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System Messages: LIBGW Catalog 1000-1099

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ERROR: Message dropped by gw_msg_recv(). Error = error_code


The Domains gateway process received an input message that it was unable to process. The error_code reported is for use by your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


The userlog will normally contain another related userlog message explaining the cause of the error in more detail. If no other message is present, contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: shmat() system call failure: errno = errno


One of the Domains system-supplied processes was unable to attach to a shared memory segment. The value of errno returned from the UNIX shmat(2) system call is also printed. This could happen if one or more shared memory segments were manually removed by a privileged UNIX user.


If the value of errno indicates that the shared memory segment in question does not exist, it will be necessary to shut down the gateway group and reboot it.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure, size size


An attempt to dynamically allocate memory from the operating system using malloc failed while attempting to create and initialize the Domains semaphore structures.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Reached UNIX limit on semaphore ids


The GWADM server could not create any more semaphore ids because the UNIX system-imposed limit on the maximum number of allowed semaphores system-wide would be exceeded.


Use the tmloadcf -c and dmloadcf -c commands to determine the machine IPC resources required by the core Oracle TUXEDO system and by the Domains feature. Add to these values the IPC resources used by any resource managers and/or other applications, and reconfigure the system IPC resources appropriately. Refer to the IPC tuning guidelines in the Oracle TUXEDO Installation Guide for further information.

See Also

tmloadcf(1), dmloadcf(1), Oracle TUXEDO Installation Guide


ERROR: Can't create enough semaphores for GW


When a Domains gateway group initializes, it creates one or more sets of semaphores for serializing access to the Domains shared memory. The number of semaphores created per gateway group is equal to the number of server processes configured for that gateway group, plus 1.

This message is printed when the Domains gateway group cannot create as many semaphores as it needs.


Since the core Oracle TUXEDO system normally makes use of many more semaphores than the Domains add-on, attempts to reduce semaphore usage should focus on core Oracle TUXEDO. If possible, decrease the value of MAXACCESSERS in the UBBCONFIG file to reduce core Oracle TUXEDO system semaphore usage. If the MAX value for any Domains server is set to a large value, reduce this value in order to reduce the number of Domains semaphores used. If it is not possible to reduce semaphore usage for the existing application, the tmconfig -c and commands can be run to determine the number of semaphores required by core Oracle TUXEDO and by the Domains add-on. Refer to the Oracle TUXEDO Installation Guide for further information regarding IPC parameters.

See Also

Oracle TUXEDO Installation Guide, tmloadcf(1), dmloadcf(1)


ERROR: Reached UNIX limit on semaphore ids


See message 1010.


See message 1010.


ERROR: Can't create enough semaphores for GW


See message 1011.


See message 1011.


ERROR: semctl for initializing sems failed, errno=errno_value


Once the GWADM process creates a semaphore set used for serializing access to the Domains shared memory, it initializes it. This message is issued when the GWADM server fails to initialize a semaphore set as locked. The issued message contains the UNIX error number, errno, which can be used to determine the exact nature of the error.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also

semctl(2) in UNIX reference manuals


ERROR: semctl for initializing sems failed, errno=errno_value


Once the GWADM process creates a semaphore set used for serializing access to the Domains shared memory, it initializes it. This message is issued when the GWADM server fails to initialize a semaphore set with the administrator's UNIX uid, gid, and permissions as specified in the dmconfig file. The issued message contains the UNIX error number, errno, which can be used to determine the exact nature of the error.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also

semctl(2) in UNIX reference manuals


ERROR: Gateway internal data structures not set


While attempting to lock shared memory, a Domains system server noticed that a pointer which should always point to information about the Domains process was set to NULL. This is an internal problem.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Can't lock gateway shared memory


A process was unable to lock the shared memory data structures.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Can't unlock gateway shared memory


The process was unable to successfully unlock the shared memory data structures. As a result of this problem, other processes will be unable to lock the shared memory data structures. The most common cause of this error is the accidental removal of some or all of the semaphore sets.


