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Performing Post-Installation Tasks

Performing Post-Installation Tasks
The following sections describe the tasks you perform after installing Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench:
Understanding the Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench Directory Structure
During the Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench software installation, all files are decompressed within the installation directory.
Table 4‑1 lists Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench directories and files under installed directory $ORACLE_HOME/artwb12.
Installation Verification
Two sample applications are provided to verify the installation and also to demonstrate the configuration. The Readme file in the samples provides guidance on how to execute the samples.
Before executing Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench, Oracle recommends that you set umask value as strict as possible.
Uninstalling Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench
Uninstalling Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench in GUI-Mode
The following steps show uninstallation process in GUI mode.
Go to <ORACLE_HOME>/oui/bin, run "" on Unix/Linux platform.
Select products and click "Remove" to remove those products from your system.
To remove the products, click "Yes" in the following Confirmation dialog. Click "No" to cancel the removal.
After uninstall finishes, this panel appears and reports whether it is successful.
Check the product list from Inventory, finding if the product is already uninstall successfully.
Uninstalling Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbench in Silent Mode
Not only can you perform command line installations, you can also perform command line deinstallations. A command line deinstallation enables you to remove Oracle products or Oracle homes from your system without using the Oracle Universal Installer graphical user interface.
You can choose to display no dialog boxes or prompts, or you can selectively avoid displaying certain dialog boxes that are normally used during a deinstallation.
Use the following commands to immediately display the Inventory dialog box, which allows you to select items for removal without navigating the Oracle Universal Installer startup screen:
./ -deinstall -silent (on UNIX)
If you want to hide the inventory dialog box during a deinstallation, you can specify the products to be removed in the DEINSTALL_LIST parameter of the response file; specify Oracle homes to be removed with the REMOVE_HOMES variable; specify the name of the current Oracle home name with ORACLE_HOME_NAME. For example, on a UNIX machine, enter:
./ -deinstall -silent "DEINSTALL_LIST={"workbench",""}" ORACLE_HOME_NAME="OUIHome2" REMOVE_HOMES={"/home/test/OraHome_2"}

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