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System Messages: TUXMQ Catalog 1100-1199



TPMQ_ECONFIG No parameter name specified before '='


An MQ Adapter server found a line with an = sign without any preceeding parameter name in its configuration file. Due to the configuration file syntax error, the server was not booted.


Fix the MQ Adapter server configuration file so that there is a parameter name before each = sign on every line of the file. Once the configuration file syntax is fixed, reboot the failed server.


TPMQ_ECONFIG Parameter parameter_name is not followed by '='


An MQ Adapter server found a line which contained a parameter name without an = sign and was not a section name line starting with *. Due to the configuration file syntax error, the server was not booted.


Ensure that every parameter name in the configuration file is followed by an = sign and an associated value. Once the configuration file syntax is fixed, reboot the failed server.


TPMQ_ECONFIG No value after '=' for parameter parameter_name


An MQ Adapter server found a line which contained a parameter name and an = sign but which did not contain a parameter value following the = sign. Due to the configuration file syntax error, the server was not booted.


Ensure that every parameter name in the configuration file is followed by an = sign and an associated value. Once the configuration file syntax is fixed, reboot the failed server.


TPMQ_ECONFIG Parameter parameter_name exceeds maximum length


The parameter name parameter_name is not a valid parameter name and exceeds the maximum allowable length for a parameter name in the MQ Adapter server configuration file. Due to the configuration file syntax error, the server was not booted.


Ensure that every parameter name in the configuration file is a valid parameter name followed by an = sign and a parameter value. Once the configuration file syntax is fixed, reboot the failed server.


TPMQ_ECONFIG Value for parameter parameter_name exceeds maximum length


The value for parameter parameter_name in the MQ Adapter server configuration file exceeds the maximum allowable length. Due to the configuration file syntax error, the server was not booted.


Specify a valid value for parameter parameter_name in the MQ Adapter server configuration file. Once the configuration file syntax is fixed, reboot the failed server.


TPMQ_SYSTEM No composite header in buffer


The TMQUEUE_MQM received a service request that did not contain the composite buffer type sent by tpenqueue() and tpdequeue().


Examine your application to ensure that a program is not mistakenly using tpcall() or tpacall() to send service requests to the TMQUEUE_MQM server. The TMTRACE(5) facility may be helpful in determining which programs are making calls to the TMQUEUE_MQM server. All invocations of services offered by TMQUEUE_MQM should be done via tpenqueue() or tpdequeue().


TPMQ_SYSTEM No composite FML data in buffer


The TMQUEUE_MQM received a service request that contained a composited buffer type, but which did not contain FML data.


All invocations of services offered by TMQUEUE_MQM should be done via tpenqueue() or tpdequeue(). Examine your application to ensure that a program is not mistakenly using tpcall() or tpacall() to send a service requests with a composite buffer type to the TMQUEUE_MQM server. If this is not the case, contact your Tuxedo technical support organization.


TPMQ_WARNING Failed to get field field_name from operation message


The TMQUEUE_MQM server was unable to find expected field field_name in the service input buffer. operation tells whether the error occurred during a tpenqueue() operation or during a tpdequeue() operation.


Contact your Tuxedo technical support organization.


TPMQ_EATMI Failed to set field field_name in operation message


The TMQUEUE_MQM server was unable to set field field_name in the service output buffer. operation tells whether the error occurred during a tpenqueue() operation or during a tpdequeue() operation.


Contact your Tuxedo technical support organization.


TPMQ_EINVAL Received message with unknown ReplyToQ queue_name


The TMQUEUE_MQM server received a tpdequeue() request from Tuxedo for a queue which was not mapped to a WebSphere MQ queue in the TMQUEUE_MQM configuration file.


Modify the TMQUEUE_MQM configuration file so that queue_name is specified as the TUXNAME parameter of a *QUEUE table entry and reboot the TMQUEUE_MQM server. Alternatively, fix the client which specified queue_name as a reply queue name to specify a proper name.


TPMQ_EINVAL tpenqueue parameter TPQREPLYQOS not supported


The TPQREPLYQOS parameter does not map to a corresponding WebSphere MQ parameter and is not allowed on tpenqueue() requests to the TMQUEUE_MQM server. As a result of the error, a QMEINVAL diagnostic is being returned to the caller.


Modify the application so that TPQUREPLYQOS is not specified on requests to the TMQUEUE_MQM server.


TPMQ_EAPP_API Inquire on queue queue_name failed, Reason=MQRC_Q_DELETED, marking queue down


The specified queue_name has been deleted from WebSphere MQ. As a result, the TM_MQI server will no longer poll this queue for incoming messages.


If queue_name was deliberately deleted, no action is required. If queue_name has been deleted by accident, have the WebSphere MQ administrator recreate this queue and reboot the TM_MQI server once queue_name has been recreated.


TPMQ_EAPP_API Inquire on LQMID lqmid Queue queue_name failed, Reason=error_code (num_err error(s) for this queue since last message; message will not be repeated for num_sec seconds)


An MQINQ operation on queue_name failed with MQ error . As a result of this failure, the TM_MQI server is unable to get any messages that may currently be on on queue_name. TM_MQI will continue to poll this queue, but will limit the number of times this message is logged to avoid excessive output in the userlog.


