-D trace-level][-x parameter list for DB plugin] "
ARTIBMP is an Oracle Tuxedo server to act as the program container for COBOL/C programs of BATCH type, it invokes corresponding COBOL/C program according to the program name received. If there is no error, no abend, and the user program has not crashed, the user program return code is returned to DFSRRC00.
Enables performance tracing for the server.
[-m cobol mode]
Specifies user COBOL program invocation method. For more information, see "ARTIMS_COBOL_MODE" in Environment Variables.
[-D trace-level]
This option is used to set server's trace level, the available trace-level value includes 0,1,2. If not set, the default trace level is -1, only error info will be put to trace log file. Trace level is defined as follows:
0 : function stack info is logged.
1 : debugging trace info is logged.
2 : more detailed data info islogged.
Indicates the server where the Database plug-in is to be used, the remaining parameter list following "-x" is passed to db_init().
For the Oracle IMS/DB solution, the parameter list is as follows:
-o host:port:dra
This is the parameter required by Oracle plug-in for IMS/DB.
Hostname or ipv4 address of ODBA proxy to connect to.
Port of ODBA proxy for receiving ODBA request.
Name of the DRA table in which the IMS/DB system to be accessed is defined. E.g., CLOPT="-A -- -x -o zosmachine:1234:BEA1"
ARTIBMPT - An OracleTuxedo server that handles transaction oriented batch programs.
ARTIMPP SRVGRP="identifier" SRVID="number"
CLOPT="[servopts options] -- -l class_list [-m cobol mode][-D trace-level] [-x parameter list for DB plugin] "
A transaction oriented BMP program should be served by ARTIBMPT and triggered via DFSRRC00 with ${IN} parameter. A transaction oriented BMP program is a program that is defined in imstrans.desc and also defined in imsapps.desc with a TYPE=BATCH.
The transaction oriented BMP program must be a persistent transaction and must be defined in imsresource.desc. ARTIBMPT server only handles transaction oriented BMP programs.
If there is no error, no abend, and the user program has not crashed, the user program return code is returned to DFSRRC00.
[-l class_list]
Specifies a list of transaction class, e.g. "1,3,5"; or a class range, e.g."1-3"; or all classes, i.e *. The services whose class is specified in the class_list are advertised by ARTIBMPT.
[-m cobol mode]
Specifies user COBOL program invocation method. For more information, see "ARTIMS_COBOL_MODE" in Environment Variables.
[-D trace-level]
This option is used to set server's trace level, the available trace-level value includes 0,1,2. If not set, the default trace level is -1, only error info will be put to trace log file. Trace level is defined as follows:
0 : function stack info is logged.
1 : debugging trace info is logged.
2 : more detailed data info islogged.
Indicates the server where the Database plug-in is to be used, the remaining parameter list following "-x" is passed to db_init().
For the Oracle IMS/DB solution, the parameter list is as follows:
-o host:port:dra
This is the parameter required by Oracle plug-in for IMS/DB.
Hostname or ipv4 address of ODBA proxy to connect to.
Port of ODBA proxy for receiving ODBA request.
Table name which specifies the IMS/DB to connect to; this parameter is optional; if it's configured, all the DB operations are performed through ODBA, otherwise all DB operations are through actual DB implementation on open systems. The DRA table name must be uppercase and 4 bytes long.
When ARTIBMPT is configured in UBBCONFIG file and there is transaction oriented BMP transaction which is configured in imsresource.desc, TMQUEUE server must be also configured in UBBCONFIG file according to the /Q'configuration in imsresource.desc.
For a transaction oriented BMP program that may issue ROLB or ROLL, the program could only be handled by one ARTIBMPT server.
That is, the CLASS definition of the transaction (defined in imstrans.desc) could only match one ARTIBMPT server "-l class_list" parameter.
ARTIBMP_ORA has all the functionalities of ARTIBMP. It can also support an Oracle database used as an external resource manager (RM). It uses on some libraries provided by Oracle database. In order to use this environment variable it with an Oracle database, the RM section must be configured correctly in the UBBCONFIG file.
ARTIADM - An Oracle Tuxedo server responsible for the administration of Tuxedo ART for IMS Runtime.
