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Deploying Enterprise Manager for Oracle Tuxedo

Deploying Enterprise Manager for Oracle Tuxedo
This chapter describes how to perform initial installation tasks and deploy your Enterprise Manager for Oracle Tuxedo on Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control system.
This chapter contains the following:
The following prerequisites must be met before you deploy the Enterprise Manager for Oracle Tuxedo.
Set up the emcli tool. For more information, see https://<Enterprise Manager console hostname>:<port>/em/console/emcli/download. Then run the following command:
emcli import_update -file=<Enterprise Manager for Oracle Tuxedo package absolute path> -omslocal
By default, the Enterprise Manager for Oracle Tuxedo package is located in <TSAM Plus installation directory>/em/
From Enterprise Manager console, click Setup > Extensibility > Self Update in the upper right. Click Plug-in in the Type column and select Oracle Tuxedo in the list, then click Download.
Deploying Enterprise Manager for Oracle Tuxedo on Management Servers
Follow these steps to deploy Enterprise Manager for Oracle Tuxedo on management servers:
From the home page, navigate to Setup > Extensibility > Plug-ins.
Click the Middleware folder to expand the list.
Deploying Enterprise Manager for Oracle Tuxedo on Management Agents
Before Enterprise Manager Cloud Control can discover Oracle Tuxedo Domain targets, you must deploy Enterprise Manager for Oracle Tuxedo on management agents. Do the following steps:
From the home page, navigate to Setup > Extensibility > Plug-ins.
Click the Middleware folder to expand the list.
Typical Deploy Scenarios
This section provides several typical deployment use scenarios to demonstrate how Enterprise Manager for Oracle Tuxedo is deployed in different circumstances.
Basic Monitoring
Figure 2‑1 shows a typical Enterprise Manager for Oracle Tuxedo deployment scenario.
For performance and security considerations, if the Enterprise Repository agent supports the specific platform on which Tuxedo domains are running, it is recommended to deploy an Enterprise Repository agent on each physical machine that has Tuxedo domains monitored.
Figure 2‑1 Typical Enterprise Manager for Oracle Tuxedo Deployment Scenario
Remote Monitoring From Enterprise Repository Agent
Figure 2‑2 shows a scenario where Enterprise Repository agent is monitoring Tuxedo domains remotely. This deployment topology is useful for platforms supported by Tuxedo rather than by Enterprise Repository agent.
Figure 2‑2 Remote Monitoring From Enterprise Repository Agent
Multiple tlisten Processes on One Physical Machine
In some circumstances, you may need to deploy multiple tlisten instances on a physical machine for the following reasons:
Security: Each tlisten process starts as a different user with different privileges.
Administration: Each tlisten process represents a different department.
Figure 2‑3 shows how to deploy multiple tlisten processes on a physical machine. Please note that each tlisten process is able to interconnect with different Enterprise Repository agents respectively, no matter if it is running locally or remotely.
Figure 2‑3 Multiple tlisten Processes Running On a Physical Machine
Multiple Agents and Clients Connecting to One tlisten Concurrently
A tlisten process with JMX agent embedded is able to interconnect with multiple Enterprise Repository agents concurrently. Figure 2‑4 shows a tlisten process running on "Machine 2" is connected and monitored by "EnterpriseManager Agent 1" and "EnterpriseManager Agent 2" concurrently.
In this scenario, you can separate Enterprise Repository agents and Tuxedo Domains related to a tlisten process into two groups ( for example, "EnterpriseManager Agent 1" monitors "Tux Domain 2" and "EnterpriseManager agent 2" monitors "Tux Domain 3").
You can also let "EnterpriseManager Agent 1" and "EnterpriseManager Agent 2" monitor both "Tux Domain 2" and "Tux Domain 3" at the same time.
Since JMX is a widely used and supported JRE standard, some third-partyJMX clients or JMX connectors are potentially supported by Enterprise Manager for Oracle Tuxedo, which makes Tuxedo monitoring and management functionalities more flexible.
Figure 2‑4 Multiple Agents and Clients Connecting to One tlisten Concurrently

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