2 Entities

The following sections describe the data models on which the REST resources operate. These data models describe the information exchanged in REST resources.


This interface provides functionality to monitor the class redefinition process. It also provides methods to explicitly initiate class redefinition.

The properties of the com.bea.wls.redef.runtime.ClassRedefinitionRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Number of class redefinitions executed so far.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of failed redefinition operations since the application was deployed.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of classes processed since the application was deployed.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total time spent processing classes, in nano seconds since the application was deployed.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface provides functionality to monitor and control a class redefinition request.

The properties of the com.bea.wls.redef.runtime.ClassRedefinitionTaskRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Estimated number of candidate classes to be redefined in the current change-list. Returns -1 if the number is not yet estimated.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates whether an asynchronous job has completed.

Type: boolean


A description of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when the asynchronous job ended.

Type: java.util.Date


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The task of which this task is a part.

A value of null indicates that this task is not a subtask.

Type: weblogic.management.runtime.TaskRuntimeMBean reference

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of classes processed so far.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The progress of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the task is still running.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when an asynchronous job was started.

Type: java.util.Date


The time at which this task was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether this task was initiated by the server versus a user.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns an exception describing the error, if any, that occurred while performing this task.

Type: java.lang.Throwable

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The status of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This entity represents errors and exceptions.

The properties of the java.lang.Throwable entity are as follows:


This property contains the stack trace of errors and exceptions.

Type: java.lang.Throwable


This property contains the reason why the error or exception was thrown.

Type: string


This entity represents a date as a string in ISO 8601 format, yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSX


This entity represents a JSONObject with a property for each property in the properties object, where the key is the property's name the the value is a string containing the property's value.


Use this interface to access the specific type of diagnostic data from an underlying log for which this instance is created.

The properties of the weblogic.diagnostics.accessor.runtime.DataAccessRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The timestamp, in milliseconds, since Jan 1, 1970 AD, 00:00:00 GMT for the earliest record in the diagnostic data log.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The timestamp, in milliseconds, since Jan 1, 1970 AD, 00:00:00 GMT for the newest record in the diagnostic data log.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The latest known record ID for the underlying archive.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns true, if timestamp information is available with the underlying archive.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This entity represents the health of the services that are in a WebLogic server domain. Selected subsystems within each WebLogic Server instance monitor their health status based on criteria specific to the subsystem.

The properties of the weblogic.health.HealthState entity are as follows:


This property indicates the partition name for which the health state is reported.

Type: string


This property indicates the reported state as:

  • OK - Service is healthy.

  • WARN - Service could have problems in the future

  • CRITICAL - Something must be done now to prevent service failure

  • FAILED - Service has failed and must be restarted

  • OVERLOADED - Service is functioning normally but there is too much work in it

  • UNKNOWN - Service state cannot be determined

Type: string


This property indicates the service for which the health state is reported.

Type: string


This property idicates the cause ot the reported state.

Type: array of weblogic.health.Symptom


This entity represents an observation reported by a service with its health state. A symptom can be used to determine the reason for the current health state of a WebLogic server.

The properties of the weblogic.health.Symptom entity are as follows:


This property provides additional information about the symptom if available.

Type: string


This property represents an identifier for the symptom.

Type: string


This property indicates a low, medium, or high severity level.

Type: string


This property represents the cause of the symptom (low memory, network error, stuck threads, and so on).

Type: string


The authenticated user that is making the request.

The properties of the weblogic.management.rest.bean.model.CurrentUser entity are as follows:


The ID of the partition where the component that is being invoked resides.

Type: string


The human readable name of the partition ID.

Type: string


The login of the user making this request, if the user has been authenticated, or null if the user has not been authenticated.

Type: string


A Version entity describes a version of the WebLogic Server resources.

The properties of the weblogic.management.rest.bean.model.Version entity are as follows:


True if this is the default version.

Type: boolean


The lifecycle of this version: active or deprecated

Type: string


The name of this version.

Type: string


An application represents a Java EE enterprise application packaged in an EAR file or EAR exploded directory. The EAR file or directory contains a set of components such as WAR, EJB, and RAR connector components, each of which can be deployed on one or more targets. A target is a server or a cluster. Modules in the application can have one of the following states:

  • UNPREPARED - Indicates that none of the modules in this application are currently prepared or active.

  • PREPARED - Indicates that none of the modules in this application are currently prepared or active.

  • ACTIVATED - Indicates that at least one module in this application is currently active.

ApplicationRuntimeMBean encapsulates runtime information about a deployed enterprise application.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ApplicationRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Specifies whether this application version is the currently active version.

An application can be the only version currently deployed, or it can have more than one version currently deployed, using the side-by-side deployment feature. If more than one version is deployed, only one version can be active. This attribute specifies the state the current application version is in.

An application can be in an INACTIVE state, which means that it has not been activated yet, or that there is more than one version of the application deployed (using side-by-side deployment) and this version is retiring.

An application can be in ACTIVE_ADMIN state, which means that it is the currently active version for administrative channel requests.

An application can be in ACTIVE state, which means that it is the currently active version for normal (non-administrative) channel requests.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of the application.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The application's version identifier.

This is particularly useful, when using the side-by-side deployment feature, to differentiate between two different versions of the same application that are deployed at the same time.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The HealthState MBean for the application.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether this application is an internal application. Such applications are not displayed in the console or persisted in the config.xml.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The overall health of the application including that of some of the components that report health. Currently, only connector modules report health status and are the only ones considered in the overall health state of the application.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The application's partition.

Returns the partition to which this application is deployed.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This MBean provides runtime statistics for async replication in a WebLogic Cluster

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.AsyncReplicationRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Provides the names of the remote servers (such as myserver) for which the local server is hosting secondary objects. The name is appended with a number to indicate the number of secondaries hosted on behalf of that server.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The last time the sessions were flushed, in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the number of object that the local server hosts as primaries.

Answer the number of object that the local server hosts as primaries.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Answer the number of object that the local server hosts as secondaries.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of sessions which are waiting to be flushed.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used to monitor and manage authentication provider runtime information.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.AuthenticatorRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns name of this security provider.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.BatchJobRepositoryRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Monitoring information for Capacity which defines the maximum number of requests that can be enqueued by all the work managers that share it.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.CapacityRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Total number of requests that can be enqueued.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Has Default Value: -1


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides methods for retrieving runtime information about class loading

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ClassLoaderRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a server's view of the members of a WebLogic cluster within a WebLogic domain.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ClusterRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Returns an array of the names of the singleton services that are active on this server.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the current total number of alive servers in this cluster.

Returns the current total number of alive servers in this cluster.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the names of the remote servers (such as myserver) for which the local server is hosting secondary objects. The name is appended with a number to indicate the number of secondaries hosted on behalf of that server.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the number of fragments that originated in foreign domains or clusters which use the same multicast address.

Answer the number of fragments that originated in foreign domains/cluster that use the same multicast address.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the total number of messages received on this server from the cluster. This is applicable to both multicast and unicast message types.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the total number of message fragments sent from this server into the cluster. This is applicable to both multicast and unicast message types.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides health information returned by the server self-health monitor service.

  • HEALTH_OK = 0, Server service is healthy.

  • HEALTH_WARN = 1, Service could have problems in the future. Check the server logs and the corresponding RuntimeMBean for more details.

  • HEALTH_CRITICAL = 2, Something must be done now to prevent service failure. Check the server logs and the corresponding RuntimeMBean for more details.

  • HEALTH_FAILED = 3, Service has failed - must be restarted. Check the server logs and the corresponding RuntimeMBean for more details.

  • HEALTH_OVERLOADED = 4, Service is functioning normally but there is too much work in it. CRITICAL and OVERLOADED are different. A subsystem is in the critical state when a part of it is malfunctioning, for example, stuck threads. An overloaded state means that there is more work assigned to the service than the configured threshold. A service might refuse more work in this state.

  • LOW_MEMORY_REASON = "server is low on memory", Reason code that indicates that the server is low on memory. Administrators can configure low and high thresholds for memory usage. The server health changes to OVERLOADED with this reason code if the low threshold is reached.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the total number of in-coming multicast messages that were lost according to this server.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the number of object that the local server hosts as primaries.

Answer the number of object that the local server hosts as primaries.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the number of state-delta messages that had to be resent because a receiving server in the cluster missed a message.

Returns the number of state-delta messages that had to be resent because a receiving server in the cluster missed a message.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Answer the number of object that the local server hosts as secondaries.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the names of the servers in the cluster.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Coherence cluster run-time information.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.CoherenceClusterRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of the Coherence cluster.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The size of the Coherence cluster.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The license mode for the Coherence cluster. Possible values are Evaluation, Development, or Production.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Identifiers for the available Coherence cluster members.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The Coherence cluster version.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Base class for all runtime mbeans that provide status of running modules.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ComponentRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The current deployment state of the module.

A module can be in one and only one of the following states. State can be changed via deployment or administrator console.

  • UNPREPARED. State indicating at this module is neither prepared or active.

  • PREPARED. State indicating at this module of this application is prepared, but not active. The classes have been loaded and the module has been validated.

  • ACTIVATED. State indicating at this module is currently active.

  • NEW. State indicating this module has just been created and is being initialized.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the identifier for this Component. The identifier is unique within the application.

Typical modules will use the URI for their id. Web Modules will return their context-root since the web-uri may not be unique within an EAR.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Concurrent Managed Objects Runtime information for the global/domain partition or a common partition.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ConcurrentManagedObjectsRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of long-running requests that have been rejected by managed executor services and managed scheduled executor services in this partition on the current server.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of newThread method invocations that have been rejected by managed thread factories in this partition on the current server.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of running long-running requests submitted to managed executor services and managed scheduled executor services in this partition on the current server.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of running threads created by managed thread factories in this partition on the current server.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Generates notifications about the deployment state of resource adapters. (Each resource adapter is represented by an instance of weblogic.management.configuration.ConnectorComponentMBean.)

In 2-phase deployment, if a resource adapter's state is PREPARED then it has achieved the first phase of deployment (everything is set up and all that remains is to enable a reference to the adapter). When the resource adapter is in an ACTIVATED state, it has achieved the second phase of deployment, in which applications can obtain a reference to the adapter.

A server instance creates an instance of this interface when it creates an instance of weblogic.management.configuration.ConnectorComponentMBean

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ConnectorComponentRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Returns the EISResourceId for the component.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the EIS type.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return true if this version is the active version. Returns true if this resource adapter is not versioned.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the active version Id.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the name of the connector component.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the xml string representing the RA configuration. The xml corresponding to the latest schema is returned. The current supported version is "1.0"

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the latest configuration version.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Gets a subset of the resource adapter descriptor information.

Type: java.util.Properties

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of connection pools.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current deployment state of the module.

A module can be in one and only one of the following states. State can be changed via deployment or administrator console.

  • UNPREPARED. State indicating at this module is neither prepared or active.

  • PREPARED. State indicating at this module of this application is prepared, but not active. The classes have been loaded and the module has been validated.

  • ACTIVATED. State indicating at this module is currently active.

  • NEW. State indicating this module has just been created and is being initialized.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the Description for the resource adapter.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the Descriptions for the resource adapter.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The HealthState mbean for the application.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of inbound connections for the resource adapter.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the Jndi name of the resource adapter.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the linkref.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the identifier for this Component. The identifier is unique within the application.

Typical modules will use the URI for their id. Web Modules will return their context-root since the web-uri may not be unique within an EAR.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the latest schema for RA configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the spec version.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the state of the resource adapter.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Gets the suspended state information of the resource adapter.