ARTIADM SRVGRP=”identifier”
CLOPT="[servopts options]--[-D trace-level]"
In a distributed target environment, this server can be configured on each node to achieve the configuration propagation. With these servers, the configuration files only need to be configured on the master node, and the administration servers propagate the configuration files to each slave node.
When starting up, the administration server running on the master node reads in all the configuration files located in directory ${ART_IMS_CONFIG}. When each administration server running on a slave node starts up, it communicates with the administration server on the master node and fetches the contents of the configuration files.
The administration server on the slave node then writes to the corresponding configuration files in directory ${ART_IMS_CONFIG} on the slave node. New configuration files are created if none exist. Configuration file synchronization function is optional, by default this function is disabled
[-D trace-level]
This option is used to set server's trace level, the available trace-level value includes 0,1,2. If not set, the default trace level is -1, only error info will be put to trace log file. Trace level is defined as follows:
0 : function stack info is logged.
1 : debugging trace info is logged.
2 : more detailed data info islogged.
ARTITERM - Acts as messenger between ARTICTL and ARTIMPP located in different domains.
ARTITERM SRVGRP=”identifier”
In cross-domain environment, ARTITERM server is used to act as messenger between ARTICTL and ARTIMPP located in different domains. ARTITERM provides a special service for ARTIMPP so that ARTIMPP can pass data to ARTITERM, which in turn passes the data to ARTICTL.
ARTIGW - An Oracle Tuxedo server working as a bridge between non-terminal client and the ARTIMPP server.
CLOPT="[servopts options] [-m mq_service_name] [-s tuxclt_service_name] [-V][-D trace-level]"
ARTIGW is an Oracle Tuxedo server that acts as a bridge between non-terminal clients and the ARTIMPP server. Its main duties are as follows:
For MQ application request messages, it converts an MQ message to a format that can be used by ARTIMPP. For reply messages, it converts an ARTIMPP reply message to an MQ message.
For non-terminal Oracle Tuxedo client request messages, ARTIGW plays a role in transferring client FML32 buffers to a message format that the program needs and sends the message to MPP. It then decodes the MPP message and then sends a standard FML32 buffer to the client.
Session management is used to associate the asynchronous ARTIMPP reply with the original ARTIGW client requests.
A session management is used to associate the asynchronous reply from ARTIMPP with original request from clients of ARTIGW.
Specifies the service name advertised by server, which is dedicated for message handling for MQ application. It is an optional parameter, no default service name <IMSGW_MQ_SVC> is advertised if this parameter is not present.
specifies the service name advertised by server, which is dedicated for message handling for non-terminal tuxedo client. It is an optional parameter, no default service name <IMSGW_MQ_SVC> is advertised if this parameter is not present.
Enables performance tracing for the server.
[-D trace-level]
This option is used to set server's trace level, the available trace-level value includes 0,1,2. If not set, the default trace level is -1, only error info will be put to trace log file. Trace level is defined as follows:
0 : function stack info is logged.
1 : debugging trace info is logged.
2 : more detailed data info islogged.
Both the mq_service_name and tuxclt_service_name cannot begin with "<domainid>_". Otherwise ARTIGW cannot obtain the correct response message. In this instance, <domainid> is the ID of the domain which ARTIMPP belongs to.
IMSCONN - Used to join IMS Connect client to Tuxedo ART for IMS Runtime.
IMSCONN SRVGRP="identifier"
CLOPT="[servopts options] -- -n netaddr -L pnetaddr [-K seconds][-S ssladdr] [-m minh] [-M maxh] [-x session-per-handler] [-z mine] [-Z maxe] [-d trace-level]"
You must specify the MAXWSCLIENTS parameter in the MACHINES section of the UBBCONFIG file. MAXWSCLIENTS is the only parameter that has special significance for IMSCONN. MAXWSCLIENTS tells the Oracle ART at boot time how many access slots to reserve exclusively for IMS Connect clients.
For MAXWSCLIENTS, specify the maximum number of IMS Connect clients that may connect to a node. The default is 0. If not specified, IMS Connect client may not connect to the machine being described.
The syntax is MAXWSCLIENTS=number.
-n netaddr
This address specifies where IMS Connect clients connect to ARTICTL subsystem. The address is a string in standard internet URL format. For example: //computer:4000 designates port 4000 on machine computer.