Ask the privileged users on your system (normally the Oracle TUXEDO administrator and root) whether they may have accidentally removed some IPC resource, perhaps through inadvertent use of the UNIX System ipcrm(1) command. If no IPC resources have been accidentally removed, contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Can't unlock gateway shared memory, not the locker


The process attempted to unlock the shared memory data structures, but it was not the locker of these structures. Because of this, no change was made to the status of the shared memory data structures.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Service request <service_name> from remote site <rdom_name> failed:"error_string" gwerrno(val)


The Domains gateway server attempted to execute a service request received from another Domains gateway. However, the invocation of tpacall(3c) on the remote domain failed. A string indicating the specific error is printed as part of the message, and will be returned to the process that invoked this service request across the gateway.


Look at the specific error string reported by tpacall(3c) to narrow down the cause of the error. Make certain that the service requested is advertised by one or more application servers, that its input buffer type is specified correctly, and that the application server supports transactions if the call was made in transaction mode.

See Also



ERROR: Wakeup failure for sem semno, errno errno_val


A semop(2) system call failed for one of the semaphores that control access to data structures. The semno refers to the index of the semaphore within a particular set; this information may be useful to support technicians. errno_val refers to the UNIX System error returned by the semop(2) system call. This value can be very helpful to application administrators in diagnosing the cause of the problem.


Refer to the UNIX System intro(2) and semop(2) manual pages to translate the numeric value of errno into a symbolic value and determine the possible causes of such an error. For example, errno values of 22 (EINVAL) or 36 (EIDRM) indicate that a privileged user may accidentally have removed the semaphores, perhaps through use of the UNIX System ipcrm(1) command. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also

intro(2), semop(2) in UNIX reference manuals


ERROR: Awaitwkup failure for sem semno, errno errno_val


A semop(2) system call failed for one of the semaphores that control access to data structures. The semno refers to the index of the semaphore within a particular set; this information may be useful to support technicians. errno_val refers to the UNIX System error returned by the semop(2) system call. This value can be very helpful to application administrators in diagnosing the cause of the problem.


Refer to the UNIX System intro(2) and semop(2) manual pages to translate the numeric value of errno into a symbolic value and determine the possible causes of such an error. For example, errno values of 22 (EINVAL) or 36 (EIDRM) indicate that a privileged user may accidentally have removed the semaphores, perhaps through use of the UNIX System ipcrm(1) command. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also

intro(2), semop(2) in UNIX reference manuals


WARN: GWDBG contains non-numeric characters in first number


The format of the GWDBG variable is invalid. The allowable formats for GWDBG are:


If number is specified, debugging messages with levels less than or equal to number will be printed. If number1 and number2 are specified, debugging messages with levels between number1 and number2, inclusive, will be printed. If a regular expression is appended to the numeric part of the argument, only those messages matching that regular expression will be printed.


Make sure the format of the GWDBG variable is valid. GWDBG may be incorrectly set and exported in the environment. It may also be incorrectly set in an environment file using the ENVFILE parameter in the MACHINES or SERVERS section of the UBBCONFIG file.


WARN: GWDBG contains non-numeric characters in 2nd part of range


The format of the GWDBG variable is invalid. The allowable formats for GWDBG are:


If number is specified, debugging messages with levels less than or equal to number will be printed. If number1 and number2 are specified, debugging messages with levels between number1 and number2, inclusive, will be printed. If a regular expression is appended to the numeric part of the argument, only those messages matching that regular expression will be printed.


Make sure the format of the GWDBG variable is valid. GWDBG may be incorrectly set and exported in the environment. It may also be incorrectly set in an environment file using the ENVFILE parameter in the MACHINES or SERVERS section of the UBBCONFIG file.

See Also



WARN: GWDBG regular expression invalid. Ignoring regular expression.


The format of the GWDBG variable is invalid. The allowable formats for GWDBG are:


If number is specified, debugging messages with levels less than or equal to number will be printed. If number1 and number2 are specified, debugging messages with levels between number1 and number2, inclusive, will be printed. If a regular expression is appended to the numeric part of the argument, only those messages matching that regular expression will be printed.


Make sure the format of the GWDBG variable is valid. GWDBG may be incorrectly set and exported in the environment. It may also be incorrectly set in an environment file using the ENVFILE parameter in the MACHINES or SERVERS section of the UBBCONFIG file.

See Also



ERROR: Service request not forwarded to remote site:"error_string" gwerrno(val)


The Domains gateway server attempted to execute a service request received from another Domains gateway. However, the invocation of tpacall(3c) on the remote domain failed. A string indicating the specific error is printed as part of the message, and will be returned to the process that invoked this service request across the gateway.


