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Setting Up Oracle Tuxedo as a Cloud Service

Setting Up Oracle Tuxedo as a Cloud Service
This chapter contains the following sections:
Enterprise Manager for Oracle Tuxedo supports modeling Oracle Tuxedo system and applications as a cloud service (TXaaS) and supplies a set of implementation (UI, Profiles, Jobs etc.) to be managed by Enterprise Manager. TXaaS enables customers to have a unified private middleware PaaS solution across different versions of Oracle Tuxedo. Self service application administrator (SSA admin) can manage Oracle Tuxedo cloud and corresponding Oracle Tuxedo services based on requirements. Self service application users (SSA user) select proper service for provisioning and then deploy their business applications on the service instance. From cloud administration point of view, this feature supplies the cloud management functions like resource provider management, quota management, and service template definition. From end user point of view, this feature provides operations like, service instance creation, application management, and deployment, automatic scaling based on scheduled plan or metrics.
Setting Up the Tuxedo Self Service Portal
To set up the Oracle Tuxedo as a Service, go to the Tuxedo Service Setup page by following these steps:
From the Enterprise menu, select Cloud -> Cloud Home. The Cloud Home page appears.
From the Oracle Cloud menu, select Setup -> Getting Started. Click the Setup link next to Tuxedo in the left panel.
From the Getting Started: Tuxedo page, you need to complete the the following required setup steps. Click on a tab in the left to show the related setup page in the right side detail pane.
Creating a Tuxedo PaaS Infrastructure Zone
A PaaS Infrastructure Zone can contain a group of hosts. Each zone can contain homogeneous resources of only one type. Each resource in a zone represents a location at which a service instance is to be deployed.
The Tuxedo PaaS zone is an out-of-box component and can share with other cloud services. The Tuxedo PaaS zone can be deleted only when none of service instance is running on any of its hosts.
To create a Tuxedo PaaS zone, follow these steps:
In the Getting Started: Tuxedo page left panel, click PaaS Infrastructure Zone. Then click Create.
In the Create PaaS Infrastructure Zone: General page, enter the target name, name, and description for the zone. Click Next.
Click Add to add one or more host members to the zone. The hosts that you select cannot be present in more than one PaaS Infrastructure Zone. Click Next.
In the Create PaaS Infrastructure Zone: Credentials page, specify the host credentials that are to be used for provisioning all targets in this zone. The credentials provided should be of global credential type (valid across the members in the zone) and owned by the current user. Click Next.
The placement policy constraints are used to set maximum ceilings for any host in the zone. Placement policy values are used during deployment to filter out hosts that are overburdened. You can define the following placement policy constraints for each host:
Maximum CPU Utilization: The average CPU utilization percentage for the past 7 days.
Maximum Memory Allocation: The average memory allocation for the past 7 days.
Hosts exceeding these thresholds will not be considered for provisioning operations.
Click Next. In the Create PaaS Infrastructure Zone: Characteristics page, specify the target properties such as cost center, lifecycle status, location, and so on.
Click Next. The Create PaaS Infrastructure Zone: Roles page appears. A PaaS Infrastructure Zone can be made available to a restricted set of self service users with the EM_SSA_USER role. Click Add to add and select the roles that can access this PaaS Infrastructure Zone.
Click Next. The Create PaaS Infrastructure Zone: Review page appears. Review the details of the zone being created and click Submit to create the zone.
Creating a Tuxedo Pool
A Tuxedo Pool contains a set of resources that can be used to provision a Tuxedo service instance within a PaaS Infrastructure Zone. You must create separate Tuxedo pools in the PaaS Infrastructure Zone for different type of hosts.
To create a Tuxedo Pool, follow these steps:
In the Getting Started: Tuxedo page left panel, click Tuxedo Pool.
Click Create. The Create Tuxedo Pool: General page appears. Enter a name and description for the Tuxedo Pool. Select the PaaS Infrastructure Zone in which the Tuxedo pool is to be created. Click Next.