Character, 1-256, A-Za-z0-9[/:-]. Mandatory option.
-L pnetaddr
This address is used by the IMSCONN subsystem internally between IMSCONN and IMSCONNH. The address is a string in standard internet URL format. For example: //computer1:4001 designates port 4000 on machine computer.
Character, 1-256, A-Za-z0-9[/:-]. Mandatory option.
[-K seconds]
Specifies the keepalive message interval time, in seconds, between IMSCONN and IMS Connect client. It should be an integer smaller than the idle time that connection's max allows. If -K option is not set, no keepalive message will be sent.
[-m minh]
The minimum number of handler processes that will be started by IMSCONN. minh is a number from 1 to 255; its default value is 1. The actual number of handler processes will always be between minh and maxh based on system load.
Although minh is a number from 1 to 255, it should be equal to or smaller than (FD_SETSIZE - 24) according to system resources limits. FD_SETSIZE means the maximum number of files that a process can have open at any time. The value can be acquired via system command ulimit -n.
[-M maxh]
The maximum number of handler processes started by IMSCONN. maxh is a number from 1 to the 1000; the default value is 1000. The actual number of handler processes is always between minh and maxh based on system load.
Although maxh is a number from 1 to 1000, it should be equal to or smaller than (FD_SETSIZE - 24) according to the system resources limits. FD_SETSIZE means the maximum number of files that a process can have open at any time. The value can be acquired via system command ulimit -n.
[-x session-per-handler]
The number of sessions an IMSCONNH can maintain concurrently in IMSCONN subsystem.
Numeric, 1-255. Default value is 32.
[-S ssladdr]
Specifies where IMS Connect clients connect to IMSCONN via SSL. The address is a string in standard internet URL format. For example: //computer:5000 designates port 5000 on machine called "computer".
Character, 1-256, A-Za-z0-9[/:-]. [-S ssladdr] is mandatory if -n option is not specified.
-z minencryptbits
This option specifies the minimum level of encryption required when a network link is being established between an IMS Connect client and the IMSCONN handler. 0 means no encryption, while 40, 56, 128, and 256 specify the length (in bits) of the encryption key. If this minimum level of encryption cannot be met, link establishment fails. The default is 0. This option is ignored if -s option is not specified.
- Z maxencryptbits
This option specifies the maximum level of encryption allowed when a network link is being established between an IMS Connect client and the IMSCONN handler. 0 means no encryption, while 40, 56, 128, and 256 specify the length (in bits) of the encryption key. The default is 128 for LLE and 256 for SSL. This option is available only if Oracle Tuxedo security (either 56-bit or 128/256-bit) is installed.
This option is ignored if -s option is not specified.
[-d trace-level]
The -d option is used to set server's trace level. If not set, the trace level is -1 by default, meaning, only error information will be put to trace log file. Available trace-level value is 0, 1, or 2:
CLOPT="-- -n //hostname:4000 -L //hostname:4002 -m 1 -M 10"
ODBAPROX - is a socket server on z/OS and is to communicate with Tuxedo ART for IMS servers through TCP/IP.
ODBAPROX -h host -l command_port -p odba_port -n max_handler_num [-D]
ODBA proxy is a socket server to communicate with Tuxedo ART for IMS servers through TCP/IP. ODBAPROX is developed to communicate with the programs in Tuxedo ART for IMS and perform database operations on behalf of these programs
Specifies the host (hostname or ipv4 address) where the ODBA proxy is running.
Specifies the port for receiving command from external utility.
Specifies the port for receiving odba request.
Specifies the maximum number of handlers to be started.
Enables debugging info be printed in stdout
For more information, see Using ODBA Proxy in the Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for IMS Users Guide.
Security Configuration
Authentication configuration
In Tuxedo, each type of security mechanism requires that every user provide an application password as part of the process of joining the Tuxedo ATMI application, but In Tuxedo ART for IMS, it has been removed in order to keep the same behavior as IMS resides on z/OS. User should keep application password as NULL. For more information on how to configure Tuxedo application password, please refer to Tuxedo documentation. The USER_AUTH and ACL/Mandatory ACL security mechanism requires that each user must provide a valid username and password to join the Tuxedo ART for IMS runtime. The per-user password must match the password associated with the user name stored in a file named tpusr. Client name is not used. The checking of per-user password against the password and user name in tpusr is carried out by the Tuxedo authentication service AUTHSVC, which is provided by the Tuxedo authentication server AUTHSVR. For more information on how to configure Tuxedo USER_AUTH and ACL/Mandatory ACL authentication, please refer to Tuxedo documentation.
