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Environment and Configuration

Environment and Configuration
This topic contains the following sections:
The ART Test Manager system and the Test Machines under test have specific software dependencies as described in the sections below.
System Running ART Test Manager
Test Manager currently runs on Linux, OEL or RHEL 6.x or greater. It requires Tomcat 7.x or later with Derby (Apache DB), which are included in the Test Manager installer, and JDK 8, which must be available on the system prior to starting Test Manager.
Test Machine
Test Manager connects remotely to test machines to run test cases. Currently, the test machines must run Linux, OEL or RHEL 6.x or greater and JDK 8. To run the tests, the following version of Tuxedo and ART runtimes must be installed on the test machines with the patch levels at least as indicated below:
Test Manager enables provisioning of the runtime software and updating the test machines to the latest RP levels.
The rsync and expect tools must be installed in the test machine.
The default python in the test machine must be python 2.x (rather than python 3.x).
In addition, the Test Manager operates on the deployed directory containing application components and relevant configuration artifacts, which must be present on each test machine. The structure and content of the deployed APPDIR must be generated by Deploy function of ART Workbench 12.2.2 with RP014. Ensure that Eclipse plug-in from this RP is installed under ./eclipse/plugins directory and is used to generate ART Workbench project. In the ART Workbench Configure wizard, checkbox that this configuration will be used with ART Test Manager and provide required configuration information. After Deploy wizard has been used to deploy the ART Workbench project to a test machine, Test Manager can discover the deployed directory as it creates its own project and automatically import all discovered test units.
Configuring and Starting ART Test Manager
After installing ART Test Manager, follow the steps in the Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Test Manager Installation Guide configuration settings for Apache Tomcat SSL and port, Derby port, and Apache Tomcat must be provided before starting ART Test Manager (TM) web application.
Apache Tomcat SSL Configuration
TM runs in Apache Tomcat as a web application. To avoid exposing sensitive information, SSL configuration is mandatory for Tomcat. The following steps show how to enable SSL in Tomcat.
Use the following command to prepare the certificate keystore.
$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore /path/to/my/keystore
Input the required information and a keystore file will be generated.
A screen shot is shown below. Please note that when answering “What is your first and last name?”, input the domain name of the server.
Edit the Tomcat configuration file, which is located at $TOMCAT_DIR/config/server.xml
Add the following connector to service node in server.xml.
<Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true" maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreFile="/path/to/my/keystore " keystorePass="changeit" />
keystorePass is the password input when generating key.
Startup tomcat by running ./bin/ script. Tomcat will start with HTTPS service. If desired, consult your system administrator on how to integrate the startup script into the system startup sequence so that Tomcat is started automatically every time the system is rebooted.
To connect to the TM web application, use “https://<domain name:port>/arttm” in a browser. Security issue prompts in the browser can be ignored.
Refer to Apache Tomcat official document for details about SSL configuration.
Apache Tomcat Port Configuration
The user can specify the port for the web server by editing the tomcat configuration file, which is located at $TOMCAT_DIR/config/server.xml
The following connector is specified in service node in server.xml.
<Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"
maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"
keystoreFile="/path/to/my/keystore " keystorePass="changeit" />
Change the value given to port, then restart tomcat. The new port will be effective. Check the tomcat log to determine if the port is used by others. The tomcat log is in $TOMCAT_DIR/logs/catalina.$DATE.log. If there is port conflict, the tomcat log will show “Address already in use”.
In this case, change the port and restart tomcat.
Derby Port Configuration
Derby database is used to store the user information, and support audit function. It has a default port assigned. If the default port is in use, the port can be changed by the script named located in $ORACLE_HOME/art_tm12. Get into the directory, and run without any parameters, for example:
Input the port number, and press Enter. The port will get changed.

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