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Policy Management

Policies define the conditions that trigger a dynamic deployment/undeployment of application packages and machines and automatic server spawn/decay.

The policies are defined and managed centrally in the Policy Management console. To enter the Policy Management console, click Policy Management on the domain editor Controls panel.

Creating the Policy

Resource broker deployment policy is dependent on the event and incident subsystem provided by Oracle Enterprise Manager. The first step in defining policies is creating and enabling the incident rule.

Incident Rule

An incident rule specifies that under what condition the resource broker policy evaluator is triggered. The condition can be complex and made up of criteria combination that represents the event characters (for example, the event type, severity, category, etc.). By defining the incident rules, you can specify when one of the following conditions is met, the deployment policies are evaluated:

  • The CPU utilization of a host reaches 85%

  • The average execution time of certain Tuxedo services exceeds 500 microseconds

  • Some Tuxedo machines are down, etc.

An incident rule can contain any metrics provided by any monitored target.

To have the incident rule evaluated on specific targets, create the EM group on the targets and refer to this group in the rule set.

Deployment Policy

Once the incident rule is defined, you can create a deployment policy from the Policy Management console by clicking Add. In the Policy Properties page, specify the following options:

  • Name: The policy name. It is the only identification of a policy, and must be global unique.

  • Type: Choose one of the following policy types:

    • Package Level Deployment

      All the added packages that are marked as "Candidate" are listed in the Candidate Groups list. Only one package can be selected each time to be deployed.

      All the running candidate machines that are compatible with the selected packages are listed in the Machines list. Multiple machines can be selected. One of the selected machines is chosen to be the target when the policy is evaluated. Which machine becomes the target machine depends on the machine filtering rule. The machine filtering rule contains various host target metrics that can be combined to form the rule. The rule is evaluated to be fulfilled only when all metric expressions are true.

    • Package Level Undeployment

      All the deployed candidate packages are listed in the Group list. Multiple packages can be selected to be undeployed. The machine from where the packages to be undeployed hosts the target that triggers the incident rule. If the designated package is found not deployed on the target machine, the undeployment procedure is terminated. If multiple packages are selected, all of them must have been deployed on the target machine.

    • Machine Level Deployment

      Machines added to the domain are listed for selection. The selected machines are turned into candidate machines for dynamic deployment. Dynamic deployment of candidate machines can only be triggered by policy evaluation; manual deployment ignores all candidate machines. When dynamically deploying a machine, all non-candidate packages added to it are deployed at the same time.

      When the deployment policy is being evaluated, one machine is selected from the candidate machines to be finally deployed. The selection of the target machine depends on the machine filtering rule. If there is only one candidate machine with no machine filtering rule configured, the machine is deployed.

    • Machine Level Undeployment

      When an incident rule is fulfilled, two types of undeployment can be performed:

      • Undeploy the machine that hosts the target triggering the incident rule.

      • Undeploy one machine from the candidate list. The selection of final undeployed machine depends on the machine filtering rule.

    • Server Auto Spawn

      When an incident rule is fulfilled, increase the number of specific server instances. You can specify the increment to allow one or more server instances to be spawned each time. The maximum server instance number should be no more than the value of the UBBCONFIG MAX parameter. The server is only spawned when matching the machine filtering rule.

      This type of policy can only be defined on a Tuxedo server that has both MIN and MAX parameters set.

    • Server Auto Decay

      When an incident rule is fulfilled, decrease the number of specific server instances. You can specify to allow one or more server instances to be decayed each time. The minimum server instance number should be no less than the UBBCONFIG MIN parameter value.

      This type of policy can only be defined on a Tuxedo server that has both MIN and MAX parameters set.


    The Server Auto Spawn and Server Auto Decay policy can only be defined on a Tuxedo server that has both MIN and MAX parameters set. The value of MIN must be less than MAX.

  • Rule Set: Enter the name of the rule set that contains the rule you are going to use for triggering the policy evaluation.

  • Rule Name: Enter the name of the rule you are going to use for triggering the policy evaluation. The incident rule is created by users previously in the Incident Rules page (Go to Setup -> Incidents -> Incident Rules).

  • Enabled: Specifies whether to enable the policy immediately.

  • Repeatable: Specifies whether the policy is repeatable. If this checkbox is not selected, the policy is disabled after it is triggered and performs corresponding deployment/undeployment action successfully once.