For more information, see Using Security in ATMI Applications, in the Oracle Tuxedo Users Guide.
SSL Configuration
Tuxedo ART for IMS uses the following existing UBBCONFIG file parameters to configure information about SSL identification strings and the location of SSL certificate encryption passwords:
For more information, see Using Security in ATMI Applications, in the Oracle Tuxedo Users Guide.
Environment Variables
An environment variable required by Tuxedo ART for IMS to specify the absolute path where the configuration files are located, such as *.desc and *.psb. This environment variable is manadtory for: ARTIMPP, ARTIMPP_ORA, ARTIBMP, ARTIBMP_ORA, ARTIBMPT, ARTIADM.
Container path where GSAM files are located.
An environment variable required by ARTICTL to specify the absolute path where the control block files which generated via MFSGEN are located. It is a series of paths similar to PATH environment variable, the separator is “:”. If this variable is not specified, the PATH APPDIR is used. It is a mandatory environment variable for ARTICTL if MFS is used.
Specify the directory where all the record log files are located. Record log file is used by CHKP (Symbolic) and XRST. If not specified, the ART_IMSLOGDIR default value is $APPDIR/IMSLOGDIR. In MP mode, if the program wants to share the record log file among machines in an Oracle Tuxedo domain, ART_IMSLOGDIR should point to an NFS directory which can be accessed by machines in the Oracle Tuxedo domain.
An environment variable required by ARTICTL to specify whether to translate user name to upper case or not. If it is set to Y, all user name characters are translated to upper case. If it is set to N or if it is not set, there is no translation.
Specifies user COBOL program invocation/cancel method (Micro Focus COBOL only). For COBOL-IT, it is ignored. The available values and descriptions are listed in Table 19. If not set, its default value is MF_SUBSYS.
Use SUBSYSTEM method.
Use COBFUNC method.
Use cobcall with default CANCEL behavior.
Use cobcall with physical CANCEL behavior.
Use cobcall with logical CANCEL behavior, and physically cancel .dll code and shared object code as part of a logical cancel operation.
Use cobcall with logical CANCEL, and do not physically cancel .dll code and shared object code as part of a logical cancel operation.
Use cobcall without CANCEL behavior.
Specifies dynamic BMP setting. The value can be set to "Y" or "N".
If set to "Y", BMP server exits after executing a BMP program. If set to "N", BMP server remains live after executing a BMP program.
If not set, the default is "N".
Specifies the list of signal numbers that you want to catch for application exception. Each number is separated by comma (e.g., ART_IMS_EXCEPTION_TO_CATCH=8,11,4 ).
If this environment variable is not set, the default list (SIGSEGV,SIGILL,SIGBUS,SIGFPE), is used. If an illegal signal number is specified, it is ignored and a warning message is written in the ULOG file. If a legal signal number which can’t be caught is specified (e.g., SIGKILL or SIGSTOP), the server boot fails and warning message is written in the ULOG file.
Specifies server behavior when a severe exception is generated by a user application is caught. The value can be set to KEEP or ABORT.
If set to ABORT, server MPP/BMP aborts when an exception from the user application is caught the core file of the server may or may not be generated based on the system configuration.
If set to KEEP, the server is kept alive. If not set, the default value is KEEP.
Specifies the logon screen directory, which must be a sub-directory in $IMSDIR. If not set, the default value is sysmap, which means the logon screen in $IMSDIR/sysmap is used. There is another logon screen defined in $IMSDIR/sysmap2; the only difference between sysmap2 and sysmap is the positions for user name and password input fields. For more information about user defined logon screen, see the readme file in $IMSDIR/sysmap2.
An environment variable required by Micro Focus COBOL environment. It defines one or more directories to search COBOL programs to be loaded dynamically. Its usage is similar to UNIX PATH. It is a mandatory environment variable for Micro Focus COBOL.