Look at the specific error string reported by tpacall(3c) to narrow down the cause of the error. Make certain that the service requested is advertised by one or more application servers, that its input buffer type is specified correctly, and that the application server supports transactions if the call was made in transaction mode.

See Also



ERROR: Reply message not sent due to gateway error error_code


A Domains gateway server was unable to send a reply message to a Oracle TUXEDO process. In many cases, another related userlog message will give further details as to the cause of the error. The error_code may help support personnel further distinguish the cause of the error.


Look for another related userlog message explaining the cause of the error in greater detail. If no other message is present, contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Domain administrative service GWA not advertised


When a Domains gateway server is booted, it checks to see if an instance of the GWADM server is executing within the same group by verifying that a service named GWA is offered within the same group. If no GWA service is offered, the Domains gateway server logs this message and exits.


Make certain that the dmconfig(5) file specifies the GWADM server as present in each group where there are Domains gateway servers. Make certain that the dmconfig(5) file specifies that the GWADM server is to be booted prior to any Domains gateway servers within the same group. If using options to tmboot to explicitly control the servers booted, do not attempt to boot Domains gateway servers unless there is a GWADM server booted within the same group. Finally, make sure that the GWADM server has not abnormally died or failed to boot.

See Also



ERROR: Failed to update own server table entry with /T error (error_string)


A Domains process failed in an attempt to update its own server table entry in the Bulletin Board.


Check that the shared memory segment that contains the Bulletin Board has not been removed. If it has, then the application will need to be rebooted. Otherwise, this error indicates an internal error. In this case, contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also



ERROR: Cannot allocate memory to retrieve service table entries


An attempt to dynamically allocate memory from the operating system using malloc failed while attempting to retrieve the list of services offered within this gateway group.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Cannot retrieve GWADM server table entry due to /T error (error_string)


A Domains gateway server or a restarting GWADM process is unable to retrieve the server table entry associated with the GWADM server. A string describing the value of tperrno associated with the failure is printed as part of the message.


If this message is reported by a Domains gateway process, make certain that the GWADM server is in fact executing in the Domains gateway server group. If this message is reported in a different context, contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Can't locate free block in domain log


The Domains software was unable to locate a suitably large block of space in the Domains log to log a particular transaction. This will result in the transaction being unable to commit.


If any records for heuristically completed transactions exist in the Domains log, these records will remain until explicitly removed by an administrator. The dmadmin printtrans and forgettrans commands can be used to remove any heuristic log records that are no longer required. Also, consider increasing the size of the Domains transaction log file. This can be done when the Domains gateway group is next taken down for maintenance using the dmadmin dsdmlog command and either the dmadmin config command or the dmloadcf command.

See Also

dmadmin(1), dmloadcf(1)


ERROR: gwlog_eot(): wrong page numbers start_page/end_page


An internal request to free certain page(s) in the Domains log requested the freeing of a page range where the start page was greater than the end page, the start page was negative, or the end page reached beyond the end of the log. This indicates a problem with the Domains internal data structures.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


INFO: Domain log page pageno skipped, chksum didn't match


While reading in the Domains log to perform warmstart, a record was detected with a valid magic value but an invalid checksum. This can happen if there was a system crash after a part of the log record had been written to disk. This log record will not be considered when forming the list of transactions to be recommitted by warmstart. Domains will maintain transaction integrity by rolling the transaction back.


No action required.


ERROR: Domain log not in an understandable format. Different release.


While reading in the Domains log as part of warmstart, the Domains software detected a record whose format indicates that it comes from a different major release of Domains whose format is not known to this release. The record cannot be processed.


If there is more than one release of the Oracle TUXEDO system available on this machine, make sure that you are running the proper release. Also, refer to the installation notes for this release of Domains to determine the proper steps to follow when upgrading from a previous release.


ERROR: System clock has been reset to prior time. Reset again to time after time.


The system clock has been reset such that the current time precedes the timestamps in the Domains transaction log. Since this could cause inconsistencies when previous transactions are warmstarted, the boot of the Domains gateway group is not allowed.


Reset the system clock to the correct time, and retry the operation again.