In the Members page, select the platform of the hosts you are going to add. The Host table filters all the hosts running on the selected platform.
Click Add to add one or more host members to the pool. Click Next.
For the existing domain, if IsHostExclusive of the domain package was configured to true, you can choose to keep all primary directory structure and deploy to the same directories on the target host.
In the Target Properties region, specify the characteristics that will be used to tag and identify the target properties. Click Next.
Configuring Tuxedo Profiles
Provision profiles are designed to provide the Tuxedo domain deployment package for provisioning service instance and creating one kind of Tuxedo installation. By use of the provision profile, user can collect necessary software installation into an image and distribute it to other hosts avoiding install and configure all these software from the beginning.
TSAM Plus supports packaging Tuxedo products, customer domain deployment packages, and Oracle DB client libraries in a profile. All the softwares required by running the domain must be included in the domain package.
For products, the Tuxedo installation media must be uploaded from local machine.
For customer applications, the whole Tuxedo domain should be introspected from target hosts. The same directory structure is kept during Tuxedo domain redeployment.
Creating a Tuxedo Profile
The Tuxedo profile uses the Tuxedo domain package to provision service instances. Before creating a Tuxedo profile, you must have created the desired domain package. You can create it from scratch or from an existing domain using the introspection feature in the Enterprise Manager Console. For more information, refer to Introspecting an Existing Domain.
To create a Tuxedo profile, follow these steps:
In the Getting Started: Tuxedo page left panel, click Tuxedo Profile.
Click Add and select the product you want to add.
You can add more than one products to a profile for provisioning. Only one tuxedo installation media is needed.
Oracle Tuxedo, Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtimes, Oracle Tuxedo Patch, and Other Products can be configured in the profile. Default installation scripts (Perl script) is provided for installing these products. You can specify the default scripts for special installation purpose. When configuring other products, installation location and environment variables are required to tell provisioning procedure where the product to be installed and what runtime environment variables should be exported to applications. PROD_DIR,ORA_HOME, and BASE_DIR can be used as the marco in runtime variables. The macro format is ${macro name}.
For example, for ART CICS application, COBOL-IT is mandatory and the third party software must be installed before Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime installation. Following parameters must be specified when configuring COBOL-IT installation.
Name: COBOL-IT_Package
Display Name: COBOL-IT Package
Install Location:cobol
Environment Variables:
export COB_ENABLE_XA=1
${ORA_HOME} is used as the default home name in Oracle inventory. it must not be used before.
You need to configure the installation scripts if the default scripts cannot meet your installation requirements.
Other products installation media must be in the .zip format without containing a root folder.
For example:
If two products depend on each other, you need to customize the scripts to install them properly.
Click Save when you complete editing of the scripts. Click Next.
Review the information and click Submit to create the Tuxedo profile.
You will find the profile status shows Ready if the Tuxedo profile has been created successfully.
Setting Up Quotas
Quota refers to the total machines of a Tuxedo domain that can be allocated to each self service user belonging to a certain role. This quota applies only to the service instances provisioned through the Tuxedo Self Service Portal. Quota is enforced at the time of self service request.
If the current quota is reduced, this change in quota does not affect existing service instances. The new quota applies only to new self service requests.
To define a quota, follow these steps:
In the Getting Started: Tuxedo page left panel, click Quotas.
Creating a Service Template
A service template can be used to provision Tuxedo service instances into one or more Tuxedo Pool. When creating a service template, you need to define a provision profile to provide product installation media, default configurations and corresponding Tuxedo domain deployment packages. So a Tuxedo provision profile must have been created beforehand.
To create a service template, follow these steps:
In the Getting Started: Tuxedo page left panel, click Service Templates.
Click Create. Enter a name and description for the service template.
The Tuxedo provisioning profile you select can contain either of the following:
The details of the selected profile are displayed when a profile is selected.
Click Next. In the Characteristics page, specify the characteristics that will be used to tag and identify the target properties. Service instances created from the template will have the characteristics.
Click Next. In the Resource Providers page, Click Add to select the Tuxedo Pool into which the service instances are to be provisioned.