If you are using COBOL-IT, COB_LIBRARY_PATH is required by COBOL-IT to define the search order for COBOL programs. It defines one or more directories to search COBOL programs to be loaded dynamically. Its usage is similar to Unix PATH. It is a mandatory environment variable for COBOL-IT.
Used for DFSRRC00 to specify the timeout second value for DFSRRC00 to wait for the BMP/BMPT program response. It uses the following rules:
If not defined, or its value is set to 0 or negative value, or bigger than 0xFFFFFFFF, no timeout is allowed. DFSRRC00 will wait until it receives a response from BMP/BMPT.
If its value is set to a positive value smaller than 0xFFFFFFFF, DFSRRC00 will wait until the specified timeout value is reached, or receives a response from BMP/BMPT within the timeout value.
Specifies which encoding type of outbound data is used. The value could be any EBCDIC encoding type used in z/OS platform. If this variable is not specified, IBM-37 will be used. If this variable is specified, then INTERCODE should be specified as well.
Specifies the program dump type. The dump file is generated when any of the following conditions are met:
CEE3ABD/ART3ABD is called (except when CEE3ABD is called in an MF environment).
DLI ROLL is called.
Signal specified in ART_IMS_EXCEPTION_TO_CATCH or in default signal list (ART_IMS_EXCEPTION_TO_CATCH is not set), is caught.
The available values and descriptions are listed in Table 20.
If IMS_DUMP_TYPE is not configured, the default value is NONE - but if ARTIMS_EXCEPTION_HANDLING is set to ABORT, SYSTEM_DUMP is enabled when the signal is caught. The dump types for all combinations are listed in Table 21.
Requirementsa to generate dump file are listes in Table 22
Both above COBOL_DUMP and SYSTEM_DUMP requirements.
All dump files are located at $APPDIR.
The process dump file name is core.${server name}.${timestamp}.${pid}.
The CIT dump file name is CIT.core.${program name}.${timestamp).
Used for DFSRRC00 to specify all the environment variable names that need to be sent to ARTIBMP server except all those environment variables with prefix "DD_". All the environment variable's name should be separated with a comma. It should be set before DFSRRC00 is launched.
ARTIMS supports login IMS from terminal using the traditional 8-byte username/password, and also supports max 30 bytes username/password. This environment variable is used to switch between the traditional username/password and long username/password. The default mode is traditional 8-byte username/password.
If IMS_LONG_USERNAME is set to be “Y”, the max 30 bytes username/password is used; otherwise, the traditional 8-byte username/password is used.
A global switch for performance tracing. If IMS_PERF_ENABLE is set to Y/N, it controls turning performance tracing on/off, and takes precedent over the UBBCONFIG file setting.
If IMS_PERF_ENABLE is not set, the performance behavior is set by using the UBBCONFIG file -V option.
A global switch for program invocation log. If IMS_PRO_LOG is set to Y/N, it controls turning program invocation log on/off.
If set to Y, at the start/end of a transaction/program in MPP/BMP servers a trace line is added to the program invocation log file in the following format: transaction name, program name, Sstart time, Eend time, group id, server id.
If not set, the default value is N.
Specify IPCKEY to create a share memory for collecting IMS status information. Only when IPCKEY is set to a valid IPC value can ARTIMSAGENT get real time information from IMS domain.
Specifies the path where debug trace, program invocation log, and performance tracing reports are located. Tuxedo ART for IMS server must have both write and execute permissions for this directory.
If not specified, by default, they are located at $APPDIR/log.
An environment variable containing the root path (absolute path), of the installed Tuxedo ART for IMS subsystem. It is a mandatory environment variable if ARTICTL is used to be connected from terminal.
Specifies which encoding type of inbound data is used. The value could be any encoding type used in universal platform. If this variable is not specified, ASCII is used. If this variable is specified, then EXTERCODE should be specified as well.
Commands and Parameters
Table 23 lists the commands and associated parameters that can be input on 3270 terminal and be processed by Tuxedo ART for IMS.
Configuration Files
All the configuration files in this section are case insensitive for key and non-literal values, for example bool (yes|no) and enum. Literal values and their cases are kept. Comment line should be prefixed with “*”. If there are errors in the configuration files, or the configuration files are not consistent, servers may fail to boot.