If getState() returns SUSPENDED then getSuspendedState() returns an integer describing which functions of the resource adapter are suspended: one or more of INBOUND, OUTBOUND or WORK (or ALL) or 0 for nothing suspended

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the vendor name.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the version.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the version Id.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Check if the resource adapter is versioned. Returns true if it is.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic Connector Connection Pool

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ConnectorConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The EISResourceId of this Connector connection pool.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the MCF class name.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current total active connections.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The high water mark of active connections in this Connector Pool since the pool was instantiated.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The running average usage of created connections that are active in the Connector Pool since the pool was last shrunk.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The initial capacity configured for this Connector connection pool.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of connections that were closed for the connection pool.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The ConnectionFactoryName of this Connector connection pool.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


For 1.0 link-ref resource adapters only, the base resource adapter's connection factory name.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of Connector connections created in this Connector Pool since the pool is instantiated.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the number of connections that were destroyed because an error event was received.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the number of connections that were destroyed as a result of shrinking.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of Connector connections destroyed in this Connector Pool since the pool is instantiated.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of times a request for a Connector connections was satisfied via the use of an existing created connection since the pool is instantiated.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of rejected requests for a Connector connections in this Connector Pool since the pool is instantiated.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The EIS type of this Connector connection pool.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The PoolSize of this Connector connection pool.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current total free connections.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The high water mark of free connections in this Connector Pool since the pool was instantiated.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The FreePoolSizeHighWaterMark of this Connector connection pool.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The FreePoolSizeLowWaterMark of this Connector connection pool.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The HealthState mbean for the application.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Gets the highest number of waiters.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The initial capacity configured for this Connector connection pool.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The configured Key for the Connection Factory using this Connector connection pool.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the last time that the pool was shrunk.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The Log File used by the Resource Adapter for this Connector connection pool.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Gets the opened state of the log file stream represented by this instance.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether logging is enabled for this Connector connection pool.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The ManagedConnectionFactoryName of this Connector connection pool.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The maximum capacity configured for this Connector connection pool.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the number of unavailable connections.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the highest unavailable number of connections at any given time.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Gets the current number of waiters.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the number of waiters.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The configured Logical Name for the Connection Factory using this Connector connection pool.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The PoolSizeHighWaterMark of this Connector connection pool.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The PoolSizeLowWaterMark of this Connector connection pool.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return a flag indicating if the proxy is on. Returns true if it is.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of Connector connections that have been recycled in this Connector Pool since the pool is instantiated.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The real transaction support level in use at runtime.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The amount of time left (in minutes) until an attempt to shrink the pool will be made.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The Shrink Period (in minutes) of this Connector connection pool.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Specifies whether shrinking of this Connector connection pool is enabled.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the state of the pool.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This indicates whether the connection pool is testable or not.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The static transaction support level, either configured in ra.xml or in @Conector annotation, for the Resource Adapter for this Connector connection pool.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring individual WebLogic Connector connections

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ConnectorConnectionRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Returns the EISProductName associated with the ManagedConnection's MetaData

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the EISProductVersion associated with the ManagedConnection's MetaData.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current total active connection handles for this connection.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The high water mark of active connection handles for this connection since the connection was created.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the connection factory class name.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the time taken to create the connection.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the connection is currently in use.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the connection can be closed manually through the console.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of connection handles created for this connection since the connection was created.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the connection is currently in use in a transaction.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the managed connection factory class name.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the MaxConnections associated with the ManagedConnection's MetaData

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the time taken to reserve this connection.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the last time the connection was reserved.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the connection is currently being shared by more than one invoker.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the Transaction ID of the transaction that this connection is being used with.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the UserName associated with the ManagedConnection's MetaData

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring inbound connections of resource adapters.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ConnectorInboundRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The activation spec class.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The message listener type.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the state of the Inbound connection. The values that are returned are : "Running" and "Suspended".

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface defines the runtime information that can be accessed at a connector service level. Runtime information can be accessed at a per resource adapter level or at an overall level.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ConnectorServiceRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Returns the number of resource adapters that have been deployed in the server. This count includes active RAs and Non-active RAs ( in the case of versioned RAs that are being replaced by a new version )

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the number of resource adapters that are active.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring Connector Work Manager of resource adapters.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ConnectorWorkManagerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Return The number of current active long-running work requests.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of completed long-running work requests.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The maximum number of allowed concurrent long-running work requests. New work submission will be rejected if current running long-running work requests exceed the limit.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface contains accessor methods for all free pool runtime information collected for an EJB.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.EJBPoolRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Provides a count of the total number of times an attempt was made to get an instance from the free pool.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the number of bean instances currently being used from the free pool.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the total number of times a bean instance from this pool was destroyed due to a non-application Exception being thrown from it.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the total number of times a failed attempt was made to get an instance from the free pool. An Attempt to get a bean from the pool will fail if there are no available instances in the pool.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the current number of available bean instances in the free pool.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the total number of Threads that have timed out waiting for an available bean instance from the free pool.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the number of Threads currently waiting for an available bean instance from the free pool.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface contains accessor methods for all EJB Timer runtime information collected for an EJB.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.EJBTimerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Provides the current number of active timers for this EJB

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the total number of timers that have been explicitly cancelled for this EJB.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the current number of timers temporarily disabled for this EJB

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the total number of successful timeout notifications that have been made for this EJB.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface contains accessor methods for all transaction runtime information collected for an EJB.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.EJBTransactionRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the total number of transactions that have been committed for this EJB.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the total number of transactions that have been rolled back for this EJB.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the total number of transactions that have timed out for this EJB.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring an XML Cache.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.EntityCacheCumulativeRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Provides the cumulative average size of entries that have been purged from the disk cache.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the average size of the all the entries that have been purged from the memory.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the current average size of the entries in the entity disk cache.

Returns the current average size of the entries in the entity disk cache.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the current average size of the entries in the entity memory cache.

Returns the current average size of the entries in the entity memory cache.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the current average percentage of entries in the entity cache that have been persisted to the disk cache.

Returns current average percentage of entries in the entity cache that have been persisted to the disk cache.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the current average percentage of entries in the entity cache that are transient, or have not been persisted.

Returns current average percentage of entries in the entity cache that are transient, or have not been persisted.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the average amount of time that the entity cache has timed out when trying to retrieve an entity.

Returns the average amount of time that the entity cache has timed out when trying to retrieve an entity.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides cumulative average number of purges from the disk cache per hour.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the current maximum size of the entries in the entity memory cache.

Returns the current maximum size of the entries in the entity memory cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the largest timeout value for any current entry in the entity cache.

Returns the largest timeout value for any current entry in the entity cache.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the cumulative average number of entries that have been purged from the entity cache.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the current minimum size of the entries in the entity memory cache.

Returns the current minimum size of the entries in the entity memory cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the smallest timeout value for any current entry in the entity cache.

Returns the smallest timeout value for any current entry in the entity cache.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the date of the most recent purge from the disk cache.

Type: java.util.Date

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the date of the most recent purge of the entity cache.

Type: java.util.Date

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the cumulative percent of the potential entries to the entity cache that have been rejected.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the total current number of entries in the entity cache.

Returns the total current number of entries in the entity cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the total number of items that have been purged from the disk cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the cumulative number of items that have been purged from the entity cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the total number of entries that have been purged from the disk cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the cumulative number of entries that have been purged from the entity cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the cumulative total number of rejections of entries from the entity cache for the current session.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the cumulative number of entries that have been refreshed in the entity cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the total current number of entries in the cache that have been persisted to disk.

Returns the total current number of entries in the cache that have been persisted to disk.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the cumulative total size of the rejections from the entity cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the total current number of transient (not yet persisted to disk) entries in the entity cache.

Returns the total current number of transient entries in the entity cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring the size and usage of an XML Cache.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.EntityCacheCurrentStateRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Provides the current average size of the entries in the entity disk cache.

Returns the current average size of the entries in the entity disk cache.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the current average size of the entries in the entity memory cache.

Returns the current average size of the entries in the entity memory cache.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the current average percentage of entries in the entity cache that have been persisted to the disk cache.

Returns current average percentage of entries in the entity cache that have been persisted to the disk cache.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the current average percentage of entries in the entity cache that are transient, or have not been persisted.

Returns current average percentage of entries in the entity cache that are transient, or have not been persisted.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the average amount of time that the entity cache has timed out when trying to retrieve an entity.

Returns the average amount of time that the entity cache has timed out when trying to retrieve an entity.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the current size of the entity disk cache.

Returns the current size of the entity disk cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the current maximum size of the entries in the entity memory cache.

Returns the current maximum size of the entries in the entity memory cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the largest timeout value for any current entry in the entity cache.

Returns the largest timeout value for any current entry in the entity cache.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the current size of the entity memory cache.

Returns current size of the entity memory cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the current minimum size of the entries in the entity memory cache.

Returns the current minimum size of the entries in the entity memory cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the smallest timeout value for any current entry in the entity cache.

Returns the smallest timeout value for any current entry in the entity cache.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the total current number of entries in the entity cache.

Returns the total current number of entries in the entity cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the total current number of entries in the cache that have been persisted to disk.

Returns the total current number of entries in the cache that have been persisted to disk.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the total current number of transient (not yet persisted to disk) entries in the entity cache.

Returns the total current number of transient entries in the entity cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This bean is used to monitor an execute queue and its associated thread pool.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ExecuteQueueRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The number of idle threads assigned to the queue.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of execute threads assigned to the queue.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of waiting requests in the queue.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The time since the longest waiting request was placed in the queue.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of requests that have been processed by the queue.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.FairShareConstraintRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Returns true if trigger was successfully executed.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns true if trigger execution has begun.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return last trigger execution date and time.

Type: java.util.Date

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return name of the Resource.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return details of trigger execution in the past.

Type: array of weblogic.management.runtime.RecourseActionEventVBean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JDBC Data Source and its associated connection pool.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JDBCDataSourceRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Average number of active connections in this instance of the data source.

Active connections are connections in use by an application. This value is only valid if the resource is configured to allow shrinking.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of connections currently in use by applications.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Highest number of active database connections in this instance of the data source since the data source was instantiated.

Active connections are connections in use by an application.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The average amount of time, in milliseconds, that it takes to create a physical connection to the database.

The value is calculated as summary of all times to connect divided by the total number of connections.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The cumulative total number of database connections created in this data source since the data source was deployed.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current count of JDBC connections in the connection pool in the data source.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Highest number of database connections available or in use (current capacity) in this instance of the data source since the data source was deployed.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The product name of the database that this data source is connected to.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The product version of the database that this data source is connected to.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current deployment state of the module.

A module can be in one and only one of the following states. State can be changed via deployment or administrator console.

  • UNPREPARED. State indicating at this module is neither prepared or active.

  • PREPARED. State indicating at this module of this application is prepared, but not active. The classes have been loaded and the module has been validated.

  • ACTIVATED. State indicating at this module is currently active.

  • NEW. State indicating this module has just been created and is being initialized.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The product name of the JDBC driver that this data source is configured to use.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The version of the JDBC driver that this data source is configured to use.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the data source is enabled or disabled:

  • true if the data source is enabled.

  • false if the data source is disabled.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The cumulative, running count of requests for a connection from this data source that could not be fulfilled.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of times that the data source attempted to refresh a database connection and failed.

Failures may occur when the database is unavailable or when the network connection to the database is interrupted.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Highest number of database connections that were idle and available to be used by an application at any time in this instance of the data source since the data source was deployed.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Highest number of database connections that were in use by applications or being tested by the system in this instance of the data source since the data source was deployed.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: weblogic.management.runtime.JDBCDataSourceTaskRuntimeMBean reference

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of leaked connections. A leaked connection is a connection that was reserved from the data source but was not returned to the data source by calling close()

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the identifier for this Component. The identifier is unique within the application.