Click Next. In the Configuration page, specify the parameters that will be used to provision service instances according to onscreen descriptions.
The Tuxedo domain configuration options displayed here vary depending on the placeholders configured in the domain package definition.
Before creating the service instance, these parameters can be overridden by the SSA user if the parameter is not locked or hidden by the SSA administrator.
To hide or lock the parameter to the SSA user, select the Hide checkbox or click the Lock icon.
Click Next. In the Roles page, click Add to select the self service user roles to which this service template will be available. All users belonging to the selected role can use this service template.
Click Next. Review the information entered so far and click Submit.
You will find the newly created service template is displayed in the Service Templates page. You can click on the Service Template Name link to view additional details.
Configuring Request Settings
You can configure the request settings by specifying when a request can be made, its duration, and so on. To configure the request settings, follow these steps:
In the Getting Started: Tuxedo page left panel, click Request Settings.
Click Apply.
Configuring Chargeback
Before using Chargeback, it is assumed that you have read Chargeback Administration in Enterprise Manager Cloud Administration Guide. Make sure that you have deployed Oracle Consolidation Planning and Chargeback plugin. If Oracle Consolidation Planning and Chargeback is absent, deploy it following Managing Plug-Ins in Enterprise Manager Cloud Administration Guide.
There is only one Chargeback Entity Type for Tuxedo, Oracle Tuxedo Machine. Therefore, Tuxedo Chargeback is based on Tuxedo Machine target instance number.
To create a Chargeback for the Tuxedo Machine, follow these steps:
Click Create drop down list, select Plan to create a new Tuxedo chargeback plan.
Click Add under Entity Types. In the Add Entity Types window, make sure Oracle Tuxedo Machine is selected.
In the Oracle Tuxedo Machine page, click Add to add Chargeback items.
Click Configure Cost Center to configure cost center. For more information, see Chargeback Administration in Enterprise Manager Cloud Administration Guide.
Click Configure Targets to assign the Chargeback plan to an existing Tuxedo Machine.
You can choose the target instances of Tuxedo Cloud Service, Tuxedo Domain, or Tuxedo Machine. If you choose target instances of either Tuxedo Cloud Service or Tuxedo Domain, only the Tuxedo Machines inside the Tuxedo Cloud Service or Tuxedo Domain are used to calculate total costs.
Using the Tuxedo Self Service Portal
Self Service Application users can use the Tuxedo Self Service Portal to create and control Tuxedo service instances, and monitor Tuxedo services.
Before using the Tuxedo self service portal, the EM_SSA_USER role must have been configured in the Paas Infrastructure Zone, Quotas, and Service Templates definition.
To view the Tuxedo Self Service Portal, log in to Enterprise Manager as a user with EM_SSA_USER role. Select Enterprise -> Cloud -> Self Service Portal, and click Tuxedo Cloud Services.
In the Tuxedo Cloud Services page, the top region shows the following icons:
From the tabs in the left of the page, you can also enter the following pages:
Select columns from the View menu to view more details about the request. You can select a scheduled request and click Reschedule to reschedule the request. To delete a request, select the request and click Delete.
Requesting a Tuxedo Service
To request a Tuxedo service, follow these steps:
Click Create Instance in the Home page of the Tuxedo Cloud Self Service Portal.
In the Instance Duration region, specify the schedule for the instance.
Click Next. The Characteristics page appears.
Click Next. The Configuration page appears.
This step settings overwrites the parameters configured in the Sevice Template.
You can configure a Tlisten password which is used for security connections between tlisten processes in a MP mode domain.
Review the information entered so far and click Submit to create the service request.
This request will now appear in the Request page in the Tuxedo Self Service Portal. You can monitor the status of this request in this table. When the request has been completed, you can refresh the page to view the new service in the Instances table.
