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Using Oracle Tuxedo Services Console

Using Oracle Tuxedo Services Console
This topic includes the following sections:
Oracle Tuxedo introduces a new console for managing Oracle Tuxedo services. The easy-to-use and cool looking UI provides following functionality in this release:
A new Tuxedo system server, TMADMSVR, is configured in UBBCONFIG in order to use this console. See TMADMSVR for more information.
Oracle Tuxedo Services Console
You can access Oracle Tuxedo Services Console using a web browser: http://hostname:port/admin/index.html. You can use TMADMSVR -a option to specify "http://hostname:port". See TMADMSVR for more information.
The layout of Oracle Tuxedo Services Console looks like this:
Main Page
This is the main page of Oracle Tuxedo Services Console.
Figure 11‑1 Oracle Tuxedo Services Console Main Page
Metadata Repository
On this page, you can add, edit, remove Tuxedo service definitions in Tuxedo Service metadata repository.
Figure 11‑2 Metadata Repository
Exported Web Services (SOAP)
On this page, you can publish existing Tuxedo services as SOAP/http Web services.
Figure 11‑3 Exported Web Services (SOAP): Creating Service
Figure 11‑4 Exported Web Services (SOAP): Editing Web Service and Including Binding and SOAP
Figure 11‑5 Exported Web Services (SOAP): Selecting the Operation that Metadata Defines
Figure 11‑6 Exported Web Services (SOAP): Configuring Service Policy and Message Handler
Figure 11‑7 Exported Web Services (SOAP): Saving SALT Configuration
Imported Web Services (SOAP)
On this page, you can import external Web services and access these services from Tuxedo applications.
Figure 11‑8 Imported Web Services (SOAP)
REST Web Services
On this page, you can publish existing Tuxedo services as REST services and import external REST services into Tuxedo application.
Figure 11‑9 REST Web Services
Mainframe Transaction Publisher: Export via SALT
On this page, you can publish existing mainframe transactions as SOAP/http or REST Web services through SALT.
Figure 11‑10 MTP Export via SALT: Selecting Input/Output/Error Copybook
Figure 11‑11 MTP Export via SALT: Inputting Mainframe Service and Web Service
Figure 11‑12 MTP Export via SALT: Selecting Input/Output Buffer
Figure 11‑13 MTP Export via SALT: Inputting Web Service Definitions
Figure 11‑14 MTP Export via SALT: Publishing the Service
Mainframe Transaction Publisher: Import via SALT
On this page, you can enable access to external Web services from mainframe CICS/IMS transactions via SALT and Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter.
Figure 11‑15 MTP Import via SALT
Mainframe Transaction Publisher: Export via OSB
On this page, you can publish existing mainframe transactions as SOAP/http Web services using Oracle Service Bus.
In order to automatically publish to OSB, the following steps should be performed:
Create wlfullclient.jar (see Creating a wlfullclient.jar for JDK 1.7 client applications for more information), and copy it to $TUXDIR/udataobj/MTP_libs.
Add $ALSB_HOME from your OSB environment to the environment of the Tuxedo domain where TMADMSVR is running, either by adding it to the shell environment before booting the domain, or by adding it to the ENVFILE of the TMADMSVR system server. $ALSB_HOME can be obtained by running the script from the $DOMAIN_HOME/bin where OSB is started from.
Figure 11‑16 MTP Export via OSB: Selecting Input/Output Copybook
Figure 11‑17 MTP Export via OSB: Inputting Service Information and WTC Configuration
Figure 11‑18 MTP Export via OSB: Inputting the Publishing Setting and Code Generation Information
Figure 11‑19 MTP Export via OSB: Selecting Input/Output Buffer
Figure 11‑20 MTP Export via OSB: Publishing the Service
SALT Gateway Properties
On this page, you can set various SALT gateway properties, which apply to all exported and imported Web services.
Figure 11‑21 Setting SALT Gateway Properties
Mainframe Gateway Configuration
On this page, you can add domains and Export/Import services to/from Mainframe Gateway.
Figure 11‑22 Configuring Mainframe Gateway

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