Examine the MQ error_code for further information on the cause of the error. Verify that the current user has permission to perform MQINQ operations on queue_name.


TPMQ_EAPP_API Get on LQMID lqmid Queue queue_name failed, Reason=error_code (number message(s) on queue; num_err error(s) for this queue since last message; message will not be repeated for num_sec seconds)


An MQGET operation on queue_name failed with MQ error . As a result of this failure, the TM_MQI server is unable to get the messages currently on queue_name. TM_MQI will continue to poll this queue, but will limit the number of times this message is logged to avoid excessive output in the userlog.


Examine the MQ error_code for further information on the cause of the error. Verify that the current user has permission to perform MQGET operations on queue_name.


TPMQ_EAPP_API MQPUT1 on Queue Manager queue_manager_name Reply Queue reply_queue_name failed, Reason = error_code


A WebSphere MQ MQPUT1 operation failed on queue queue_name. As a result, the TM_MQI server was unable to place the reply to a service request on this queue. As a result of the error, TM_MQI will attempt to send this reply to the WebSphere MQ Dead Letter Queue, if any.


Examine the MQ error_code for further information as to the cause of the error.


TPMQ_EAPP_API MQPUT1 on Queue queue_name failed, Reason = _error_code


A WebSphere MQ MQPUT1 operation failed on queue queue_name. As a result, the TM_MQO server was unable to process the current service request.


Examine the MQ error_code for further information as to the cause of the error. Resubmit the failed request once the error has been fixed.


TPMQ_WARNING MQOPEN on Reply Queue queue_name failed, Reason = error_code


A WebSphere MQ MQOPEN operation failed on reply queue queue_name. As a result, the TM_MQO server was unable to receive a reply for this service request. Any reply that may exist remains queued on queue_name.


Examine the MQ error_code for further information as to the cause of the error. If necessary, have the MQ administrator manually dequeue this message from reply queue queue_name.


TPMQ_EPROTO SERVICE service_name defined as nontransactional but called within a transaction


The TM_MQO server received a service request for a service defined with TRAN=N inside a Tuxedo transaction. This is not allowed, and a TPFAIL reply is being returned to the caller.


Call the service outside of a Tuxedo transaction or using the TPNOTRAN flag. (If the service should be called within a transaction, change the TM_MQO configuration file to specify TRAN=Y and reboot the TM_MQO server.)


TPMQ_ELIMIT OUTFIELDVNAME viewname parameter for SERVICE exceeds maximum length maxlen


The OUTFIELDVNAME parameter specified in the TM_MQO configuration file exceeds the maximum allowable length. As a result of this error, the TM_MQO server did not boot.


Fix the OUTFIELDVNAME parameter name and reboot the TM_MQO server.


TPMQ_EINVAL OUTFIELDVNAME not found for FLD_VIEW32 field field_name


The TM_MQO server could not find field_name in the FML32 field tables. As a result, TM_MQO was unable to return VIEW32 data in this field and is returning an error buffer to the caller.


Ensure that the FLDTBLDIR32 and FIELDTBLS32 environment variables are correctly set in the environment of the TM_MQO server or add a definition for field_Name to the existing FLDTBLDIR32 and FIELDTBLS32 location. If an environment variable change needs to be made, reboot the TM_MQO server so that the change takes effect.


TPMQ_ESYSTEM FML32 error adding field field_name - error_string


The TM_MQO server was unable to add the specified field_name to its output buffer due to the FML32 error reported by error_string. As a result, TM_MQO is returning an error message to its caller.


Contact your Tuxedo technical support organization.


TPMQ_ECONFIG OUTFIELDVNAME parameter specified for SERVICE service_name but OUTFIELD and INFIELD are not specified


A *SERVICE section entry in the TM_MQO configuration file specified the OUTFIELDVNAME parameter without specifying the OUTFIELD or INFIELD parameter. As a result of the configuration error, the TM_MQO server failed to boot.


The OUTFIELDVNAME parameter is meaningful only when the OUTFIELD parameter is specified, or when the INFIELD parameter is specified as a default value for the OUTFIELD parameter. Fix the TM_MQO configuration file to specify consistent parameters and then reboot the failed TM_MQO server.


TPMQ_EATMI Error error_code sending buffer to backout queue queue_name


An MQPUT1 call in the TM_MQI server returned an error when attempting to send a previously failed message to backout queue queue_name.


Examine the WebSphere MQ error_code for further information as to the cause of the error. Verify that queue_name exists and that put operations are allowed on this queue.


TPMQ_WARNING Unable to invoke audit post-op on security failure


A call to the the audit_postop() plugin security function on a service operation failed. This call was being attempted due to a deny or failure return from the authorize_preop() plugin security function call. No audit of the failure was able to be performed/recorded.


Check the registration of the auditing plugin. If the plugin used is the default supplied plugin, check the userlog file and filesystem space. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, check with the supplier of the plugin code. In addition, because of the authorize_preop() deny or failure, if the denial was not intended, check the registration, authorization configuration, and return from the authorize_preop() function.

