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Installing Oracle TSAM Plus Manager Using Silent Installation

Installing Oracle TSAM Plus Manager Using Silent Installation
The following sections describe how to install Oracle TSAM Plus Manager using silent installation:
What Is Silent Installation?
Silent installation reads the settings for your configuration from a text file that you create prior to beginning the installation. Manual intervention is not necessary during the installation process. Silent installation works on both Windows and UNIX systems.
Silent installation is a way of setting installation configurations only once and then using those configurations to duplicate the installation on many machines.
Creating a Response File
You can create a new response file, based on the installation options you select, by using the OUI record mode.
When you use record mode, OUI records the installation session to a response file. You specify the name of the response file on the command line. The recorded response file is generated immediately after the Summary page; you do not need to actually install your Oracle product to create the response file. That is, you can start the installation in Record mode and proceed through the installation options until you get to the Summary page. On the Summary Page, click Exit to stop the installation from proceeding with the installation. However, all the options you selected are saved in the resulting response file.
You can use the newly created response file to run identical installation sessions on other computers in your organization.
Record mode can be also used during a silent installation. In this case, the variable values specified in the original source response file will be recorded to the new response file.
The following sections describe how to use record mode on Windows and UNIX systems.
Using Record Mode
To record a new response file:
At the command prompt, use the cd command to change to the directory that contains the OUI executable file (setup.bat or sh ./ for your installation.
setup.bat -record -destinationFile <response_file_name>
sh ./ -record -destinationFile <response_file_name>
Replace the <response_file_name> with the complete path for the new response file. For example:
setup.bat -record -destinationFile C:\response_files\install_oracle11g.rsp
sh ./ -record -destinationFile
When OUI displays the Summary page, you can either continue with the installation or exit. OUI saves your new response file using the path and file name you specified on the command line.
Installing with a Response File
When installing in silent mode you must make sure that there is enough disk space and that the login ID has proper permissions to access Oracle inventory directory.
To invoke the silent installation procedure, execute the following steps:
setup.bat -responseFile <filename> -silent <optional_parameters> (on Windows)
sh ./ -responseFile <filename> -silent <optional_parameters> (on UNIX)
Optional parameters you can use with the -responseFile flag are:
-waitforcompletion — Use the -waitforcompletion flag with -silent flag to wait for completion instead of spawning the java engine and exiting.
For help on command line usage, enter the following at the command line in the directory where the executable file is stored:
setup.bat -help (on Windows)
sh ./ -help (on UNIX)
For example, on a UNIX machine, enter:
sh ./ -responseFile /tsam/tsam_linux_silent.rsp -silent
If the ORACLE_HOME is not empty, please use -force option to overwrite it, or you will get the following error:
SEVERE:OUI-10029: You have specified a non-empty directory to install this product. It is recommended to specify either an empty or a non-existent directory. You may, however, choose to ignore this message if the directory contains Operating System generated files or subdirectories like lost+found.
Keyword of Response File
OUI Related Keyword
Table 3‑1 Optional Keyword
#Example: DEINSTALL_LIST={"TSAM_Manager",""}
#Example: DEPENDENCY_LIST={"TSAM_Manager",""}
Table 3‑2 Required Keyword
TSAM Plus Manager Related Keyword
The full path of LDAP configuration file. It is required if AUTHEN_TYPE=1, or AUTHEN_TYPE=0 && LDAP_SELECTION=true.
The format is {<Hostname>,<port>,<databaseName>,<Database SYSDBA user>,<Database SYSDBA user password>,<TSAM plus DB user name>,< TSAM plus DB user password>,< TSAM plus DB user tablespace>, < TSAM plus DB user Max DB connection number>, <database enable partition>}.
If DB_TYPE=1, the <Database SYSDBA user>,<Database SYSDBA user password>< TSAM plus DB user tablespace>< TSAM plus DB user Max DB connection number> can be set to "".
<database enable partition> specifies whether to create the Oracle Database schema with partition. Its value "yes" is only used for Oracle Enterprise Edition (with partition feature).
For example, DB_CONNECTION={"bej301153","1521","sol12em12cR3","SYS","SYSPWD","tsam_oui","tsam_oui","USERS","20", "yes"}.
The parameters of Group IDs. The format is {<administratorGroupID>, <viewerGroupID>}, the defalut vaule is {"0","1"}.
Application Server Directory. WebLogic server if APP_SRV_TYPE=0. It is required if APP_SRV_TYPE is 0.
WebLogic Server connection parameters. The format is {<adminUrl>,<userName>,<password>}. It is required if APP_SRV_TYPE is 0.
For example, TSAM_PROPERTY= {"2","5000","30","DAILY","10","true","30","4"}. It is not required if it import configuration file. $ORACLE_HOME/tsam12.
Property of WebLogic Domain. The format is {<port>,<adm_name>}. It is required if the application server is Bundled WebLogic.
Set JNDI_SELECTION to "yes" to input a data source JNDI name.
For more information, see Example of Complete Response File.
Uninstalling Oracle TSAM Plus Manager Using Silent Mode
Not only can you perform command line installations, you can also perform command line deinstallations. A command line deinstallation enables you to remove Oracle products or Oracle homes from your system without using the Oracle Universal Installer graphical user interface.
You can choose to display no dialog boxes or prompts, or you can selectively avoid displaying certain dialog boxes that are normally used during a deinstallation.
Use the following commands to immediately display the Inventory dialog box, which allows you to select items for removal without navigating the Oracle Universal Installer startup screen:
sh ./ -deinstall -silent (on UNIX)
If you want to hide the inventory dialog box during a deinstallation, you can specify the products to be removed in the DEINSTALL_LIST parameter of the response file; specify Oracle homes to be removed with the REMOVE_HOMES variable; specify the name of the current Oracle home name with ORACLE_HOME_NAME. For example, on a UNIX machine, enter:
sh ./ -deinstall -silent

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