Controlling the Tuxedo Service
In the Instances page, the Instances table shows the list of Tuxedo services owned by the self service user and any other services for which the user has view privileges. You can perform the following actions when selecting a service from the table:
Viewing the Tuxedo Service Home Page
The Tuxedo Service Home page provides detailed information about the services you have requested. To view the Tuxedo Service Home page, click the Name link of the Tuxedo service instance in the service instance table. This page contains the following regions:
The Chargeback page displays charge information for Tuxedo machines in login SSA user. Only the Tuxedo Machine target instances associated with predefined Tuxedo Charge Plan are monitored here. For more information, see Configuring Chargeback.
Top region shows total charge amount. From the bottom region you can view the Charge Trend in graph and details in table.
Defining Policies for Tuxedo Services
To define a policy, click the Policies tab. From the Create menu, you can select either of the following:
Creating a TXaaS Schedule Policy
For instance, if you want to create a schedule based policy that states that a tuxedo service must be scaled up every Monday, follow these steps:
Click the Policies tab in the Tuxedo Self Service Portal.
Click Create and select Schedule Policy.
In the Repeat field, specify Every N minutes/hours/days/weeks and then specify N.
Click OK to create the policy. You will return to the Policies page where the policy you have defined will appear in the Policies table. To apply these policy for a target, click Add in the Associations region and select a target with which this policy must be associated.
Defining a TXaaS Performance Policy
Performance policies are formed based on the performance metrics of a specific target type and its associated targets. You can create conditions and rules for the policy based on the metrics. To define a performance policy, follow these steps:
Click the Policies tab in the Tuxedo Self Service Portal.
Click Create and select the Performance Policy type.
In the Create Performance Policy: Rule page, select a metric from the right panel and click Add to Definition. Specify the condition, value, and number of occurences.When these conditions are met, the policy is executed.Click Next.
Select one of the following actions from the Action drop down list. Click Next.
Review the policy details and click Save and return to the Policies page.
In the Associations region, click Add and select one or more targets to be associated with this policy. The associated targets are listed in the Associations region.
Click on the target link to view a list of policies associated with the target. Once the targets have been associated, the policy is activated. Click View History to view the policy action history.
Introspecting an Existing Domain
The Tuxedo profile uses the Tuxedo domain package to provision service instances. Before creating a Tuxedo profile, you must have created the desired domain package. You can create it from scratch or from an existing domain using the introspection feature in the Enterprise Manager Console or introspecting command.
This section contains the following topics:
Introspecting an Existing Domain From Console
To introspect an existing domain into a domain package from Enterprise Manager Console, follow these steps:
From the Enterprise Manager Console menu, click Targets > Middleware at the top.
In the Middleware page, click Middleware Features > Tuxedo Summary.
Click New to create a new introspection project and select one of the domains monitored by Enterprise Manager from the list.
The master machine information is listed at the bottom. If the host on which the master machine deployed are configured with the preferred credential, the host credential will be filled automatically.
Alternatively, if you want to introspect a tuxedo domain not monitored by Enterprise Manager, fill the necessary machine configuration parameters in the bottom panel.
Note that any host can be the candidate to retrieve the UBB.
Click OK to retrieve the tuxedo domain UBB configurations.
When the tuxedo domain UBB configuration is successfully retrieved from target host/machine, each tab page shows the machine configuration of this domain. You can configure “Third Party Software” which is required by the domain but outside of APPDIR. Such binary/configuration file must be added in the right table list one by one. When packaging the machine binary package, these file/folder will be collected together with all contents under APPDIR.
Click Package >Introspect to invoke the introspecting process. When the process completes successfully, the Confirmation window with the result and domain package file name is displayed.
Click Package >Download to download the desired domain package to the local machine.
(Optional) Click Save to export the newly created introspection project parameters to the local computer. The file is exported as XML format without a user password. The file can be used to introspect the domain under the command line mode as well.
(Optional) Click Open to upload a local project file saved before.
After the project file is successfully uploaded and parsed, all the introspection parameters are shown.
Introspecting an Existing Domain Using Command Line
Introspection Command
java -jar TxdoDomainPackager.jar
java -jar TxdoDomainPackager.jar -prop property file [-template]
Required. Full path to the property file which contains introspection parameters and corresponding values.
