Testing the LCD Display

The LCD Display screen lets you test the following LCD display features:
  • LCD Intensity Control

  • Backlight Off Control

  • Display Color

  • Backlight Control

  1. To test brightness, press the Dim, Normal, and Bright buttons in the LCD Intensity Control group.
  2. To test the backlight, press Backlight Off to ensure the backlight turns on and off.
  3. To test the colors, press the Red, Green, Blue, Black, and White buttons in the Display Color group.
  4. To manage the backlight controls and set a timer to switch off the backlight after a period of inactivity:
    1. Enter a time in seconds in the Backlight Reprime Timer field.
    2. Press Reprime Backlight to set the timer. Set the value to 0 to disable the timer and allow the backlight to stay on indefinitely.
    3. Press Backlight On to enable the timer.
    4. To disable the timer after testing, press Backlight Off.