Typical modules will use the URI for their id. Web Modules will return their context-root since the web-uri may not be unique within an EAR.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of database connections that are currently idle and available to be used by applications in this instance of the data source.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of connections currently in use by applications or being tested in this instance of the data source.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The cumulative, running count of the number of times that the statement cache was accessed.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The cumulative, running count of the number of statements added to the statement cache.

Each connection in the connection pool has its own cache of statements. This number is the sum of the number of statements added to the caches for all connections in the connection pool.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of prepared and callable statements currently cached in the statement cache.

Each connection in the connection pool has its own cache of statements. This number is the sum of the number of statements in the caches for all connections in the connection pool.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The cumulative, running count of statements discarded from the cache.

Each connection in the connection pool has its own cache of statements. This number is the sum of the number of statements that were discarded from the caches for all connections in the connection pool.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The cumulative, running count of the number of times that statements from the cache were used.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of times that a statement request could not be satisfied with a statement from the cache.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The list of properties for a data source that are passed to the JDBC driver when creating database connections.

This is a privileged operation that can only be invoked by an authorized user.

Type: java.util.Properties

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The cumulative, running count of requests for a connection from this data source.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current state of the data source.

Possible states are:

  • Running - the data source is enabled (deployed and not Suspended). This is the normal state of the data source. This state includes conditions when the database server is not available and the data source is created (creation retry must be enabled) or when all connections have failed connection tests (on creation, on reserve, or periodic testing).

  • Suspended - the data source has been disabled.

  • Shutdown - the data source is shutdown and all database connections have been closed.

  • Overloaded - all resources in pool are in use.

  • Unknown - the data source state is unknown.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The driver class name of the JDBC driver used to create database connections.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The highest number of seconds that an application waited for a connection (the longest connection reserve wait time) from this instance of the connection pool since the connection pool was instantiated.

This value is updated when a completed getConnection request takes longer to return a connection than any previous request.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of connection requests waiting for a database connection.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The cumulative, running count of requests for a connection from this data source that had to wait before getting a connection and eventually failed to get a connection.

Waiting connection requests can fail for a variety of reasons, including waiting for longer than the ConnectionReserveTimeoutSeconds.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Highest number of application requests concurrently waiting for a connection from this instance of the data source.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The cumulative, running count of requests for a connection from this data source that had to wait before getting a connection and eventually succeeded in getting a connection.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The cumulative, running count of requests for a connection from this data source that had to wait before getting a connection, including those that eventually got a connection and those that did not get a connection.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class maps to a JDBCDriver JMO

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JDBCDriverRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JDBC Multi Data Source and its associated data sources.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JDBCMultiDataSourceRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The current deployment state of the module.

A module can be in one and only one of the following states. State can be changed via deployment or administrator console.

  • UNPREPARED. State indicating at this module is neither prepared or active.

  • PREPARED. State indicating at this module of this application is prepared, but not active. The classes have been loaded and the module has been validated.

  • ACTIVATED. State indicating at this module is currently active.

  • NEW. State indicating this module has just been created and is being initialized.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The maximum capacity of this multi data source. The maximum capacity is: - Maximum capacity of first available (not suspended) data source in the list, if the multi data source is using the FAILOVER algorithm (the FailoverRequestIfBusy flag is not set). - Sum of maximum capacities of all available (not suspended) data sources, if the multi data source is using other algorithms.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the identifier for this Component. The identifier is unique within the application.

Typical modules will use the URI for their id. Web Modules will return their context-root since the web-uri may not be unique within an EAR.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Partition monitoring of WebLogic JDBC resources

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JDBCPartitionRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used to get replay statics for an Oracle replay datasource aggregated across all connections in the pool.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JDBCReplayStatisticsRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The current deployment state of the module.

A module can be in one and only one of the following states. State can be changed via deployment or administrator console.

  • UNPREPARED. State indicating at this module is neither prepared or active.

  • PREPARED. State indicating at this module of this application is prepared, but not active. The classes have been loaded and the module has been validated.

  • ACTIVATED. State indicating at this module is currently active.

  • NEW. State indicating this module has just been created and is being initialized.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Obtains the number of replays that failed.

When replay fails, it rethrows the original SQLRecoverableException to the application, with the reason for the failure chained to that original exception. Application can call getNextException to retrieve the reason.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the identifier for this Component. The identifier is unique within the application.

Typical modules will use the URI for their id. Web Modules will return their context-root since the web-uri may not be unique within an EAR.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Obtains the number of times that replay is disabled. When replay is disabled in the middle of a request, the remaining calls in that request are no longer protected by AC. In case an outage strikes one of those remaining calls, no replay will be attempted, and application simply gets an SQLRecoverableException.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Obtains the number of replays that succeeded. Successful replays mask the outages from applications.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Obtains the total number of JDBC calls executed so far.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Obtains the number of JDBC calls affected by outages. This includes both local calls and calls that involve roundtrip(s) to the database server.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Obtains the number of JDBC calls affected by outages in the middle of replay. Outages may be cascaded and strike a call multiple times when replay is ongoing. AC automatically reattempts replay when this happens, unless it reaches the maximum retry limit.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Obtains the number of JDBC calls that triggered replay. Not all the calls affected by an outage trigger replay, because replay can be disabled for some requests.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Obtains the total number of completed requests so far.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Obtains the total number of JDBC calls executed so far that are protected by AC.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Obtains the number of replay attempts. AC automatically reattempts when replay fails, so this number may exceed the number of JDBC calls that triggered replay.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Obtains the total number of successfully submitted requests so far.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JDBC service. It maps to a JDBCResource JMO.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JDBCServiceRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The health state of the JDBC subsystem.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS connection.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JMSConnectionRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The client ID for this connection.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The ClientIDPolicy on this connection or durable subscriber.

Values are:

  • weblogic.management.configuration.JMSConstants.CLIENT_ID_POLICY_RESTRICTED: Only one connection that uses this policy exists in a cluster at any given time for a particular ClientID

  • weblogic.management.configuration.JMSConstants.CLIENT_ID_POLICY_UNRESTRICTED: Connections created using this policy can specify any ClientID, even when other restricted or unrestricted connections already use the same ClientID

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The host address of the client JVM as a string.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current number of sessions for this connection.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The peak number of sessions for this connection since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of sessions on this connection since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS consumer.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JMSConsumerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Indicates whether the consumer active. A consumer is active if it has a message listener set up or a synchronous receive in progress.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of bytes pending (uncommitted and unacknowledged) by this consumer.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of bytes received by this consumer since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The client ID for this connection.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The ClientIDPolicy on this connection or durable subscriber.

Valid values are:

  • weblogic.management.configuration.JMSConstants.CLIENT_ID_POLICY_RESTRICTED: Only one connection that uses this policy exists in a cluster at any given time for a particular ClientID

  • weblogic.management.configuration.JMSConstants.CLIENT_ID_POLICY_UNRESTRICTED: Connections created using this policy can specify any ClientID, even when other restricted or unrestricted connections already use the same ClientID

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of the destination for this consumer. In case of a distributed destination, it is the name of the distributed destination, instead of the member destination.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the consumer is durable.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of the destination for this consumer. In case of a distributed destination, it is the name of the member destination.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of messages pending (uncommitted and unacknowledged) by this consumer.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of messages received by this consumer since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The selector associated with this consumer, if any.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The Subscription Sharing Policy on this subscriber.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS destination (topic or queue).

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JMSDestinationRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The current number of bytes stored in the destination. This does not include the pending bytes.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The peak number of bytes stored in the destination since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of pending bytes stored in the destination.

Pending bytes are over and above the current number of bytes.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of bytes received in this destination since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The amount of time in the threshold condition since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current number of consumers accessing this destination.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The peak number of consumers accessing this destination since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of consumers accessing this destination since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates the consumption Pause state of the destination.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current consumption pause state of the destination.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The destination type, either weblogic.management.configuration.JMSConstants.DESTINATION_TYPE_QUEUE or weblogic.management.configuration.JMSConstants.DESTINATION_TYPE_TOPIC depending upon whether the destination is a queue or topic.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates the InsertionPause state of the destination.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current insertion pause state of the destination.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current number of messages in the destination. This does not include the pending messages.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the number of messages that have been deleted from the destination.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The peak number of messages in the destination since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the number of messages that have been moved from the destination.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of pending messages in the destination.

Pending messages are over and above the current number of messages. A pending message is one that has either been sent in a transaction and not committed, or that has been received and not committed or acknowledged.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of messages received in this destination since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The amount of time in the threshold condition since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates the ProductionPause state of the destination.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current production pause state of the destination.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The operational state of the destination as a String.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS durable subscriber.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JMSDurableSubscriberRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Indicates whether this subscription is being used by a durable subscriber.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of bytes received by this durable subscriber.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of bytes pending by this durable subscriber.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


A unique client identifier for this durable subscriber.

Note: The client ID is not necessarily equivalent to the WebLogic Server username; that is, a name used to authenticate a user in the WebLogic security realm. You can set the client ID to the WebLogic Server username if it is appropriate for your JMS application.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The policy for the client identifier for this durable subscriber.

Note: The client ID policy is either Restricted or Unrestricted.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The time when the last time a subscriber received a message from the subscription. The returned value is a standard java absolute time, which is measured in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC

This returns the JMS durable subscription boot time if there were no messages that were successfully delivered to any subscriber on this subscription since the subscription was booted. We define the boot time of a durable subscription to be the time the subscription is originally created or recovered during a server reboot or jms migration, which ever is latest.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of messages still available by this durable subscriber.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the number of messages that have been deleted from the destination.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The peak number of messages for the durable subscriber since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the number of messages that have been moved from the destination.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of messages pending (uncommitted and unacknowledged) by this durable subscriber.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of messages received by the durable subscriber since that reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Specifies whether this durable subscriber receives local messages that it has published.

To prevent this, set the noLocal parameter to true

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The message selector defined for this durable subscriber.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of subscribers that currently share this subscription.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required, Has Default Value: 0


The highest number of subscribers that have shared this subscription at the same time since the creation or the last reboot of the subscription, which ever is later.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required, Has Default Value: 0


The total number of subscribers that have accessed this subscription since the creation or the last reboot of the subscription, whichever is later.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required, Has Default Value: 0


The subscription name for this durable subscriber. This name must be unique for each client ID.

Valid durable subscription names cannot include the following characters: comma ",", equals "=", colon ":", asterisk "*", percent "%", or question mark"?".

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The SubscriptionSharingPolicy on this subscriber.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required, Has Default Value: Exclusive


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS producer.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JMSProducerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The number of bytes pending (uncommitted and unacknowledged) by this producer.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of bytes sent by this producer since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of messages pending (uncommitted and unacknowledged) by this producer.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of messages sent by this producer since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS service.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JMSRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The current number of JMS servers that are deployed on this WebLogic Server instance.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The highest number of JMS servers that were deployed on this WebLogic Server instance since this server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of JMS servers that were deployed on this WebLogic Server instance since this server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current number of connections to WebLogic Server server.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The highest number of connections to this WebLogic Server since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of connections made to this WebLogic Server since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The health state of this JMS service.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS server.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JMSServerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The current number of bytes stored on this JMS server.

This number does not include the pending bytes.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The peak number of bytes stored in the JMS server since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the total number of bytes in all the messages that are currently available to be paged out, but which have not yet been paged out. The JMS server attempts to keep this number smaller than the "MessageBufferSize" parameter.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the total number of bytes that were read from the paging directory since the JMS server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the total number of bytes that were written to the paging directory since the JMS server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current number of bytes pending (unacknowledged or uncommitted) stored on this JMS server.

