New Base Images for Release 2, Upgrade Utility, and Hardening Script

Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 includes the following enhancements for non-virtualized deployments:

  • New Base Images: Includes the following base images for Linux 6:

    • Base Image Version Release 2, EL6 Base Image for Linux 6

      Kernel: EL6 - 2.6.39-400.277.1.el6uek.x86_64

    • Both the base images and utilities are compatible on Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 for X2-4, X3-4, and X4-4 models

    • Base Image Version is compatible on Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 for X5-4 and X6-4 models

  • Release 2.1 Upgrade Utility: Existing customers on Oracle Exalytics Release 1 Patchset 5 or Oracle Exalytics Release 2.0 (Base Image can use the utility to upgrade to Release 2.1 (Base Image Version

  • Exalytics Hardening script for increased security on bare metal machines to comply with the Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) standards. See Hardening an Exalytics Machine