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Oracle Tuxedo Distributed Caching (TDC) Administration

Oracle Tuxedo Distributed Caching (TDC) Administration
This topic contains the following sections:
For a quick start, see the following samples.
Configuring Oracle Coherence
Oracle Tuxedo Distributed Caching (TDC) uses Oracle Coherence as the caching engine, so Oracle Coherence must be installed and configured before you use Oracle Tuxedo Distributed Caching (TDC).
Configure the following files just like you configure on Oracle Coherence. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Applications with Oracle Coherence for detailed instruction.
You can deploy the above configuration files into any path as long as this path is in the java class path and prior to where coherence.jar is. For example, you can put the configuration files into ${APPDIR}/config and then start Oracle Coherence server like this:
Listing 2‑1 Oracle Coherence Cluster Deployment
java -server -showversion $JAVA_OPTS -Dtangosol.coherence.mode=prod -cp $APPDIR/config: ${COHERENCE_HOME}/lib/coherence.jar
Listing 2‑2 is an example; note the properties in bold. In this example, coherence_tux is the name of the Oracle Coherence cluster whose multicast port number is 51697 and unicast port number is 51687.
Listing 2‑2 tangosol-coherence-override.xml
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<coherence xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" coherence-operational-config.xsd">
<cluster-name system-property="tangosol.coherence.cluster">coherence_tux</cluster-name>
<address system-property="tangosol.coherence.localhost">localhost</address>
<port system-property="tangosol.coherence.localport">51687</port>
<port system-property="tangosol.coherence.clusterport">51697</port>
Listing 2‑3 is an example; note the properties in bold. In this example, we create an Oracle Coherence cache named tux_distributed.
Listing 2‑3 coherence-cache-config.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cache-config xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" coherence-cache-config.xsd">
Configuring Oracle Tuxedo Caching Server Module
Configuring UBBCONFIG
Oracle Tuxedo Caching Server Module runs in Tuxedo Java server, so TMJAVASVR must be configured in UBBCONFIG. TMJAVASVR uses multi-threaded configuration to improve performance. Multi-instances configuration is also used to gain higher availability.
"m1" LMID=L1
CLOPT="-- -c /home/scott/tuxedo/dom1/config/tdcsvr_coh.xml"
Configuring Oracle Tuxedo Caching Server Module
Oracle Tuxedo Distributed Caching (TDC) introduces Oracle Tuxedo Caching Server Module, which converts the caching request to Oracle Coherence and sends back the reply. It works as a client of Oracle Coherence.
You should configure this Oracle Tuxedo Caching Server Module in Oracle Tuxedo Java Server Configuration File; the package that Oracle Tuxedo Java server uses to enable TDC is located in ${TUXDIR}/udataobj/tuxj/tdc.
Listing 2‑5 is an example of Oracle Tuxedo Java Server Configuration File that enables TDC. -f option of the <server-clopt> element is newly added for this feature and is used to specify the path of TDC property file. For more information of other elements and options, see "Java Server Configuration Schema File for version 2.0" in Setting Up An Oracle Tuxedo Application.
In general, you should not change the code lines in bold. The class is the main class used by TDC which is located in ${TUXDIR}/udataobj/tuxj/tdc/ .
It is necessary to change the code lines in Italic due to different environment. Note that <APPDIR> must be replaced with the real path to make the file work.
The class path ${APPDIR}/config</classpath> must be prior to the class path ${COHERENCE_HOME}/lib/coherence.jar.
Listing 2‑5 Configuring Oracle Tuxedo Caching Server Module in Oracle Tuxedo Java Server Configuration File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TJSconfig version="2.0">
<server-clopt>-f <APPDIR>/config/tdcsvr_coh.conf</server-clopt>
<classpath>${TUXDIR}/udataobj/tuxj/tdc/ </classpath>
<server-class name="">
Configure Oracle Tuxedo Distributed Caching (TDC) Property File
It is required to add a new property file which specifies all properties about the caches for TDC. Oracle Tuxedo Caching Server Module advertises services using the name of these caches. You can define many Oracle Tuxedo caches in a single property file. See Oracle Tuxedo Distributed Caching (TDC) Property File Properties for this file's properties.
Listing 2‑6 shows a template of the property file. In this template, two Oracle Tuxedo cache names are configured: tc1 and tc2. tc1 uses Oracle Coherence cache tux_distributed and tc2 uses Oracle Coherence cache tux2_distributed.
You can find this template in $TUXDIR/udataobj/tuxj/tdc/tdcsvr_coh.conf.template. You can change the name and the location of this property file; if so, make sure you make the same change for the <server-clopt> -f option in Oracle Tuxedo Java Server Configuration File (see Listing 2‑5 for an example).
Listing 2‑6 TDC Property File Template
#**********global level settings**********
#* Encoding setting, optional, defaults to "no"
#* It can be overridden by the cache level setting.
#* Logging setting, optional, defaults to "no"
#* There is no cache level logging setting.