Pending bytes are over and above the current number of bytes.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of bytes received on this JMS server since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The amount of time in the threshold condition since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the current consumption paused state of the JMSServer as boolean value.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the current consumption paused state of the JMSServer as string value.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current number of destinations for this JMS server.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The peak number of destinations on this JMS server since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of destinations instantiated on this JMS server since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The health state of this JMS server.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the current insertion paused state of the JMSServer as boolean value.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the current insertion paused state of the JMSServer as string value.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current number of messages stored on this JMS server. This number does not include the pending messages.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The peak number of messages stored in the JMS server since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the number of messages that are currently available for paging in this JMS server but have not yet been paged out. Note that due to internal implementation details, this count may be zero even if "PageableByteCurrentCount" is zero.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the total number of messages that were read from the paging directory since the JMS server was started.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the total number of messages that were written to the paging directory since the JMS server was started.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current number of messages pending (unacknowledged or uncommitted) stored on this JMS server.

Pending messages are over and above the current number of messages.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of messages received on this destination since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The amount of time in the threshold condition since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


See PersistentStoreRuntimeMBean.AllocatedIoBufferBytes

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


See PersistentStoreRuntimeMBean.AllocatedWindowBufferBytes

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


See PersistentStoreRuntimeMBean.PhysicalWriteCount

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns an array of Xids representing transaction branches that exist onthis JMS server in the pending state, i.e. branches that have been prepared by the transaction manager but not yet committed or rolled back.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the current production paused state of the JMSServer as boolean value.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the current production paused state of the JMSServer as string value.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current number of session pools instantiated on this JMS server.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The peak number of session pools instantiated on this JMS server since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of session pools instantiated on this JMS server since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns an array of Xids representing transaction branches that exist on this JMS server in any state.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS session pool.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JMSSessionPoolRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The current number of connection consumers for this session pool.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The peak number of simultaneous connection consumers for this session pool.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of connection consumers made by this session pool since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS session.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JMSSessionRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The acknowledge mode as one of the following:





Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of bytes pending (uncommitted and unacknowledged) for this session.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of bytes received by this session since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of bytes sent by this session since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current number of consumers for this session.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The peak number of consumers for this session since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of consumers instantiated by this session since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of messages pending (uncommitted and unacknowledged) for this session.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of messages received by this session since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of bytes sent by this session since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current number of producers for this session.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The peak number of producers for this session since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of producers for this session since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the session is transacted.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface is used for accessing transaction runtime characteristics within a WebLogic server.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JTAPartitionRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The number of active transactions on the server.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


An array of NonXA resource names that are registered with the transaction manager.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


An array of XA resource names that are registered with the transaction manager.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of seconds that transactions were active for all committed transactions.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions that were abandoned since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions committed since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that completed with a heuristic status since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of LLR transactions that were committed since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions with no enlisted resources that were committed since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions with only one enlisted resource that were one-phase committed since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions with more than one enlisted resource that were one-phase committed due to read-only optimization since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that were rolled back due to an application error.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that were rolled back due to a resource error.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that were rolled back due to an internal system error.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that were rolled back due to a timeout expiration.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that were rolled back since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions processed. This total includes all committed, rolled back, and heuristic transaction completions since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of two phase commit transactions that were committed with TLog since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of two phase commited transactions that were committed without TLog since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions with more than one enlisted resource that were two-phase committed since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface is used for accessing transaction runtime characteristics for recovered transactions that are associated with a particular Transaction Recovery Service.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JTARecoveryRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Indicates whether the Transaction Recovery Service is currently activated on this server.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions that are recovered from the transaction log initially.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions that are recovered from the no transaction log initially.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The percentage of transactions that are recovered from the transaction log initially.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The percentage of transactions that are recovered from the no transaction log initially.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface is used for accessing transaction runtime characteristics within a WebLogic server.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JTARuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The number of active transactions on the server.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The health state of the JTA subsystem. for state values.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


An array of NonXA resource names that are registered with the transaction manager.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


An array of XA resource names that are registered with the transaction manager.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of seconds that transactions were active for all committed transactions.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions that were abandoned since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions committed since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that completed with a heuristic status since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of LLR transactions that were committed since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions with no enlisted resources that were committed since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions with only one enlisted resource that were one-phase committed since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions with more than one enlisted resource that were one-phase committed due to read-only optimization since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that were rolled back due to an application error.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that were rolled back due to a resource error.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that were rolled back due to an internal system error.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that were rolled back due to a timeout expiration.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that were rolled back since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions processed. This total includes all committed, rolled back, and heuristic transaction completions since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of two phase commit transactions that were committed with TLog since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of two phase commited transactions that were committed without TLog since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions with more than one enlisted resource that were two-phase committed since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides methods for retrieving information about the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) within with the current server instance is running. You cannot change the JVM's operating parameters while the JVM is active. Instead, use the startup options that are described in the JVM's documentation.

The WebLogic JVM contains only one of these Runtime MBeans:

  • If the JVM is an instance of a JRockit JDK, then the JVM contains JRockitRuntime MBean

  • Otherwise, it contains the JVMRuntimeMBean

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JVMRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Returns the operating system on which the JVM is running.

The operating system on which the JVM is running.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The version of the operating system on which the JVM is running.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current amount of memory (in bytes) that is available in the JVM heap.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Percentage of the maximum memory that is free.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current size (in bytes) of the JVM heap.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The maximum free memory configured for this JVM.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the vendor of the JVM.

The vendor of the JVM that this server runs.

system property java.vm.vendor is returned

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the vendor of Java.

The vendor of Java that this server runs.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The Java version of the JVM.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


JVM thread dump. Thread dump is available only on 1.5 VM

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of milliseconds that the Virtual Machine has been running.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


RuntimeMBean that provides information about a particular job.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JobRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The unique ID corresponding to this job

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the description of the submitted commonj.timers.TimerListener. Returns commonj.timers.TimerListener#toString

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the most recent execution time of this job in the local server. Note that multiple executions of the same job are load-balanced across the cluster and this time indicates when the job was last executed locally.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the number of times this job was executed locally. Job executions are load-balanced across the cluster. This count specifies the number of executions of the job in the local server.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the specified periodicity of this job

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the state of the task. A Job is either in running state or in cancelled state

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns when the job will be executed next

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


RuntimeMBean that provides information about jobs scheduled with the Job Scheduler.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JobSchedulerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic Jolt Connection Pool

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JoltConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The maximum connections configured for this Jolt pool.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The configured name of this Jolt pool.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The pool state as one of 'Active' 'Suspended'.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the security context is propagated.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring individual WebLogic Jolt connections

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JoltConnectionRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The connection Address.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The Connection Alive indicator.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The Request Error Count.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The Connection in Transaction indicator.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The Last Access Date and Time.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The Pending Request Count.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The Request Count.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic Jolt component

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.JoltConnectionServiceRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The number of configured Jolt connection pools.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


RuntimeMBean for library deployments.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.LibraryRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Returns the library implementation version. If not set, this value is null.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the library identifier.

The library identifier uniquely identifies this library version across all versions of all deployed applications and deployed libraries. If the library is not versioned, the library identifier is the same as the library name.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the library name.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The library's partition.

Returns the partition to which this library is deployed.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns true if this library is referenced by one or more referencers. Typically, a library referencer is a deployed application.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the library specification version. If not set, this value is null.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This MBean broadcasts JMX notifications for each log message generated in the local WLS server. There is exactly one implementation of this MBean in each WLS server. JMX listeners can register to this MBean and receive log notifications. The type of the notification generated is WebLogicLogNotification

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The total number of log messages that this WebLogic Server instance has generated.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface defines the control operations for a log in the WebLogic Server.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.LogRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Gets the opened state of the log file stream represented by this instance.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


RuntimeMBean for MAN Asynchronous Replication

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.MANAsyncReplicationRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the names of the remote servers (such as myserver) for which the local server is hosting secondary objects. The name is appended with a number to indicate the number of secondaries hosted on behalf of that server.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The last time the sessions were flushed, in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the number of object that the local server hosts as primaries.

Answer the number of object that the local server hosts as primaries.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Answer if the remote cluster is reachable or not.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Answer the number of object that the local server hosts as secondaries.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Answer the name of the secondary server

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of sessions which are waiting to be flushed.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


RuntimeMBean for MAN Replication

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.MANReplicationRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the names of the remote servers (such as myserver) for which the local server is hosting secondary objects. The name is appended with a number to indicate the number of secondaries hosted on behalf of that server.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the number of object that the local server hosts as primaries.

Answer the number of object that the local server hosts as primaries.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Answer if the remote cluster is reachable or not.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Answer the number of object that the local server hosts as secondaries.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Answer the name of the secondary server

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


RuntimeMBean for JavaMail Sessions

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.MailSessionRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


ManagedExecutorService Runtime information. It can be the information of a partition level MES, an application level MES or a regular JSR236 MES.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ManagedExecutorServiceRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Get the name of the application this ManagedExecutor is associated with

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of long running tasks which is successfully completed.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of short running tasks which is successfully completed.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of tasks which terminated abnormally by throwing exception, including both long and short term tasks.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the name of the module this ManagedExecutor is associated with

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the name of the partition this ManagedExecutor is associated with

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of long running tasks rejected by max-concurrent-long-running-requests

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of short running tasks rejected by workmanager overload policy

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of long running tasks which is currently running.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of submitted short running tasks

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of submitted long running tasks

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


ManagedScheduledExecutorService Runtime information. It can be the information of a partition level MSES, an application level MSES or a regular JSR236 MSES.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ManagedScheduledExecutorServiceRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Get the name of the application this ManagedExecutor is associated with

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of long running tasks which is successfully completed.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of short running tasks which is successfully completed.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of tasks which terminated abnormally by throwing exception, including both long and short term tasks.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the name of the module this ManagedExecutor is associated with

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the name of the partition this ManagedExecutor is associated with

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of long running tasks rejected by max-concurrent-long-running-requests

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of short running tasks rejected by workmanager overload policy

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of long running tasks which is currently running.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of submitted short running tasks

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of submitted long running tasks

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


ManagedThreadFactory Runtime information. It can be the information of a partition level MTF, an application level MTF or a regular JSR236 MTF.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ManagedThreadFactoryRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Get the name of the application this ManagedThreadFactory is associated with

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of completed threads.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the name of the module this ManagedThreadFactory is associated with

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the name of the partition this ManagedThreadFactory is associated with

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of newThread method invocations that have been rejected because the limit of running threads was exceeded.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of running threads.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Runtime information for MaxThreadsConstraint

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.MaxThreadsConstraintRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The configured count, or maximum concurrency value.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current maximum concurrency value. This could be different from the configured value as Resource Consumption Management could dynamically reduce the allowed maximum concurrency value based on configured RCM policies and actual thread usage by the partition

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of requests that are denied a thread for execution because the constraint is exceeded.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of requests that are currently executing.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface contains accessor methods for all EJB runtime information collected for a Message Driven Bean.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.MessageDrivenEJBRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Provides the name for this EJB as defined in the javax.ejb.EJB annotation, or the ejb-name when * using the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides information about whether the Message Driven Bean is currently connected to the JMS destination it is mapped to.