ERROR: Can't get domain log information for warmstart


A Domains system processes was unable to obtain basic information about its local domain that is needed to properly warmstart the Domains gateway group. For this reason, the boot of the Domains gateway group will fail.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Can't open domain log


The process was unable to open the Domains transaction log device. Another userlog message will normally provide further details as to the cause of the error.


Make certain that the device listed in the DMTLOGDEV parameter in the Domains configuration file exists, and that it can be read by the user ID under which the Domains processes are running. Use the tmadmin livtoc command to verify that a table whose name is given by the DMTLOGNAME parameter in the Domains configuration file exists. If no such table exists, determine whether there is sufficient free space to create such a table. Examine immediately preceding messages in the userlog to determine a more specific cause of the error.

See Also

tmadmin(1), dmconfig(5)


ERROR: Can't release domain shared memory lock


The Domains gateway process is unable to release a lock on the Domains shared data structures. As a result, other processes within the Domains gateway group will be unable to access the Domains shared data structures.


Shut down the Domains gateway group and then restart it. Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Found invalid TMS event 0xevent_number


A common function within the Domains gateway that is used to send several different types of events to other TMS processes was invoked with an event that it does not know about. This is an internal error.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Cannot send to service "TMS" due to error "error_string"


The Domains gateway was managing a transaction and had attempted to send a message to a TMS service via a tpacall(), and that call failed. The string value displayed in the message identifies the value of tperrno returned by tpacall().


A possible cause for this error may be that the TMS process has terminated for some reason. Please check and ensure that all TMS processes are running. If further assistance is needed, contact the Oracle TUXEDO system Administrator.


ERROR: TMS_ABORTONLY transaction state state


The Domains gateway process was rolling back a transaction. The transaction state was not as expected.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: TMS_MANAGE found transaction state stateval


While attempting to send a first phase commit request to other participating groups in a transaction, the Domains gateway process found a transaction state it did not expect.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: TMS_MANAGE found transaction state stateval


While attempting to send a second phase commit message to other participating groups in a transaction, the Domains gateway process found a transaction state it did not expect.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: TMS_MANAGE found transaction state stateval


While attempting to send an abort message to other participating groups in a transaction, the Domains gateway process found a transaction state it did not expect.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: TMS_TIMEOUT state state


While attempting to process a request to time out a transaction received from the Oracle TUXEDO BBL, the Domains gateway process found an unexpected transaction state.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Received TMS_ABORT for TMGDECIDED transaction


The Domains gateway received a rollback request for a transaction. However, the Bulletin Board data structures indicate that the transaction is in a state that can only occur if the decision was to commit the transaction.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Group group at coordinator site received TMS_ABORT in state TMGREADY


The Domains gateway, acting as coordinator of a Oracle TUXEDO transaction, received a request to rollback a transaction that is already in "ready" state. Since only the coordinator itself can make the decision to abort such a transaction, this is an internal error.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


WARN: TMS_ABORT changing group group from TMGHCOMMIT to TMGABORTED


An administrator had made a previous decision to heuristically commit a transaction at this group. Subsequently, it was learned that the coordinator had decided to abort the transaction. This message logs the inconsistency.


No action is required. However, the administrator may want to take application-specific steps to manually remedy any inconsistency caused by the incorrect heuristic decision.


ERROR: tms_abort group group in state state


While rolling back a transaction, the Domains gateway found the transaction state of group group to not be one of the expected states for a transaction being rolled back.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


WARN: aborttrans all aborted transaction


The Domains gateway received a request to heuristically rollback a global transaction. This request was generated via the tmadmin aborttrans command.


No action required.


WARN: committrans committed group group


This message informs that a transaction has been heuristically committed at this group as a result of a tmadmin committrans command.


No action required.


ERROR: Can't get domain shared memory lock


While attempting to place a transaction on the list of items to be logged, the Domains gateway was unable to log the Domains shared memory data structures. As a result, the transaction cannot be logged at this time. This will result in the transaction being aborted or remaining in an indeterminate state.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Failed to set non-blocking priority for TMS request


While attempting to send a TMS message, a Domains gateway process was unable to increase the priority of a non-blocking request. By itself, this failure will not result in any incorrect operation other than a possible minor performance degradation. However, it may be symptomatic of problems elsewhere in the system, since this call should not normally fail.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: TMS_COMMIT found transaction state state


While attempting to process a transaction commit request, the Domains gateway found an unexpected transaction state in the Oracle TUXEDO transaction table.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Cannot start AUTOTRAN transaction due to error "error_string"


The domain gateway attempted to initiate a transaction because of the AUTOTRAN option on a service request it received. However, the call to tpbegin(3c) failed. The error string associated with the value of tperrno returned by tpbegin(3c) is printed as part of the error message.