Optional. Creates a property file template to let you focus on specifying necessary values.
java -jar TxdoDomainPackager.jar -template
A property file template InputParamsTemplate.xml is created under the location where java command invoked.
Edit the template InputParamsTemplate.xml to suit your environment and save it as params.xml.
java -jar TxdoDomainPackager.jar -prop params.xml
A binary package zip file is created under the location where java command invoked.
Property File Template Format
Listing 9‑1 Property File Template
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-if these options not configured in general section, then configure these items should be configured to each host section
, especially for those mandatory items, i.e. AppDir,TuxDir, TuxConf,User,Pwd.
Default value of "IncludeLocal" is false.
<AppDir>[application directory]</AppDir>
<TuxDir>[Description of this package]</ TuxDir >
<JavaHome>[full path of java home]</ JavaHome>
<TuxConf>[tuxedo configuration full path]</ TuxConf >
<EnvFile>[Set runtime environment file]</EnvFile>
<DmConf>[tuxedo configuration full path]</ DmConf >
<SaltConf>[tuxedo configuration full path]</SaltConf >
<TnsNamesLocation>[tuxedo configuration full path]</ TnsNamesLocation>
<OraDbClientDir> [Oracle DB client Directory] </OraDbClientDir>
<IncludeLocal>[true or false]</ IncludeLocal>
<User>[user which can be shared with all hosts]</User>
<Pwd>[password which can be shared with all hosts]</Pwd>
<Software> <!-can be multiple -->
<Name>[Name of this software]</Name>
<Location>[full path where is this software]</Location>
[Following options can be specified to override the same one configured in general section]
<WorkingDir />
Following is a property file example:
Listing 9‑2 Property File Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Softwares> <Software>
<Softwares> </Host>
<Pwd> </Pwd>
</Softwares> </Host>
Application/Library Package
A binary package zip file is created during introspection process for each of machine configured in the Tuxedo domain. This package includes all the applications, libraries, and all third party products that the domain needs. The file is named [lmid].zip and is configured in the Tuxedo domain package configuration file. For example, when introspecting the machine "LMID1" on a host, its binary package in the configuration file may looks like Listing 9‑3:
Listing 9‑3 Binary Package in Configuration File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The zip file includes following contents which are all copied from APPDIR:
|-- java.env
|-- simpcl
|-- simpserv1
|-- starttlisten
|-- tuxconfig
|-- tuxconfig.decompiled
|-- ubb
`-- ubb.test
Note that the configuration files in this folder will be overwritten by the ones in config_LMID1 folder if those files destination location is APPDIR.
When introspecting an existing domain running on the different machine with OMS, the machines configured in the domain can not post message in the .bashrc configuration file. This causes SFTP connection faliure.
Placeholders File Format and Usage
Placeholders are used to replace old values in configuration files. These placeholders can be treated as "Variables" which will be filled with the real value at deployment time. All the placeholders are defined in the package configuration file. Listing 9‑4 shows the definitions.
Listing 9‑4 Placeholders Definition
<Name></Name> // this is the variable name used in the configuration file in the format of ${name}
<Type> </Type> // Indicates that the macro is well-known or not
<Label> </Label> //Label name that will displayed on GUI
<Value> </Value> //Value of this placeholder delegate
<Description/> //Hint messages that will displayed on GUI
<IsSecurity></IsSecurity> //The value should be inputted by a security text box
<OriginalValue></OriginalValue> //Original value in the configuration file
Placeholders can be used in any configuration and script files which will be handled during provisioning procedure. The placeholder in these files is in format of ${placeholder}.
