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Table of Contents

Introducing Oracle Jolt
Oracle Jolt Components
Key Features
How Oracle Jolt Works
Jolt Servers and Repository Servers
Jolt Servers
Repository Servers
Jolt Class Library
Jolt Server and Jolt Client Communication
Oracle Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository
Jolt Internet Relay
Creating a Jolt Client to Access Oracle Tuxedo Applications
Bulk Loading Oracle Tuxedo Services
Using the Bulk Loader
Activating the Bulk Loader
Command-line Options
The Bulk Load File
Syntax of the Bulk Loader Data Files
Guidelines for Using Keywords
Keyword Order in the Bulk Loader Data File
Using Service-Level Keywords and Values
Using Parameter-Level Keywords and Values
Sample Bulk Load Data
Configuring the Oracle Jolt System
Quick Configuration
Editing the UBBCONFIG File
Configuring the Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository
Initializing Services That Use Oracle Tuxedo and the Repository Editor
Configuring the Oracle Tuxedo TMUSREVT Server for Event Subscription
Configuring Jolt Relay
On UNIX and Windows 2003
Jolt Background Information
Jolt Server
Starting the JSL
Shutting Down the JSL
Restarting the JSL
Configuring the JSL
JSL Command-line Options
Security and Encryption
Jolt Relay
Jolt Relay Failover
Jolt Client to JRLY Connection Failover
JRLY to JRAD Adapter Connection Failover
Jolt Relay Process
Starting the JRLY on UNIX
JRLY Command-line Options for Windows 2003
JRLY Command-line Option for UNIX
JRLY Configuration File
Jolt Relay Adapter
JRAD Configuration
Network Address Configurations
Oracle Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository
Initializing Services By Using Oracle Tuxedo and the Repository Editor
Event Subscription
Configuring for Event Subscription
Filtering Oracle Tuxedo FML or VIEW Buffers
Buffer Types
FML Buffer Example
Oracle Tuxedo Background Information
Configuration File
Creating the UBBCONFIG File
Configuration File Format
GROUPS Section
Parameters Usable with JSL
Optional Parameters
Run-time Parameters
Parameters Associated with RESTART
Entering Parameters
Sample Applications in Oracle Jolt Online Resources
Using the Jolt Class Library
Class Library Functionality Overview
Java Applications Versus Java Applets
Jolt Class Library Features
Error and Exception Handling
Jolt Client/Server Relationship
Jolt Object Relationships
Jolt Class Library Walkthrough
Logon and Logoff
Synchronous Service Calling
Transaction Begin, Commit, and Rollback
Using Oracle Tuxedo Buffer Types with Jolt
Using the STRING Buffer Type
Define TOUPPER in the Repository Editor Client Code
Using the CARRAY Buffer Type
Define the Tuxedo Service in the Repository Editor Client Code
Using the FML Buffer Type Client Code
FML Field Definitions
Define PASSFML in the Repository Editor
tryOnFml.c Server Code
Using the VIEW Buffer Type
Define VIEW in the Repository Editor Client Code
VIEW Field Definitions
simpview.c Server Code
Using the XML Buffer Type
Define the Tuxedo Service in the Repository Editor Client Code
Using the MBSTRING Buffer Type
Multithreaded Applications
Threads of Control
Preemptive Threading
Non-Preemptive Threading
Using Jolt with Non-Preemptive Threading
Using Threads for Asynchronous Behavior
Using Threads with Jolt
Event Subscription and Notifications
Event Subscription Classes
Notification Event Handler
Connection Modes
Notification Data Buffers
Oracle Tuxedo Event Subscription
Supported Subscription Types
Subscribing to Notifications
Unsubscribing from Notifications
Using the Jolt API to Receive Oracle Tuxedo Notifications
Clearing Parameter Values
Reusing Objects
Deploying and Localizing Jolt Applets
Deploying a Jolt Applet
Client Considerations
Web Server Considerations
Localizing a Jolt Applet
Using SSL
Using JoltBeans
Overview of Jolt Beans
JoltBeans Terms
Adding JoltBeans to Your Java Development Environment
Using Development and Run-time JoltBeans
Basic Steps for Using JoltBeans
JavaBeans Events and Oracle Tuxedo Events
Using Oracle Tuxedo Event Subscription and Notification with JoltBeans
How JoltBeans Use JavaBeans Events
The JoltBeans Toolkit
Jolt-Aware GUI Beans
Using the Property List and the Property Editor to Modify the JoltBeans Properties
JoltBeans Class Library Walkthrough
Building the Sample Form
Placing JoltBeans onto the Form Designer
Wiring the JoltBeans Together
Step 1: Wire the JoltSessionBean Logon
Step 2: Wire JoltSessionBean to JoltServiceBean Using PropertyChange
Step 3: Wire the accountID JoltTextField as Input to the JoltServiceBean Using JoltInputEvent
Step 4: Wire Button to JoltServiceBean Using JoltAction
Step 5: Wire JoltServiceBean to the Balance JoltTextField Using JoltOutputEvent
Step 6: Wire the JoltSessionBean Logoff
Step 7: Compile the Applet
Running the Sample Application
Using the Oracle Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository and Setting the Property Values
JoltBeans Programming Tasks
Using Transactions with JoltBeans
Using Custom GUI Elements with the JoltService Bean
Using Servlet Connectivity for Oracle Tuxedo
What Is a Servlet?
How Servlets Work with Jolt
The Jolt Servlet Connectivity Classes
Writing and Registering HTTP Servlets
Jolt Servlet Connectivity Sample
Viewing the Sample Servlet Applications
SimpApp Sample
Requirements for Running the SimpApp Sample
Installing the SimpApp Sample
BankApp Sample
Requirements for Running the BankApp Sample
Installation Instructions
Admin Sample
Requirements for Running the Admin Sample
Installation Instructions
Additional Information on Servlets
Migrating from Jolt Repository to Oracle Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository
Loading Jolt Repository to Oracle Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository
Sample: joltapp Migration
Oracle Jolt Exceptions

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