Returns whether the Message Driven Bean is currently connected to the JMS destination it is mapped to.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the Message Driven Bean status. MDBStatus is used after the MDB is connected to the destination. MDBStatus can be Running or Suspended.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the connection status for the Message Driven Bean. ConnectionStatus can be Connected or Reconnecting.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the Message Driven Bean destination

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The health state of this MDB.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the Message Driven Bean jmsClientID

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the last exception this MDB encountered

Type: java.lang.Throwable

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the last exception as String this MDB encountered

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the total number of messages processed by this Message Driven Bean.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the total number of times this MDB is suspended by the user or the EJB container.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic messaging bridge.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.MessagingBridgeRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The reason, if the messaging bridge is not running.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The state of the messaging bridge.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Runtime information about one past or ongoing migration.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.MigrationDataRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Name of the server that acted as the cluster master for this migration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Name of the server that acted as the cluster master for this migration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Machine from which the server was migrated from

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Machine to which the server was migrated to or is in the process of being migrated to.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get all the machines attempted for migration.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


End time of migration

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Start time of migration

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Name of the server migrated

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Name of the server migrated

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Monitoring information for MinThreadsConstraint

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.MinThreadsConstraintRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Completed request count.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The configured count, or minimum concurrency value.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current minimum concurrency value. This could be different from the configured value as Resource Consumption Management could dynamically reduce the allowed minimum concurrency value based on configured RCM policies and actual thread usage by the partition

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The last measured time a request had to wait for a thread. Only requests whose execution is needed to satisfy the constraint are considered.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of requests that are currently executing.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The max time a request had to wait for a thread. Only requests whose execution is needed to satisfy the constraint are considered.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of requests that must be executed to satisfy the constraint.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of requests executed out of turn to satisfy this constraint.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Whether the partition-level minimum threads constraint limit has reached, which could cause the number of executing requests to be less than the configured value in this minimum threads constraint.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Pending requests that are waiting for an available thread.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This represents runtime statistical information about a NonXAResource

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.NonXAResourceRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the resource name.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions committed since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that completed with a heuristic status since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that were rolled back since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions processed. This total includes all committed, rolled back, and heuristic transaction completions since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface is used for accessing a WebLogic path service entity

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.PSAssemblyRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Returns all entries in a persistent map's assembly.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Monitoring information for PartitionFairShare

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.PartitionFairShareRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The configured fair share value.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current fair share value. This could be different from the configured value as Resource Consumption Management could dynamically adjust the actual fair share value based on configured RCM policies and actual thread usage by the partition

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The multiplier to be used to adjust the priority of requests from the partition in the request queue.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total amount of thread use time in milliseconds used by the partition during the past period.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Monitoring information for PartitionMinThreadsConstraint

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.PartitionMinThreadsConstraintCapRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Number of requests that are currently executing.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Sum of all configured minimum threads constraints in the partition. This is the number of threads that is needed in order to satisfy all configured minimum threads constraints in the partition if all of them have more than that amount of concurrent work requests.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The runtime MBean interface for partition specific resource consumption metrics. The resource meters are added lazily for a partition. Therefore, the first time these metrics are queried, it might return zero values. Subsequent gets would return non-zero values based on the resource consumption. These metrics are applicable in the context of a partition since either server start or partition creation/restart, whichever was later.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.PartitionResourceMetricsRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Checks whether RCM metrics data is available for this partition.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total allocated memory in bytes for the partition. This metric value increases monotonically over time, it never decreases. Retained memory should be used to get current net values.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total CPU time spent measured in nanoseconds in the context of a partition.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns a snapshot of the historical data for CPU usage for the partition. CPU Utilization percentage indicates the percentage of CPU utilized by a partition with respect to available CPU to Weblogic Server. Data is returned as a two-dimensional array for the CPU usage scoped to the partition over time. Each item in the array contains a tuple of [timestamp (long), cpuUsage(long)] values.

Type: array of array of long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of files currently open in the context of a partition.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of file descriptors currently open in the context of a partition.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of sockets currently open in the context of a partition.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of file bytes read in the context of a partition.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of file bytes written in the context of a partition.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of bytes read from sockets for a partition.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of bytes written to sockets for a partition.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns a snapshot of the historical data for retained heap memory usage for the partition. Data is returned as a two-dimensional array for the usage of retained heap scoped to the partition over time. Each item in the array contains a tuple of [timestamp (long), retainedHeap(long)] values.

Type: array of array of long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of threads currently assigned to the partition.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of files opened in the context of a partition.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of file descriptors opened in the context of a partition.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of sockets opened in the context of a partition.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Partition Runtime information.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.PartitionRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The aggregate health state of the partition as reported by components within the partition

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Partition ID for this partition.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the partition must be restarted in order to activate configuration changes.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The server associated with this configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current state of the partition runtime MBean

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


An array of health states for major subsystems in the partition.

Type: array of weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Monitoring information for PartitionWorkManager

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.PartitionWorkManagerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of requests rejected due to configured Shared Capacity for work managers have been reached.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of pending user requests in the priority queue. The priority queue contains requests from internal subsystems and users. This is just the count of all user requests.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Maximum amount of requests that can be accepted in the priority queue. Note that a request with higher priority will be accepted in place of a lower priority request already in the queue even after the threshold is reached. The lower priority request is kept waiting in the queue till all high priority requests are executed. Also note that further enqueues of the low priority requests are rejected right away.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface is used for accessing a WebLogic path service entity

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.PathServiceRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring JPA specific runtime stats. Base class for all runtime mbeans that provide status of running modules.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.PersistenceUnitRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a Persistent Store Connection.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.PersistentStoreConnectionRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Number of create requests issued by this connection.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of delete requests issued by this connection.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of objects contained in the connection.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of read requests issued by this connection, including requests that occur during store initialization.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of update requests issued by this connection.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a Persistent Store.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.PersistentStoreRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The amount of off-heap (native) memory, in bytes, reserved for file store use.

When applicable, this is a multiple of the file store configurable attribute IOBufferSize. Applies to synchronous write policies Direct-Write and Cache-Flush policies

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The amount of off-heap (native) memory, in bytes, reserved for file store window buffer use.

Applies to synchronous write policies Direct-Write-With-Cache and Disabled but only when the native wlfileio library is loaded. See file store configurable attribute MaxWindowBufferSize for more information

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of create requests issued by this store.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of delete requests issued by this store.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Implement the HealthFeedback interface by returning the health state of this store.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of objects contained in the store.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of times the store flushed its data to durable storage.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of read requests issued by this store, including requests that occur during store initialization.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of update requests issued by this store.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface contains accessor methods for all query cache runtime information collected for an EJB. The cache miss counts need some explaining. A query-cache miss can occur due to one of the following reasons:

  • The query result was not found in the query-cache

  • The query result has timed out

  • A bean which satisfies the query wasnot found in the entity cache

  • A query with relationship-caching turned on did not find the related-beans query result

  • A query which loads multiple EJBs could not load one or more of them

To better aid tuning, there are separate counters provided for each of the last four of the above causes. The fifth counter is a total cache miss counter. This counter takes into account all five causes of a cache miss.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.QueryCacheRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Provides a count of the number of accesses of the query cache for this EJB.

Returns the number of accesses of the query cache for this EJB.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the number of cache hits of the query cache for this EJB.

Returns the number of cache hits of the query cache for this EJB.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the number of cache misses of the query cache for this EJB because corresponding beans were not found in the entity cache.

Returns the number of times a cache miss occurred for this EJB because corresponding beans were not found in the entity cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the number of cache misses of the query cache for this EJB because a dependent query was not found in another EJB's query cache.

Returns the number of times a cache miss occurred for this EJB because a dependent query was not found in another EJB's query cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the number of cache misses of the query cache for this EJB because a related query was not found in another EJB's query cache.

Returns the number of times a cache miss occurred for this EJB because a related query was not found in another EJB's query cache.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the number of cache misses of the query cache for this EJB due to query results timing out.

Returns the number of cache misses due to query result timeout for this EJB.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the total number of cache misses of the query cache for this EJB.

Returns the total number of cache misses of the query cache for this EJB.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides a count of the total number of query results for this EJB currently in the query cache.

Returns the total number of query results for this EJB currently in the EJB cache.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used to monitor and manage per security realm runtime information.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.RealmRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


RequestClassRuntimeMBean presents runtime information about RequestClasses. A request class represents a class of work. Work using the same request class shares the same priority.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.RequestClassRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Total number of completions since server start

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of requests waiting for a thread to become available.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of RequestClass. Either FAIR_SHARE or RESPONSE_TIME or CONTEXT

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total amount of thread use time in millisec's used by the request class since server start.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Current priority of the request class. The priority is relative to other request class priorities. The priority is calculated dynamically frequently and can change.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The {@code ResourceManagerRuntimeMBean} holds runtime information about a Resource Manager that has been assigned to the current Domain Partition. The {@code ResourceManagerRuntimeMBean} is used for retrieving the runtime state (information about policy evaluation, current resource usage, recourse actions executed) of configured resource management policies established for the current Partition by a system administrator in the current server instance.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ResourceManagerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The {@code ResourceRuntimeMBean} holds runtime state about the policy evaluations that have been performed for a Resource type in the current Domain Partition in the current server instance.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ResourceRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of the policy defined for this resource as configured in the {@code ResourceManagerMBean} for this MBean's resource type getResourceType().

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The resource type associated with this MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current resource utilization of a Resource by the current Domain Partition, in the current Server instance.

To track or monitor resource consumption for a Domain Partition without creating resource consumption management policies, see weblogic.management.runtime.PartitionResourceMetricsRuntimeMBean.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The tagging interface for all runtime MBeans.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.RuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic SAF agent.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.SAFAgentRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Returns the current number of bytes. This number does not include the pending bytes.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the peak number of bytes since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the number of pending bytes. Pending bytes are over and above the current number of bytes.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of bytes received since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the amount of time in the threshold condition since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the current number of conversations

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The peak number of conversations since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of conversations since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the total number of messages that have failed to be forwarded since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The health state of this JMS server.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the current number of messages. This number includes the pending messages.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the peak number of messages since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the number of pending messages. Pending messages are over and above the current number of messages. A pending message is one that has either been sent in a transaction and not committed, or been forwarded but has not been acknowledged.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of messages received since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the amount of time in the threshold condition since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether or not the sending agent is paused for forwarding at the current time.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether or not the sending agent is paused for incoming messages at the current time.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether or not the receiving agent is paused for receiving at the current time.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current number of remote endpoints to which this SAF agent has been storing and forwarding messages.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The peak number of remote endpoints to which this SAF agent has been storing and forwarding messages since last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of remote endpoints to which this SAF agent has been storing and forwarding messages since last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic SAF conversation.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.SAFConversationRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The quality of service (QOS) for the SAF conversation.

The quality-of-service values are:

  • weblogic.management.runtime.SAFConstants.QOS_EXACTLY_ONCE

  • weblogic.management.runtime.SAFConstants.QOS_ATLEAST_ONCE

  • weblogic.management.runtime.SAFConstants.QOS_ATMOST_ONCE

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of the conversation.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The URL of the destination.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic SAF remote endpoint

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.SAFRemoteEndpointRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The URL of the remote endpoint.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the current number of bytes. This number does not include the pending bytes.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the peak number of bytes since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the number of pending bytes. Pending bytes are over and above the current number of bytes.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of bytes received since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the amount of time in the threshold condition since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Specifies the longest time, in seconds, that the remote endpoint has not been available since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Specifies the total time, in seconds, that the remote endpoint has not been available since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Specifies if the remote endpoint is a JMS or Web Services (WSRM) destination. The possible values are: weblogic.management.runtime.SAFConstants.JMS_ENDPOINT or weblogic.management.runtime.SAFConstants.WS_ENDPOINT.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the total number of messages that have failed to be forwarded since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Specifies the exception thrown when message forwarding failed.

Type: java.lang.Throwable

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Specifies the last time that the remote endpoint was connected.

Type: java.util.Date

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Specifies the last time that the remote endpoint failed to be connected.