Listing 9‑5 Placeholders Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Label>TSAM Manager Address</Label>
UBB, DM, SALT, and Oracle TNS configuration files are parsed during introspectiong, and replaced with placeholders at deployment time automatically. Listing 9‑6 lists the well-known placeholder types:
Listing 9‑6 Well-known Placeholder Types
IPC_LOCAL //IPC key which will be filled value automatically
NET_PORT //Net port which will be filled value automatically
LOCAL_NET_ADDR //Local net address which will be filled value automatically
UBB_MACHINE_NAME //real host name of machine
UBB_NET_ADDR // net address
UBB_NLS_PORT //NLS net port
UBB_NA_PORT // NA net port
JMX_PORT //JMX net port
JMX_ADDRESS //JMX net address
DM_LOCAL_ADDRESS // Domain gateway local net address;
DM_LOCAL_PORT // Domain gateway local net port;
DM_REMTOTE_PORT // Domain gateway remote net port;
DM_REMOTE_ADDRESS // Domain gateway remote host address;
DOMAIN_PWD //Domain Application password
DOMAIN_USER //User name if domain configured with ACL/Mandatory ACL
DOMAIN_USER_PWD //User password
GLOBAL_VAR //Global variable
CUSTOMIZED //User defined placeholder
The placeholders assigned with the type of UBB_MACHINE_NAME, UBB_NET_ADDR, UBB_NLS_PORT, UBB_NA_PORT, JMX_PORT, JMX_ADDRESS, DM_LOCAL_ADDRESS, DM_LOCAL_PORT are handled automatically. That is, their values are filled by provisioning procedure. For those placeholders assigned with the type of "GLOBAL_VAR", the value can be embedded with other placeholders. See the example shown in Listing 9‑7.
Listing 9‑7 Placeholders with GLOBAL_VAR
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Type> GLOBAL_VAR </Type>
<Label>TSAM Manager Address</Label>
When manually making a domain package instead of using introspecting tool, you can use the following placeholders in the configuration and scripts files directly:
lmid is the logical name of the machine configured in UBB.
For those automatically handled placeholders, for example, ${SITE1-machine-name} is filled with a real host name at provisioning time without any input from end users. But in the case that there is no proper value to replace the placeholder, you need to input the values. For example, ${GWDOMAIN3-remote-port} in DM CONF will be filled with proper value to the best extent possible. If no proper value can be determined automatically, you need to input the value. Here is an example that shows the process of how to handle such placeholders.
Suppose two domains are connected with each other through domain gateway and both are included in a provisioning profile. Domain 1 connects to WTC which will be viewed as domain 3. The DM configuration will look like this:
Listing 9‑8 Domain 1 DM configuration-dm1.conf
"GWDOMAIN1" NWADDR="//${GWDOMAIN1-local-addr}:${GWDOMAIN1-local-port}"
"GWDOMAIN2" NWADDR="//${GWDOMAIN2-remote-addr}:${GWDOMAIN2-remote-port}"
"GWDOMAIN3" NWADDR="//${GWDOMAIN3-remote-addr}:${GWDOMAIN3-remote-port}"
Listing 9‑9 Domain 2 DM configuration-dm2.conf
"GWDOMAIN1" NWADDR="//${GWDOMAIN1-remote-addr}:${GWDOMAIN1-remote-port}"
"GWDOMAIN2" NWADDR="//${GWDOMAIN2-local-addr}:${GWDOMAIN2-local-port}"
When handling dm1.conf at provisioning time, the assembly procedure attempts to find the host in Domain 2 UBB configuration (find it by access point) by comparing original net address value. If the host is successfully found, the new address will be filled ${GWDOMAIN2-remote-addr}, but if domain 2 is not included in the profile or such host can not be found in domain 2 UBB, then you need to provide this value before submitting the provisioning procedure, for example, provide the value for ${GWDOMAIN3-remote-addr}.
Following configuration files are introspected and handled automatically:
UBB sample assembled with placeholders:
Listing 9‑10  
"${SITE1-machine-name}" LMID="SITE1"
"${SITE2-machine-name}" LMID="SITE2"
CLOPT="-A -- -l ${SITE1-tsam-manager-host}:${SITE1-tsam-manager-port}/tsam"
Introspecting ART Applications
When instrospecting ART applications, following parameters and files are collected and zipped into a domain package.
ART CICS Introspection
ART Batch Introspection
ART IMS Introspection

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