The configuration files are as follows:
The general format for configuration files is as follows.
Listing 6 General Configuration File Format
[section name]
[section name]
[section name]
Transaction Definition - imstrans.desc
Table 24 shows an example configuration file with field names mapped from TRANSACT MACRO of IMS on z/OS
Application Definition - imsapps.desc
Table 25 shows an example configuration file with field names mapped from APPLCTN MACRO of IMS on z/OS.
Persistent Transaction Definition - imsresource.desc
Every transaction that is defined in this file is a persistent transaction. Messages for the persistent transaction via program switch is put into /Q. You must create the /Q for every persistent transaction in corresponding queue space configured in this file with the queue name equal to the transaction name before Tuxedo ART for IMS is booted. Table 26 list the imsresource.desc field names.
Listing 7 shows a script example to create queue space and queues for your reference; you can customerize the script to adapt to the real requirement. For more information, see Oracle Tuxedo /Q guides.
Listing 7 Create Queue Space Example Script
qmadmin ${ARTIMS QSPACE_DEVICE} <<!end
crdl . . .
qspacecreate . . .
qcreate TRAN11 fifo none 2 30 80% 0 ""
qcreate TRAN12 fifo none 2 30 80% 0 ""
crdl ${ARTIMS QSPACE_DEVICE} 0 10000
qcreate TRAN11 fifo none 2 30 80% 0% ""
qcreate TRAN12 fifo none 2 30 80% 0% ""
qcreate errque fifo none 2 30 80% 0% ""
For persistent transactions that issue ROLB or ROLL, the retry count for creating the transaction queue should be set to a relatively large number ( up to 2147483647).
Database Definition - imsdbs.desc
imsdbs.desc is located under $ART_IMS_CONFIG.
Some imsdbs.desc field configurations are mapped from some DBD statement of IMS on z/OS. For persistent transactions that issue ROLB or ROLL, the retry count for creating the transaction queue should be set to a relatively large number (the largest number could up to 2147483647).
Following fields are only applicable to ACCESS=GSAM, will be ignored if ACCESS != GSAM
Input File Name. If this name is defined in JCL with the same DD name, the real input file is decided by the DSNNAME associated with the DD name in JCL. Otherwise, the real input file is $ART_IMS_DB/Input file name.
Output File Name.If this name is defined in JCL with the same DD name, the real output file is decided by the DSNNAME associated with the DD name in JCL. Or else, the real output file is $ART_IMS_DB/Output File Name.
Minimum record length if RECFM=V, its value range is 1~268435455.
Maximum record length if RECFM=V, its value range is 1~268435455.
Record Length if RECFM=F, its value range is 2~32579
PSB Definition - $appname.psb
$appname is the name of a COBOL application program with type of TP defined in imsapps.desc, $appname.psb is the PSB definition file corresponding to it. For application program with type of BATCH, $appname.psb is not used and the PSB must be provided by the script that calls DFSRRC00.
The number of [imspcb] sections with LIST=YES can be (at most) 31. The maximum PCB numbers including IOPCB is 32.
The [imspcb] sections with LIST=NO are not counted.
Table 28 shows an example configuration file with field names mapped from PCB statement for IMS on z/OS.
If the type is DB, this field represents the DB name. This field must be configured for a GSAM PCB, but optional for a DB PCB, please refer to PROCSEQ field for details.
If this field is configured, it should be filled in the first 8 bytes of DB PCB; otherwise, the value specified by NAME= should be filled in the first 8 bytes of DB PCB. At least one of NAM= and PROCSEQ= must be configured for a DB PCB.
GSAM: G|GS - Get Only; L|LS - Get and Append
DEDB: Tuxedo ART for IMS servers do not check the validity of PROCOPT, which is migrated from IMS on z/OS and only used by DB plug-in
Following fields are only applicable to TYPE=DB, i.e. GSAM PCB, will be ignored if configured but TP!=DB
Specifies the MSDB commit view.
Specifies the SENSEG name belongs to this pcb, must be unique in current PSB file.
Specifies the SENFLD name belongs to this senseg, must be unique in current PSB file.
Segments Definition - segments.desc
segments.desc defines the segments within a database. One database (except the GSAM database), has one segments.desc, which is under $ART_IMS_CONFIG/db/$dbname.
