9.5 Activating Exalytics Assets Manually

If you need to activate HOST and ILOM for Exalytics manually, complete the following steps in the ASR Manager:

  1. Login as the root user in your ASR Manager. Start the ASR menu by running the following command:

    #cd /opt/SUNWswasr/bin
  2. Activate ASR on Exalytics host machine by running the following command:

    asr> activate_asset -i IP_address_of_exalytics_host_machine


    asr> activate_asset -h host_name_exalytics_machine

  3. Activate ILOM for Exalytics individually by running the following command:

    asr> activate_asset -i ILOM_IP_address_of_compute_node


    asr> activate_asset -h ILOM_host_name_of_exalytics_machine