#**********cache level settings**********
#* Configurations for Tuxedo cache "tc"
#* Encoding setting, optional, defaults to "no"
#* Cache used in Oracle Coherence, required
#* Configurations for Tuxedo cache "tc2"
#* Encoding setting, optional, defaults to "no"
#* Cache used in Oracle Coherence, required
Oracle Tuxedo Distributed Caching (TDC) Property File Properties
Oracle Tuxedo TDC property file is a file in a simple line-oriented format.
Properties are processed in terms of lines. There are two kinds of line, natural lines and logical lines.
A natural line is defined as a line of characters that is terminated either by a set of line terminator characters (\\n or \\r or \\r\\n) or by the end of the stream. A natural line may be either a blank line, a comment line, or hold all or some of a key-element pair.
A logical line holds all the data of a key-element pair, which may be spread out across several adjacent natural lines by escaping the line terminator sequence with a backslash character \\.
A natural line that contains only white space characters is considered blank and is ignored. A comment line has an ASCII '#' or '!' as its first non-white space character; the key contains all of the characters in the line starting with the first non-white space character and up to, but not including, the first unescaped '=', ':'. Any white space after the key is skipped; if the first non-white space character after the key is '=' or ':', then it is ignored and any white space characters after it are also skipped. All remaining characters on the line become part of the associated element string; if there are no remaining characters, the element is the empty string "".
If there are several properties with the same key, the last property of them will be used.
Table 2‑1 lists the supported TDC property file properties.
yes (all caching data must be encoded)
no (default)
This value can be overridden by cache.options.encoding.[cachename].
yes indicates all caching data in Oracle Tuxedo cache [cachename] must be encoded. It should be enabled when caching users are located in machines that have different data representation.
If this property is not set, options.encoding value is used.
The value of yes indicates all caching requests will be logged into coherence log. It is set to no by default.
[cachename] must be 78 characters or less in length. A service with name [cachename] will be advertised by Oracle Tuxedo Java Server.
When you set options.logging=yes, the log level is 6 (and you cannot change this default value). Therefore, in Oracle Tuxedo Coherence configuration file, you should specify the element <severity-level> no less than 6 in order to print logging information.
Use TMIB to Dynamically Configure Oracle Tuxedo Distributed Caching (TDC) Property File Properties
You can use TMIB to dynamically configure TDC property file properties.
Oracle Tuxedo Java Server introduces a new class called T_TJS, which is used for this feature. Using this, you can modify, add, and delete a TDC property. Note that, this dynamic configuration does not affect the cached data in Coherence; removing a cache mapping does not mean clearning the cached data.
After dynamic configuration, the comments in the original property file are removed, and the original sequence of the properties cannot be kept in the new property file. The original property file is backed up with the extension name .bak.
See Listing 2‑7 for an interface example.
Listing 2‑7 Interface to configure TDC Property by TMIB
TA_CLASS T_TJS /*must be T_TJS*/
TA_SRVGRP xxxx /*TMJAVASVR Group Identifier*/
TA_SRVID xxxx /*the server id of TMJAVASVR which support TDC*/
TA_TDC_PROPERTY xxxx /* the TDC property*/
TA_TDC_PRO_UPDATEMODE xxxx /* the operation on TDC property*/
We use TA_TDC_PROPERTY attribute to set the property, and use TA_TDC_PRO_UPDATEMODE attribute to indicate the operation mode which can be set as delete, new, or modify. The value for TA_TDC_PROPERTY is key-value pair of TDC property when operation is new or modify, and is the key of TDC property when operation is delete. Note that, the separator for key-value pair only can be "=".
See Listing 2‑8 for a sample to add properties to TDC property file (Run command: "ud32 -C tpsysadm<setProperty"); see Listing 2‑9 for a sample to delete properties from TDC property file.
Listing 2‑8 Edit a ud32 Input File: setproperty
TA_TDC_PROPERTY cache.options.encoding.cache1=yes
TA_TDC_PROPERTY options.encoding=yes
TA_TDC_PROPERTY options.logging=yes
Listing 2‑9 Delete Properties from TDC Property File
TA_TDC_PROPERTY cache.options.encoding.cache1
TA_TDC_PROPERTY options.encoding
TA_TDC_PROPERTY options.logging
Configuring Data Caching for Clients and Servers
Follow these steps for configuring data caching for clients and servers.
Configure Oracle Coherence
For how to configure Oracle Coherence, see Configuring Oracle Coherence.
Start Oracle Coherence Cluster
If there is no Oracle Coherence Cluster is running, start your own cluster, making sure you configure the path of the configuration files into the Java Class Path and ahead of where coherence.jar is. See Listing 2‑1 for an example.
Configure Oracle Tuxedo Caching Server Module
See Configuring Oracle Tuxedo Caching Server Module for instruction.
Configuring Result Caching for Oracle Tuxedo Services
Follow these steps for configuring result caching for Oracle Tuxedo services.
You can also use MIB to dynamically make changes for TDC.
Configure Oracle Coherence
See Configuring Oracle Coherence for instruction.