Look at the list of tperrno values on the tpbegin(3c) manual page to attempt to narrow down the cause of the error. Also look for any immediately preceding messages in the userlog. For example, a preceding message about "No space in Bulletin Board" would indicate that the global transaction table was full. In this case, the size of the transaction table should be increased by the administrator. If the cause of the error cannot otherwise be determined, contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also



ERROR: gw_tms_status found transaction state tran_state


While processing a transaction status message received from a TMS process or from the BBL, the Domains gateway process detected that the transaction was in an unexpected state.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Cannot find transaction for action action_name


The Domains gateway generated an action to send a transaction-related message to a TMS process. However, the transaction specified by the action was not found in the system at the time when the action was executed.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


WARN: Cannot free unrecognized internal buffer at address 0xaddress


A Domains gateway process attempted to free what it thought was a Oracle TUXEDO system buffer. However, the buffer did not have the proper Oracle TUXEDO magic value or was a NULL pointer, so it was not freed.


Since the bad buffer was not freed, no action is required. However, you may want to contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support to report that this has occurred.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure


An attempt to dynamically allocate memory from the operating system using malloc failed while attempting to log a transaction. For the most common types of log records, this will result in the transaction being aborted.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure


An attempt to dynamically allocate memory from the operating system using malloc failed while attempting to warmstart the Domains gateway group.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: gw_tms_ready for missing group group


While committing a transaction, the Domains gateway received a ready indication for a group that is not part of the transaction. The transaction will be marked as abort-only.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: gw_tms_ready group group state state


While committing a transaction, the Domains gateway found that one of the groups for the transaction is in an unexpected state.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: gw_tms_ready found transaction state state


While attempting to commit a transaction, the Domains gateway found an unexpected transaction state. Because of this, the transaction is being marked abort-only.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Service request found state state for group group


A Domains gateway process received a service request in transaction mode, but the state of the Domains gateway group was neither active nor aborted. Due to this unexpected state, the service request is not allowed.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: TMS_DONE transaction state state


The Domains gateway was finishing the final phase of transaction commit, and found that the transaction state was not as expected.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


WARN: aborttrans aborted transaction


The Domains gateway received a request to heuristically rollback a group of a global transaction. This request was generated via the tmadmin aborttrans command.


No action required.


WARN: aborttrans not allowed for TMGDECIDED transaction


The Domains gateway received a request to heuristically rollback a transaction that is already in decided state. This is not allowed, since the decision has already been made that such a transaction is to be committed. The request was generated via the tmadmin aborttrans command.


No action required.


WARN: aborttrans not allowed for TMGREADY transaction at coordinator site


The Domains gateway received a request to heuristically rollback a transaction. This Domains group is the coordinator of the transaction, and all groups have reported that they are ready. At this point, the transaction may be waiting for its request to write commit in the transaction log to be completed. For this reason, the request to heuristically rollback the transaction is not allowed, and will be ignored. The request was generated by the tmadmin aborttrans command.


No action required.


WARN: aborttrans aborted group group_name


This message informs that a transaction has been heuristically committed at group group_name as a result of a tmadmin committrans command.


No action required.


ERROR: Conversational request not forwarded to remote site - tperrno_string


A tpsend(3c) or tpdiscon(3c) call was issued by a program on another domain. This call was for a conversation with a server located on this domain. However, when the Domains gateway attempted to execute the tpsend(3c) or tpdiscon(3c) on this domain on behalf of the original issuer, an error resulted. The value of tperrno is printed as part of the message.


Refer to the manual pages for tpsend(3c) and tpdiscon(3c) for possible causes of the error. If necessary, correct the application so that the error does not reoccur.

