9.7 Configuring Telemetry Sources

You must configure telemetry sources for ILOM and Exalytics host machine to forward their telemetry to the ASR Manager. Scripts are provided to configure both ILOM and the Host. The scripts are found in /opt/exalytics/asr. These scripts should be executed on the Exalytics host machine.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Login to the Exalytics Host as the root user.

  2. Configure ILOM telemetry by running the following command:

    #cd /opt/exalytics/asr
    #./setup_asr_ilom.pl -i <IP Address Of ASR Manager>
  3. Configure Exalytics host machine telemetry by running the following command:

    #cd /opt/exalytics/asr
    #./bda_mon_hw_asr.pl -set_snmp_subscribers type=asr,host=<IP Address Of ASR Manager>,fromip=<IP Address of Exalytics Host>