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Table of Contents

Oracle Tuxedo System Fundamentals
What Is the Oracle Tuxedo System?
Architectural Features
Administrative Features
Programming Features
Anatomy of the Client/Server Model
Characteristics of Client/Server Architecture
Differences Between 2-Tier and 3-Tier Client/Server Architectures
Client/Server Variations to Suit Your Needs
How the Oracle Tuxedo System Fits into the Client/Server Model
What Is an Oracle Tuxedo Client?
What Is an Oracle Tuxedo Server?
Application Processing Services Provided by the Oracle Tuxedo System
Administrative Services Provided by the Oracle Tuxedo System
Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Architecture
Basic Architecture of the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Environment
What You Can Do Using the ATMI
What Are the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Messaging Paradigms?
Request/Response Communication
Conversational Communication
Message Queuing Communication
Publish-and-Subscribe Communication
Unsolicited Communication
What Are Nested and Forwarded Requests?
Nested Requests
Forwarded Requests
How Does Oracle Tuxedo Process Messages?
Benefits of Service Request Processing
What Are Typed Buffers?
Characteristics of Buffer Types
What Is Data Compression?
What Is Data-Dependent Routing?
Uses of Data-Dependent Routing
Example of Data-Dependent Routing with a Horizontally Partitioned Database
Example of Data-Dependent Routing with Rule-Based Servers
Example of Data-Dependent Routing with a Distributed Application
What Are Encoding and Decoding of Data?
What Is Data Encryption?
What Is Load Balancing?
What Is Message Prioritization?
What Is Meant by Naming?
Naming Services
Naming Events
What is Client/Server Affinity?
Configuring the UBBCONFIG and TM_MIB Files
See Also
Oracle Tuxedo System Administration and Server Processes
Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Infrastructure
Oracle Tuxedo Domain
Oracle Tuxedo Configuration File
Oracle Tuxedo Master Machine
Oracle Tuxedo TUXCONFIG Environment Variable
Oracle Tuxedo TUXDIR Environment Variable
Oracle Tuxedo Bulletin Board
Oracle Tuxedo Administration Processes
What Is the Role of the Bulletin Board?
What Is the Role of the Bulletin Board Liaison?
What Is the Distinguished Bulletin Board Liaison (DBBL)?
Oracle Tuxedo Workstation Servers
What is the Role of the Workstation Listener?
What is the Role of the Workstation Handler?
Oracle Tuxedo Authentication Server
Oracle Tuxedo Transaction Management Server
Coordinating Operations
Tracking Participants with a Transaction Log
Oracle Tuxedo Message Queuing Servers
What is the Role of the TMQUEUE Server?
What is the Role of the TMQFORWARD Server?
Oracle Tuxedo Publish-and-Subscribe Servers
Oracle Tuxedo Domains (Multiple-Domain) Servers
What is the Role of the DMADM Server?
What is the Role of the GWADM Server?
What is the Role of the Domain Gateway Servers?
System Services Available to Different Types of Oracle Tuxedo Configurations
Oracle Tuxedo Management Tools
Oracle Tuxedo Tool Architecture
Tool Interfaces with the MIB
MIB Interfaces with Other System Components
Managing Operations Using Command-Line Utilities
Configuring Your Application Using Command-Line Utilities
Operating Your Application Using Command-Line Utilities
Administering Your Application Queues Using Command-Line Utilities
Administering Your Domains Application Using Command-Line Utilities
Managing Operations Using the MIB
Types of MIB Users
Classes, Attributes, and States in the MIB
Managing Events Using EventBroker
Differences Between Application-Defined and System-Defined Events
Preparing an Application for Event Monitoring
Subscribing to Events

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