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Table of Contents

Oracle TSAM Plus Overview
Understanding Oracle TSAM Plus
Why Use Oracle TSAM Plus?
Oracle TSAM Plus Features
Oracle TSAM Plus Components
Oracle TSAM Plus Agent
Oracle TSAM Plus Manager
Application Server
Enterprise Manager for Oracle Tuxedo
Oracle TSAM Plus Architecture
Oracle TSAM Plus Concepts
Call Path Monitoring
Call Path Tree Definition
Monitoring Initiator
Service Monitoring
System Server Monitoring
Transaction Monitoring
Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for CICS and Batch Monitoring
Policy Monitoring
Performance Metrics
Tuxedo Targets Monitoring
JMX Agent and tlisten
Private Cloud
Dynamic Resource Broker
Dynamic Request Broker
Oracle TSAM Plus Use Cases
Optimizing Application Development
Is the message routing working as expected?
Understanding Your Applications
What happens behind a simple call?
What about my services?
Is my network busy?
Who participates in my transaction?
Solving Application Performance Problems
Why is the service response time slow recently?
My back-end services failed, but I don’t know which one.
How many kinds of call paths are in my application?
Why is my global distributed transaction completed slowly?
I want to correlate local transactions with remote transactions.
I want to know what is the peak time that my local domain uses resources from the remote domain, and how busy it is.
Can I check program request information?
Improving Application Performance
Are my services too fine grained?
Are my services deployed properly?
Do I have too many servers configured?
I want to be notified when something is wrong with my system
How to drop stale requests?
What’s Next?

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