See Also

epifregedt, epifreg


TPMQ_WARNING Unable to invoke audit pre-op on service invocation


A call to the audit_preop() plugin security function on a service operation failed. This call was being attempted prior to the operation execution. No audit of the attempt was able to be performed/recorded.


Check the registration of the auditing plugin. If the plugin used is the default supplied plugin, check the userlog file and filesystem space. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, check with the supplier of the plugin code.

See Also

epifregedt, epifreg


TPMQ_WARNING Unable to invoke audit post-op on security failure


A call to the the audit_postop() plugin security function on a service operation failed. This call was being attempted due to a deny or failure return from the authorize_preop() plugin security function call. No audit of the failure was able to be performed/recorded.


Check the registration of the auditing plugin. If the plugin used is the default supplied plugin, check the userlog file and filesystem space. If the plugin used is not the default supplied plugin, check with the supplier of the plugin code. In addition, because of the authorize_preop() deny or failure, if the denial was not intended, check the registration, authorization configuration, and return from the authorize_preop() function.

See Also

epifregedt, epifreg


TPMQ_ECONFIG Duplicate FORMAT parameter found for SERVICE definition


A *SERVICE section entry in the TM_MQI or TM_MQO configuration file contained more than one FORMAT line. This is an error, and as a result the TM_MQI or TM_MQO server did not boot.


Fix the TM_MQI or TM_MQO configuration file and reboot the failed server.


TPMQ_WARNING Queue queue_name open failed, Reason=error_code; assuming backout threshold is 0


The TM_MQI server was unable to perform an MQOPEN on queue_name in order to determine the queue backout threshold. As a result, TM_MQI assumes that the backout threshold for this request on this queue is 0 and TM_MQI will act as if the backout threshold for this message has been exceeded.


Examine the error_code and WebSphere MQ error logs to determine why queue_name could not be opened. Verify that the queue_name has not been deleted and that the access permissions on queue_name have not changed.


TPMQ_WARNING Queue queue_name inquire failed, Reason=error_code; assuming backout threshold is 0


After successfully performing an MQOPEN on queue_name, TM_MQI was unable to successfuly perform an MQINQ on the queue to determine the queue backout threshold. As a result, TM_MQI assumes that the backout threshold for this request on this queue is 0 and TM_MQI will act as if the backout threshold for this message has been exceeded.


Examine the error_code and WebSphere MQ error logs to determine why the inquire operation on queue_name failed. Verify that the queue_name has not been deleted and that the access permissions on queue_name have not changed.


TPMQ_WARNING Queue queue_name close failed, Reason=error_code


After sucessfully performing an MQOPEN and an MQINQ on queue_name, TM_MQI was unable to successfully close the queue.


Examine the error_code and WebSphere MQ error logs to determine why queue_name could not be closed. Verify that the queue_name has not been deleted and that the access permissions on queue_name have not changed.


TPMQ_INFO Connect to LQMID queue_manager QUEUE(queue_name) retry success, retry number = retry_number


MQ Adapter reconnect to queue_manager successfully after retry_number attempts.


No action required.


TPMQ_INFO Connect to LQMID queue_manager QUEUE(queue_name) retry failed, Reason = reason_code


An error occurred while attempting to reconnect to the queue_manager. The WebSphere MQ reason_code is shown.


Check the WebSphere MQ configuration to determine if the specified queue_manager is defined correctly and is currently running. Refer to IBM WebSphere MQ documentation for the specific meaning of reason_code.


TPMQ_ERROR Maximum retry number maxretries reached, stop retry LQMID queue_manager QUEUE(queue_name)


The maximum number of attempts made by MQ Adapter to reconnect to WebSphere MQ queue_manager is reached. For TM_MQI, the worker thread will stop reconnect and exit. For TM_MQO, the server will exit.


Check the WebSphere MQ configuration to determine if the specified queue_manager is currently running. Administrator can specify a larger number of maxretries. The maximum value is 2147483647.


TPMQ_ERROR All worker threads exited, TM_MQI exit


Multi-threaded TM_MQI will have a separate worker thread dedicated to each queue. TM_MQI will exit if all worker threads have exited.


Check the WebSphere MQ configuration to determine if the specified queue_manager is currently running and if the queues exist and are active.


TPMQ_ERROR Thread creation failed


The multi-threaded TM_MQI failed to create a worker thread to handle message.


Check the OS configuration, make sure it not only supports thread but also allows enough threads per process. Check TM_MQI configuration file to ensure the number of queues configured not exceeds maximum threads per process supported by OS.


TPMQ_ECONFIG DLQNAME parameter has invalid value bad_value


The DLQNAME parameter specified in the *QUEUE_MANAGER section of the TM_MQI server has an invalid value bad_value. Allowable values are DEST, REPLY, or DEST_REPLY.


Specify a valid parameter value and reboot the TM_MQI server.


QUEUE(queue_name) error count reaches threshold suspend_threshold, suspend


The successive error count of QUEUE(queue_name) reaches specified suspend threshold, processing of this queue is suspended.


Examine the userlog for information, refer to Tuxedo document and fix the error. Processing of this queue can be resumed using MIB request.

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