See Also

tpsend(3c), tpdiscon(3c)


ERROR: Conversation error TPEEVENT but event flag not set


A Domains gateway process received a conversational message from another Oracle TUXEDO process. The message header contained a tperrno value of TPEEVENT, but the message header did not contain any event. This does not conform to the expected protocol.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Bad conversation event: number


A Domains gateway process received a conversational message from another Oracle TUXEDO process. The tperrno value in the message was set to TPEEVENT, but the event reported was a value that is not known to the system. However, the event field was set to an event value that is not known.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Conversational connect not forwarded to remote site - tperrno_string


A tpconnect(3c) was issued by a program on another domain to initiate a conversation with a server on this domain. However, when the Domains gateway attempted to perform the functionality of tpsend(3c) on this domain on behalf of the original issuer, an error resulted. The value of tperrno is printed as part of the message.


Refer to the manual page for tpconnect(3c) for possible causes of the error. If necessary, correct the application so that the error does not reoccur.

See Also



ERROR: Failed to create connection


This error occurs when a Domains gateway process executes tpconnect(3c) on behalf of a client on a remote domain and fails to add a connection table entry into the Bulletin Board. This can happen if the Bulletin Board connection table is full.


Increase the number of connection table entries in the Bulletin Board by increasing the MAXCONV parameter in the UBBCONFIG file.

See Also



ERROR: Failed to get acknowledgement message for connection - tperrno_string


This error could occur when a conversational client or server on another domain issues a tpconnect(3c) with TPSENDONLY to a service located on this domain. Within each Oracle TUXEDO domain, the tpconnect(3c) request with TPSENDONLY requires an internal acknowledgment message to be sent. The internal acknowledgment sent from the application server on this domain to the Domains gateway indicated a failure. The value of tperrno associated with the failure is included as part of the message. The next call made on the conversation will result in an immediate disconnect notification.


Look at the tpconnect(3c) manual page to see under what circumstances the specific value of tperrno reported can occur. (For example, a tperrno value of TPEITYPE would indicate that the data type passed to tpconnect(3c) is not acceptable to the service invoked.) If the error reported is TPESYSTEM, contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also



INFO: Transaction marked abort-only upon gateway restart


A Domains gateway process died and was restarted by the Oracle TUXEDO system. As a result, transactions that the dead gateway was involved in that had not yet entered the commit phase were marked as abort-only. The transaction indicated in this message had an active action associated with it in the dead gateway, and was marked abort-only.


No action required.


INFO: Warmstart processing transaction as coordinating domain


A Domains gateway group was previously shut down while transactions were active, or the group previously was terminated abnormally (that is, by a machine crash) regardless of whether transactions were active. Upon restart, the Domains gateway has examined its log and found that this transaction may need to be pushed through to commit. This domain gateway group is the root of the transaction tree. Domains will take care of recommitting the transaction; no administrator action is required.


No action required.


INFO: Warmstart processing transaction as subordinate to domain domain_name


A Domains gateway group was previously shut down while transactions were active, or the group previously was terminated abnormally (that is, by a machine crash) regardless of whether transactions were active. Upon restart, the Domains gateway has examined its log and found that the commitment or rollback actions for this transaction may not have been completed. This domain gateway group is a subordinate of domain domain_name in the transaction tree. Domains will contact the transaction coordinator and will take care of committing or rolling back the transaction; no administrator action is required.


No action required.


INFO: Warmstart processing transaction as subordinate to group group_name


A Domains gateway group was previously shut down while transactions were active, or the group previously was terminated abnormally (that is, by a machine crash) regardless of whether transactions were active. Upon restart, the Domains gateway has examined its log and found that the commitment or rollback actions for this transaction may not have been completed. This domain gateway group is a subordinate of local group group_name in the transaction tree. Domains will contact the transaction coordinator and will take care of committing or rolling back the transaction; no administrator action is required.


No action required.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure, size size


An attempt to dynamically allocate memory from the operating system using malloc failed while attempting to perform a message queue read.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Recovery cannot retrieve record for domain domain_name


The Domains gateway was reading its transaction log upon startup and identified the transaction mentioned in this userlog record as potentially requiring recovery actions. The transaction log stated that domain domain_name was a participant in this transaction, but information about this domain could not be found in shared memory. This message can occur in a development environment if the Oracle TUXEDO system Administrator loads a Domains configuration file for a new application in place of an old configuration file, the new and old configuration files share the same DMTLOGDEV and DMTLOGNAME parameters, the new configuration file specifies a different set of domains from the old file, and the old application was last shut down either when transactions were outstanding or other than by using tmshutdown(1).


