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System Messages: CMDDES Catalog 200-299

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WARN: Cannot determine unsolicited message buffer type, tperrno = tperrno


mio received an unsolicited message (tpbroadcast or tpnotify) and it could not determine the buffer type for processing. The indicated Oracle TUXEDO system error tperrno is the returned error indication from the ATMI routine tptypes().


The most likely cause of this error is a non-Oracle TUXEDO system process sending messages via UNIX; queues and mistakenly putting one such message on mio's queue. Examine other operations on your system to ensure that this is not occurring. Additionally, check permissions specified in your UBBCONFIG file to allow write access only as necessary. If the problem cannot be resolved, then please contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also

mio(1), tptypes(3c), tpbroadcast(3c), tpnotify(3c)


WARN: Invalid unsolicited message buffer type type


mio received an unsolicited message (tpbroadcast or tpnotify) with an unsupported buffer type. mio supports unsolicited messages with either the FML or STRING buffer type only. The indicated message will be ignored and mio will continue processing.


Check application clients and servers that send unsolicited messages to see what buffer types are being used. Correct improper uses to use only FML or STRING buffer types when communicating with what may be an mio client.

See Also

mio(1), tpbroadcast(3c), tpnotify(3c)

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