The fields in segments.desc are mapped from SEGM statement of DBD.
Table 29 segments.desc
For variable length segment, the BYTES definition is mapped from SEGM statement (e.g., BYTES= (max bytes,min bytes)), max bytes must be greater or equal to min bytes. A variable length segment must starts with a 2-byte field, which defines the length of the segment including the 2-byte length field.
1. If any of the upper four parameters is not defined in segments.desc, $segname.desc must exist and $segname.desc will be used to do data converting as described later.
SEGPGM_A2E and SEGPGM_E2A must be both defined or both not defined together. When SEGPGM_A2E and SEGPGM_E2A are defined, the ODBA Plugin uses SEGPGM_A2E/ SEGPGM_E2A to do segment data converting, not use the $segname.desc to perform segment data converting even if there is $segname.desc.
When SEGPGM_A2E and SEGPGM_E2A are not defined, the ODBA plug-in uses the FIELDS definition in $segname.desc to perform segment data converting.
When SSAPGM_A2E is defined, the ODBA plug-in uses the defined COBOL program to do qualified SSA converting for this segment.
When SSAPGM_A2E is not defined, the ODBA Program uses the KEY Field type definition in $segname.desc to convert the KEY value in the SSA for this segment.
When KFAPGM_E2A is defined, the ODBA plug-in uses the defined COBOL program to do data converting for Key Feedback area for this segment.
If KFAPGM_E2A is not defined, ODBA program uses the FBAFIELD definition in $segname.desc to do data converting for Key feedback area for this segment.
For how to generate and compile the upper COBOL programs, please refer to buffer converting in Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench User Guide and Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench Reference Guide.
Put the compiled converting program under COBPATH (for Micro Focus COBOL) or COB_LIBRARY_PATH (for CIT) before booting Tuxedo ART for IMS servers.
Segment Definition - $segname.desc
$segname.desc defines the fields within a segment. $segname.desc only exist for databases with access type of neither GSAM nor MSDB defined in imsdbs.desc, $segname.desc is located under $ART_IMS_CONFIG/db/$dbname.
Table 30 $segname.desc
For example: format=3,P;4,C;3,p.
1. The PIECE-TYPE must be C/P/X.
The field’s type definition is not only from FIELD statement of DBD, user also needs to define the field’s type according to its usage in COBOL program.
If you do not define the type for a field, the default field type is C
Table 31 shows the Field Definition mapping table according to field usage in the COBOL program.
The conversation/translating rule is as follows:
At the completion of a retrieval or ISRT call, the Key Feedback Area is returned from ODBA Proxy. We reserve one special FIELD whose name is FBAFIELD to convert Key Feedback Area in DB PCB.
A segment concatenated key is made up of the keys of each of its parents and its own key. Key formats are positioned left to right, starting with the key format of the root segment and following the hierarchic path.
This special FIELD(FBAFIELD) defined in $segment must defined the format of the concatenated key of the segment. The Key FeedBack Area will be converted according to the definition of this field for the segname.
Listing 8 shows an example definition in $segname.desc.
Listing 8 Example Definition
START should be 0.
BYTES defines the total length of the KEY FeedBack Area, that is the concatenated key total length.
TYPE defines the concatenated key’s type. If the concatenated key has different type, the TYPE should be set to M.
FORMAT should define the concatenate. key format if the TYPE=M.
If the special FIELD(FBAFIELD) is not defined in $ segname.desc, the KEY FeedBack Area is converted as TYPE C by default for the segname.
Debug Definition - imsdebug.desc
imsdebug.desc defines all program debugging info. (currently for COBOL program debugging only).
For Micro Focus COBOL application programs, DEBUGID is a string that is required for enabling animation in COBOL. It is a character string of up to 40 characters. The string can have alphanumeric characters and the underscore characterr.
For COBOL-IT COBOL application programs, DEBUGID is a number ranging from 1 to 999999999
z/OS Transaction Definition - zostrans.desc
zostrans.desc file defines all transactions remaining on z/OS. All these transactions should only be called as sub-transactions, and only non-conversational transactions are supported now.
White List - IMS.WHITE
imsgenconf creates configurations for the transaction/applications listed in IMS.WHITE Its format is as follows:
Listing 9 IMS.WHITE Format
[TRANCODE] section: Defines the transaction codes in the black/white list. Each transaction key has at most 8 characters.