Type: java.util.Date

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the current number of messages. This number includes the pending messages.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the peak number of messages since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the number of pending messages. Pending messages are over and above the current number of messages. A pending message is one that has either been sent in a transaction and not committed, or been forwarded but has not been acknowledged.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of messages received since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the amount of time in the threshold condition since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Specifies the state of the most recent ExireAll operation.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates if the remote endpoint is currently not forwarding messages.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates if a remote endpoint is currently not accepting new messages.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Specifies the longest time, in seconds, that the remote endpoint has been available since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Specifies the total time, in seconds, that the remote endpoint has been available since the last reset.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic SAF service.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.SAFRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The health state of SAF service.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Runtime information for an SNMP agent that is running in the current WebLogic Server domain.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.SNMPAgentRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Gets the name of the SNMPAgent MBean configuration that is currently active. Returns null if no SNMPAgent configuration is currently active on this Server.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The UDP port on which this SNMP agent is listening for incoming requests from SNMP managers.

SNMP agents can also communicate through the host server's TCP listen port (7001 by default) or through a TCP port that is configured by a custom network channel.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of attribute change notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of counter monitor notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of requests that this agent has rejected because of incorrect user credentials.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of requests that this agent has rejected because an authenticated user does not have sufficient privileges to view the requested information. You use the WebLogic Server security realm to assign privileges to users.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of requests that this agent has rejected because of incorrect privacy (encryption) credentials

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of gauge monitor notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of log message notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The port that this SNMP agent uses to communicate with subagents.

The agent uses subagents to provide access to custom MBeans (MBeans that you create and register) and to other Oracle software components. WebLogic Server SNMP agents do not enable users to register their own subagents.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of all notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether this SNMP agent is running.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of serverStart notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of serverShutdown notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of string monitor notifications that this SNMP agent has sent to all trap destinations since the agent's host server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Runtime information for NetworkAccessPoints or "Channels".

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ServerChannelRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The number of sockets that have been accepted on this channel. This includes sockets both past and present so gives a good idea of the connection rate to the server.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Associated virtual-target name with this channel. This may be null.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of bytes received on this channel.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of bytes sent on this channel.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The channel name of this channel.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of active connections and sockets associated with this channel.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of messages received on this channel.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of messages sent on this channel.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The physical URL that this channel is listening on.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface defines the control operations for a log in the WebLogic Server.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ServerLogRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Gets the opened state of the log file stream represented by this instance.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


ServerMigrationRuntimeMBean provides runtime monitoring information about the past migrations performed by this server as the cluster master. If this server was never the cluster master then no information would be available. This RuntimeMBean would be hosted on all cluster members and can be queried for the location of the cluster master which is just another peer in the cluster. JMX clients can make another call to the server hosting the cluster master functionality to get the migration history.

Please note that the migration history is not persisted and is lost when a server is shutdown.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ServerMigrationRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Is the current server the cluster master?

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the server name who is the cluster master. Migration history is only available from the cluster master.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides methods for retrieving runtime information about a server instance and for transitioning a server from one state to another.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ServerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Indicates whether the default SSL listen port is enabled on the server

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The time when the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the server is an Administration Server.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The address on which the Administration Server is listening for connections. For example, this might return the string: santiago

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The port on which the Administration Server is listening for connections.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the port that the server uses for administrative traffic is configured to use a secure protocol.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the administration port is enabled on the server

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The URL that the server and its clients use for administrative connections.

If no administration channel is enabled, then this method returns the URL for connections through the default channel. If the default channel is de-activated, this method returns the URL for a secure channel. If no secure channel is enabled, the method returns null.

The returned URL will be consistent with dynamic channel updates.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The absolute path of the directory from which the server was started.

This may be used in conjunction with other relative paths in ServerMBean to compute full paths.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Return the machine on which the server is running. This will be different from the configuration if the server gets migrated automatically.

Type: string

Constraints: Restart Required


The URL that clients use to connect to this server's default network channel.

The returned value indicates the default protocol, listen address and listen port:


Note: The default protocol, listen address and listen port are persisted in the domain's config.xml file, however when a server instance is started, command-line options can override these persisted values. This getDefaultURL method returns the URL values that are currently being used, not necessarily the values that are specified in config.xml

The returned URL will be consistent with dynamic channel updates.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The health state of the server as reported by the server's self-health monitoring.

For example, the server can report if it is overloaded by too many requests, if it needs more memory resources, or if it will soon fail for other reasons.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the default listen port is enabled on the server.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The Oracle Middleware installation directory.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current number of sockets registered for socket muxing on this server.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Determine the overall health state of this server, taking into account the health of each of its subsystems.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the server must be restarted in order to activate configuration changes.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the classpath for this server including domain/lib contents that are automatically picked up and appended to the classpath.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The current life cycle state of this server.

For example, a server can be in a RUNNING state in which it can receive and process requests or in an ADMIN state in which it can receive only administrative requests.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns current state of the server as in integer. weblogic.management.runtime.ServerStates has more information about the available server states

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The directory where the WebLogic Server instance (server) is installed, without the trailing "/server".

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The version of this WebLogic Server instance (server).

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used for monitoring WebLogic Security Info.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ServerSecurityRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Indicates whether JACC (Java Authorization Contract for Containers) was enabled on the commandline for the jvm hosting this server

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required, Has Default Value: false


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface is used to publish SAML 2.0 local site meta-data for single sign-on services.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.SingleSignOnServicesRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Exposes monitoring information about an ongoing and potentially long-running administrative process. This should be taken to mean, at minimum, any OA&M operation involving I/O. Examples include starting and stopping servers, deploying and undeploying applications, or migrating services.

An MBean operation of this sort should fork a separate thread to perform the actual work and immediately return an instance of TaskRuntimeMBean to the caller. The caller can then use this to track the task's progress as desired. Users can also query for all instances of TaskRuntimeMBean to get a summary of both currently-running and recently-completed tasks.

Instance of TaskRuntimeMBean continue to exist in the MBeanServer after the completion of the work they describe. They will eventually either be explicitly deregistered by the user, or removed by a scavenger process which periodically purges instances of TaskRuntimeMBean that have been completed for some time.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.TaskRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


This property indicates whether an asynchronous job has completed.

Type: boolean


A description of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when the asynchronous job ended.

Type: java.util.Date


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The task of which this task is a part.

A value of null indicates that this task is not a subtask.

Type: weblogic.management.runtime.TaskRuntimeMBean reference

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The progress of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the task is still running.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when an asynchronous job was started.

Type: java.util.Date


The time at which this task was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether this task was initiated by the server versus a user.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns an exception describing the error, if any, that occurred while performing this task.

Type: java.lang.Throwable

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The status of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This bean is used to monitor the self-tuning queue

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.ThreadPoolRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The number of completed requests in the priority queue.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of idle threads in the pool. This count does not include standby threads and stuck threads. The count indicates threads that are ready to pick up new work when it arrives

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of threads in the pool.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The health state of this pool.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The threads that are being held by a request right now. These threads will either be declared as stuck after the configured timeout or will return to the pool before that. The self-tuning mechanism will backfill if necessary.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of requests with min threads constraint picked up out of order for execution immediately since their min threads requirement was not met. This does not include the case where threads are idle during schedule.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of requests that should be executed now to satisfy the min threads requirement.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of requests rejected due to configured Shared Capacity for work managers have been reached.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of pending user requests in the priority queue. The priority queue contains requests from internal subsystems and users. This is just the count of all user requests.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of pending requests in the priority queue. This is the total of internal system requests and user requests.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Maximum amount of requests that can be accepted in the priority queue. Note that a request with higher priority will be accepted in place of a lower priority request already in the queue even after the threshold is reached. The lower priority request is kept waiting in the queue till all high priority requests are executed. Also note that further enqueues of the low priority requests are rejected right away.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of threads in the standby pool. Threads that are not needed to handle the present work load are designated as standby and added to the standby pool. These threads are activated when more threads are needed.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of stuck threads in the thread pool.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates if the RequestManager is suspended. A suspended manager will not dequeue work and dispatch threads till it is resumed.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The mean number of requests completed per second.

Type: double

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This RuntimeMBean exposes information about all active timers present in the WebLogic timer implementation.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.TimerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface represents runtime statistics for a transaction name category.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.TransactionNameRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of seconds that transactions were active for all committed transactions.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions that were abandoned since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions committed since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that completed with a heuristic status since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of LLR transactions that were committed since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The transaction name.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions with no enlisted resources that were committed since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions with only one enlisted resource that were one-phase committed since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions with more than one enlisted resource that were one-phase committed due to read-only optimization since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that were rolled back due to an application error.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that were rolled back due to a resource error.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that were rolled back due to an internal system error.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that were rolled back due to a timeout expiration.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that were rolled back since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions processed. This total includes all committed, rolled back, and heuristic transaction completions since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of two phase commit transactions that were committed with TLog since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of two phase commited transactions that were committed without TLog since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions with more than one enlisted resource that were two-phase committed since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface represents runtime statistics for a transactional resource.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.TransactionResourceRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The health state of the Resource.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The resource name.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions committed since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions for which this resource has returned a heuristic commit decision.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions for which this resource has reported a heuristic hazard decision.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions for which this resource has reported a heuristic mixed decision.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions for which this resource has returned a heuristic rollback decision.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that completed with a heuristic status since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of transactions that were rolled back since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of transactions processed. This total includes all committed, rolled back, and heuristic transaction completions since the server was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The {@code TriggerRuntimeMBean} holds runtime state (for the current Server instance) for a Trigger that has been configured in the Resource Consumption Management policy of the current Domain Partition.

The WebLogic Resource Consumption Management feature automatically initiates the configured recourse action of a Trigger when the Trigger's configured usage limits are exceeded by a Domain Partition. When a usage limit is exceeded, and the configured recourse action has been successfully executed, the Trigger is Activated.

When the current resource usage by the Domain Partition falls below the Trigger's configured usage limit, the feature automatically withdraws the recourse action where possible. When the current usage is below the configured usage limit, and the configured recourse action has been successfully withdrawn, the Trigger is said to be not Activated.

The MBean captures the following states for a Trigger when the current resource consumption usage by the Domain Partition exceeds or goes below the configured usage limit for the Domain Partition:

  • Whether the Trigger is Activated (usage has exceeded the limit and the recourse action was successfully executed) or not

  • The time when the last recourse action was executed successfully for the Trigger

  • Whether a recourse action has been initiated in response to the resource usage by the Domain Partition exceeding the configured usage limits

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.TriggerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Indicates if the Trigger is Activated

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates if a recourse action has been initiated for this Trigger as a result of the current resource usage by a Domain Partition exceeding its usage limit. A new {@code RecourseActionEventVBean} is added to the array returned by getRecourseActionEventsHistory().

The kind of recourse action initiated (for example, a new recourse action or a withdrawal of an existing recourse action) can be determined through RecourseActionEventVBean#isActive().

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The {@code Date} when the last recourse action was successfully executed for the current Trigger.

Type: java.util.Date

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of the Trigger, as configured in the Resource Consumption Management policy of the Domain Partition.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


A list of recourse action events that have been initiated and executed.

Type: array of weblogic.management.runtime.RecourseActionEventVBean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Monitoring information when unicast messaging is turned on

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.UnicastMessagingRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Running group leader names

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Formatted group list

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Name of the local group leader

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the total groups discovered by this server

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total configured groups - running and not running

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used to monitor and manage per security realm user lockout information.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.UserLockoutManagerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Returns the number of invalid logins attempted since this server has been started and lockouts have been enabled. In a cluster, this method returns the number of invalid logins attempted that have occured since the cluster has been started because all servers share login failure information.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the highest number of users with concurrent unexpired or uncleared invalid login attempts. Invalid login attempts expire as specified by LockoutResetDuration. This count is useful in determining whether the LockoutCacheSize needs to be modified.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the number of users that are currently locked out of this server.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the number of invalid logins attempted since this server has been started and lockouts have been enabled.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the number times users have been unlocked since this server has been started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the number of user lockouts that have occured since this server has been started. In a cluster, this method returns the number of user lockouts that have occured since the cluster has been started because all servers share login failure information.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


RuntimeMBean for WAN Replication

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WANReplicationRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Provides the names of the remote servers (such as myserver) for which the local server is hosting secondary objects. The name is appended with a number to indicate the number of secondaries hosted on behalf of that server.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the number of object that the local server hosts as primaries.

