WLS-WSEE-PERSIST-00001: An unexpected error occurred: {0}
Cause: Unknown
Action: Contact Oracle support

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-PERSIST-00002: No store name provided, and persistence strategy is not LOCAL_ACCESS_ONLY. The SendingService cannot be created.
Cause: When requesting a network-available persistent store, the name of this store must be given when attempting to create a SendingService instance.
Action: Set up the store, and provide its name when creating the SendingService, or request a store that uses LOCAL_ACCESS_ONLY so the service can create the store for you.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-PERSIST-00003: The store associated with the given store name ({0}) is slated for use across the network but is not an XA-capable store. Please specify another store name or configure this store to be location independent (e.g. JDBC-based, etc.)
Cause: In order to use a store across the network, that store must support the XA transaction protocol. Without this, only local changed can be made.
Action: Set up the store, and provide its name when creating the SendingService, or request a store that uses LOCAL_ACCESS_ONLY so the service can create the store for you.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-PERSIST-00004: A store instance with persistent store name {0} and connection name {1} already exists.
Cause: Some component has attempted to create a store instance without first checking for an existing one. Please contact Oracle Tech Support to file an issue.
Action: Contact Oracle support.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-PERSIST-00005: Logical store {0} not defined.
Cause: You have configured web services to use a named logical store but have not defined that logical store on this server.
Action: Change the name of the logical store to be used for this web service (or web service client) or define a logical store with the given name (using WLST, WLS console, etc.)

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-PERSIST-00006: You cannot reset the ID on a ClientIdentityFeature. Existing ID {0} attempted new ID {1}
Cause: You called ClientIdentityFeature.setClientId() but thid ID has already been set. You cannot reset the ID.
Action: Check the ID on the ClientIdentityFeature before trying to set it, or create a new client instance (Port/Dispatch instance) and set a new ClientIdentityFeature on that instance.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService

WLS-WSEE-PERSIST-00007: Improper buffering queue type {0} with JNDI name {1} configured on logical store {2}. You must use Uniform Distributed Queues or simple Queues with web services.
Cause: You configured an invalid type of queue for a logical store (via the RequestBufferingQueueJndiName or ResponseBufferingQueueJndiName properties). You must use Uniform Distributed Queues (recommended) or plain Queues. If you wish to take advantage of migration features of web services in a cluster, you must use Uniform Distributed Queues. Note, when using configuration wizard or WLST to apply the wls_webservice_jaxws.jar extension template, you must explicitly request the creation of Uniform Distributed Queues as described in the web services documentation. By default, the configuration wizard and WLST create Weighted Distributed Queues in a cluster.
Action: Configure a Uniform Distributed Queue (or Queue) and provide this queue's JNDI name to the logical store configuration (via the RequestBufferingQueueJndiName or ResponseBufferingQueueJndiName properties). Note, you can do this from the configuration wizard or WLST when applying the wls_webservice_jaxws.jar extension template, and the proper type and number of queues will be created automatically for you. See the web services documentation for more information on requesting Uniform Distributed Queues when using the template.

Level: 1


Impact: WebService