[APPPSB] section: Defines the PSB name for batch application programs in the black/white list. Each PSB key has at most 8 characters.
Black List - IMS.BLACK
imsgenconf creates configurations for the transaction/applications that are not defined in IMS.BLACK. Its format is as follows:
Listing 10 IMS.BLACK Format
[TRANCODE] section:
Defines the transaction codes in the the black/white list. Each transaction key has at most 8 characters.
[APPPSB] section:
Defines the PSBNAME for batch application programs in the black/white list. Each PSB key has at most 8 characters.
COBOL/C Runtime Support
Tuxedo ART for IMS supports SYSIN/SYSOUT redirection for ACCEPT/DISPLAY statement in Tuxedo ART for IMS batch COBOL program in Micro Focus COBOL environment. To support this, Tuxedo ART for IMS adds a new file handler named "ARTEXTFH" (located at $IMSDIR/coblib_mf/BMP).
There is another file handler with the same name ARTEXTFH for ARTIMPP servers, and its behavior is the same as Micro Focus COBOL default file handler.
This file handler is at $IMSDIR/coblib_mf/MPP. All these two file handler will be loaded by ARTIBMP or ARTIMPP servers. If the default file handler behavior is not suitable for special case, user could switch these two file handler files or replace with user specified file handler.
To use this feature, do the following steps:
Before running a batch program, environment variables DD_SYSIN and DD_SYSOUT should be set and used to specify SYSIN/SYSOUT files. If artbatch is used to trigger an IMS job, this usually would be set.
STDIN/STDOUT Redirection
In C programs, STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR are redirected to the SYSIN/SYSOUT/SYSOUT file. If SYSIN is not defined or not accessiable, redirection is not initiated.
If SYSOUT is not defined or not accessiable, STDOUT/STDERR is redirected to the $APPDIR/SYSOUT file.
For COBOL-IT, only SUBSYS mode is supported. For Microfocus, there are seven supported COBOL modes:
The default value is MF_SUBSYS. For more information, see Environment Variables.
These COBOL modes are set through the environment variable ARTIMS_COBOL_MODE, or set in the CLOPT of each BMP/MPP server in the UBBCONFIG file. The CLOPT parameter is -m COBOL_MODE (for example, -m MF_SUBSYS).
There are four COBOL mode configuration combination rules:
No environment variable setting, CLOPT. MF_SUBSYS is the default.
When only using CLOPT, everything is controlled by CLOPT.
When using an environment variable and CLOPT, CLOPT takes precedent.
COBOL Program Debugging
ART IMS supports user COBOL program debugging for Micro Focus COBOL and COBOL-IT COBOL. You can use "anim" tool to debug Micro Focus COBOL programs and use "deet" tool to debug COBOL-IT COBOL programs.You can configure all the transaction/program you need to debug in the configuration file imsdebug.desc. Only those transactions/programs configured in this file could be debugged. You could change this configuration file and then use imsadmin tool to enable it for online system.
To support COBOL debug, all COBOL programs must be compiled to output with debug info, for MF, the .idy file must exist.
Debugging with Micro Focus COBOL
To debug using Micro Focus COBOL, do the following steps:
Create or modify the imsdebug.desc configuration file at ${ART_IMS_CONFIG}.
Restart your servers by using tmshutdown/tmboot or use "imsadmin" to reload configurations for online system.
Start "anim" in the current or a new terminal; the "anim" should remain in waiting state.
Start your transaction/program. This causes "anim" to atach to the to the COBOL program. and is ready for debugging.
Debugging with COBOL-IT COBOL
To debug using COBOL-IT COBOL, do the following steps:
Create or modify the imsdebug.desc configuration file at ${ART_IMS_CONFIG}.
Restart your servers by using tmshutdown/tmboot or use "imsadmin" to reload configurations for online system.
You can use vncserver to start a VNC environment.
In VNC xterm, start debugging using the deet -p yourDEBUGID command. It starts the Deet graphic UI and attaches the COBOL program.
For information about the Deet graphic UI, see COBOL-IT COBOL documentation.
See Also
Oracle Tuxedo ART for IMS Users Guide

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