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Setting up Oracle XA transaction support on the Oracle server

Perform the following procedure on the CIS database server on each Clintrial database server instance that CIS uses.

  1. Log on to Oracle as SYSDBA. For example, type:

    sqlplus sys/sys_user_password@connection_string as sysdba

  2. Run the xaview.sql script and create the V$XATRANS$ view:


  3. Grant SELECT access to public:

    Grant select on v$xatrans$ to public;

    Grant select on sys.dba_pending_transactions to public;

  4. Log on to Oracle as SYS:

    sqlplus sys/sys_user_password@connection_string

  5. Set the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES parameter. To find the current value, type:

    select value from v$parameter where name = 'job_queue_processes';

    If the value does not exist or is less than 1, set the value to a number that is 1 or greater.

Perform the following procedure on the database client machine:

  1. Log on to Oracle as SYSDBA. For example, type:

    sqlplus sys/sys_user_password@connection_string as sysdba

  2. Run the oramtsadmin.sql script:


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