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System Messages: TUXMQ Catalog 100-199

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ERROR: Cannot execute build_command


The system was unable to successfully execute the specified build_command.


Check for any error messages in the compiler output. Verify that the user has permission to write to the specified output file. Verify that the PATH is set so that the compiler and buildserver commands are found. Verify that the CFLAGS environment variable is not set or that it points to the proper compiler if set.


ERROR: Cannot execute command_line


The operating system could not successfully execute the specfiied command_line to build the Windows manifest file.


Check for any error messages in the command output. Verify that the user has permission to write to the specified output file. Verify that the PATH is set so that the linker and buildserver commands are found. Verify that the compiler version matches the supported compiler version for the installed version of Tuxedo.


ERROR: The Tuxedo MQ Adapter is not supported on this platform


WebSphere MQ binaries for this platform were not available at the time Tuxedo was ported to this problem. Therefore, the buildmq command prints this message and exits.


If IBM has recently introduced WebSphere MQ support for this platform, contact Oracle Support to determine if the MQ Adapter is now supported on this platform. If WebSphere MQ is not installed on this machine or the Tuxedo MQ Adapter is not supported on this platform, redesign your application so that the MQ Adapter servers run on a platform where WebSphere MQ is supported.


ERROR: Memory allocation failure


An attempt to dynamically allocate memory from the operating system failed.


Make sure the operating system parameters are set correctly for the amount of memory on the machine and the amount of memory that can be used by a process. Reduce the memory usage on the machine or increase the amount of physical memory on the machine.


ERROR: Cannot specify output file name when building all three MQ Adapter servers


-o is not a valid option for the buildmqadapter command, although it is a valid option for the buildTM_MQI, buildTM_MQO, and buildTMQUEUE_MQM commands.


If the standard MQ adapter server locations in $TUXDIR/bin are acceptatble, remove the -o option from the buildmqadapter command line. Otherwise, use the buildTM_MQI, buildTM_MQO, and buildTMQUEUE_MQM commands to build the MQ Adapter servers one at a time in a location of your choosing.


ERROR: TUXDIR environment variable not set


The TUXDIR environment variable must be set when building the MQ Adapter servers.


Set and export the TUXDIR environment variable and reexecute the failed command.

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