Start Oracle Coherence Cluster
If there is no Oracle Coherence Cluster is running, start your own cluster, making sure you configure the path of the configuration files into the Java Class Path and ahead of where coherence.jar is. See Listing 2‑1 for an example.
Configure Oracle Tuxedo Caching Server Module
See Configuring Oracle Tuxedo Caching Server Module for instruction.
Configure UBBCONFIG for TDC Result Caching
Configure TDC Result Caching on UBBCONFIG. See Section 5 - File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference for more information.
Specify CACHING=string_value as the name of the caching criteria used for caching for this service.
Specify this CACHING section on UBBCONFIG.
Listing 2‑10 shows an example, where
Svccache1 uses Oracle Tuxedo cache tc1. Other configurations are default. (It means KEY=$service+$request and KEY_BUFTYPE=STRING).
Svccache2 uses Oracle Tuxedo cache tc1. The request is used to figure out the key when caching the response data. Other configurations are default. (It means KEY_BUFTYPE=STRING).
Svccache3 uses Oracle Tuxedo cache tc1. The fixed string key1 is used as the key. Other configurations are default.
Svccache4 uses Oracle Tuxedo cache tc1. The buffer type of the request message to the service is VIEW32 whose subtype is mystruct1. The value of the field name in the subtype mystruct1 is used as the key.
Svccache5 uses Oracle Tuxedo cache tc1. The buffer types of the FML32 and VIEW32: mystruct1 have the same field1 and field2 (name and data type should be the same; value can be different); the request message will use the values of field1 and field2 as the key.
Listing 2‑10 UBBCONFIG CACHING Section Configuration
Use MIB to Dynamically Make Changes for TDC Result Caching
You can use MIB to dynamically make changes for TDC Result Caching. The following sub-sections explain TDC Result Caching related MIB attributes. See Section 5 - File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference for more information.
T_SERVICE Class Definition
T_CACHING Class Definition
Configuring Cached Data Expiry Strategy
Use <expiry-delay> Subelement Supported by Coherence
In Oracle Coherence, you can add a subelement called <expiry-delay> to <local-scheme> causes entries to automatically expire a cache if it is not updated for a given time interval, and, when the expired the cache invalidates the entry, remove it from the cache. See for more information.
Listing 2‑11 Example configutation for a Cache with Expiring Entries
See Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Applications with Oracle Coherence for more information.
Automatically Delete the Cached Data Supported by TDC
In the feature of Result Caching for Oracle Tuxedo Services, Oracle Tuxedo supports two methods to delete all the cached data related to a service.
When an Oracle Tuxedo application server is shutdown, Oracle Tuxedo deletes all the services in the server. If one service does not exist in the whole Oracle Tuxedo application system, Oracle Tuxedo deletes all the cached data which is based on the caching entry of the service. Now, Oracle Tuxedo only supports the "tmshutdown -s servername" command to trigger this function.
When shutdown Oracle Tuxedo Caching Server Module, Oracle Tuxedo tries to delete all the service cached data from all the caches which are configured in TDC property file, and tries to remove all the entries in cache with a key prefix tdc_svc_ (a prefix of the internal caching key).
Configuring for Propagating Execution Context ID (ECID) to Oracle Coherence
Oracle Coherence can use the Execution Context ID (ECID) in its logs. This globally unique ID can be attached to requests between Oracle components. ECID allows you to track log messages pertaining to the same request when multiple requests are processed in parallel. Oracle Coherence logs will include ECID only if you already have an activated ECID prior to calling Oracle Coherence operations. ECID may be passed from another component or obtained in the client code.
Working as a client of Oracle Coherence, Oracle Tuxedo TDC enables you to propagate ECID to Oracle Coherence.
Enabling ECID
Oracle Tuxedo has two flags which you can add to OPTIONS in UBBCONFIG to control ECID.
Indicates that the ECID (Execution Context Identifier) creation function is enabled. In this case, boundary nodes (including Native/WS/Jolt clients and domain gateways) can generate the ECID.
If the identifier ECID_USERLOG is set and the ECID is not a null string, ECID will be appended to the userlog.
See Oracle Coherence documentation for instructions.
Enabling ECID for TDC
Prepare tangosol-coherence-override.xml in ${APPDIR}/config. More specifically,
<destination> element is used to configure path and file name for emitting log messages to a file. The specified path must already exist.
Add ecid into < message-format > element to enable ECID.
<severity-level> element can be used to change log level.
Listing 2‑12 Enabling ECID for TDC
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<coherence xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" coherence-operational-config.xsd">
<cluster-name system-property="tangosol.coherence.cluster">coherence_tux</cluster-name>
<address system-property="tangosol.coherence.localhost">localhost</address>
<port system-property="tangosol.coherence.localport">51687</port>
<port system-property="tangosol.coherence.clusterport">51697</port>
<destination system-property="tangosol.coherence.log">/tmp/coherence.log</destination>
<severity-level system-property="tangosol.coherence.log.level">9</severity-level>
<message-format>{date}/{uptime} {product} ecid={ecid} {version} &lt;{level}&gt;(thread={thread},member={member}):{text}</message-format>

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