If the Oracle TUXEDO system Administrator has recently loaded a new Domains configuration file as described above, then the Oracle TUXEDO system Administrator may either reload the old configuration file, reboot the old application, and shut down the old application (if transactional integrity of the old application is important), or may use the dmadmin(1) subcommand dsdmlog to remove the old log (if in a development environment where the old application is being thrown away). Note that an application may not specify the same DMTLOGDEV and DMTLOGNAME combination as used for any other application. If this is the case, one of the applications should be changed to use a different DMTLOGNAME or DMTLOGDEV. If this error is not the result of one of the conditions described above, contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also

dmloadcf(1), dmconfig(5)


ERROR: Recovery cannot retrieve record for domain domain_name


The Domains gateway was reading its transaction log upon startup and identified the transaction mentioned in this userlog record as potentially requiring recovery actions. The transaction log stated that domain domain_name was a participant in this transaction, but information about this domain could not be found in shared memory. This message can occur in a development environment if the Oracle TUXEDO system Administrator loads a Domains configuration file for a new application in place of an old configuration file, the new and old configuration files share the same DMTLOGDEV and DMTLOGNAME parameters, the new configuration file specifies a different set of domains from the old file, and the old application was last shut down either when transactions were outstanding or other than by using tmshutdown(1).


If the Oracle TUXEDO system Administrator has recently loaded a new Domains configuration file as described above, then the Oracle TUXEDO system Administrator may either reload the old configuration file, reboot the old application, and shut down the old application (if transactional integrity of the old application is important), or may use the dmadmin(1) subcommand dsdmlog to remove the old log (if in a development environment where the old application is being thrown away). Note that an application may not specify the same DMTLOGDEV and DMTLOGNAME combination as used for any other application. If this is the case, one of the applications should be changed to use a different DMTLOGNAME or DMTLOGDEV. If this error is not the result of one of the conditions described above, contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.

See Also

dmloadcf(1), dmconfig(5)


ERROR: Recovery cannot set branch state for domain domain_name


The Domains gateway was recovering a transaction from its log and was able to restore the transaction to shared memory, but then was unable to set the transaction state in shared memory.


Contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: DMCONFIG DMTLOGSIZE, num_pages, differs from size of existing log, num_pages


The Domains gateway was opening its transaction log to perform recovery and found that the size of the log as listed in the dmconfig file did not match the actual size of the log.


If there could still be any outstanding transactions requiring recovery, restore the Domains configuration to its previous size and reload it using dmloadcf(1). The Domains gateway group may then be rebooted. If the Oracle TUXEDO system administrator does need to change the size of the Domains log, the dmadmin(1) subcommand dsdmlog may be used. The log will then automatically be re-created with the size listed in the Domains configuration file the next time the Domains gateway group is booted.

See Also

dmadmin(1), dmloadcf(1), dmconfig(5)


WARN: Cannot initialize network recovery and/or listening points


While booting, a Domains gateway process was unable to complete network initialization operations.


The specific actions taken upon network startup are dependent upon the network instantiation. Make sure that the network parameters specified in the Domains configuration file are valid. In many cases, the network instantiation will print a preceding userlog message giving more information as to the cause of the problem.


ERROR: [Service receive: cannot send meta-msg reply]


While attempting to advertise a service, the Domains gateway was unable to send a reply message to the process which requested that the service be advertised.


Look in the userlog for a preceding message explaining why the reply message could not be sent (for example, an operating system resource error). If no such message is present, contact your Oracle TUXEDO system Technical Support.


ERROR: Unable to advertise initial services - error_string


When booting, the Domains gateway was unable to advertise its initial services. A string indicating the value of tperrno will be printed as part of the message. The gateway will exit as a result of this error.


The proper action to take will depend upon the value of tperrno. If tperrno is set to TPELIMIT, increase the value of the MAXSERVICES parameter in the RESOURCES section of the TUXCONFIG file. If tperrno is set to TPESYSTEM, look for another message preceding this message with more information on the failure.

See Also


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