1 Understanding the Migration Process

This chapter provides an overview of migration from Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) to
Oracle Data Integrator (ODI).

The following topics are addressed here:

About Migration

ODI is Oracle's strategic product for heterogeneous data integration. Because many Oracle Database customers have significant investment in OWB, Oracle supports a phased migration from OWB 11gR2 ( or to ODI 12c (12.1.3). The following features are provided to make the transition to ODI easier:

  • ODI 12c supports the execution and administration of OWB 11gR2 jobs directly within ODI Studio and ODI Console, providing a single orchestration and monitoring solution. This feature enables you to migrate OWB objects over a longer period of time and in a way that makes sense for your business. For more information about this feature, see "OdiStartOwbJob" in the tools reference section of the Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator.

  • ODI 12c supports an easier mapping between OWB 11gR2 concepts and objects and their ODI 12c counterparts. A migration utility is provided that automatically translates many OWB objects and mappings into their ODI equivalents. For more information about the migration utility, see About the Migration Utility.

About the Migration Utility

The migration utility is a command-line tool that enables you to migrate design-time metadata from OWB to ODI. Runtime data and physical objects are not migrated. The migration utility uses the settings in the migration utility configuration file to perform the migration.

For information about obtaining the patch, see Migration Requirements.

What Is and Is Not Migrated

The migration utility is an aid to migration only, and not all types and variants of OWB objects are migrated. Manual effort should be expected as well.

The following topics are addressed here:

Objects That Are Migrated

The following OWB objects are supported for migration when you run the migration utility:

  • modules (source and target)

  • locations

  • data objects

    • table (columns, keys, indexes)

    • view (columns, keys)

    • materialized view (columns, keys, indexes)

    • external table (columns)

    • file (records, fields)

    • sequence

  • mappings

    • classic mappings

    • Code Template mappings

    • pluggable mappings

  • mapping operators

    • Aggregator

    • Constant

    • Deduplicator

    • Expression

    • External Table

    • Filter

    • Flat File

    • Joiner

    • Key Lookup

    • Mapping Input Parameter

    • Materialized View

    • Pivot

    • Pre/Post Mapping Process

    • Sequence

    • Set

    • Sorter

    • Splitter

    • Subquery

    • Table

    • Table Function

    • Transformation

    • Unpivot

    • View

Objects That Are Not Migrated

The following OWB objects are not supported for migration when you run the migration utility:

  • data objects

    • table (partitions, attribute sets, data rules)

    • view (attribute sets, data rules)

    • materialized view (partitions, attribute sets, data rules)

    • external table (data rules, locations)

    • sequence (columns)

  • dimensional modeling metadata

  • Oracle Discoverer metadata and derived Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition (OBI EE) metadata

  • custom PL/SQL (procedure, package, and so on)

  • queues, streams, CDC (Change Data Capture) configurations, user-defined types

  • process flow

  • mappings using dimension and cube, cursor-based maps, name and address, match-merge, data rules, data auditors, iterators, expand, construct, Anydata Cast, Data Generator

  • data quality, data profiles, data auditors

  • configuration details (security, user extensions, transportable modules, schedules/collections, user folders)

  • OWB Experts

  • OMB*Plus scripts

Roadmap for Migrating

Table 1-1 provides a high-level summary of the steps required to migrate from OWB to ODI. The table also lists where to find more information for each step.

Table 1-1 OWB to ODI Migration Roadmap

Step Description Documentation

Verify your system environment

Before running the migration utility, verify that your system meets requirements and that you are not connected to the design repository.

See Migration Requirements

Review supported and unsupported objects

Make sure you understand what will and will not be migrated.

See What Is and Is Not Migrated

Edit the migration utility configuration file

Edit the migration utility configuration file and make sure the settings are correct for your environment.

The configuration file contains connection information and other details required for migration.

See Creating the Migration Utility Configuration File

Run the migration utility

Run the migration utility to migrate OWB objects to ODI using the settings in the migration utility configuration file. Before running the migration utility, verify that you are not connected to the design repository.

See Using the Migration Utility to Migrate

Review the migration utility log file

After migration is complete, review the migration utility log file.

The file contains details about objects that were migrated, and error messages if errors occurred.

See Reviewing the Migration Utility Log File

Review the migration utility exclusion report

After migration is complete, review the migration utility exclusion report.

The report provides a summary of objects that were migrated, and lists whether migration succeeded or failed for each object.

See Reviewing the Migration Utility Exclusion Report

Verify your migration

In ODI Studio, connect to your ODI environment and perform post-migration testing to verify your migration.

See Verifying Your Migration