Answer the number of object that the local server hosts as primaries.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Answer if the remote cluster is reachable or not.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Restart Required


Answer the number of object that the local server hosts as secondaries.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Use this interface to access the different types of diagnostic data generated by a server.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFAccessRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Use this interface to collect statistical information about the data archives maintained by WLDF. Information provided by this interface is common to all WLDF data archives.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFArchiveRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This MBean acts as a factory for WLDFSystemResourceControlRuntimeMBeans

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFControlRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Use this interface to access the specific type of diagnostic data from an underlying log for which this instance is created.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface provides monitoring over activation and deactivation tasks for dynamic debug patches

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFDebugPatchTaskRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates whether an asynchronous job has completed.

Type: boolean


A description of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when the asynchronous job ended.

Type: java.util.Date


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The task of which this task is a part.

A value of null indicates that this task is not a subtask.

Type: weblogic.management.runtime.TaskRuntimeMBean reference

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The progress of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the task is still running.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when an asynchronous job was started.

Type: java.util.Date


The time at which this task was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether this task was initiated by the server versus a user.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns an exception describing the error, if any, that occurred while performing this task.

Type: java.lang.Throwable

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The status of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface provides functionality to activate/deactivate dynamic debug patches without requiring server restart. It is assummed that the WLDF instrumentation agent is enabled. This is an internal interface.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFDebugPatchesRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides statistical information relative to a particular configured Harvester instance, and a means to retreive an on-demand snapshot of configured attribute values.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFHarvesterManagerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The average amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent in sampling cycles.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of collected data samples in the current snapshot.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The elapsed time, in nanoseconds, of a snapshot.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The start time, in milliseconds, of the latest archived snapshot.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The maximum observed sampling time, in nanoseconds.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The minimum observed sampling time, in nanoseconds.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of configured data samples that have been collected and archived so far in this server session.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of periodic sampling cycles taken thus far.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total amount of observed time, in nanoseconds, spent in sampling cycles.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides aggregated information about all active Harvester configurations, as well as metadata about harvestable and harvested attributes, types, and instances. Harvestable means potentially available for harvesting; harvested means explicitly designated for harvesting. These terms apply to types, instances, and the attributes within those types. In addition, the interface provides access to sampling and snapshot statistics. All statistics are base on data collected during the current server session.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFHarvesterRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The average amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent in sampling cycles.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The set of all known types, regardless of whether the types are currently configured for harvesting. The set includes the WebLogic Server MBeans, which are always present, plus any other types that can be discovered. MBeans that are not WebLogic Server MBeans will require instances to exist in order to discover the type.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The maximum sampling time, in nanoseconds.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The minimum sampling time, in nanoseconds.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of sampling cycles taken thus far.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent in sampling cycles.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Exposes monitoring information about a potentially long-running request for the generation of a diagnostic image. Remote clients, as well as clients running within a server, can access this information.

weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFImageRuntimeMBean WLDFImageRuntimeMBean supports operations to request the generation of a diagnostic image for capturing a running server's internal state information. These operations will fork a separate thread to perform the actual work and immediately return an instance of this MBean to the caller. The caller can then use that instance to track the task's progress.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFImageCreationTaskRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


This property indicates whether an asynchronous job has completed.

Type: boolean


A description of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when the asynchronous job ended.

Type: java.util.Date


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The task of which this task is a part.

A value of null indicates that this task is not a subtask.

Type: weblogic.management.runtime.TaskRuntimeMBean reference

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The progress of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether the task is still running.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This property indicates the time when an asynchronous job was started.

Type: java.util.Date


The time at which this task was started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Indicates whether this task was initiated by the server versus a user.

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns an exception describing the error, if any, that occurred while performing this task.

Type: java.lang.Throwable

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The status of this task.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface controls diagnostic image creation, and provides access to run-time information about past and current diagnostic image capture requests.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFImageRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Returns a list of captured images that are available on the Server.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The default directory where the server stores captured diagnostic images.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The default timeout period, in minutes, that the server uses to delay future diagnostic image-capture requests.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface defines various methods for accessing runtime information about the diagnostic instrumentation system.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFInstrumentationRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The number of affected CALL joinpoints for all classes that were inspected. (CALL joinpoints are on the caller side.)

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of classes for which the class weaving aborted with some exceptional situation.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of affected EXECUTION joinpoints for all classes that were inspected. (EXECUTION joinpoints are on the callee side.)

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of classes inspected for weaving (weaving is the insertion of diagnostic code).

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


For all classes, the weaving time in nanoseconds for the class that required the most time to process (includes the time spent both for inspection and for modification).

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


For all classes, the weaving time in nanoseconds for the class that required the least time to process (includes the time spent both for inspection and for modification).

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of modified classes (classes where diagnostic code has been inserted).

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


For all classes, the total weaving time in nanoseconds for processing (includes the time spent both for inspection and for modification).

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Use this interface to access the different types of diagnostic data generated by a partition.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFPartitionAccessRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides aggregated information about all active Harvester configurations for a partition.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFPartitionHarvesterRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The average amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent in sampling cycles.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The maximum sampling time, in nanoseconds.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The minimum sampling time, in nanoseconds.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of sampling cycles taken thus far.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total amount of time, in nanoseconds, spent in sampling cycles.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface controls diagnostic image creation, and provides access to run-time information about past and current diagnostic image capture requests.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFPartitionImageRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Returns a list of captured images that are available on the Server.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The default directory where the server stores captured diagnostic images.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The default timeout period, in minutes, that the server uses to delay future diagnostic image-capture requests.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface provides access to all the runtime MBeans for the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF).

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFPartitionRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This interface provides access to all the runtime MBeans for the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF).

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This MBean acts as a Runtime Control for a WLDF profile. An WLDF profile could either be a configured system resource or an external descriptor provided by a an user at runtime.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFSystemResourceControlRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


is the descriptor enabled

Type: boolean

Constraints: Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides access to Policy and Action statistical data for the current instance of this server.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFWatchManagerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The names of active alarm policies.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The average Instrumentation event data evaluation cycle time, in milliseconds.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The average Harvester evaluation cycle time, in milliseconds.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The average Log evaluation cycle time, in milliseconds.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of active alarms of any type.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The maximum number of active alarms at any one time.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The maximum time spent evaluating EventData policies.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The maximum time spent evaluating Harvester policies.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The maximum time spent evaluating Log policies.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The minimum time spent evaluating Log policies.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The minimum time spent evaluating Harvester policies.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The minimum time spent evaluating Log policies.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of active automatically reset alarms.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of active manually reset alarms.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of Diagnostic Image actions fired. Diagnostic Image files are not true actions, but this records the number of image captures requested by the policy component.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of times Instrumentation event data policies have been evaluated.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of Instrumentation event data policies that have been evaluated. For each cycle, the Policy and Action component evaluates all of the enabled Instrumentation event data policies.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of Instrumentation event data policies that have evaluated to true and triggered actions.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of failed Diagnostic Image action requests.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of failed JMS action attempts.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of failed JMX action attempts.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of failed action requests.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of failed SMTP action attempts.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of failed SNMP action attempts.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of times the Harvester has invoked the Policy and Action component to evaluate Harvester policies. (This number corresponds to the number of sampling cycles.)

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of Harvester policies that have been evaluated. For each cycle, the Policy and Action component evaluates all of the enabled Harvester policies.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of Harvester policies that have evaluated to true and triggered actions.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of JMS actions successfully fired.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of JMX actions successfully fired.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of times Log policies have been evaluated.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of Log policies that have been evaluated. For each cycle, the Policy and Action component evaluates all of the enabled Log policies.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of Log policies that have evaluated to true and triggered actions.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of actions performed.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of SMTP actions successfully fired.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of SNMP actions successfully fired.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides access to policy and action statistical data for the current instance of this server.

Note: As of WebLogic Server 12.2.1, the terms watch and notification are replaced by policy and action, respectively. However, the definition of these terms has not changed.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFWatchNotificationRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The names of active alarm policies.

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The average Instrumentation event data evaluation cycle time, in milliseconds.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The average Harvester evaluation cycle time, in milliseconds.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The average Log evaluation cycle time, in milliseconds.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of active alarms of any type.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The maximum number of active alarms at any one time.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The maximum time spent evaluating EventData policies.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The maximum time spent evaluating Harvester policies.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The maximum time spent evaluating Log policies.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The minimum time spent evaluating Log policies.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The minimum time spent evaluating Harvester policies.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The minimum time spent evaluating Log policies.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of active automatically reset alarms.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of active manually reset alarms.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of Diagnostic Image actions fired. Diagnostic Image files are not true actions, but this records the number of image captures requested by the policy component.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of times Instrumentation event data policies have been evaluated.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of Instrumentation event data policies that have been evaluated. For each cycle, the Policy and Action component evaluates all of the enabled Instrumentation event data policies.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of Instrumentation event data policies that have evaluated to true and triggered actions.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of failed Diagnostic Image action requests.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of failed JMS action attempts.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of failed JMX action attempts.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of failed action requests.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of failed SMTP action attempts.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of failed SNMP action attempts.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of times the Harvester has invoked the Policy and Action component to evaluate Harvester policies. (This number corresponds to the number of sampling cycles.)

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of Harvester policies that have been evaluated. For each cycle, the Policy and Action component evaluates all of the enabled Harvester policies.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of Harvester policies that have evaluated to true and triggered actions.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of JMS actions successfully fired.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of JMX actions successfully fired.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of times Log policies have been evaluated.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of Log policies that have been evaluated. For each cycle, the Policy and Action component evaluates all of the enabled Log policies.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of Log policies that have evaluated to true and triggered actions.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of actions performed.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of SMTP actions successfully fired.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The total number of SNMP actions successfully fired.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Attaches an action listener in order to receive action events when a policy evaluates to true. Note that the listener will receive all actions; the caller must filter the output.

Unlike the deprecated WLDFWatchJMXNotificationRuntimeMBean, the action generated by this source is a Java Map object comprised of simple JDK types, and does not require a client dependency on any WLDF code.

Note: As of WebLogic Server 12.2.1, the terms watch and notification are replaced by policy and action, respectively. However, the definition of these terms has not changed.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WLDFWatchNotificationSourceRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used to 1. query, stop, and start WTC connections. 2. query, suspend, and resume WTC imported and exported services. 3. retrieve statistics MBean relates to this WTC server. 4. query status of WTC server.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WTCRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Returns the timestamp when WTC server starts.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the status of WTC server itself.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


This class is used to:

  • query statistics of WTC connections.

  • query statistics of WTC imported and exported services.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WTCStatisticsRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Describes a Web Server (HTTP Server)

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WebServerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Indicates whether it is the default WebServer or a VirtualHost

Type: boolean

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides the name of the WebServer.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


WorkManager Runtime information.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WorkManagerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Get the name of the application this WorkManager is associated with

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of daemon requests that have been processed

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of requests that have been processed, including daemon requests.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the HealthState mbean for the work manager.

Type: weblogic.health.HealthState

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get the name of the module this WorkManager is associated with

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the name of the partition that the work manager is associated with.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of daemon requests in progress.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of waiting requests in the queue, including daemon requests.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of threads that are considered to be stuck on the basis of any stuck thread constraints.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Describes Web Service operation state, such as deployment state and runtime statistics. The derived MBean determines whether this state is for a single operation or whether it is aggregated across operations.

