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Installing Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Communications Resource Manager (CRM) on z/OS MVS Platform

Installing Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Communications Resource Manager (CRM) on z/OS MVS Platform
This section explains how to install the CRM component on a z/OS Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS) platform.
Summary of Installation Tasks
The following list is a summary of the tasks detailed in Installation Procedure:
FTP the product software files (TMACRM.*) to the allocated datasets.
Run the TSO RECEIVE command to unload the data in your product datasets. A third JCL file has been provided to run this procedure in batch.
The installation for this environment is semi-automated. Three JCL files are provided to facilitate prerequisites for allocating datasets in the MVS environment and to unload Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA product software into the allocated datasets.
The product installer contains the following files relating to this installation procedure:
createds.jcl file is a JCL example for creating MVS datasets to receive the Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA software.
uncmprss.jcl file is a JCL example to uncompress and unload into the product datasets.
TMACRM.LOAD file contains the Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA program objects. (Required)
TMACRM.DATA file contains Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA data files. (Required)
TMACRM.SAMPLE file contains sample JCL files.
Installation Procedure
Perform the following steps to install the CRM component on a z/OS MVS platform:
In your MVS environment, change the CREATEDS job to suit your environment. This job allocates the initial datasets needed to receive the product software files from the FTP file transfer and the SNACRM Load Library, sample and data datasets.
Use the SET statements in the CREATEDS job to set the high-level qualifiers of the receiving datasets according to the following syntax:
In this statement, [QUALIFIER] is the high-level qualifier for initial datasets need to receive the product software files.
In this statement, [QUALIFIER] is the high-level qualifier for the SNACRM Load Library. The load library containing the TMACRM.LOAD program objects must be a Partitioned Dataset with Extended attributes (PDSE). The PDSE minimally must have storage class SMS declaration for z/OS.
In this statement, [CLASS NAME] is the storage class name of the PDSE. This is required for z/OS.
In this statement, [QUALIFIER] is the high-level qualifier for the sample and data datasets. These are standard PDS.
The CREATEDS job has the following steps:
Deletes any existing datasets previously created so you can run this JCL multiple times, if necessary.
Allocates the initial datasets needed to receive the product software files and the SNACRM Load Library, sample and data datasets.
Run the CREATEDS job.
Put the files listed in Table 4‑1 into their corresponding datasets. Use the table as a worksheet and fill in the names you created in step 2 Use the worksheet as a guide for transferring the product data to the z/OS platform.
Use Table 4‑2 as a worksheet to fill out the names of the datasets created for SNACRM Load Library, sample and data.
Note the following example of a put command:
Transfer the datasets using the put command.
In your MVS environment, change the UNCMPRSS job to suit your environment.
Modify the following variables in the JCL to the high-level qualifier you listed in the tables according to the following syntax:
Use the qualifier you listed in Table 4‑1.
Use the PDSE qualifier you listed in Table 4‑2.
Use the PDS qualifier you listed in Table 4‑2.
The UNCMPRSS job has the following step:
Performs a TSORECEIVE to uncompress and unload the data in your installation datasets created in step 8.
To manually perform the TSO RECEIVE command to unload the data in your installation datasets created in Step 8, enter a command similar to the following command:
When prompted, enter:
In these statements, the following definitions apply:
Is the dataset name you listed in Table 4‑1.
Is the corresponding dataset name you listed in Table 4‑2.

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