Oracle® Communications Order and Service Management

Cartridges for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Release Notes

Release 2.1.1


April 2016

This document provides release notes for Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM) Cartridges for Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) release 2.1.1. This software is also referred to as Order-to-Activate cartridges release 2.1.1.

New Features

Order-to-Activate 2.1.1 includes new features, enhancements, and changed functionality including:

For more information on new Order-to-Activate features, see OSM Cartridge Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture.

Support for Asset Processing

Changes have been made to the Order-to-Activate cartridges to support managing assets on orders that come from Oracle Configure, Price, and Quote Cloud (Oracle CPQ Cloud). During installation of the Order-to-Activate cartridges, you can select whether to enable asset processing using the standard OSM Customer Asset Manager, an external asset manager, or both. If you decide to use an external asset manager, you can configure the format of the message.

Support for Order Lifecycle Management User Interface

The Order-to-Activate cartridges have been updated to include an Order Lifecycle Manager entity in support of the new OSM Order Lifecycle Management user interface.

OSM order components previously included a "Minimum Processing Duration." Now, instead of one processing duration, there are three: Optimistic, Most Likely, and Pessimistic. These processing durations drive information in the Order Lifecycle Management user interface. Since the order components for the Order -to-Activate cartridges are in sealed cartridges, changing these durations in Order Component Specification editor is not recommended. An XML file is provided to allow changing these durations without needing to unseal the cartridge.

Support for Processing States

Processing states were added in OSM 7.3 at both the order item level and the order component order item level. The use of processing states provides better visibility into fulfillment progress, including warnings and errors that occur during the processing of order items. The Order-to-Activate 2.1.1 cartridges incorporate this new OSM feature.

Fixes in This Release

Table 1 lists fixed issues and provides a brief description of the resolution.

Table 1 Fixes in This Release

Service Request (SR) Number Bug Number Description



The Order-to-Activate deployment scripts were hard-coded to use AdminServer as the WebLogic server name. This issue was fixed in patch and the fix has been ported into this release.



When parent/child order items were used, sometimes a status update would only contain the status of the child order item. This issue was fixed in patch and the fix has been ported into this release.



Orders were remaining stuck at the FulfillBillingEntryPointTask, and were throwing a NumberFormatException exception, when a value for Duration field was not provided in certain circumstances. This issue was fixed in patch and the fix has been ported into this release.

Known Problems

This section describes known problems in Order-to-Activate 2.1.1.

Some Service Order Management Orders Failing During Creation

(Bug number 23002058) Services containing Content Entitlements and VoD Entitlements can cause orders to fail on creation in service order management if they contain a text value. These data elements are sometimes sent with a value such as Y, but service order management is expecting a numeric value.

To work around this issue, send these elements with numeric values representing the number of entitlements the customer should receive.

Service Actions That Are Not Add or Delete Are Being Set to N/A

(Bug number 22746562) The Entity-to-Data-Element mappings sometimes incorrectly map the action code as N/A when it is not set to Add or Delete.

There is no workaround for this issue.

Processing State Incorrect for Canceled VoIP Lines

(Bug number 22669543) When an order is canceled, and cancelation is complete, the processing state for all the order items should be Undo Completed. However, for some lines, the processing state is showing as Undoing.

There is no workaround for this issue.

Missing Support for VoIP Call Barring and Call Hold

(Bug number 20783453) Service order management in the solution option without Calculate Service Order does not support the Call Barring and Call Hold features in the VoIP service.

The workaround is to add the following conceptual model products to either the OracleComms_Model_O2A_SOM_PS project or to a custom conceptual model project:

  • SOM_VoIP_Pricing_Event_PS

  • SOM_VoIP_Pricing_Event_Billing_Validation_PS

  • SOM_VoIP_Call_Barring_PS

  • SOM_VoIP_Call_Hold_PS

RSDOD Orders Fail with Service Addresses Over 40 Characters

(Bug number 20778503) When using the Calculate Service Order option with RSDOD, orders fail at service order management if the service address is longer than 40 characters.

The workaround is to restrict service address values to 40 characters or less.

Deprecated or Removed Features

The following features have been deprecated or removed in the Order-to-Activate 2.1.1 release.

Product Specification (was Product Class) Deprecated

The Product Specification entity (which was renamed from the Product Class entity in OSM 7.2.4), has been deprecated in OSM. Existing entities (for example, in versions of the Order-to-Activate cartridges prior to 2.1.0) are supported for backwards compatibility, but new OSM product specifications (product classes) cannot be created. Because of this, the Order-to-Activate cartridges no longer contain OSM product specifications.

This functionality is replaced by the Product entity in the conceptual model.

Order-to-Activate WebLogic Server Resource Configuration Script Supports Only SAF Bridging

The Order-to-Activate 2.1.1 cartridges require a Store-and-Forward (SAF) service to connect to AIA. JMS bridges are no longer recommended for AIA connections, and support for them has been removed. See OSM Cartridge Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture for details.

Limitations to Fix for FIC Code Values

These limitations apply only to customers using the Calculate Service Order solution option and a version of OSM prior to OSM 7.3.

Following are the values used/expected by the different roles and versions:

  • If central order management is built in an Oracle Communications Design Studio version prior to 7.3, the FIC will be set to the fully qualified name (cartridge name and version in addition to service action name).

  • If central order management is built in a Design Studio version of 7.3 or later, the FIC will be set to the service action key.

  • If service order management is built in a Design Studio version prior to 7.3, it will recognize only the fully qualified name.

  • If service order management is built in a Design Studio version of 7.3 or later, it will recognize either the fully qualified name or the service action key.

You can use the following workaround, in all workspaces in your solution (for example in both the central order management workspace and the service order management workspace if they are in separate workspaces), to have the behavior of pre-OSM 7.3 versions to be the same as the behavior of OSM 7.3 or higher if you use the interactive installation:

  1. Perform all of the steps in the normal interactive installation, up to and including the steps in the "Configuring Weblogic Server Resources" section in the interactive installation chapter of OSM Cartridge Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture.

  2. Go to the SolutionCartridge/resources/ExchangeMetadata folder in your workspace, where SolutionCartridge is the name of the solution cartridge for your workspace, as determined from Table 2:

    Table 2 Solution Configurations and Corresponding Solution Cartridges

    Using Calculate Service Order Option? Current Workspace Is for: Topology Cartridge to Deploy from Workspace


    COM only




    SOM only




    COM and SOM




    COM only




    COM only

    Typical or Complex



    SOM only




    COM and SOM




    COM and SOM

    Typical or Complex


  3. Create a file named conceptualServiceActionKeys.xml with the following contents:

  4. Continue with the instructions in the "Building and Deploying the Order-to-Activate Cartridges" section in the interactive installation chapter of OSM Cartridge Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture.

There is no workaround for silent installation.

Order-to-Activate Cartridge Compatibility

To install or upgrade the Order-to-Activate cartridges, you must ensure compatibility between the following:

  • OSM software version and Order-to-Activate cartridge version

  • OSM Order-to-Activate cartridge version and Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) Order to Cash Integration Pack for OSM version

For details on Order-to-Activate cartridge compatibility, see knowledge article 1388662.1, OSM - Order to Activate O2A - AIA Compatibility Matrix on the Oracle support website:

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Communications Order and Service Management Cartridges for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Release Notes, Release 2.1.1


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