This MBean can describe the operation(s) on a web service client or service. Request statistics relate to outgoing requests on a client or incoming requests on a service. Response statistics relate to an incoming response on a client or an outgoing response on a service.

Time values are reported in milliseconds.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WseeAggregatableBaseOperationRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Average operation dispatch time for the current measurement period.

Dispatch time refers to the time for WebLogic Server to process the invocation.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Longest operation dispatch time for the current measurement period.

Dispatch time refers to the time for WebLogic Server to process the invocation.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Shortest operation dispatch time for the current measurement period.

Dispatch time refers to the time for WebLogic Server to process the invocation.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total time for all operation dispatches in the current measurement period.

Dispatch time refers to the time for WebLogic Server to process the invocation.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of errors sending or receiving a request.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Average operation execution time.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Longest operation execution time.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Shortest operation execution time.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total time for all operation executions.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of operation invocations in the current measurement period.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Last error that occurred processing a request.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Time on WebLogic Server of the last error for a request (sending or receiving) was detected expressed as the number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Time of the last operation request to be sent or received (or 0 if no requests have been sent or received).

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Last response error to arrive for this client/service (or null if no errors have occurred).

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Time on WebLogic Server of the last error sending or receiving a response (or 0 if no failures have occurred) expressed as the number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Time on WebLogic Server of the last response to arrive for this client/service (or 0 if no responses have been received) expressed as the number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of oresponses generated from operation invocations.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of errors from responses generated from operation invocations.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Average response time from the responses generated from operation invocations.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Longest response time from the responses generated from operation invocations.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Lowest response time from the responses generated from operation invocations.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total time for all responses generated from operation invocations.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Describes the state of a particular Web Service operation, such as deployment state and runtime statistics about the execution of the operation.

This MBean can describe the operation on a web service client or service. Request statistics relate to outgoing requests on a client or incoming requests on a service. Response statistics relate to an incoming response on a client or an outgoing response on a service.

Time values are reported in milliseconds.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WseeBaseOperationRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Average operation dispatch time for the current measurement period.

Dispatch time refers to the time for WebLogic Server to process the invocation.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Longest operation dispatch time for the current measurement period.

Dispatch time refers to the time for WebLogic Server to process the invocation.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Shortest operation dispatch time for the current measurement period.

Dispatch time refers to the time for WebLogic Server to process the invocation.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total time for all operation dispatches in the current measurement period.

Dispatch time refers to the time for WebLogic Server to process the invocation.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of errors sending or receiving a request.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Average operation execution time.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Longest operation execution time.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Shortest operation execution time.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total time for all operation executions.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of operation invocations in the current measurement period.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Last error that occurred processing a request.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Time on WebLogic Server of the last error for a request (sending or receiving) was detected expressed as the number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Time of the last operation request to be sent or received (or 0 if no requests have been sent or received).

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Last response error to arrive for this client/service (or null if no errors have occurred).

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Time on WebLogic Server of the last error sending or receiving a response (or 0 if no failures have occurred) expressed as the number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Time on WebLogic Server of the last response to arrive for this client/service (or 0 if no responses have been received) expressed as the number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Name of the operation for which runtime information is being provided.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of oresponses generated from operation invocations.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of errors from responses generated from operation invocations.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Average response time from the responses generated from operation invocations.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Longest response time from the responses generated from operation invocations.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Lowest response time from the responses generated from operation invocations.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total time for all responses generated from operation invocations.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Encapsulates runtime information about a particular Web Service cluster front-end instance. This MBean represents a cluster front-end instance (e.g. HttpClusterServlet) that contains a cluster routing function.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WseeClusterFrontEndRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Encapsulates runtime information about a particular Web Service cluster routing instance (whether it be a front-end router or an in-place router).

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WseeClusterRoutingRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The exception that caused the last routing failure, or null if no failures have occurred.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The time (in milliseconds since epoch) of the last routing failure (or 0 if no failures have occurred).

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of requests (messages with no RelatesTo header) that have come through this front-end since the server started.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of responses (messages with a RelatesTo header) that have come through this front-end since the server started.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of requests that were routed to a specific server instance via routing information in the request (not just load balanced) since the server started.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of responses that were routed to a specific server instance via routing information in the response (not just load balanced) since the server started.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The number of times a message failed to be routed, since the server started.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Provides runtime information about a SOAP message handler that has been associated with a Web service.

SOAP message handlers are used to intercept both the inbound (request) and outbound (response) SOAP messages so that extra processing can be done on the messages. Programmers specify SOAP message handlers for a Web Service using the @SOAPMessageHandlers and @HandlerChain JWS annotations.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WseeHandlerRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Describes the state of MakeConnection pending message lists

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WseeMcRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Describes the state of a particular Web Service operation, such as deployment state and runtime statistics about the execution of the operation.

This MBean can describe the operation on a web service client or service. Request statistics relate to outgoing requests on a client or incoming requests on a service. Response statistics relate to an incoming response on a client or an outgoing response on a service.

Time values are reported in milliseconds

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WseeOperationRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Average operation dispatch time for the current measurement period.

Dispatch time refers to the time for WebLogic Server to process the invocation.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Longest operation dispatch time for the current measurement period.

Dispatch time refers to the time for WebLogic Server to process the invocation.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Shortest operation dispatch time for the current measurement period.

Dispatch time refers to the time for WebLogic Server to process the invocation.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total time for all operation dispatches in the current measurement period.

Dispatch time refers to the time for WebLogic Server to process the invocation.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Number of errors sending or receiving a request.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Average operation execution time.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Longest operation execution time.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Shortest operation execution time.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total time for all operation executions.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of operation invocations in the current measurement period.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Last error that occurred processing a request.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Time on WebLogic Server of the last error for a request (sending or receiving) was detected expressed as the number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Time of the last operation request to be sent or received (or 0 if no requests have been sent or received).

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Last response error to arrive for this client/service (or null if no errors have occurred).

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Time on WebLogic Server of the last error sending or receiving a response (or 0 if no failures have occurred) expressed as the number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Time on WebLogic Server of the last response to arrive for this client/service (or 0 if no responses have been received) expressed as the number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Name of the operation for which runtime information is being provided.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get attachment support for this port MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get subject name for this port MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The policySubject parameter must uniquely identify what application, module, service, and port (port or operation for WLS Policy) is targeted. The syntax currently used by JRF (see [JRF ATTACHMENT POINT]) for J2EE Webservice Endpoints will be used: /{domain}/{instance}/{app}/WEBs|EJBs/{module }/WEBSERVICEs/{service}/PORTs/{port}/OPERATIONs/{operation}

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get subject type for this port MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of oresponses generated from operation invocations.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of errors from responses generated from operation invocations.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Average response time from the responses generated from operation invocations.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Longest response time from the responses generated from operation invocations.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Lowest response time from the responses generated from operation invocations.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total time for all responses generated from operation invocations.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Specifies runtime information about the WS-Policy files that are available for the Web Service.

Web Services can have one or more WS-Policy files associated with the endpoint itself or its operations; the WS-Policy files specify configuration options for Web Service message-level security (encryption and digital signatures) and reliable SOAP messaging.

Programmers can use the @Policy JWS annotation to associate a WS-Policy file to a Web Service at development time. Administrators can also associate additional WS-Policy files at runtime.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WseePolicyRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Describes the Web service security policy state of a particular Web service port.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WseePortPolicyRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Total number of authentication successes detected for this port. Only incoming message processing can add to the success count.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of authentication violations generated for this port. Only incoming message processing can add to the violation count.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of authorization successes detected for this port.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of authorization violations generated for this port.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of confidentiality successes generated for this port. Both outgoing and incoming message processing can add to the success count.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of confidentiality violations generated for this port. Both outgoing and incoming message processing can add to the violation count.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of integrity successes generated for this port. Both outgoing and incoming message processing can add to the success count.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of integrity violations generated for this port. Both outgoing and incoming message processing can add to the violation count.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of policy faults generated for this port.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of security faults and violations generated by this port.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of security faults and violations generated for this port.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of authentication, integrity, and confidentialy violations. Both outgoing and incoming message processing can add to the violation count.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Describes the state of a particular Web Service port.

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WseePortRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get attachment support for this port MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of policy faults.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The policySubject AbsolutePortableExpression This is the WSM ResourcePattern AbsolutePortableExpression string

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get subject name for this port MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The policySubject parameter must uniquely identify what application, module, service or reference-name, and port (port or operation for WLS Policy) is targeted. The syntax currently used by JRF (see [JRF ATTACHMENT POINT]) for J2EE Webservice Endpoints will be used: /{domain}/{instance}/{app}/WEBs|EJBs/{module}/WEBSERVICEs/{service}|{reference-name}/PORTs/{port}

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Get subject type for this port MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Name of this port.

This attribute corresponds to the "name" attribute of the "port" element in the WSDL that describes the Web service. Programmers specify the name of the port using the portName attribute of the @WLXXXTransport annotation, where XXX refers to the type of transport (HTTP, HTTPS, or JMS).

Programmers can also use the WLXXXTransport child element of the jwsc Ant task to specify this attribute.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Date and time that the Web service endpoint started.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of security faults and violations.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of security faults and violations.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Transport protocol used to invoke this Web service, such as HTTP, HTTPS, or JMS.

This attribute determines the transport that is published in the endpoint address section of the WSDL of the Web Service. Programmers specify the transport by the type of @WLXXXTransport JWS annotation they specify, where XXX refers to the type of transport (HTTP, HTTPS, or JMS).

Programmers can also use the WLXXXTransport child element of the jwsc Ant task to specify this attribute.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Encapsulates runtime information about a particular Web Service. The name attribute of this MBean will be the value of the webservice-description-name element in webservices.xml

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WseeV2RuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


Specifies the URI of this Web service.

This attribute corresponds to the final part of the endpoint address in the WSDL that describes the Web Services. It is specified at development time for JAX-RPC services using the serviceURI attribute of the @WLXXXTransport JWS annotation, where XXX refers to the transport, such as HTTP, HTTPS, or JMS. For JAX-WS services, this can be set during compilation.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Specifies the context path of this web service.

This attribute corresponds to the initial part of the endpoint address in the WSDL that describes the Web Service. It is specified at development time in JAX-RPC services using the contextPath attribute of the @WLXXXTransport JWS annotation, where XXX refers to the transport, such as HTTP, HTTPS, or JMS. For JAX-WS services the context path is set either during compilation of the service, or by the module (web or EJB) hosting the service.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Specifies the implementation type of this service.

Valid values include: JAX-WS 2.0 JAX-RPC 1.1

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of faults generated by security policy handler.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Specifies the qualified name of this Web service.

This attribute is calculated based on actual MBean type and of the form:

WseeRuntimeMBean: <app name>#<app version>!<service name>.

WseeV2RuntimeMBean: <app name>#<app version>!<web WAR name or EJB JAR name>!<service name>.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Date and time that the Web service starts.

Type: long

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of faults generated by this endpoint.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Total number of faults generated by this endpoint.

Type: int

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


webservice description name for this webservice

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Encapsulates runtime information about WS-RM functionality. If this MBean is parented by a WseePortRuntimeMBean instance, this MBean represents WS-RM resources contained in a particular Web Service or web service client. If this MBean is parented by ServerRuntimeMBean, this MBean represents WS-RM resources for the entire server/VM (spanning across applications, web services, clients, etc.)

The properties of the weblogic.management.runtime.WseeWsrmRuntimeMBean entity are as follows:


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


A list of sequence IDs representing active sequences being managed on the WS-RM destination (receiving side).

Type: array of string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required


Returns the type of the MBean.

Type: string

Constraints: Read Only, Restart Required